Epistle CXIV: The Portolan of the Dreamscapes
My dearest Princess,
Our Great-Uncle Táto suggests that I commemorate in writing a list of some of the places and and dreamscapes of Tàlam, the Glossopoeia of the Land of Story. He notes that thou and I in our journeys through the dreamlands have visited many a various domain, great plains and battlefields, tremendous zones where floating cities have rested, the edges of world and sky fleet, the lost cities of Qhíng and Aûm alike, and ancient and hidden whispering mountains of unknown portent. He has brought out unto me several different tlhùtqu mandala atlases, and as I look at the drawings of cities, the memories of glories past, I am reminded of the tremendous mountain ruins in my homerealm Jaràqtu, the domes and cenotaphs that spread outwards shattered throughout Syapàkhya, and the endless streams of monuments that spread outwards from the outer north unto the utmost east where the continent of Khatlhàntikh inthronised in ice awaiteth all men.
The Dreamtime is ancient beyond all words, all my Princess, and not even the Spirits can fathom can gather its age, for even they are the offspring of the mnemes of the Immortals. Perhaps only thy divine Family, the deathless Clan of the Áme can possibly measure the tides and memories of the Land of Story, for only they were at the beginning, before even the Ocean of Music existed, when all things were naught but Dance and Song and not even Language existed as of yet.
The joêr, the Dreamscapes of Glossopoeia are a great multitude that arose from the Sea of Music and blossomed in the light of Sànum the Dragon Tree, back when all things still bloomed, still bloomed. And although the Tree died, and the forms of the dreamlands have changed many times, and tides and sea have come and changed many a time, there are still some portions of the Dreamtime that have remained unscathed by the memories of the Immortals, corners in the Starscapes, some of the flickering causalities within the Otherworld, some of the fractalization within the Nethergloom. The Mortal Realms however have changed the most. When our first Ancestors the Theîkon wondered upon the face of the earth, theirs was a savaĝa and harsh land where monsters still roamed. After the Theîkon passed, came the second phatry of our ancestors, the Xhiyóqii, but they passed also, they passed also. During the age of the Xhiyóqii the Mortal Realms were by day burnt with the unfettered light of the Seven Suns and from the gaseous flame debris from the four other Suns destroyed by the hands of the Lords of the Sea. In those days most of the zoëtick creatures were awake at night and roamed like so many nocturnal lyiêm spirits and did live aneaththe light of the Moons and the canopy of the deathless Stars. But how long ago that was, and naught but ruins of such generations remain unto us.
Space and memory and time in Glossopoeia are fluidic ideas. All of our mandalas must reflect that, that are realms are always shifting and changing, that realities are part of a dance of planes, that energy always flows out from Immortals and Suns and the Emperor himself. No man can draw a picture of all the cities and walls, we can only imagine the endless movement of it all. You liken our worlds unto a grand dance, and my twin Ixhúja lickens it unto endlessly complex clockwork, my Father thinks of it as the sword dance of battle. But I think of the Dreamtime as waves and tides of clouds.
We can, in our small way, oh my Princess, speak of some important and recurrent elements within the Land of Story, even if we cannot measure it in any substantive way. The Dreamtime during thy Father’s age, Kàrijoi Pámaqim, Kàrijoi the Great, was beautiful, a faceted jewel, and various garth, an endless stream of artistry upon craft that without any effort at all lay upon the burthens of countless ages of archæological-geological activities and viceroy kingdoms and nations and timeliness buried upon one another. By the time thou and I were born the youngest of plains had remnants of plough and sword buried deep within them, the youngest of planets were now fathomlessly ancient and their layers were rich and deep and crumbling, unquantifiable and changing, the most recent of timelines were already turning upon each other and returning unto the East, the source, our Suns where thy Father upon his throne of crystals sate. After the fall of the Theîkon the mortal realms were quiet for a time, as the Great Races spread outwards and builded up their own viceroy kingdoms and tried to bring honor unto the Imperial House. After the destruction of the Xhiyóqii the mortal realms were void for countless ages. In time the Suns began to shine down upon our life-giving dreamlands and blessed it and new oceans and dreamlands and whispering mountains twistent began to form. Very little from the age of the Theîkon and the Xhiyóqii existed for us, the last phatry of the Færie, but what have remained dwarf thee and me, with towers crumblent and yet still leagues high in size, immeasure, vast, silent in melancholy gloom.
Great-Uncle, is this essay so far satisfactory for thee?
Yes, my child Prince. Just go ahead and write about what you have seen.
One is hardly a scholar like the Princess is. She can write a couple of hundred of pages on a single part of speech; I am already running out of something to write.
Do not fret about the length. In fact I believe that your brevity may be useful in helping beloved Éfhelìnye edit her own work. I am rather relieved that she shall be wed to a laconic warrior and not someone as expansively creative as herself; balance can be so very useful in a marriage.
Honored, perchance you yourself could find a scholar bride among the Tájo dodos of your people.
Divine Prince, Son of the Sun, one would be required to have permission, scholar thrall that one is. One is still the property of the Holy Regent Kàrijoi, the setting Sun.
Thou art of the Household of the Áme now. No one can own thee.
Divine One, one must obey the law and ancient custom of our people.
Neither Éfhelìnye nor I would object to you yourself finding a bride. In fact, I think that Éfhelìnye would encourage it.
Do let us return unto the essay. Write, oh Emperor of Tomorrow, about the worlds you have visited in your journeys with the future Moon Empress.
Oh my Princess,
When speaking of the talamoilajhèkhqu of the Land of Story, many elements and ridges and dreamlands and clouds are in common for many of the worlds. All of the worlds turn their faces up unto the Starscapes to watch the Stars in their dance. And tree and solar wind and light and longing for the Suns are in all dreamlands. One would say that Forest Galaxies are in common among the worlds, huge and rich and glittering forests composed of so many trees, oaks and ferns and pines, some trees rooted in soil, other trees floating in the clouds and rooted in mist and water. Some of the Forest Galaxies sprawl about upon floating hills such as one sees in the skies of Jaràqtu and in the streaks of Tlhìnger and about the bridges throughout the West.
Rainbow Canals are in many worlds, especially throughout the massive multi-tiers of grand Eilasaîyanor. Long upon the crimson Moon of Khnìntha, as more and more of the land became ice and sand, as the oceans dried up and retreated unto the cores, as less and less rain fell, the children of the Xelòrkhta and Jòrfha began to construct canals crisscrossing ice desert and plain. Later the task was completely by the Viceroy queens born of Ifhrúri. Many raibow canals in the Empire were constructed by the Traîkhiim in the days before their thralldom, in an effort to link together rivers into Xhwún, the longest of all rivers, the Father of Waters. This was long before the Traîkhiim grew to fear wave and water alike.
Chasms one findeth in many dreamlands, great jaws that lead off unto the worlds beneath the seas. One of the larger islands on Kheîlel had great gaping chasms of fire and smoke, and some of their seas ran off unto the edge of the worlds. All chasms I think lead off unto the Land of the Dead and then unto the Abyss at the edge of all things.
Ice Deserts exist in pockets and shreds in many worlds, and perhaps they all too link together in binding waves at the edge. Many of these are deserts of ice and sand. Ice deserts cover about a third of the crimson fields of Khnìntha, but some dreamlands had not many an ice desert at all, such as o'er the great Oceans of Tlhìnger. The Cities of Khmàkhtor and Khlòmpus however lie upon the edge of the ice deserts of the Morning Star. And unto the outer north fields crash together and form their own shifting and fading ice deserts upon each of the days. Jhpàxatan khwiîfhefhe are whispering wastes, a term for haunted ice deserts.
Glaciers indeed now cover a good portion of the Mortal realms and reach out from the Northron Waste unto the Highlands and unto the west and much of the outer regions of the nations of Khyixhefhífhèsyo where the Qhíng hold their power in their tendrils.
Fhùtyo and jhál are highlands where jagged whispering mountains crawl upwards. Some of the highands become peninsulæ lying unto the far south and west and reach up high enough so that their tips poke through the thin stratosphere of the outer circles of the mortal realms. In such dreamlands, cold and inhospitable, dwell some of the Sages of the Whispering mountains who meditate and pray for the worlds and forge sacred weapons for warriors. Some such Sages in the jhál, in the fhùtyo forged vitrious glass swords for me in honor of my parents.
