Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tlhìkalet Qhìtamet

One of the earliest sketches that Éfhelìnye wrote:

Tlhìkalet Qhìtamet
Dramatis Personæ

The Childru of the Land:


Puîyus “Enchanting, Perfumed Divine Love,” Khàtamakh Serqheyewítsa Puîye fhwii Pètwiqhe Piîwii Pípo Pìyufhe Piyufhéyon Piyúfhi Píyufho Pìyuta Ptuî Puî Puînxhe Pùkhwei Pyuwéyon Ailínos Engòmle Fhèlenos Fhífho Fhúfho Jhkhalìkekhaun Kàthweja Khèkatos Khláyelakh Khmàqhonies Khomléle Khòmleya Khòmli Khòmlil Khomlìngqe Khyùlwa Khmàneros Khlìnos Saûral Sùthat Takàsyakhar Thaôs Wtsàtakarng Xhèthyo Ojuxauróxha Qernúnos Khajuptáfha Játanikh Khnaûxi Pratlhoîqha Xhlúkh Xhluntakhlaûselar Eîlpar Tsiîkh Tsiîkher Tsiîkheil Tsiîkhiqan Tsiîyeil Tsiikhèrkhmair, a lad, of the færie folk Xhámi, Warrior Caste, Son of Íngìkhmar, Son of Jàkopar, Son of Seputritwítsa, and Son of Khwofheîlya, the Warrior Lad, the Heir to the Warrior Clan Sweqhàngqu. The story takes place upon his eleventh Starday. Hee likes talking to plantimals and wants to become a candy pirate, pilfer some muffins, and save the Starflower Princess (see below). The formal and archaick form of his name is Puîyos, and the diminutivë is Puîye, which is rendered as Puey.

And the Starflower Princess

Éfhelìnye “My Life, My Beloved,” Kháwa Teîrtlhe Eilyorieyána Stèlyarel Eiyuláriye Kòkhafha Kheyòkhporii Khmelitóte Xhèyol Erstélar Asteranása Áxhneyeméxhe Qhòyeil Eiyàsqrii Éfha Qwasáta Tsetseîlwa Paplínat of the Royal House of Pwéru, Pterúlaxhnafhúna, Spring Bride, Qtelúmastélar, Flower Princess, Mondenkind Khreultarífhing, Moon Maiden, Sinípwo, Skyborn, Somúke, Virginborn, a lass, of the færie folk Xhámi, Royal Caste, the Starflower of the Land, Emperor Kàrijoi and Empress Khnoqwísi’s only Child. For hir entire life shee hath been cloistered in hir Father’s Hidden Gardens and hath dreamt about Puîyus (see above). Shee wants to escape the gardens, paint some paintings, compile the Compleat Babel Grammar and Lexicon, write a story book, and elope with Puîyus (again, see above).

The Other Childru:
The Three Sweqhàngqu Sistren

Fhermáta “Shee Beholds With Wonder” Fhrúla Xhmaràqta Árexéxhe Úkiis Púkiis Stèlwa Fhérma Fhwàna Tesélien from the Clan Khatelèstan of the Clan Sweqhàngqu, a lass, of the færie folk Xhámi, Warrior Caste, daughter of Khmalàqlil and Tesélien of Khatelèstan, foster Daughter of honored Sieur Íngìkhmar, the oldest of the Sweqhàngqu Sistren, and betrothed to Puîyus (see above). Shee likes baking pies and wants to find some fierycrackren.

Siêthiyal “the Siêthiyal Flower” Siêthi among the Clan Sweqhàngqu, a lass, of the færie folk Xhámi, Warrior Caste, Daughter of Íngìkhmar and Khwofheîlya. Shee wants to find the Emperor’s lost toys and possibobbly change the entire Winter Empire’s œcenomick system. Shee likes floppy hats. Shee is the middle Sister. Do not call hir Siêthi.

Karuláta “Song of Joy” Khniêma Kàlyakh Wthekhasarauníya Trìwie Fhèsya Jhaûqru Khèkate Khraîtwe Khlís Khlísa Khniêm Khnitsíweyánii Xhàsyi Xhèyol Elísa’ Elìxhya’ Atrùtone Kàrula Akhlísa “Weeping Maiden who weeps for all,” a lass, of the færie folk Xhámi, Warrior Caste, daughter of Khmaryáta among the Clan Tásel and Kàlewa of the Clan Khatelèstan, foster Daughter of honored Sieur Íngìkhmar, the Dream Enchantress, the youngest of the Sweqhàngqu Sistren, and the last child to have e'er been born. Shee wants to save Puîyus and Éfhelìnye from the prophecy of the Princess’ birth. Shee is the very last child of all Creation.

