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Monday, May 28, 2012

Malachi Chapters One and Two


Fhraôting JanaKhlenírayeîtlho

The Scroll of My Star


Qonáfhto Xhíse

Chapter One


Xhí. Xènyexha ker qitlhinokhéqii †Tríjò-yejikhh Khlijhatàkhta xhroe koas Khàntraja Khinthen-ùlkha Poe Tlhája-yèpakh-ing peixing.

1. This is the burden, the dreaming language of Starfather of Glossopoeia, the Land of Story, by My Star.


Tlhé. – Qyikhèrsya Qlús-òjhwa ker Ólu khlún se †Jinant – paje-tsaqnelónge †Qúthu. Xhnoet tsiwòniya púr-axhmikh tú – Xhyeixhmoas xhyeixhmoas xhloên elrókhamat kekhnat-uxhwi qìr xhré Teiran? – – Soîma Khnàqtii xhmoe’ Ifhrúri xhmoe khyáxe? – wtseî paje-jhkhèkhqa †Qwángo. – Eiqhor-qháxhnu jhkhèrpa janya-Khenoingpa-yàswaor ker Ifhrúri ker Khnàqtii †Póyan.

2. “I have loved all the Real People,” says Starfather. But you say the words, “However have you dearly loved all of us?” “Wasn’t Ifhrúri Khnàqtii’s Sister?” declares Starfather, saying. “However I loved both of the same sex Siblings, Ifhrúri and Khnàqtii.


Lrí. Eiqhòr-kheyel tlhàtwin ur Ifhrúri sityà-yutakh koaqoas qtheyéro’ ur kexhe-xhrejor-ing qoe’ ojùxhmoi tsàfhra ser epyer qhèlurt ur kexhe-xhrejor-ing qoe’ uqeîxi Xhriqhumò-yejikh sir xhòrsya keku. –

3. But Ifhrúri sailed far away, unto a place where clockwork contraptions made her whispering mountains to be wastelands, and they caused her inheritence to be among the Mantacores in the ice deserts.


Fhé. Paje pejor qhàtiya Qhíng-òntet Qlùfhem – Xhnípe tùpi xhroe qlòyan kae fhúna-yèxhyeu kepuxhli-yeilwai thaqyothat-àmpeit kepu-yeilwai xhwárs khwete-yèxhyeu kuqte-yùtya kepu. – Kho paje-qhekhèkhna †Qwiîtso Fhuríjo-yùlkha – Jháxe-yèqras quja jhyethì-yejikh kúyan jháxe-yàmpeit quja khmàfhomat xhroe’ éngi xhroa †Pó xhnoike kìkhes jhpàxatan xayati-yàxhmikh tlhir khyá Wthá ker Ólu khyuwì-yejet kuyoapasas khùkhu’ áqhíter áqhíter xhmir Apúfha kú. –

4. Though both the Qhíng and the Qlùfhem say, “We’ve been beaten downwards, on the one hand, but we intend to return in order to begin to build up the ruins.” Thus says Starfather of Creation, “They may build, but I intend to tear down, and Real People will call the place the wastelands of sad emotions, because they are a people against whom the Immortals are angry for evermore.”


Jí. Jùlri peixhrejor tniêfhta sae paje-qheltà-yatser tú – Xhnípè-yajókhh khyepetìl-ejikh fhtintì-yofhiet Qtá-yàxhmikh †Qyím! –

5. Your eyen shall see these things, as you say, “Starfather is magnified, in fact, beyond the boundaries of the Dreamtime!”


Thé. – Fhui-tseptúlung tekhya-Khmóngo-yejikh-òntet Khàrxhró’ úxhrejor tekhya-Khón-aîqhor qekheiyo-yaônyas khemle-jhíl-ejikh jhètlhefho. Kho Khwiifha-yàlwos Jin qir pfhól-axiis jakhna-xhùthna? Xhnoett tekhya-xhripfhu-yàlwos Pó xhyoaqoas xhyoaqoas jakhna-xhmòtlhujo? – paje-jhu-tàfhli †Qyìpa kus qhakhna-yènxhur Tlhoayeuxi-yètwekh túxhmi xá Tsèjhyi tus xhrongújor xhmene-yàxhmikh †Pó-tlhi. Eiqhor-pàje-tien tú – Xhémù-yikiis ointì-yatlhui †Tú-tlh-ixing tepuxhli? –

6. “One’s Children humbly exault one’s Parents and Grandparents, and slaves habitually honor their feudal masters. So, if I am your Father, where may my honor be? And if I am one’s master, wherever is my respect?” says Starfather, who is greater than the Stars unto you, oh Sylvan Priests who are ashamed of My names. But you say, “How have they and I been ashamed because of Your names? –


Lwí. – Xhuthno-yoâqes khnaîlali xhnípe pfhu khmaoya-yùlkha poaqing xhaêting túyan. – Xhnoet paje-fhàplin tú – Poaqe khraixeixujáxoi xhmojuxújo xhyeixhmoas xhloên teputlhi †Túxhmixing? – Fhèpyuliin eixhrejor tú – Xhnípe tneingpentu-yàxhmikh eûfhun xhnir swuî-xing †Fhepeî-yejikh. –

7. “You are presenting defiled food on My altar on purpose.” But you say, “How are we ashamed because of you in our imagination?” You say, “The table of Starfather ought to be teased.”