Flats of ice, polar dreamlands of ice cover and sufficate the Northron Waste and even the South where the Red Moons of Khnìntha arise, and in fact a third of those saffron Moons are of ice. Dreamlands of ice however one finds even finds in the midlands, in places ay-surrounded by tounges of flame.
Khnùkafhin and Thèntha are jungles, sometimes filled with parlous creatures, sometimes places where the Frost Giants still roamed. Huge and curving jungles float in the air of Tlhìnger and the cities of Tsàrakh, hight for Grandfather Thiêfhilos’ Sister, and Khwarqònye lie near such jungles. The world of Khníxher within the Khniîkha are rife with rain forests, a place where thou and I came to dwell, and where I tried, without much success, to teach thee how to swim in pools of black pearls and rainbow and golden sands.
Plains, or purple plains one finds in endless worlds, from the midlands to the horizon to the plains that surround Treîtsinor where the Xhnatàsti Nekomini and the Kajúju Papilionaceous Wihts dwell even unto the zavannahry of Jaràqtu. Because plains are oft heavy-laden with blue-green grass, from a distance they can appear violet, and so we are used to saying purple plains for tlhákh and ptétso and piê and tyajhaqlúnga and qlùmlufhe and khwán and engoaxíjo and ànte alike.
Kùqte and xhèleka and xhroâkhpu are ruins, often mysterious wrack, eald enta geweorc from endless timelines and civilizations that were come before us. Untold cities of ruins dwell within the forbidden whispering mountains of Khniîqhekh where once your Mother and Grandfather Pátifhar dwelt, and ruins grace the surface of Kheîlel. Because many ruins snake about like so many dragons, we are used to speaking of them as serpentile cities, especially as they floating within the hills and whispering mountains at the edge of the world.
And yet the heavens of the many worlds of the mortal realms have much in common also, for we speak of the tqóten air tunnels that are formed of atmosphere and reach out through the welkin, and bird and porcine and fish alike fly through them, in khrùrfhto highways thereof, e'er-formed of cloud and crash and wind and water.
But perchance one of the most salient characteristics of archæology that the mortal realms share are Gardens themselves. From cannals to purple plains, from the Clockweyth Heresy to the Winter Empire gardens we mortal till upon terrace and in mountain and behind walls. And when it is out time to pass into the protection of our Ancestors we return unto the garden. The children of Tlhìnger, when they believe it is their time, they will travel unto the far north and search out Syèlqe the Gardens of Rest. Some of the most beautiful gardens I have seen were in the crumbling estates of Khnìntha wherewithin my feral twin Ixhúja was reared up. Thou thyself grew up in the Forbidden Gardens deep within your Father’s imagination. And at long last all worlds turn and return unto the Gardens of Khyànyii where the Flower of Heaven remained.
Long, long ago, it was prophesied that hence-awhile would come the doom of the Dreamtime. It was known that the Immortals would not be able this wyrd to stop. It was known that that through door and sun the doom would come. It was known that this enemy would walk out upon the days of endless winter, and that this doom would be born of the blood of the Immortals themselves.
Long, long ago the Emperor your Father came to visit the obsessive and secretive xhòkhle priories and the tìyixha monasteries large and twisting in their secret triangles, and he asked the Wise of this doom that should come, and he traveled outwards above humble dreamlands and crumbling craters and beneath streams of dust that flow out from aneath the Moons. And even the Dragons were bowing their heads from the Moons in awe. Arched were the viewing doors, narrow were the bridges reaching up unto the monasteries, even the statues were breaking apart from walls and following after the Emperor and wondering what he should find, and the Quantum Dæmons that dwell at the edge of the hours were crawling outwards and grinding their teeth. And the Vestal Virgins all in white fell down upon their veiled faces before the coming their their Lord and Husband revered Kàrijoi, and the priests were all in red yrobed, and the books were all opened before his eyen, and patterns of circles and curve and wave he saw.
And so it was that your Father had the idea for something, of stone and sherd, an ædifice always turning, of walls and towers and open upwards in trice dimensions, of dreadful doors and shimmering ports arising and falling and heading off unto a tower in the center. And so he imagined a place whose walls were covered in squids and troglydites, a place where all of the bridges were turning unto clouds and towers in the center. And the tower was to be fashioned completely of Time itself and to store it and hold it and grasp it.
Many generations did it take for your Father to build his Labyrinth, and it took the combined efforts of the Xakhpàlqe the Labyrinth-builders as well as the labor of the Great Races and many of their slaves. And even as this Labyrinth was accomplisht and made real, already it began to fade into memory so that when the day of doom was come, many of the Wise had even forgotten that the Maze existed. For the children were come, one born of the blood of the Immortals, unto the clouds flickering out from the tower all of time. Tremendous fleets came heading upwards unto the edge of the walls, the Qhíng and Kháfha and Aûm were come altogether. Black and billowing ash came upwards from the Towers, aweful and undelight sprawling outwards. When the children came out came fluttering the bats and flying fishes of the eaves, hidden and ancient and shivering. Naphtha flames arose from the towers of time, and all of the windows were vast skeletal blinking eyen. When the children came unto the pavilions and the bridges were well-frozen of icicle ominous and crackling, dreadful doors were spinning upwards, and strange illusions came burning out from it. I was looking from side to side. The lanterns were flickering out of existance. The incense was revealing dreams of things that were, flowers that used to blossom before the Dragon Tree when all things were good and fresh. You walked into the incense. They were bubbles, and the faded.
And the dreams were gone. And time shattered. And the endless bridges upon bridges and walls of walls began to fold up upon themselves. For this was Qreûralirkh the Labyrinth of Worlds, and the old Dreamtime was become no more.
One supposes that now that I’ve mentioned some of the vast and generic type of places that one finds within the Mortal Realms that one should begin listing some of the different dreamlands and cities and zones that one has visited or of which one has visited, sometimes with thee-cum, oh my Princess.
Aîkhe thaképa is scraping ice, especially the vast glaciers that surround the Kháfha principalities, tall and white and green.
Aiwalènthe is a great land that was located unto the East. Once long ago all of the kindreds of the Xhiyóqii dwelt in the continent of Kajhwána unto the west, but a few colonists were able to cross the Abyss and came unto Aiwalènthe, wild and strange in those days. The last of the strongholds of the Xhiyóqii might have been in this land, back when they did rebel against the Emperor thy Father. After the fall of these phatries the Æons spent millions of dreams in reshaping these dreamlands and ridges and edges of Aiwalènthe until it was become the continent Wthèmlipu such as wherein Khiêro was used to wander, such as thou and I have come to know.
Ameînwa is a great kingdom within the Southron Nations. It can be rather lovely.
Àngarin are the Whispering mountains of Chaos, another name for the Fhrít esqùlta, the Hills of Madness. These are all some of the ridges and aonachry within Khniîqhekh, ancient and foreboding.
Ánger is the Golden Age, the present age, the age of the Xhámi and of thy Father and wherein thou and I were born, the Children of the Land.
Ántor are deserted cities, dead cities, lost cities such as one finds in thousands of dreamlands. There are many lost ántor floating deserted within Tlhìnger, some of these ántor are half submerged in the midlands and in the seas, some of the ántor within Jaràqtu are ihaunted with memories of battles past.
Àtqa is one of the three viceroy kingdoms of Khyixhefhífhèsyo, the great Qhíng civilization of Glossopoeia.
Aûngta Xhekemèxhyeu is the East of Xhèkem, the eastron side of Itsaxhrálri the Crystalline River and half of the kingdom of Xhèkem. Grandfather Pátifhar taught me that it was in Xhèkem that the arts of mummification such as now the Aûm and many of the Khniîkhans now practice was first discovered.
Auxhwíxa is the greatest kingdom of the Southron Nations. During the time of your great-great Grandfather Khyìlyikh the seat of the Empire was moved from Khniîkha to this land. When Crown Prince Khyìlyikh became the Emperor, though, he moved back unto Khniîkha, but his younger brother Prince Khmànwuyeil and his bride Princess Saparlìnye remained, and it was in exile that they begot my grandmother, Princess Khlorìnye Xhàtrajhil who grew up in hiding in Jaràqtu.