Other Younglettes:

Xataríyona “Black Xátar Rose” Xeîtei Fhífhien among the Khatelèstan, a rather patient cousin to the Sweqhàngqu childers, and Ìkhnos and Pàlron, older rather dumbcluckish cousins of the Khatelèstan Clan and Eirènwa Fhenelopeîya among the Tásel, a rather peiratical cousin to the Sweqhàngqu childers, and Paloîta Fhloêt Jhworàqta Khwakhtailasàkhna and Khrùkhtii Khráfhi of the family Khróm, two young acolytes under the charge of Grandfather Pátifhar and Princess Ixhúja Tsàlkhat Pípa Fhífha Fhúfha Khmàkha Epóna of the House Pfhaqhaîtsir, the Huntress from the Clockwork Worlds of Khnìntha, the Martian Princess.

The Adults:

The Wizard Priest:

Pápo Pátifhar, Grandfather Pátifhar, “Abracadabra Man,” Thiêfhilos Xàswel Pàswel Tseîrqhus Fhófho Khyenejaróxha Khlámus Pwerpóxiru, a man, of the færie folk Xhámi, Sylvan Caste, wizard khlepìxhopa archsylvan, the Ancient One, the Sorcerer of the Forest, foster Father to Empress Khnoqwísi, former tutor and father·by·marriage to Emperor Kàrijoi, former master to honored Sieur Íngìkhmar, Grandfather to Éfhelìnye the Starflower Princess (see above). Adults call him ‘Thiêfhilos,’ but Íngìkhmar and all childers call him ‘Pátifhar.’ Hee wants to save the Princess from the Emperor’s wrath (see below).

The Librarian Tutor:

Jhakúpa Khrunàlto Khreûyeil Tònxhiin, Great·Nuncle Táto “Doughnuts,” a Tájo Dodo Archæopteryx of the kingdom Khrumaîna, a xhraulairíta scholar, tutor to the Starflower Princess. Hee hath a squamous, violet rainbrella. And hee likes doughnuts. Hee eke wants to save the Princess from the Emperor’s wrath (again, below).

The Concubine of the Sun:

Qtìmine “the Qtìmine Flower” Samájhi among the Otòrfhexes of Pwéru, a woman, of the færie folk Xhámi, Sylvan Caste, Sister to Khwofheîlya, Sister·by·marriage to Sieur Íngìkhmar, dear Auntie to Puîyus and his Sistren, an khuníromu Vestal Virgin of the Sun, one of the Emperor’s concubines.

The Holy Rose Gnight:

Arxhiênakh Sieur Íngìkhmar “Melancholy Blue,” a man, of the færie folk Xhámi, Warrior Caste, Son of Jàkopar Khmàntro the mason and Tàltiin Xhelilamaramaláma, Father of Puîyus and Siêthiyal, foster Father of Fhermáta and Akhlísa, Chieftain of the War Clan Sweqhàngqu, former student to Grandfather Pátifhar, a former reaver, a slayer, a sacker of cities, a killer of wihts, the Sunset·ranger, a trainer of xǒnglóng dinosaurs, gnighted as holy rose gnight by the moonwhite hand of the Empress who gifted him his chryselephantelectrum sword, chief assassin·executioner to most puissant Emperor Kàrijoi. The Father of the Sweqhàngqu, hee wants to ensure the survival of his Clan and his Son’s ascendancy to gnighthood. Don’t call him ‘Íngi.’

The Sun Emperor:

Cælestial Emperor Kàrijoi “the Prodigal One” Kèrjhoye Jhàrlton Púqhi Khyìlyikh Fhìtsarakh, Qhixieqúra, the Winter King, Qhixiêthiin, Lord Winter, Xeîthathiin, Ice Lord, Pyerkèkhqukhaun, Lord of the Pyerkèkhqu tree, Santruqúra, Philosopher King, Khlauselarqúra, Warrior King, Eilaswaqíren, Sun Emperor, Ayanaqíren, Æon King, Tistayókhi who shoots off fierycracker fireworks, august Khniikhaqlaûsa who gives toys to childers, Sómpanaswaqíren, the Dragon Emperor, a man, of the færie folk Xhámi, Royal Caste, Ruler of o'er a starbillion starbillion story worlds of the Dreamtime and an überquadrillion überquadrillion souls, whose reign hath lasted almost one hundred sunmillion years, the Master of Earth and Sea and Sky, the Lord of Prosperity and Health and Life. His only Child is Éfhelìnye. E'er since the death of the Empress hee hath cast his Holy City into qhixiêje, eternal winter, ritual mourning, and nowho but a few slaves have seen him in the last eleven years. Hee hath only seen his Daughter a couple of times. By the Emperor’s leave no new marriages have been celebrated in the last ten years. By the Emperor’s peace no new childers have been born in the last ten years.