Khé. Xhnoet keyexhyeusas tìfhru’ erqúwefhe-yòjhwa koel aixas-èlwil pimfhu-yèxhyeu túyan khnaînit fhyuxhetha-yùtya keixing khyáxe? Keqoas keqoas àka kuranta-yòntet khmàlart túyan khmàna qlaêkh tú khyáxe? Xhmeixir-ájhei keixhrejor xhthangtut-èxhyeu tsange-yùlkha qìr xhmé jai-khuswe-Pexhruit-àswaor tú? Twaô khréxhye túpejo kú? Àxhu’ eképta-yájhei túxhrejor kú? – jàkhakh paje-fhrìmeqhe †Fhiîngi tùntair.

8. But when you, on purpose, offer plantimals without eyen as blood sacrifices, is it not an example of shame? Whenever you set out to offer those who stumble and those who are sick, do you not sin? Will you intentionally offer them as plantation plantimals to your honored Lords? Will they be pleased with you? Will they kindly receive you?” asks sidereal Starfather, saying.


Jú. Xhmefhujóxeur khréxhye yoipil teiqha-jhkhie-yùtya †Fhiîpa tú khyáxe khanganan-èxhyeu tú-xhmi †Khes? Xhthál-atsèr-ajókh pejor jhpèpta kúl tú xènto qhétájhei qlús túyetyikh †xhlir Anísqayang-èlkhim? – pajè-fhlama †Fhúru Tlhongajà-yejikh qhoîrxhii kae.

9. Now won’t you entreat some of Starfather’s favor in order that He be gracious to you? While making an offering of such first fruits in fact, will the Master, by chance, kindly receive any of you?” says the Creator of the inaureoled Stars.


Lwó. Fhlá-yáxeus khyi yufhang ker uqeîxi túxhrejor kus kiku-yàmpei wthonta-yùtya soe qyeûnta’ aqnixhe-yàxhmikh pejor tokhùkhta poaqing fhèkhtus tú! Óxing poa khnólakh per wtsó túpejo – paje-thiijhwelónge †Fhwuînye Xoxhetès-ejikh tànxhe kae – xhnoike khnen-opaingakh khwótar xhroe’ álan xhroa túxhri.

10. Would that there were a single person among you who would begin to shut the gates, so that you do not kindle fires uselessly upon My altar! I, for one, am verily verily not pleased with you,” says Starfather of the ballet dancing Stars, “and I shall not accept gifts from you.”


Píxhi. Xeqhùsqi khmo Pwalù-yejikh xéki pae peinukh Pyórn-ejikh xhtheu-yaîpoin xhnir joêr thètwo †Jinetlhi-yepyer khorna-juqyà-yaloi xhnípe-yiîmpi’ ílu xhroe’ óli-yàswaor †Pótlhi qètura qtherlqù-yuqei keis jhpúxho jhkhé xemar-ampeîn-ejet xhnir Xú ker Ólu tnarlkhùrlan †Jin-etlhi – paje-thoqelínge †Fhyúko fhungqa-yaxhmikh-òntet xèmo Khlór-ejikh.

11. From the sunrise of the Suns to the sunsets themselves of the Suns, My names are fated to be elegant among the realms, and in all places puffs of incense are about to be offered unto My names, along with food offerings of pure blue grain, because My names shall be great among the Real People,” says Starfather of the nebulas and the domes of the Stars.


Xhíxhi. – Xhnoet paje-lruro-yoâqes tú paje-thuyeîr-ejett tú – Lreûfha sqejhumùnthe †Fhrakho-yejikh-aîqhor qrute-yàxhwa keixhrejoring xhnípe’ usyor-ùlkha ojúfhun xhnir fhìtu keixhrejor. –

12. “But you are polluting them, because you say, ‘The table of Starfather is dirty, and, as for its fruit, its food ought not to be liked.’


Tlhéxhi. – Paje-thyoqa-yaîqhor tú – Xhmexhaîta xhmexhaîta’ oiyo’ okhont pei! –Xhnoet xhràku peixhrejor atlhúlefhel ser túxhli – pajè-saqa †Fhréjhe Khreûlta xhroe khnèkhtang kae – xhnoike tsifhetarkhèqtaqha pfhe’ arnumi-yànwa kakhefhóyeir xhnípe pfho xien-òlkha xhlir khlàpin qlaêkh xhnoipe’ arnumi-yànwa qotwi-yòntet khmalàrtan túyan-epyer kho thèsya tú! Stongonga-yájhei teixhrejor qthefhtarn-ekhmo-yòntet wthingayei-yòntet qeyeîtsayii †Jint? – paje-jhyèlta †Fhróte.