Eilasaîyanor is the City that thy Ancestor Emperor Eilasaîyan founded, the greatest City and capitol of all of Glossopoeia, the great ecumenopolis, the great eperopolis, a city right in the midst of Khniîqhekh and the heart of all of the Wthirpàlqa Empire. The largest and bright city of the Land, built of glass and crystal and rainbow cannals, at its center arise the great Twiêkes, the Crystal Palace of Eilasaîyan, a sprawling ædifice alive with ice and the Royal Ancestors and the Fire of the Suns and ay-respondent unto the will of the Qírenat and extending into the future and the past. This City is the City, the middle-earth of all the worlds, a place that is simultaneously in the center of the Thyùmat Talamùlkha disque of the Dreamtime, but also at the Easternmose edge of the Seas of the Rising Sun. This is the City that is also called Eilasaîyanor Solúma Jheirqtàlpa Khelèlkhnor Ausélinor.
Eipóxhe is a great peninsula of Jhexhíras, the Southron Viceroy kingdoms and the oldest of the viceroy kingdoms therein and a great trader with the Allied Viceroy kingdoms and Jheutèrpei and Khròraxha and all of Khniîkha. Prince Khyìlyikh your great-grandfather dwelt in Eipóxhe for a time in his youth and was influenced by the pomp and architecture there. Its greatest city and capitol is hight Qhejhaûlixha, and the volk of Eipóxhe are sometimes called Fhiyaîqa because they are spider trainers.
Empapanòqha Emfhafhaxáxa is the Land of Sunset in the outer west. There it is that the Beast’s great and dark kingdom lies, surrounded by barren wilderness and smoke, dying plantimals, and stunted trees. Long ago Khiêro my first Ancestor builded a wall before the west to limit the Beast’s influence in the lives of mortals and the darkness of night from living creatures, but by the time of our fathers Kàrijoi was having to send his nights unto the walls that were beginning to crumble, and Sieur Íngìkhmar ranged upon the sunset to keep the dæmons out. This was a realm of clouds and whispering mountains, it floated above the dreamlands and o'er the seas and beneath the seas. This is the zone of darkness, located where the Suns set to engulf all light and make an end of all whispering mountains. This is where my Father used to come and do battle upon the edge of the hours.
Èngaka Katriqànejikh is the Abby of Kàtriqan, and it is also called Èngaka Khweitlhosùlkha, the Monastery of Khweîtlhos. It is an ancient monzchia, an holy house, in Jaràqtu, at the edge of the roots of the mountain Khweîtlhos.. Most of Khweîtlhos is located in some of the outer provinces of the Empire, but some of its sprawling foothills and branches can be found in the fair emerald realm of my Fathers. In ancient days when Jaràqtu was less fain to be in the Empire, garrisons of soldiers from Khniîkha used to well at the Abby to prevent any dishonor of civil war. My Auntie Qtìmine was educated there and has dwelt there most of her life, and there my Grandfather Tàltiin came to live after the end of the Great War, there it was that the war orphans Khrùkhtii and Paloîta were taken by Grandfather Pátifhar, and there you came to live for a time with the Vestal Virgins where they educated you in spindle and distaff.
Énger is the Silver Age, the past, the age of the Xhiyóqii.
Fharóra are the Swamps of Fharóra that lie at the mouth of the River Itsaxhrálri, called the Crystalline River, that rolls through the land of the twin Xhèkem.
Fhátaqhu Khwaxanáfhàyejikh is the Shrine of Khwaxanáfha, the largest of the shrines that were begun in Syapàkhya and then located unto the ice plains of Khniîqhekh, builded it was during the tide of Eilasaîyan and survived for hundreds of generations before it was destroyed. Its dark, forbidding ruins seldom were i-visited during the time of revered Kàrijoi, although I am told that when your Mother was a child and used to run away from Grandfather Pátifhar, she would come even unto this shrine.
Fhìpyal is a river, a tributary unto Kí squî the gloomy seas that flowed down through the midsts of the khmixhejuranúweqe xhnir Stàran, the queendoms of the Shield Maidens.
Fhiqàlta is one of the pettifogging viceroy kingdoms of Kheîlel, an ally with Fhiqhàmlar and Fhwìnte and Tarjhàrqta.
And thus Fhiqhàmlar is also one of the picayune viceroy kingdoms of Kheîlel and thus an ally with Fhiqàlta and Fhwìnte and Tarjhàrqta.
Fhlèsqrint peîtha are the crushing whispering mountains, that are jealous scurrying rocks that seek for to destroy all who would enter unto their harbors. Our peiratical Uncles Fhèrkifher and Xhnófho taught me how to tie sailors’ knots and change the sails and use the oars and to sail between the zealous waves of fhlèsqrint peîtha indeed.
Fhrít esqùlta are the Hills of Madness, a counterpart unto the Jhpú tqarásun brooding whispering mountains just upon the other side of the Straits of Kharntàrkus, and much of these Fhrít esqùlta were the homes unto the ancient Spider Viceroy kingdoms, that arachnid race unfathomable and unscrutible by other Mortal Men. The Fhrít esqùlta are also called the Àngarin* the whispering mountains of Chaos, that are gloomy and contemplative and snake out throughout much of Khniîqhekh. It is chanted that the mage Thùqte was taken unto the Fhrít esqùlta as a child and thither Khnìkhlaxha who became the Prophet did dare to go. But since the tidings of Eilasaîyan few have ventured thereunto, and those who return have oft become mad. I have seen grotesque ruins lying deep within the hills and crawling up unto the whispering mountains. I myself have wondered into the Hills of Madness and survived, although by nightmares and visions and shadows was I plagued for a time.
Fhrìxhnar was one of the Seven Viceroy kingdoms of old, and its Capitol was called the Citadel, that is, the Citadel of Fhrìxhnar.
Fhtuîta Khniiqhayùlkha was the Citadel of Khniîqha, the great ancestrial castle of the House of Pwéru, the heart of all of Tniiqhíya and builded in the memory of the great kingdom of Khlakhrátlha and the capitol of Khniîqha. The Citadel of Khniîqha was the birthplace and home of Empress Qwasàkhta, thine own Ancestress, the only Empress with golden hair.
Fhùqhal is one of the pettifogging viceroy kingdoms of Kheîlel, a jewel upon the bejeweled shores.
Fhùqhie is the Chasm to the Undergloom, a great chasm near the edge of the Disque of the Dreamtime that leads unto the plane of the Undergloom. Fires and mist arise from it, and sometimes the moaning of men and the beasts that wander in the forests of the dead. I remember that Grandfather Pátifhar had to teach me that the word fhùqhie can also mean grave, death, the edge of the world, sepöp, and does not always mean chasm, especially in poesy and song.
There are many fhùrye in the worlds, beaches, shores, ravages, melajols. The fhùrye khielalùlkha are coral beaches, such as were the shores where dwelt the Wthàtlhaxhes folk, shores filled with glittering shells and coral. The fhùrye xhmarqteyùlkha are ruby shores such as one finds around the Boiling Waters where the Seven Suns arise in the East, and there the shores are made up entirely of rubies, diamonds, and emeralds, yforged from the heat and beautiful thoughts that are the songs of the Suns. None can collect these treasures or even barely touch them, not for then, for they burn and are bathed even in mist and many say that they belong unto Eîl, the greatest Sun, the Oldest Brother of the Xhthaêl Suns.
Fhwaurlrerqóqa is a quantum dæmon realm, and although it is not entirely a part of the Mortal Realms, I include it here, for sometimes the realities grow thin, and I believe I have traversed unto the edge of howlent Fhwaurlrerqóqa from time to time.
Fhwìnte is one of the picayune viceroy kingdoms of Kheîlel, and an ally with Fhiqhàmlar and Fhiqàlta and Tarjhàrqta, so I am told.
Ifháma are the dreamlands of the Khlitsaîyart unto the frigid north.
Ìfhring are Boiling Waters, the Boiling Seas that surround the Rising Suns, vast seas of fire and mist that swirl about the Suns as they arise, boiling streams of the east that sprawl upwards tendillar and inaureoled about the Seven Suns.
Íkharèntramar are great whispering mountains in Jhkhém that arose reaching up unto Trernanóqha where the Gardens of the Immortals were.
Ílini is a mysterious city-state in the land of Aiwalènthe deep in the midst of the Ice Deserts of the North.
Ìlun is the Dark Forest of Worlds, Ülfot, Praarbaro, and it is the forest which I believe stretches out and encompasses all of the billion, billion worlds of the Mortal Realms.
Ínger is the Bronze Age, the deep page, the age of the Theîkon, the first phatry of the Færie folk.