And Don’t Forget:

The Moon Empress:

Khnoqwísi “Flutter Light” Euláriya Tsetseîlwa Xhefhiênil Teîl Khmàkhura Xhráqa Khlála Fhufhìnye Fhlóra Khnukeîya Khraîyeil Pìpra Khaliláma Kàlafhen, Qwasiêla, the Moon Empress, of happy and whimsicoracal memory, blessed and creativë be hir name, the Virgin Empress whom no man may name. Shee passed away at the end of Ánger, the Golden Age, at the end of Aláxe, the Great Peace, in the concluding battlen of Tsanyuxòpwe, the Great War, forthwith after shee gave birth to the Starflower Princess. Within days the Emperor disappeared and hath not been seen yet. ‘Tis forbidden to mention the Empress, of happy and whimsicoracal memory, blessed and creativë be hir name.

The Dinosaur:

Stitlhàrkhlo “Boucephalos, Cow Head” a fell xéqrori velociraptor yfeathered quetzal dinosaur, lrináxhe destrier, for Sieur Íngìkhmar. Stitlhàrkhlo likes to eat people.

The Toys:

Tét Xhmaîlaot “Tét the Acceptibobble,” ør “the Acceptibobble Tét” a plush khlèqoi toy pluŝurso icrafted by the hand of the Emperor lóng ago in the days whhen hee made toys for all the good childers of the story worlds. Tét was originally ygiven unto Íngìkhmar in his ladhood, but now hee is the common property of all the Sweqhàngqu Childru, Fhermáta, Puîyus, Siêthiyal, and Akhlísa, although now hee mostly spendeth his tyme with Akhlísa. Hee looks a little like a squid bear, ør a coyotl, ør mayhap a wee dinosaŭrling, ør e’en a platypous.

Tetratríxe Khniqhátui and Qwatríxe Khniqhátui the demented wind up toys who just want to sing and dance for the Starflower Princess (see above) and skin alive anywhom who may take hir attention away from them.

Guest Stars:

Two Rather In-mal-competant Candy Pirates:

Qlèfhus Tsàpel Fhèrke Fhèrkifher of the Family Sonátus, a man, of the færie folk Xhámi, Merchant Caste, an illustrious sky pirate, one tyme initiate into the Sylvan Caste, a former student of Grandfather Pátifhar. And: Xherìngport Khwèntel Ál Xheîmas Qlóxha Qèlreqakh Xhèri Xhnófhe Xhnófho, gamma, of the Qhóng folk, Qhíng Warrior Caste, an illustrious sky pirate, an exile from his people, a Warrior of the Qhóng. Aside from piracy they are eke employed as conartists, flimflam men, huckstren, hustlren, snake oil salesmen, as well as being minions, cronies, lackeys, goons, and henchmen of Oîkhan the Candy Mafiosa. Ek they have managed to offend some ninja spies, some Kháfha magistrates, and somehow taken the wildered Syìplet gold. They work for a mysterious Patron from dreamlands beyond. They’re trying to repay the Candy Mafia er that they’re caught and executed by the Emperor’s decree. They eke have a really, really cheap chariot to sell. What? These are stolen goods? I promise you, ‘tis not how it looks. Wee’ve got to go.

The Ridiculous Runagate Traîkhiim Slaves:

Fhólus Fholúxha of the Clan Xayúkhta Khoyúkhta who was sent by the Tushed Eldren to find a new Empress, and Aîya Àsya, a Child of the Dead.

And the Even More Ridiculous Authority Figures:

The Twin Tùrkhaka Duchesses among the Aûm, Pereluyàsqa and Khnosyaràsqa, formed of Clockwork and Flowers. Qìtien the Acolyte and the Pirate Captain Euqliîna Jórkh who is always hyper and likes to juggle rooster raptors.

The Trickster:

Raven, an Immortal, the Trickster, Jhàsqewa Uréfha, Xhiyèngathiin, the Mythlord, Xèmoir Uîtlhu Uîxu, the Darksome One, Xeqàmathiin, the Darksome Lord, Xám, the Darkleness, Tròmlekhi, the Nightmare, Tùqnu, the Phœnix, Xhnìxhmut, the Obscure One,Tyùkhura, Sleep, Qtúng, Dream, Fhteî, Dreamer, Khlùxasun, Sleeper, Xhnàfhti, the Stormlord, Khnáma, Òrawin, Kúng, Òsqen, Òqhun, Alqòrapa, Koránikos, Íkol, Khanúqhator, Kòxikhos, Qhòlanukh, Kòrwus, Ùqha, Kòraxa, Qweqwaxáwe, Khexemàsqe, Tqànxhem, Khwèqyet, Khnangqilèsyas, Khyèkhla, Fhlórus, Sùngpu, Khlér, Khléri, Raven, Lord Raven, Heart Raven, My Lord Raven, myne heart Raven. Raven’s thoughts are dreams. Hee hath a special interest in the Starflower Princess. Hee eke likes to chase heavenly nymphs, well·zoned sylphs, and various loverly sprites.