13. “You also say, ‘Alas, alack how boring this is!’ And you happen to sniff this with haughty giggles,” says Starfather of the dancing Stars, “and, as if capturing a chess piece, you both bring me whatever is taken by means of kleptomania and what stumbles and is sick, and so you make temple offerings! Will I receive that from your hands and tentacles and wingfins?” says Starfather.


Lríxhi. – Eiqhor ei wthé kus tlhoxhriri-yaôngi qlaêkh kuqoas kanísqra koaqing xhepu-xing-èpyer khmekelónge qus khmanáqajhu-yùlkha khmunírithi qofha-yùpwar xhnir tùtwu †Thwíju-yàswaor kú-yan-ing khwalurt-ènxhur Pwér-ètwekh †Jinatser – khwilìfhufhu’ eixhrejor †Thyikhuîkha kinthe-yulkha-yòntet khyása-yòntet khmitsìplu – xhnoike xhnèyong Enàkh-uqei ker Ólu khnànxhi-yant †Pótlhi. –

14. “But cursed is the swindler who has a male creature among his flock, but, after making an oath, he sets out ritually to sacrifice a plantimal with blemishes to Starfather, though I am more powerful than the Emperors,” says Starfather of rainbows, words, and blood, “and My names are revered among the Real People.”


Khlúqeis Tlhése

Chapter Two


Xhí. – Xhnoett túxhmi xá purtheyoîpil párota poa.

1. “And this commandment is for you, oh sylvan priests, now.


Tlhé. Khliêlu tyoe tú xhnoe pajè-khmie tyoe tú toaqe fhàfhtei khànorss stím khúl-àswaor †Pótlhi túyant – paje-khmúta †Séro Pulumekhwà-yejikh – sètu paniki-yàkhtan túyoapa †Jinant pus jhijhìxoxha qlaêkhh khleikha-tsáka-yàxhmikh aqhus xhekhéfhà-yatser xhmarxa-yànwa keixhrejor Pó-yanwa fhteu-yoaqès-ejet ur qoe jana-pùrta toaqe lwòsii túsur. –

2. Unless you listen, and if you do not decide in your hearts to give honor unto My names,” says Starfather of the Stars – then I shall send unfortunate luck against you, while I curse your blessings, and, indeed, I already have squished them, because you are not treasuring my esteemed words in your hearts.”


Lrí. – Xhnìxhme’ eiya tlhenujoxíju xhroe khleikha-jhpeptà-yatlhui †Póxhli pejor pangàrija fhluîkh qró-yòtya qinuqe-yèthya toaqe’ òparn toaqe twúxie súwamernt fhuxhrà-yatser khleikha-lrúyau-yùlkha xhnoike xìxhaxikh xìxhaxikh peiyejening túxhli.

3. “Eiya! I’m on the point of accidentally laughing because of your first fruits, while spreading some rotten fruits, like slush on the sea, upon your heads or faces and upon your eyelashes, in terms of rotten food of your feasts, and you will keep hiccoughing because of this.


Fhé. Qìr té paje-pyákhepe tú fhoâr khmaltut-àlyur qir khlún túxhmi †Jinan xhlípi-yèxhyeu xhnir Khriîno poe Khriifhapinaraniitìkhta – pajè-xhutse †Swiêlqu kus khloa-yènxhur tekhya-Khyexhro-yètwekh.

4. Then you will know that I have sent these commandments unto you, so that my Covanent with the Lands may continue with Khriîno,” says Starfather, greater than one’s Ancestors.


Jí. – Xhwopaingate xhlíkha xhroe kàkhoke xhroa yontet tsàlom jana-Xhùptas koxhayuqeixing aqhus paje-jhpáyelónge koxhaxhmixing khmok-èxhyeu pyemen-ejikh-àjhwen †Jinepyer kho xúm qoe ur †Pó koxhing koaqing thitàrka xhaisèn-atser akhma-yùlkha †Jinetlhi.

5. “My Covanent with the Lands with him was a single thing of life and peace with honor, and I gave it unto him as a loving example of reverence, and so he revered Me, standing in awe after awe of My names.


Thé. Aloîxu quja pfhopápape-yùpwar tlhaûnan jìsithu’ ujaxhmíxoi quja koaqing xhtheûpta fhliêtha-yan xhnoe koaqing qthèqwin qthùjhus †Pó-yuqei jìqnu ser ontet qthau-yokhtekh-àjhwen koxhing-eilwai fhtoyèlkha Ptoteiyoîngqa Xúlu kae xhrir sàkhya qlaêkh koxha-yan-ing-eilwai.