Iswifhésii is a continent and the mainland portion of the civilization of Khyixhefhífhèsyo, as opposed to its underground and icebound and cælestial regions. It borders the capitol city of Khmàrsitel that arises upon the waves of the great sea Khapfhèlroxha and this continent encompasses all of the Triple Viceroy kingdoms of Àtqa and Sàmakh and Tralànthal.
Ìtar khmikhtayèxhyeu are the Southron Nations which are collectively called Jhexhíras, and these are the nations of of Qhòqa ond Pafhára ond Khrumaîna ond Khrùswa ond Auxhwíxa ond Eipóxhe ond Ameînwa; land of Tnètse Qèja antipodeans. The great continent of Jhkhém has buckled and eroded and shifted throughout the countless ages. Some of its landmasses, however, have changed and become pæninsulæ and small mesas. These inhabitable dreamlands are boarded by endless streaks of glaciers and vast regions of naught of snow, and as an whole are considered the Southron Nations of the Dreamtime. In ancient days Eipóxhe was usually not considered a Southron Nation since it was distinct in culture from its neighbors and resided upon a peninsula reaching out northwards far from the mainland, but in modern days it has become considered part of Jhexhíras. The nation Qhòqa nowadays is also considered a Southron Kingdom, although for a long time it was distant physically and culturally from the rest, for it lies in barren snow wastes and interacted little with its neighbors save with the Crystalline Throne of thy Father.
Ìtar xhthefhiyùlkha are the Island Nations, which are called Khitsúne the island viceroy kingdoms, the many maritime powers that traded with and sometimes competed with the sailing guilds of Khniîqhekh.
Ìthikus is
Hmm. I rather dislike Ìthikus. But I suppose I should rightly include it in the list. Ìthikus is a nation of Qája corsairs, perischii folk unto the North and near the Boiling Waters. Long time enemies indeed have they been of the Khniîkhans and Qamélons and not just of the children of Jaràqtu, although they are perennially foolish enough to raid against the coastlands of my natal land. I slew my first Ìthikusans when I was naught but seven winters of age.
Itsaxhrálri is the Crystalline River and the only source of life amidst the khwán tlhèkheu, the dying plains in Xhèkem. The Crystalline River it is that divides the kingdom into East Xhèkem and West Xhèkem.
The word já is such a short and simple wee word, lands, dreamlands, šun, but it is a word used rather often just to describe the domain of a group of folk. For instance we are wont to hear of Já Khaiteûngejikh the Dreamlands of the Frost Giants, which are parlous and icy regions far to the north and the south. Usually when one hears the word Khaîteung one thinks of the Logizkal of Tlhìnger but the Já Khaiteûngejikh may be of many dreamlands. One also hears the word Já Khnerthèmejikh for the Dreamlands of the Khnèrthem deep within Khnìntha, a land that lies upon plains and plains all of ice. In the Holy Writ one learns about Já Qorpràyejikh the Dreamlands of the Qòrpra which are also called Já Wthatlhaxhèsejikh the Dreamlands of the Wthàtlhaxhes, which were fertile dreamlands and small villages bordering upon the seas where the Wthàtlhexhes did dwell and receive bounty of the waves. These shores were oft raided by the Jengíqhe and by the minions of the fell mage of Tlhantòrtlho. The houses were builded of gigantic shells and the bones of orcs until the poploe were enslaved by the Khniîqhans who cast a spell upon the seas so that none could escape. One also hears of Já wthér, sighing dreamlands that are haunted and barren dreamlands in Tsànyun. And also one hears and I have visted unto the Já Wthorthnàyejikh the Dreamlands of the Wthòrthna that lie in the tallest of the whispering mountains of Khnìntha and in trees miles upon miles tall, in branch and crook and leaf.
The Jál peîtha are crushing hills, and these hills do try to sufficate travelers that trespass upon them. I think that the Jál peîtha are younger siblings unto the Fhlèsqrint peîtha, the crushing whispering mountains which are of a similar temperment.
Jàntrakha are mirror cities such as the Khniîkhans used to build in the days of your Father and Grandfather. Some of these mirror cities were well destroyed in the Great War, but shimmering enigmatic towers still remain and shine unto this day.
Jaràqtu, ah now it is time for me to write a few words about my homerealm, the emerald dimension of Jaràqtu. One barely even knows where to begin. Just to think of the sound of its name brings something lyrical and precious to the mind, it is like feeling wind for the first time and tasting sunshine, it is like the smell of freshly baked bread in Mother’s kitchen. One cannot help but think not just of the Blight and the Necropoleis but of the Iron Whispering mountains and the twistent shoreland, the Abby of Saint Kàtriqan, the sacred battlefields, the endless untouched forests and fortresses builded up high within the trees, the ice quags and the plantations of elevens of war clans. One cannot help but think of one’s acolyte friends growing up in the Abby, of the laughter of mine older cousins Eirènwa and Pàlron and Ìkhnos, of my dearest Siblings running around and chasing one another, of my grandparents and my parents. And I do remember when for the very first time you came unto Jaràqtu and saw our flame clouds and breathed in the sighs of our forests and came unto the ancestrial dreamlands of my Father.
Oh, Jaràqtu.
Jaràqtu is a northron satrapy of the Empire and along with Khniîqhekh, Khníxher, Tnakhíya, Qamélo, Khúpel and Khàtsar one of the Seven Central Realms. It is a lush, fertile land filled with highlands, vales, and pasture land, and this is the home of the children of Jaràqtu, who are descendents of various nomadic warrior clans born of Khiêro of old, and the ruins of the Shield Maiden Queendoms as well as the native Painted Folk of the whispering mountains. Ours is a warlike people, as you well know, my Princess, whose culture relies upon strict customs of lineage, honor, temple practices, and the pár Jaraqtuyùlkha, the Rhetrai of Jàràqtu, the Way of the Sword. Our greatest assets for the Empire have been our strength in war by our own hand, although of course our land is not the only one to supply our sons unto the Warrior Caste. Most of the timelines, at least in times of peace, are more interested in the silk that is harvested from the squwèletlha giant silk worm and the grains and fruits of our land, but Jaràqtu has seldom been a trading nation, and mine Elders tell me that one could easily contain a year’s amount of trading for our entire dimension in a single moderately sized vessel. Emperor Khyìlyikh thy great-grandfather brought War against his people, and the Sons of Jaràqtu were reluctant to take up battle against him. Khyìlyikh brought war against Jaràqtu and burnt down the fractal walls of our Silver Temple. In our grandparents’ day my people were distrusted by the folk of Qamélo, and sometimes Khniîkhans themselves were weary of the Warriors on whom they had to rely.
That should be all for me to write about Jaràqtu. I wish to list the names of many different realms and nations and not just mine own, even though my heart turns unto the moonlight that glistens upon our luich, and the singing of the dinosaurs upon the prairie, and pollen geese arising in flight, and the changing of the leaves in autumn to golden and red. And yet no matter how much I adore Jaràqtu, the golden light of summer, the kachina statues, the sparkling wtsètso golowys pysky, will-o-the-wisps, if it does end up, after the conclusion of the War that thou and I, as the Sun and the Moon must dwell in some other land, then I shall be content just to be with you.
Ját was a nation of Xhiyóqii far to the north
As was Jeîn.
Jhètrukh are the Forbidden Whispering mountains of Khniîqhekh, a very ancient and dangerous part of the land. The Àngarin Whispering mountains of Chaos, the Fhrít esqùlta Hills of Madness lead thereunto, but it is in the Jhètrukh that the ruins of generations of the Xakhpàlqe reside and crouch in labyrinthine menace.
Jheutèrpei is an island nation which has been culturally allied with Khniîqhekh for ages untold, and were the first to send their fleets against the red dreamlands of Tsànyun during the first Tsànyunan War. Its capitol is Panóli and the motif of fish and hook is quite common in its living ships and buildings. Although this people are not Khniîkhan, from time to time a Cælestial Emperor has given his daughter in marriage to a Prince of Jheutèrpei, and so the blood of the Pwéru has come unto them.
Jhexhíras are the Southron Nations, the Southron Viceroy kingdoms that encompass the realms of Qhòqa ond Pafhára ond Khrumaîna ond Khrùswa ond Auxhwíxa ond Eipóxhe ond Ameînwa. In a way they are the very backbone of the Empire, nations of many castes and peoples.