And of course:

Jeûr the Qlùfhim Aûm, and the Tánin Automata ,and many Lords and Ladies, and Officren, and Māccuahuitl weilding soldiren, and Æronauts, and Messengren, and Attendants, and Sylvan Priests, and Real People of many different sort, the Emlalàqta, and the Pèrithe, and the Xeriîqe, and the Xhàkhmat, and the Qhíng, and the Kháfha, and the Khlitsaîyart, and the Khmàfhlort, and the Qája, and the Qriî, and the Traîkhiim, and the Ptètqiikh, and the Qlùfhem Aûm, and the Fhlóla, and the Kajúju, and the Xhùqhenoin, and the Xhnatàsti, and the Tlhiqimíkhe, and the Xelòrkhta, and the Jòrfha, and the Fhétha, and the Wthòrthna, and the Khnèrthem, and the Àrkelor Über·Qhíng, and the Fhliî, and the Khòjhwa, and the Sòjhwa, and Pokhexháqa, and the Jongèrya, and the Xhrùmpum, and the Squîsar, and the Sufhàltii, and the Xaxhestàriqhe, and the Qrìkhasat, and the Xhmàsqor, and the Kurkuîlo, and the Fhlùltekh, and the Xhmaûmumum, and the Khnenyènwa, and the Lwàlyas, and the Thùlwu Aûm, and the Jhèngqekh, and the Xhlaûxher, and the Tájo, and the Xhyaîqtekh, and the Syìplet, and many othren, the Seven Castes, as well as various merchants, various princesses needing to be rescued, khmeîlwi chorus girls, sepáto eunuchs, Jhwèsta the Imperial Mad Scientist, and Jhkhaîxhor the Warlord, the Khan from beyond the Quarentine, the Blessed and Creativë Immortals, both Lords of Song and Lords of Noise, the endless Spirits, Wraiths and Ancestors, Raven’s starbillion crystalline Dreams, as well as Kúngapakh the Coryphæus leader of the xhwó hula quire of ravens among othren.


Khlìjha, Babel, the primal language of the Immortals
The Divine Dialect, Khniîxhwa, of the Prophet.


The Glossopoeia, the starbillion starbillion universes of story, of all mythe, ritual, and dream, that encompass all tyme and energy and memory and space ocean, whose mortal dreamlands are ruled by Emperor Kàrijoi. Puîyus and his Clan come from Jaràqtu, a land of gardens, and journey unto Khniîqhekh in the Heart of Winter, to the continent of Khatlhàntikh even unto the festal City Eilasaîyanor and Twiêkes, the Ice Palace.


The Seven Hours of the Day
Upon the First Day of Autumn
The joint Starday for Puîyus and Fhermáta
The Day the Princess escapeth from the Hidden Gardens

All the events in the First Chapter take place
In a single hour
The first hour of dayspring
On the First Day of Autumn
In the day the War of Heaven began
In the Darkness before the Dawn

One a different page, in Puîyus’ fair handwriting:

Khnosòrxhnuxing Jarqtàyejikh Xhrónemat kae
Battle Cry of the Pious Jaràqtun Warrior

Óng xhmir Swaqírenat!
Lruîkh xhmir Ptòtei!
Jhá xhmir Sàfhwe!
Honor to the Emperor!
Filial piety to our Ancestors!
Death to the Barbarians!

Khnosòrxhnuxing Lrafhaîtejikh Xóswajelínge Sweqhàngqu kae
Battle Cry of the Bellipotent Clan Sweqhàngqu

Qhàtiya fhaên xhroe qhùnarn sir fhlá –
Qhìkhrei qhìkhrei qhí pi
Xhnoike wtsí wtsíyaîpoit
Fhieltiqiyàswaor púxing! –

The First Turkey said
– I’m very, very green.
But I’ll be color’d
For Hallowe’en! –


  1. Dear Uncle Zeker~

    Happy Puey Day to you! :-) Love you!


  2. Dear Uncle Zeker~

    We are snowed in here too, but since I generally don't leave the house, I don't mind. :-) Mommy and daddy had some hot cocoa, but I just had milk. Though, when mommy puts my vitamin in my bottle, the milk turns darker so I pretend it's chocolate milk. ;-) Love you!


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