6. True catechesis was upon his tongue, likewise righteousness was something found upon his lips, and he obeyed, walking along with me in peace and moral uprightness, likewise he turned the Primæval Ancestors away from dishonor.


Lwí. Eiqhor-sòkhme jhèkhqu fhongújo-yan xhnir xhtheûpta jatlhenaîr-ejikh xhnoike qtao-yàqluir xurayam-ùtya lwoyern-èkhmo-xing khlórng khmanthaneûk-ejet Syiqhuîqna xhroe Khwén xhroa yontett Tàrjhi koxhing.

7. For the lips of a priest are supposed to preserve knowledge, and persons ought to seek some instruction from his mouth, because he is an elegant envoy of Starfather of the Ása and Stars.


Khé. Túyaxhwa tú lyilai-yèpwo xekhyà-pwii qìr pé xhnoe qrèwa’ ur qìr té qoe púkh titù-yepakh tú xhnoe qìr ké qhòjhakhi Wthirpalqamern-ùlkha tú – khyéja †Syója xhwá-yaxhmikh-òntet khmém-uxhwi-yòntet xhwoâ.

8. But as for you, first you turned yourselves from the way, then you caused many to stumble by the instruction, finally you have corrupted the Covanent of Glossopoeia,” says Starfather of all time, all memory, all space.


Jú. – Kho xhlaô fhàkhpe’ ur xhnoe qoe tú khorna-yanye-yàthying †Pó xopènejet jana-tyeîqhe túyanesur tlherekhè-yejet ur qoe Poe tlhùraya túyan. –

9. “So I also have made you humble, modest before all the people, because you do not hold my words that are ancestral from me, because you have forgotten my catechesis.”


Lwó. Sára-yaswaôr-ejhukh lyá ker Xhwàfha khyáxe? Khmeûn ur qoe tepu fhlá ker †Fhúru khyáxe? Fhipfhù-yikuiss sìkhtu qlaêkh-epakh Xhéng-oapa-yòntet Òrakhen Tepu ter khurìterit póning pejor sínu qlaêkh Xhuptas-oâpa khnata-yÁterì-yejikh.

10. Do we Mortals not all have one Father? Hasn’t a single Create created you and me? Why do we behave with treachery against our same sex Siblings and our opposite sex Siblings, each one of us, while sinning against the Covanent with the Lands of our Ancestors?


Píxhi. Tqetqètqaot qlaêkh lrúnaloi Tsanyun-upwar-èpyer xhnípe pyapyaing-àxhmikh qir Khnìntha Khniiqhèkhtom se tánin-àjhwen. Qìr xhré khyìyotor Xelpeito-yùpwar xemà-yafham †Sqètsu kae Tsànyun ser ujhwu koaqoas xhnípe tqótè-yejikh tekhya-Pén-epakh kus qekheiyò-yaxúng Xhmerpa-yàxhmikh.

11. Tsànyun has been treacherous, and an abomination has been done in both Khnìntha and in the Winterlands. Tsànyun, where one’s Children are reared, who do not honored the Crystalline Throne has, by chance, dirtied the Halidom that Starfather loved.


Xhíxhi. Pejor tsekhqoîngpa jhpuqte-yapònya kúl-ùlkha lràpor pamlo-yáxeus qhelurt-ùtya tlhiwa-Pfhiqtafhà-yejikh kúxhri kus tìfhru’ álan xhroe fhyùxhetha xhroa †Lyoseimpa-yàswaor Khaun-ejikh-òntet Khaûnaka †kongai Sqùru.

12. In terms of families that do such, my honored Starfather begin to slice away the heritage of their Ancestors from them, who offer gifts of shame unto Starfather of the Lords and Ladies.


Tlhéxhi. Khmérn-èkhwus oêr-afhamm tú kae peixing-ujhwu. Tlhètheqi sàkhni †Jheukhqè-yejikh xhlir khwonil-òntet ojuxujoxíju-yòntet sìjuyu túyan pejor khnen-opaingate lweirothie-yejikh-òjhwa jhpèpta xhroe †Khes kus paje-xhmeijhefhèr-axúng jhkhiê ser qthefhtarn-ekhmo-yòntett takosii-yòntet qeyeîtsayii.

13. This is another thing that you do. You cover the altars of Starfather with teardrops, lamentation, and growning, because He does not continue to glance upon the offerings, while not accepting them with favor from your hands, tentacles, and wingfins.


Lríxhi. Xhnoet xhlòthe’ akhténi-yàxhmikh tú – Xhyeixhmoas xhrúfha? – Wthaijhelónge kúl-ùlkha †Jhoîqnu khnoêl-ejet axhwína xhnáruqei kus tsaîtor fhúna-yèxhyeu jhepa-yàswaor †Kóxing pejor fhwé stór-àswaor xhlir tyejònatha tú-xuxhwi.