Jhíng Khieròyejikh are Khiêro’s walls, that are ancient and crumblent stone walls that Khiêro of Old builded for to contain Emfhafhaxáxa, the Land of Sunset, and the Beast that dwelt therein.
Jhkhém is a vast continent unto the East. Its counterpart is the continent of Wthèmlipu unto the West. In ancient days few mortals dwelt in Jhkhém but after a time it was become filled with all manner of wihts.
Jhkhoân Eilyairfhàyejikh was Eilyaîrfha’s Hut deep in the depths of the ice deserts. I suppose this is not actually a place, or a timeline or a realm, but it is a place that thou and I have visited from time to time.
Jhpú tqarásun are the Brooding whispering mountains, dark and terrible mendi mountains, in a way a counterpart to the Fhrít esqùlta, the Hills of Madness. The Straights of Kharntàrkus do divide the Jhpú tqarásun in twain. Haunted and accursed, these whispering mountains gasp within the land of Khrájha. One would not recommend these mounts as a place for to visit.
Jhwána is the Great Desert of Fire, parlous and inhospitable. Yfilled it is with monsters and often aflame. The nomads of the tribe Jengíqhe dwell in the wilderness that surround it. Madmen and prophets venture into it, and the seeress Eilyaîrfha dwelt therein. This desert lies within the continent of Kajhwána, which makes it easier for me to remember. Jhwána Kajhwána Jhwána Kajhwána. It’s all very tidy that way.
Jìni is city in Qàsa the Swan regent kingdom, and it is quite loverly, for all the city revolves about its pivots, the walls and towers, and all things are encurved as wings and the qàsorn swans arise and free strong and free.
Kajhwána is one of the great continents of the Land and the first land for the Xhiyóqii phatry long ago, for it lies unto the west and was the birthplace of the second phatry of Færie. In ancient times rarely did the Xhiyóqii leave this land, until the end of the Silver Age. King Qhiîkh was leading his people in rebellion against the Crystalline Throne, and thy Father came and destroyed the all that people, even the houses and cattle thereof, and after the fall of that people others came to dwell therein from the continent of Jhkhém during the age of Khiêro mine ancestors, save in places that were become Jhwána the Desert of Fire.
Kám is a great region of plains and lakes before shores of sand castles, it is the center of the Realm of Qamélo and near the Sea called Úkamàkhya and its waterfalls leagues upon leagues in height.
Karijèlwingal is a city rendered as Freetown or Kertchoydoom or Kàrijoi’s Town. This was a land founded by Emperor Kàrijoi himself long ago, and it became the capitol of Khraîntamel.
The Kháfha Nations, that is, Ìtar Kháfhàyejikh the Kháfha Confedarcy are vast arctic regions ruled by the dispassionate Kháfha folk. The shamen Tàqhes was reared there, and Grandfather Pátifhar trained there with Master Fhleîse. These dreamlands are surrounded by unpassable glaciers and aîkhe thaképa the scraping ice, and within some of the ancient cities arise the great syèmlo sky machines that breathe out air and rainbow and light to replenish some of the damage of Emperor Khyìlyikh of long ago.
Khàjhwa is the brutal land of glaciers and whispering mountains nigh unto ptuîla the Boiling Waters. Khàjhwa is part of Qájien the Northron Waste, and some of the corsair nation of Ìthikus reaches outwards even unto Khàjhwa, so I am taught.
Khapfhèlroxha is a vast ocean sea in the midst of and at the side of and inland within the great Qhíng viceroy kingdoms of Khyixhefhífhèsyo. The waves of this sea rise up and hold up many of the cities of the Qhíng and reach out to border the slavelands of the Triîm.
Khàqra is the City of Volcanoes and Wheels deep within the Clockwork Heresy of Khnìntha. This is the city that became the capitol of the Grand Khlaînator’s new Kingdom in the days when Khnìntha did war against the Empire and was set aside in quarentine. Volcanoes with flames and lava flairs power up the endless clockwork of this City, to feed the Tánin mäikamens. And it was in this city that my feral twin Ixhúja was born.
The Khármoyènta khlùxa are the deserts of shifting sands which are the great ice deserts that separate Northron Syapàkhya and the civilization of Khyixhefhífhèsyo and Triîm from Southron Syapàkhya and the Pfhàtlhoxha Sea and Mount Khweîtlhos and the the Seven Central Realms. Some say that the khármoyènta khlùxa are greater than the fires of Jhwána for few are bird and best to cross these shifting sands, and yet I find these regions to be quite narrow in width and that the sands sometimes shift and flow right into the seas.
Kharntàrkus are deadly straights that separate the Jhpú tqarásun Brooding Whispering mountains unto the west of Fhrít esqùlta the Hills of Madness. And one must say that quite a number of the names of places in the Land can be quite operatic, ne?
Khàrxa are huge white cliffs upon the shore of Aiwalènthe. One is not entirely certain whether the Great Noble House of Khàrxai of Khniîqha are in some ways related unto the Khàrxa Cliffs, but thou wouldst be the one to know.
Khatári was one of the greatest of the viceroy kingdoms in Aiwalènthe, and competitors unto the peaceful Swam Regent Kingdom of Qàsa.
Khatlhàntikh is the great snow continent in the middleheart of Khniîqhekh, a place mostly of farms and burgs and fields, once onee leaves the tremendous ecumenopoleis of Eilasaîyanor.
Khàtsar is a province which the children of Jaràqtu have been mocking for many an age. Along with Khniîqhekh, Khníxher, Tnakhíya, Qamélo, Jaràqtu and Khúpel it is one of the Seven Central Realms of Wthirpàlqa, the Winter Empire. It is a land of hills and tlhònyi gwerddon and whose rivers, that find their source in Khweîrs, flood every year in the springingtide. The Wild Tribes of the Àxhosan and the Fhàngtepa and the Pàmpir do raid upon the people and Khàtsar and dwell in the outskirts of this land. I suppose I should mention that this satrapy is well-famed for rugs, pottery, herbs, spices, and pharmacons, at least that is what the other nations say. But we Children of Jaràqtu are more likely to mention that this is quite shameful and the men of that land should learn to protect their marges and slaughter their enemies.
Khètlhoin is the citdel of Qlefhéfha and was become the capitol of all the nations of Khlúra in ancient days.
Kheûtin lraniyùlkha are the Giants of the Sky or the Grandmother of Day which is a term to describe terrible lights and cælestial motions and events in some dreamlands when the Suns are of unbearable brightness, when daytime spreads out and bleeds of all the welkin.
Khieruîya is the Golden City of Light, the City of the Prophet, the largest city on Kheîlel and the capitol of Tarjhàrqta. It was founded by mine ancestor Khiêro so long ago, and was the home to Prince Khwaûqter Khlàthor, the Kháfhan prince who lead some of my Father’s armies in the War of Heaven.
Khìtlhekel is one of the four sacred rivers that flow throughout the city of Eilasaîyanor.
Khitsúne are the Island Nations, ìtar xhthefhiyùlkha, the island viceroy kingdoms that stretch outwards upon the vast ocean seas of the worlds.
Khlaîthatlhu is a small province, a tributary to the kingdom of Khraîntamel.
Khlakhrátlha was one of the Seven Viceroy kingdoms of Old, and somewhere in its fabled midst of marble and cymbol and statuary bright arose the jewels of the capitol that was just simply called the Citidel of Khlakhrátlha. This was a land of plains near the sea of Khmàlkhi. When the other six Viceroy kingdoms of old broke apart, Khlakhrátlha remained and grew greater and greater until it absorbed many dreamlands, and here it was that the Crystalline Throne did rest and from which all the Mortal Realms were ruled. But even the allotted time for Khlakhrátlha was come. It fell. But Khniîkha lived on as it still does.
Khlàpa is an iceland to the north. I know very little about it save that some Kháfha dwell there, but I do not think that it is actually a principality of that people.
Khlathnumaqóqa is the Realm of the Lords of the Sea where they are come for their exile. It is not a part of the Mortal Realms one would think, but I think that from time to time I have entered this place of wave and noise and been lost within it.
Khlaureleîxha are the dreamlands of lighter sleep through which we all pass in napping or after deeply resting. I would guess, since thou art more inclined unto language, that thou wouldst mention that this is also a stative word that can mean those who lightly sleep.