14. Yet you say the words, “For what reason?” Starfather does such because he’s a witness among young spouses who’ve been grumpy to each other, though all of you have been companions to the other by ancient tradition.


Fhéxhi. Xhnoet xèkhqa fhóreîyii jirnanóqa-yàxhmikh tsaitorìm-epakh. Qìr xhré xhnípe’ akemòr-ejikh túyepyer xhnípe xemateqhaî-yejikh tú qoe khàqhenokh fhínefha-yòjhwa khlòpet kae túyan. Jhejhi-yétyai-yùnyie tú túxhrejor-aiqhor khlèjhi khrúju khnón-exhrejor khlìtsei toikoyoîngqa-yoapa-yòntet sokhtayaingta-yòntett teiqha-jhéxoi xhroe khnónexhmi!

15. But one who is cranky lacks the amber light of the heavens. You were married and given in marriage so that you yould beget pious offspring. Pay heed, then, to your souls, and permit no one to be angry against the husbands and wives of his or her youth!


Jíxhi. – Xhnípe-yòjhwas xhthikhneupà-yejikh stór-àswaor Ajaxíjo-yèxhyeu qir Xhràngiko tú – paje-xhmiîyeqhe †Jhójhu †Khepeîrutu Khietha-yàxhmikh. – Tqeq-afhuxhlixhei xhìkeu xhroe jàkhqi xhroa tútlhi pyajo-yepakh-àjhwant! – paje-xhmòqlu tqar-Qriyángpa-xing Tartsì-yejikh. – Kho jhejhi-yétyai jhiwa-khlán-ejikh soe tqetqètqa qlaêkh tú! –

16. “You continue to be married to each other in the Mortal Realms and in the Houses of Dust,” says Starfather, the Master of the Dreamtime. “Do not cover the dream clothing that you wear with wrongness!” says the loved Father of the Stars. “So, pay heed to your souls, lest you be treacherous!”


Théxhi. Túyetwur tetèqta khleikha-khwìmiko ser xhmir †Jhopeûlqi. Eiqhor-paje-yeiléja tú – Xhyeixhmoas xhyeixhmoas xhloên qthó’ ur qoe †Khes kepuxhli? – Xhnoet paje-yèlefhe tú – Xumithu-xùxhwi qlaêkh ólu ker xùmithu koaqing jaê †Jhwaraûqni xhnoike’ ìnwamil kúl-ejìkh-axorn †Kóxing. Eiqhor-xhyoaqoas xhyoaqoas plèjerng †Jhweûlti tlhina-yàxhmikh? –

17. You have made Starfather tired with your words. Yet you say, “However have we, by accident, caused Starfather to be tired?” But you say, “All who are evil verily verily are good in Starfather’s sight, and He delights in such persons. And wherever is Starfather of vengeful justice?”

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Haggai Chapter Two


Qonáfhto Tlhése

Chapter Two


Xhí. Xhyómèna-xing jhelwóxhi-yèxhyeu Fhieltina-yùlkha jìnwa sir íng pfhu tsena qir tlhàthyana sir áng Eîl-ejikh fhànteqhe xhlir Pwapyékapa jhwuníxe khwiwimìko-yant †Fhtiiso-yùjhwa paje pejor fhlàma.

1. On the tenth-plus-eleventh day of Samhain, the first month, during the third year of the Sun, the word from Starfather came by means of Pwapyékapa the sage, saying this:


Tlhé. – Afhóweut-étyai-yoîpil Wtsúkh Sqeqlúxha Fhwapa-yàswaor kus qhàrni Khlúqhal-àxhmikh xhmir Fhtóqhefhafhápe’ asúti sùkhpi so’ anye-yètyikh xhnoe khau-paje-tiênamat.

2. “Speak now unto Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa who governs Khlúqhal and to Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman and unto the remnant of the people, and say this:


Lrí. – Kháxa khyetlhúqoa-yulkhà-yengutt teiqha pejor khmàyet fhtiê xhyus toaqe fhlìfhors toaqe kháwa túyuqei? Xhnoet popaingateqha xhyeipejos qìr pé kei? Tsìswi khnónexhyeu pejor xhneixingaîxei keixhli khyáxe? –

3. ‘Who remains, living among you who saw these triangular and circular temples in their former glory? And what do they appear to be nowabouts? Don’t they seem to be nothing in comparison?’


Fhé. – Ás jhyanthuikh-oîpil taê Sqeqlúxha tú-xing! – wtseî paje-fhaplìnamat Ptoteîrtha. – Fhújor-étyai-yaîqhor xá Fhtóqhefhafhápe ter árxhìxheqhe’ aqhus aî-khorna-Xákhefha Khanóqha xhroe xing Khaûtlhing xhroa xing xèkhya-qhie khrúju! – qlaûxha paje-fhèpyuliin Thwùfha. – Xhnoet xiê-stei kexhumà-yejet xheit-uxhwi jinant – fhtoâ paje-fhrìmeqhe †Pteîne Tlhuikhtan-ejikh-òntet Khnèkhtang.

4. “Be it that you now are courageous, oh Sqeqlúxha!” declare your Ancestors, saying. “Be brave, also, Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman, and all the Kháfha of the Land of Story, encourage yourselves!” declare the Spirits, saying. “And work or build, because I accompany all of you,” professes Starfather of the Dreamers and Skydancers.


Jí. – Pejor Khriifhapinaraniitìkhta Xhuptàs-atser khmatsomàtafham xheixhmi †Jin kae ke se sas úta Xhámiwiil koas eixoâqa kumlantes-òlkha xheixhli parxhàpfhe toaqe qeîr poe Pexhmein-ànwa Sakèrmes kho jhafhuxhlixhei thuyùpya xhroe fhlèwo xhroa! –

5. “As for the Covanent with the Lands, the Marriage of the Emperor and the Empress, which I made for you when you went out of Xhámiwiil, the place of reeds, My Holy Children abide in your midst, so refuse to fear!”


Thé. – Xhnoet paje-fhlama-yùnyie †Tqúkho Pyápepltakhta-yùlkha – Qìr é punwewe-yiimpi-yìnthei tingaju-yojhwa-yòntett toar-òntet qae-yòntet xhnoe thweta-yòjhwa †Póyan. –

6. “For thus says Starfather of Glossopoeia, ‘At some time soon I’m about to shake the heavens, the earth, the fractal seas also, and the realms.’


Lwí. – Khlaojhyantu-yàmpeit kinarn-ùxhwi póyanepyer tsiixhe-yaîpoint púqè-yuqei khorna-khneti-yèpwo kú xhuwaî-yatser fhókh-ulkhà-yengut xhlir sàqhor jint – paje-thiijhwelónge †Qtàfhta Khmelte-yàxhmikh Qthemlipu-yùlkha.

7. ‘I shall jostle all the viceroy kingdoms, and the persons are fated to come with the hexagonal books from all the satrapies, while I fill these triangular and circular houses with glory after glory,’ says Starfather of the Halls of Thought.


Khé. – Xhae-yèkhmit xhnir tsíyang-èpyer khakhte-yèkhmit xhmuptà-yuqei †Póxhmi – wtseî paje-thoqelínge †Xatlhúnai fhalesi-yulkha-yòntet xaneuneu-yòntet jhùtha.

8. ‘The whimisical rainbow silver along with the precious tsíyang is mine, and the jadestones and whimsical rainbow gold is mind, for me,’ declares Starfather of words, rainbows, and blood, saying.


Jú. – Tsìxhli párna-yòjhwa xhré xhroe pejor wtsú xhliêyan khiqhaqi-yàxhmikh kes ólu khasya-yàswaor – pajè-thuyeir †Xorapàkhroxha Ptoteî-yejikh – xhnoike poa-yèxhyeu peinukh pìje pampe-yùlkha †Pó – qlaûxha paje-thyòqamat †Xòrfhal Pruxì-yejikh. –

9. ‘The glory of the days that will come for these houses will be not less than the former houses in terms of being great,’ says Starfather of our Ancestors, ‘and in those places themselves I shall give peace with honor to my family,’ declares Starfather of the Spirits, saying.”


Lwó. Tyájhana jhetlhétlhe se Khokhtunà-yaloi kess sinùnta sir íkh qir khyémla sir áng Khyilyìkh-ejikh jhunwènthe Pwapyékapa jhwuníxe-yàswaor xhyákh-an-ing †Xorpafha-yùjhwa paje-saqà-yatser.

10. On the twice-eleventh-and-second day of Daphnephoria, the fifth month in the third year of Khyìlyikh, the word from Starfather came unto Pwapyékapa the sage, saying thus:


Píxhi. – Kho paje-jhyèlta †Páraqefhínúfha Pulumekhwà-yejikh aqhus Tlhoîxo – Tsaxhnu-yáxeus khmaltut-ùtya qìr pé jhwaxàntu’ Ángajà-yuqei!

11. “Thus says Starfather of Stars and Æons, ‘May the Kháfha hieromonachs among the Sylvan Caste now begin to discuss ancestral instruction!