Khleprekànwa is an ancient city hidden in the midst of the forests of Qamélo where the Qunóma Aardmen are wont to gather from time to time.
Khlòmpus is a great city on Tlhìnger in the midst of and beside a great floating ice desert. It just seems that just about everything in doth float above the whispering mountains and hills and the Great Sea of Tilána.
Khlúra was the greatest kingdom in the history of the Xhiyóqii and did of the nations of Qlefhéxha and Qhàyul and Khrám consist. It was the main kingdom, if not the only one, to send colonists out across the Abyss unto other dreamlands. It was ruled by viceroy kings of the line of Òfhis Qrànxhat for ages. Their last king was Qhiîkh, the Brother of the Prophet, and the scourge of Khlúra and Kajhwána for he it was that defied the Emperor thy Father and invited ruin unto them all.
Khmàkel is a dream country in the Otherworld but more than that I cannot say; I should have to ask my foster Sister Karuláta who is cleverer than I in dreams by far.
Khmàkhtor is another great City on Tlhìnger in the midst of and beside a a floating desert of ice. But of if I cannot write too much at all.
Khmálerel khielalùlkha that is Coral Seas is a term that I hear quite often in song and poesy and even in the Holy Writ. It is chanted that the shore of the land of the Wthàtlhaxhes folk was an khmalèreling khielalùlkha, but I have found that the waters just off of Jaràqtu are also of coral and froth ek.
Khmàlkhi is the great Ocean and inland Sea that was once near the kingdom of Khlakhrátlha and now is the sea at the heart of Wthèmlipu, the Winter Empire.
Khmàrkii is the Abyss, the Accursed Sea, Abzu, Apsû which was once considered unlucky during the age of the Theîkon and a treacherous sea fear by the Xhiyóqii who avoided maritime activities. In artwork the Khmàrkii is equated with death. However, I have sailed through and on and beneath this sea many times with our peiratical Uncles Fhèrkifher and Xhnófho, and although I have found it difficult passing, I have not found it as harsh as legend would find it. One just has to respect salt and wind and storm and sail within them and be like pollen in the welkin ready to fall where one must.
Khmàrsitel, oh, it was quite beautiful, wasn’t it, Khmàrsitel, the city builded upon the bridges of Qthantònthe and all the waves of Khapfhèlroxha, the largest city and the capitol of Khyixhefhífhèsyo, and the Seat of the Über-Suzerain Fhorxaôpa who brought war against my people, and later of Uncle Xhnófho who did surrender unto thee and me. When the Moons came crashing down upon Khmàrsitel, oh how tragic that was, even though my heart burnt hot against this people who had invaded my world.
Khmiêrn khùntra are afflicted islands that be blasted and ruined isles in the midst of the Eleven Seas. And they are not fun at all and have no candy at all for anyone engaged in candy piracy; I can of myself attest to that.
Khmìsa is one of the twin homeworlds of the Sàqajakh and almost certainly existeth in the Otherworld, but I cannot say so for certainty.
Khnàngpang are the Free Steppes where once roamed the last of Khwènwo, the ancient moieties, the Free Tribes of the Xhiyóqii that wandering were the Èpeur and the Àkale and the Kaîlyos and the Sons of Àmfhiles and the Sons of Tiîna, errant. There the giraffe-riders of the Khlúrans came to raid and take slaves, and these steppes were icoveted by the nations of Òngel and Prús and Tàja where many of the dyatryma folk dwell. By the time your Father became Emperor he brought order unto these prairies, and when thou and I came riding thereupon all of the ancient moieties were dead for thousands of generations, but we could still find bits of knife and tool and wheel left of them.
Khnàptu is the Bulging Eye Lighthouse that glares out from the Otherworld, and so bright it is that sometimes one can see of it in many different worlds and even in the light of day. The word khnàptu can also just mean bulging eyen such as, one would guess, from eating muffins that aare a bit too spicy.
Khniêfhe are dead sea bottoms, dead sea beds, dead sea floors that cover many of the waste areas of Glossopoeia, the Land of Story, as well as within the creaks of many a land. The Wise teach that the Dreamtime has always been cold, but that perchance e'er since the days of Emperor Eilasaîyan the surface of the ground is become a bit colder, the atmosphere is thinned a little, yet more snowflakes glisten in the winds, yet more and more of the the water is freezing within the dishospitable regions of the far north. Some say that what were bright and fertile oceans in the time of Eilasaîyan are now become deep but dea sea bottoms yfilled with sand and coral and various thick forests and the bones of fossils and orcs alike. Much of the West is riveted with dead sea bottoms, and the grooves deep within mine own homerealm, Jaràqtu are of moss and coral towers and skeletons an hundred cubits in length.
Khniîkha is a place but also a term for the common Eastron Culture which had as its beginning the first Emperor and Empress Khriîno and Pfhentókha and their children, and it is within the dreamlands of Khniîkha that through the ages there has arisen and falling the kingdom of Khlakhrátlha and the kingdom of Khniîqha and the dominant architectures and literature of that land. In thy Father’s age Khniîkha mostly consists of the dreamlands and people of Khniîqhekh and Khníxher and Tnakhíya. Sometimes when one says Khniîkha it is a, what is the word for it. Something similar. A word. Xhrìmini, yes, a synonym, sometimes one uses Khniîkha as a paronomasia for things referring to Eilasaîyanor, the capitol of all Khniîkha-dom, that is Eilaxaxhámiwiil which is a fancy high caste word for Khniîkha, people ond culture related to Khniîqhekh ond Þe Imperial Culture or in other words Classical Culture.
Qlèqi, that means rhymes, doesn’t it? It’s another word for xhrìmini one thinks.
Khniîqha is the kingdom founded from the ruins of Khlakhrátlha and there it was that dwelt the Royal House of Pwéru in elder days. With all of its nearby territories and provinces it was known as Tnakhíya. I remember that Grandfather Pátifhar in teaching me the Holy Writ made me write out Khniîqha to teach me that it was an ancient land and not Khniîkha even though they sound similar, one with a purr and the other with a breathing.
Khniîqhekh is the great mountainous capitol realm of peninsulæ that reach out unto the Sun. Emperor Eilasaîyan did found his City there and all this realm became islanded of snow and ice and
Whatcha doing?
One is writing an epistle to Princess Éfhelìnye.
Is this a love letter?
No. It is an essay.
It’s a love letter, right?
No. It’s about the names of places.
Boring! It’s a love letter, isn’t it?
Are you writing about all the times you’ve kissed her?
Are you sure!
You’re not sure that you’re writing about kissing her? So that means that you’re writing about kissing her, no?
Ah …
So how often do you write about kissing her?
I don’t write about
So you must write about kissing her all the time.
No, I
Obviously you must kiss her all the time, so the amount of kissing must be far more than the writing, don’t you think?
Is that yes?
That’s a yes! Look, everyone! Puey is blushing! I made him blush!
Will you leave him alone, Khlís? First of all, it’s the easiest quest in the world to get this one to blush. One could get our foster Brother to blush with hardly a thought.
Look at how red he looks!
Please, leave him alone. Did anyone bother making any food for Éfhelìnye?
Does she need food?
Aren’t you supposed to be helping me make paîjha pizza pies?
Wait, she needs food? Have you seen how thin she is? Does she actually eat?
Someone mention pie?
We they we we me want food!
Nobody feeding the slaves in a long time! Hurray up, just throw something here, outside the window. Aîya keep looking at me and licking her lips and biting my feathers!
Not my fault you so delicious, Fhólus.
Help me before she eat me all up!
Say, are we e'er going to be allowed back into the Library?
As the Chief Steward of Dreams I feel that it is my duty to remind everyone that Slaves are not permitted into the Emperor’s Library, save of course for slaves that belong to the Sylvans within. Is anyone paying attention to me? I am a deathless Spirit empowered by Our Heart Raven with more plenipotentiary powers than a jhanínxhu nunal who, oh why am I even talking? No one is paying me the slightest head.
I’m listening, but the Children are not. Fhermáta, why don’t you give some scrabs unto the moaning slaves outside. Divine Prince, I shall tell you what to write for the Capital Realm. Ahem. Lad, do you have quill and parchment ready?