Xhíxhi. Tsefheir-àlwos ojoxáxei sàqha pfhu ker tsìpe kopwè-yaloi koaqing qhùthwes kútlhi tsena xhlir khneyìpexha pejor pènxhu tolwa-yùtya tlhasixhlòxhra ser ing koaqing tsèrmi fheil tekì-yatser khnaofhro-yùtya fheil tneîparl jhkhanin-ùtya fheil qwaxe-yùtya fheil wthethe-yùtya fheil qhotlhuxhnu-yùtya fheil qlús pokhite-yutya-yèkhwuss sopaingateqha khréxhye sarken-ùlkha qthao-yonwo-yèlkhum? – Eiqhor-paje-tàpli’ aletsaqokhùsqi – Sentò-yaxúng. –

12. If a person happens to carry a sacred flying fish for food in the sleeves in his set of robes that he wears, while touching of honey bread with the sleeves in his folds in the clothing, or while touching rice cooked until dry and hard, or cooked food, or soup, or waterskins, or flower butter or any other food, will that food, by accident, become hallowed?” And the sylvan priests replied, “It won’t be holy.”


Tlhéxhi. Qìr té paje-khwilìfhufhu Pwapyékapa’ – Oixhmixhna-yàlwos qlús-òjhwa kei-yutya xhnípè-yepakhh khlepepè-yejikhh khnairarà-yatlhui sopaingaja khréxhye qhutlhung-ùlkha’ àxhle stór? – Xhnoet pajè-fhloqi fhìxhapa – Sopaingaja qhitlhing-ulkhà-yaxúng. –

13. Then Pwapyékapa chanted, “If one who is polluted because of a corpse happens to touch any of these things, will the other food become dirty?” And the sorcerers answered, “They will become unclean.”


Lríxhi. Paje-khmúta-yoîtal Pwapyékapa – Kàqajo poa xhmoe kúl xhmoe. Eiqhor-Itar-ànwa Kháfhà-yejikh uwepas-àthying kúl-ànwa – wtseî xhàfhepel eixhrejor †Puînthe – xhnoike khuriterit-ùjhwu khyójitsa-yùtya xhrir qeyeîtsayoi kúl-ùjhwu xhnoe xhwopaingateqha xhmewo-yulkhà-yaxúng khmérn-àxhwa fhriti-yatoâ-yafham †Jin-exhmi kú kae.

14. Then Pwapyékapa chanted, “Such is this folk. And such is the Kháfha Confederacy before My face – declares Starfather, saying, “and such is every deed from their wingfins, and what they offer Me there is truly unclean.


Fhéxhi. Xhnoet qìr pé penxho-yétyai-yàxhwa tsena-tíngapi khmo kes thá! Xhnípe jis khnathelónge-yùlkha qir jhèpa xhotlhà-yaloi †Pyiwè-yejikh stánan khuîn té si keyatsersas xhmiqhito-yoxhriê-xing erfhetlhi-yòtya keis pàxhwi janyà-tuqhen ú jhyopi-yaipoîn-ufhang túr-ùlkha.

15. But now do consider from this day that comes afterwards. Before a single stone was placed upon another in the triangular and circular fanes of Starfather, from that time, when one came unto a heap of blue barley of twice eleven bushels, there would merely be eleven.


Jíxhi. Xhnoet khmùqhukh jhikhlumàt-atser khnòrifhu fhiyápa-yùtya’ óyan qoe xhaûtha xhàma khmemeûxhekh kùyojo’ èfhlet pfhu’ úyan ólajheqhe kuyojo-yàthnem wthú.

16. And when one came, approaching the casks of fhiyápa sweet nectar in order to draw, to pour, to draw forth five ephahs, there were merely two ephahs.


Théxhi. Xhungelónge-yeîlwai túxhrejorontet khurìterit ofhíxoi-yùtya qeyeitsayii-yèkhmo xhlir fhìsta’ ulaxheiporpì-yepakh sisúqe ser qyixèlort sae Talamaswaqírènat-an khwèjha’ okhafhaka-yeîlwai †Jinexhmi tú – fhtoâ pajè-xhutse’ †Úlim.

17. The Cælesial Emperor smote you and every labor from your wingfins, with whirlwinds, and tree breaking winds, and snowslides, and hailstones, but you did not yet return unto Me,” declares Starfather, saying.


Lwíxhi. Pènxhi khrúju xhmoe tyájhapi-yèpwo-xing kes thá tsena-jhòsweqi jhetlhétlhe khmo khmàngqona xhroe sir íkh pfhu tsena xhrir xhyómena pejor xhnípe thám-ùlkha teiqha-xhmalànta †Plówa! Xie-pènxho!

18. Do contemplate from this day that comes later from the twice-eleventh-and-twice day of the fifth month, from the day when Starfather’s temples were founded! Humbly ponder!