Please don’t write mew. Ready? Then here it goes. Ahem. Khniîqhe Khniîqhekh Khniiqhèkhtom is the Heart of Winter, the Home of the Koâl Piêr Jheîr of Khniîkha. Are you copying all of this down? Good. It is a vast continental realm of peninsulas and whispering mountains whereunto Emperor Eilasaîyan reached long ago and made the Heart of his Empire. Its City Eilasaîyanor is not just the citidal of Khniîqhekh and the center of the continent of Khatlhàntikh but the pulse of all of the Patriarchy of Wthirpàlqa. This was the jewel of Emperor Khyìlyikh and the domain where much of the Noble Caste must come to dwell. For countless age the peoples of Khniîqhekh have been a strong maritime power and trade books and information with the Allied Viceroy kingdoms and Jheutèrpei and Eipóxhe and further away unto Qamélo and out unto the waves and froth of the Southron Nations. Although Khniîqhekh shares a common Khniîkha heritage with the realm sof Khníxher and Tnakhíya it is actually a very different world, for Tnakhíya is a place of islands and sea, and Khníxher is of jungle, but most of Khniîqhekh is farmland and frost save for the ports and whispering mountains and the illustrious eperopolis in the center. Many of the Noble houses actually have kin in all three nations. The Lords themselves dwell in the City where rule the Qírenat who is Lord and Master of all and whose Throne is the heart of Eilasaîyanor. This is not to say however that Khniîqhekh has always remained static, for already I think in your writings you have intimated that it itself has been builded up upon generations of earlier Khniîkha civilizations, but Khniîqhekh has also been influenced by other worlds. The artwork and finery of Auxhwíxa were very popular just a few generations ago when Emperor Khyìlyikh was just a lad, and sometimes the music or literature of Khníxher and Tnakhíya have become noted and flooded into Eilasaîyanor the capitol. It was Emperor Khyìlyikh who tried to purge the Khniîkha dreamlands of alien influences, and Khniîkha influences then began to flood into Khàtsar and Khúpel and Qamélo and even unto the shores of Jaràqtu. It is chanted that Khniîqhekh has the most beautiful and complicated architecture in all the Dreamtime, and in my opinion only the palces of Khrùswa, in their small way come close, but such is only my opinion and you don’t have to write that down.
There, you can go ahead and write as you will.
Should one cross out your opinion?
No, that’s fine. Just write extemporaneously.
Write in your own words now.
Don’t mew.
Is anyone paying attention to me, the Chief Steward of Dreams?
NO! Prince, write!
One shall write about Khnìnti. It was one of the Seven Viceroy kingdoms of old and its capital was called the Citidel of Khnìnti. In the pictures I have of it seen it was near lakes and rivers and forests and ice swamps and was very pretty.
Is one just about finished writing this tlhùtqus sailing atlas?
Not quite. Here is more parchment.
One had no idea that being the Cælestial Crown Prince would involve so much writing.
Yes, schooling can be so difficult sometimes. But I shall not have Éfhelìnye’s future Lord and Husband unable to aid her in her writing, even if only in a small capacity. Now, go ahead and write about the dimension of Khníxher.
The land of Khníxher is nice. May I see Éfhelìnye now?
No. And don’t be whimsical with me. I am not nearly as khàtqais, as jolly as Grandfather Pátifhar is.
One would hardly accuse Grandfather Pátifhar of being genial, gaja, tikälik, yofik.
You just remember that that Grandfather Pátifhar was the Holy Tutor to Crown Prince Kàrijoi and Prince Khwìnton in their youth, and he did not hesitate to strike them when they showed dishonor unto their elders. Now, go and write.
The land of Khníxher is very nice indeed. Ah. Let’s do see. Along with Khniîqhe Khniîqhekh Khniiqhèkhtom and Tnakhíya and Qamélo and Jaràqtu and Khúpel and Khàtsar it is a province of the Wthirpàlqa Empire as well as an Khniîkha nation. Khníxher is yknown for its beautiful beaches and its pools of pure coral and its black pearls and its red forests. The Emperor thy Father has an obsidian palace most shimmerent there, and when we did visit it I tried to teach you to swim in the waters. It is fortunate that I held onto you the entire time.
Khnùka rain forests and khnùkafhim jungles are common in many worlds. Khnùka rain forests are found in the whispering mountains of Khweîtlhos and much of Khúpel. Men do not live in the khnùka though but have to build their temples and towers just at the edges of them and let the vines creep up around them, and because the khnùka are so intangled with raptors and quetzals and saurians and beasts that few men can visit them. In fact the word khnùka itself is tangled, for it also means the complexities of clan relationships, since the way we must honor our parents and grandparents, our fostering systems, the filial piety owed unto older brothers and older cousins, betrothal and arranged marriage, and our devotion and offerings unto our Ancestors, can be as queued and interwoven as any mere rainforest may be. Khnùka khelènatha, that is red rain forests are found upon some of the larger islands of Kheîlel the Morning Star, and there also extend vast jungles filled with crimson leaves and saffron vines sprawling throughout the floating diamondmasses of Tlhìnger itself, and many other worlds indeed.
The Khofhólontóxui, that is, the Khòxa are the Solar dimensions, solar dreamlands, the Solar Realm, the Sunscapes indeed where reside the Ancestors of the Divine House of the Pwéru. The Suns do not quite exist within the Mortal Realms but they do shine their faces upon the life-giving dreamlands of men, and flares and golden shadows breathe out from them.
Khraîntamel is one of the largest of the viceroy kingdoms of Kheîlel. There is a story, nay, a rumor actually, that in its earliest days the men of that kingdom experimented with a system of governance like unto, ah. What is the word for it?
What is it, my Child?
I know it, because I have writ of it before. The opposite of sophrosyne.
I believe you are thinking of thòkhwa qlaêkh anarchy, democracy, debauchery, koom-posh.
Yes, honored Great-Uncle. But I do not think that the men of Khraîntamel were so foolish enough to disregard the caste system.
My Prince, perhaps a better word for what you have in mind is lruîkh qlaêkh, that is democracy, anarchy, disrespect to elders, koom-posh. One would think that a governance system, no matter how illconceived, would be described as xhnir lruîkh qlaêkh democratic, anarchic, disrepesctful to elders.
For my part I do not believe the rumors about the past of Khraîntamel. The capitol of that land is Karijèlwingal, the city founded by Emperor Kàrijoi himself, and that is honor enough. The tributaries of that kingdom are Khlaîthatlhu and Xhrìnta. And I do not believe that the founders of Khraîntamel could have so brought shame to their children.
It is just a rumor, my Prince. And I am sure that if the first generations had tempted disrespect to the caste system, that the founders would have been offered up as blood sacrifice unto the Immortals themselves.
It is important for no guilt to be passed down unto one’s children.
That is true, my Prince. But I don’t think you need to worry about the past of Khraîntamel. All of the Dreamtime trembles before the thundering of your wooden shoon, all of the peoples bow down before your face and turn their antennæ and ears unto thee when you strum the harp.
One shall write no more of Khraîntamel. The domain of Khrájha is a mysterious land beyond Jhpú tqarásun, the Brooding whispering mountains. I have seen it, but only from afar, and it seemed a gloomy and enshadow’d place.
Khrám is a mighty state beside Kí xhmarqteyùlkha, the Ruby Sea, and in time it became a satrapy affixed unto the kingdom of Khlúra. It is a dark and blue place filled with many khlèthne, the Cities of the honored Dead. My homeland Jaràqtu is filled with many khlèthne itself, but I don’t find them as elderich as others do. Wraiths seldom make me fill ill at ease, for after all, wraiths are just someone’s Ancestors, and one owes all honor and respect unto one’s Foresires.
Khràtasun are huge Seaweed Seas that drift and float almost as islemasses within the unfathomable oceans. Leaves and blooms, trees and plantimals and men can walk upon these living kelp dreamlands. I find it squishy and fun. My Princess, do you remember when we were at sailing with our peiratical Uncles Fhèrkifher and Xhnófho we had to stop and rest upon the khràtasun. Most of the sky pirates remained within the living ships, but I took some candies and some taûjo cake batter and some lròyiru raw cookie dough and you took a book and we walked upon the rolling dreamlands, of root and vine and kelp. You told me that it reminded you of whenever you walk upon the waters. After exploring we did eat of our raw cookie dough and cake batter beneath the Stars and you read of your book and I slept upon the flowing seaweeds and dreamt of floating upon the waves.
Khrìxhaqor or Khrìxhator is a dark and gloomy and umbraged land surrounded by jigger-jaggered-jawed whispering mountains. Some say that this land is in Tlhìnger Fhàlqol aneath the crystalline rings, and that makes sense since in this dark land dwell the Tlhiqimíkhe Járqnis, the white rat poploe. For some reason the Tlhiqimíkhe white rat people are not too fond of the Xhnatàsti Járqnis who are the cat folk, although why such animocity should exist I have no idea.
Khròraxha is a great nation unto the far west and beyond seas of boiling steam and vast dead sea bottoms. Khròraxha has the great river Xhwún and the island Pòrie in its midst, and so it is that we speak of Pòrie’ èxhixe Khòraxha xhroe, tio estas Pòrie within Khòraxha. The River Xhwún is the longest river in all of Glossopoeia, and in fact I think that it probably meanders into all of the Mortal Realms and even far beyondly.
Khrumaîna is a great Southron Nation known for its scholarship because lots of Dodos live there. Thine august Father, the Sun Emperor Kàrijoi once purchased a certain dotterel scholar thence hight Jhakúpa Khrunàlto Khreûyeil Tònxhiin as a tutor for his Daughter. But thou and I do not call him by such a long name, we just call him Great-Uncle Táto. Great-Uncle, do you miss Khrumaîna?
No, my child. My greatest happiness is in serving the House of Pwéru and the new Prince and Princess who shall be the Sun and the Moon.
You can always return if you will.
Return, and why? It will take me a century at least to teach silent thee and o'er-creative her all that you both will need to know to be the new Emperor and Empress, and I fully intend to instruct your Children as well. And who has been put in charge of educating your Sisters?
One has not thought of that.
No, you haven’t, child.
Perchance I could ask the Scholars of Khrumaîna to visit you, if you miss your homeland.
I shall tell you what I will need to educate you. Grandfather Pátifhar has done an excellent job in teaching you glyphs and the homely folklore of your natal land, but there is still much for you to learn. Now, if you will just continue with this essay?
Do you remember when Éfhelìnye first starting calling you Táto Doughnuts instead of Jhakúpa?
I’m sure it’s because she was a baby and had trouble pronouncing Jha-kú-pa. The Jh consonant, which I think the future Moon Emprss is calling an humming fricative alveolar palatal mountain can be difficult for little children to pronounce.
Éfhelìnye told me she gave you the name because of a doughnut incident.
One has been known to prefer that pastry from time to time.
She told me that when Grandfather Pátifhar had to leave you once morningtide you fed the Princess doughnuts for breakfast, and Grandfather Pátifhar quite irascent was to learn that and
Why don’t you just continue with the essay? Write about Khrùswa.
Khrùswa is one of the Southron Nations, known for its beautiful architecture. At least that is what Great-Uncle Táto tells me, he who was hight for quite a delicious pastry.
That’s quite enough levity from you, young swain.
Is Puey not doing his assignment?
Fhermáta, I get the feeling that your Brother does not like to write.
I can get him to obey. Watch this.
Did you hear that? He only squeaks when I pinch his ears really hard.
Do not pinch mine ears.
I’ll pinch your ears whenever I want to. Someone has to keep this family functioning. No go and copy out whatever lines the reverend Tutor wishes you to.
One is just not very imaginative.
The sooner you finish, the sooner we get to see Éfhelìnye. We all want that.
Writing is difficult.
Do you want me to pinch your ears again?
No, Sister.
Then just … just do your writing.
One writes.
Beloved Fhermáta, I can’t believe you pinched the ears of the Cælestial Crown Prince.
He’s still my Brother. Anyway, did not you, oh honored one, threaten him first?
I wasn’t really going to do anything. I let Grandfather Pátifhar do the actual disciplining. You pinched the ears of the future Emperor!
He’s just Puey.
As the Chief Steward of Dreams let me add that no one is paying attention to me!
We Triîm still hungry out here! Someone better let us into the Library!
Yes do please do hurry up please before Aîya eats me.
One shall write. What is the next land to be listed?
Write about Khúpel, my young prince.
Tee hee hee. Khlís, Puey’s going to write about Khúpel?
Khúpel? Let me get a shovel, I’m sure you and I can conquer it ourselves.
Actually, I’m sure my baby Sister could take Khúpel by herself. Puey, go ahead and make sure your Lady Wife puts that in her book.
What are you two saying?
That the men of Khúpel are pathetic and not worthy to be called men at all.
Yeah, and they’re ugly too. Puey, tell the Tutor how ugly the men of Khúpel are.
You maidens should not be saying such things. Fhermáta, as the elder Sister, I’m surprised you’re setting such an example to your younger Sister.
I think I’m setting an excellent example. We women have no compunction at all at mocking the men of other dreamlands who are so easily conquerable.
And they’re uuugly too! Puey, write that in your book. Big Sister, is he writing that down?
I think he’s writing down everything we say.
Listen, maid children, it is not proper for you to be mocking …
The men of Khúpel are weak. Even we children know it.
And they smell bad too. I don’t know that for a fact but I’m saying it. Sister, is Puey writing that down too? I want the book to have The Men of Khúpel stink written in it.
You two are just confusing your Brother.
Fhermáta, can you get him to write Siêthiyal stinks too? Ouch! You pinched my ears! You can’t do that! Who made you the Older Sister? That’s not fair.
Then you’d just better hope that our parents have more children so you can boss around a new generation of younger siblings.
Crown Prince, feel free to ignore your Sisters and write.
What can one possibly write about Khúpel?
Khúpel belongs to you, my Prince. You shall be the Father of that nation and of all the men and women of it.
The land of Khúpel, along with Khniîqhekh, Khníxher, Tnakhíya, Qamélo, Jaràqtu and Khàtsar is one of the Seven Central Realms of Wthirpàlqa, the Patriarchy of the Land. When Emperor Khyìlyikh came with his armies, oh my Princess, the men of Khúpel surrended at once, with no resistence and with a minimum loss of life, although thy great-grandfather Khyìlyikh still had many of the men executed and slain and offered up as blood sacrifice. Along with Jaràqtu and Tnakhíya, the land of Khúpel is a great fertile land wealthy in manna bread. It is quite honorable to provide bread for the Noble Caste to distribute unto the peoples.
Very well written, my Prince.
It is chanted, however, oh my Princess, that the Children of Jaràqtu are find the children of Khúpel a bit risible and deride them as weak, although the children of Khúpel seem to have no opinion on Jaràqtu.
Yes, lad. That is probably all you need to write.
Of course, during the age of thy great-grandfather was not the only tide when the people of Khúpel did surrender. The shame of surrendering has been common in their past, alas.
Yes, that is sufficient.
Khúpel is quite lovely. One can see why it is has been invaded so many times, and then the invaders grow weak and get invaded without even lifting up a sword. It is a little tragic. But a lovely land.
That is enough.
A land of bread indeed, but wut we Children of Jaràqtu are more likely to mention that this is a land infamous for surrending quite often. Before thy Father brought some order to this land, Khàtsar had been conquered elevens of times, and sometimes we children of Jaràqtu boast that even our maid children, armed with but naught some fireworks could take this entire realm. The Elders used to tell me that when I grow up one day they would take me to Khúpel for to raid it for comely spear-brides to take back with me, and the matrons of my land say that it is a mercy to take women as concubines from Khúpel and save them from so ineffective a fatherland. When thou and I become the Sun and the Moon, however, I think we may want to set up a garisson in Khúpel and I shall ask mine Elders for teach the young swains there the art of defense.
That’s enough.
May I add something?
What is it, Fhermáta? And let me say, you are not adding anything to this lesson.
I think Puey should raid Khúpel a few times and save the maidens there from having to be given in marriage to men so weak. Surely as the new Emperor Puey’s first duty is to protect the flower of womanhood in all the land.
Yeah, and the people there are uuuugly too! I just want to add that.
Will you two go away? I’m trying to help your Brother actually learn about the realms, not mock other countries with the bravado of the Warrior Caste.
Is anyone going to pay attention to me, the Chief Steward of Dreams?
Shall one write about Khùtu now?
Sure, go ahead, but no jokes this time.
Khùtu is one of the twin homeworlds of the Sàqajakh spirits. That is about all that I know.
Good. Now just move onto the next topic without any levity.
Say Pew, don’t you think that Khùtu is quite a ridiculous name to have for an homeland?
I’m sure the Sàqajakh are uuugly! In fact I know that they are uuuuuuugly!
Out out out out out! Prince! Write!
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