Khéxhi. Tenepa-yájhei-yòjhwan troâyaloi qùnokul sít-òtya? Jhyojho-yàxhwa xhnoe thailqu-yàxhwa xhnoe khmarfhta-yàxhwa xhnoe qhitáya-yàxhwa tqeqopaingaja polejhe-yòlkha jhkhoânwu. Eiqhor-tsena-tíngapi khmo fhafhárukhh khrúju qìr xhmé túxhrejor †Jinan. –

19. Are the seeds still in the graineries? As for the lianas, the apples, the pomegranates, the cherries, the fruit trees do not blossom. However from this day, I shall bless you.”


Júxhi. Qìr ké thaîkamet atlhìqhili’ epfhieyòt-aloi Pwapyékapa-yàswaor tsena-yotheîka jhetlhétlhe se jinwena-yàxhmikh fhaxhlì-yan-ing †Tefhèl-ejikh paje pejor xhlothelónge.

20. Finally the word of Starfather came a second time to Pwapyékapa upon the twice-eleventh-and-second day of the month, saying:


Lwóxhi. – Afhóweut-étyai Sqeqlúxha tlheyófher-àswaor Khlúqhal-àxhmikh paje-xhmiiyeqhè-yatser teir – Xhnixhme-yàmpeitt túyei-yùpwar tlherernani-yulkha-yòntet kapenóqa-yòntet kèfhtu Jinan!

21. Speak unto Sqeqlúxha who governs Khlúqhal, while you say, ‘I shall be on the point of shaking the heavens, the saltless seas, and the earth!


Pítlhe. Saxhnelónge xhmuju khwòpa khyongoxíjo-yàxhmikh †Póyant pus xhlìqhiqhi xhnàqhor xhroe’ iêqha xhroa Kháfha xhroa yepyer khletsatsetse-yàmpeit khmeilafhoat-òntet khmeilan-òntet sopto-yòntet jhòtra †Jinan xhwòyant pyó-yatser lrìxhe xhnoipe Khmusqàrta pejor fhàrlo tlhekhíqhè-yepakh aqhus kópa’ aqhus tàrlwar jhepà-yejikhh khurìterit.

22. I shall oust the thrones of the viceroy kingdoms, while I deracinate the power of the realms of the Kháfha, and I shall overthrow the sea wood sky ships, and the æronauts, and the war chariots, and the soldiers, while the war dinosaurs and Flower Knights cascade down, while each one falls by the crystal swords, and impaling spears, and mācuahuitls of another.


Xhítlhe. Fhakhèsyaqi se – wtseî paje-xhmòqlu †Títhe Khoafha-yejikh-òntet Khyàlyan – khlempa-yàmpeit khleitt tus Khlèson Sqeqlúxha Fhwapa jana-xhàxotha †Jinant – fhtoâ paje-yeiléja †Twàtlhi Pruxì-yejikh – xhnoike fhoreîka’ur pyetíwa-yùlkha-xing qoe teir Jin xhyinwemèt-ejet ur qoe teir †Póyan – qlaûxha paje-yelèfheqhe †Trayeîntu’ Inatéla xhroe. –

23. On the days to come,’ announces Starfather of the Male Ancestors and Female Ancestors, saying, ‘I shall take you, Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa, my servant,’ declares Starfather of the Spirits, saying, ‘and I shall cause you to resemble a signet ring, because I have chosen you,’ declares Starfather of the Immortals, saying.”

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Haggai Chapter One


Prùprut Pwapyékapayeîtlho

The Scroll concerning Pwapyékapa


Khlúqeis Xhíse

Chapter One


Xhí. Qéngqa-xing sir fhátaloi kongai Khyilyìkh-ejikhh Khlìmepa kae tsena qir jhòsweka sir khuînt Paîptona xhroe kes tiyùrna sir ékh tyètyewakh xhlir Pwapyékapa jhwuníxe tyeîqhayan †Wtsótsè-yejikhh Khyongoxhrixóxha Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa kus xhàrpomat Khlúqhal-ùlkha’ aqhus xhmir Fhtóqhefhafhápe kus asúti paje pejor éjar-ùnyie.

1. In the second year of honored Khyìlyikh the Emperor, upon the first day of Suntide, the sixth month, the word of Starfather set out to come through Pwapyékapa the sage unto Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa, who govered Khlúqhal, and unto Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman, saying in this wise:


Tlhé. – Kho paje-tsaqnelónge †Xhthaôlqe †Kus †Ajhoqhar-toîfha Fhóngo-yejikh-òntet Khyeûxi – Paje-tsiwòniya Kháfha Xákhefha Járqnis qte – Khwèjha’ etháxil árauka-yùpwar kes tsèxhlepi peining keqoas xhnípe-yùngpu wthetelónge xhroe khnèner tsena xhnir párna koas tèpli †Xhthoalqò-yejikh – uqte. –

2. Thus says Starfather, the mentoring Father of the Æons and Stars, “The Kháfha Xákhefha Járqnis say, ‘The season, the time itself has not yet arrived when the triangular and circular house, the temple of Starfather ought to be rebuilt.’”


Lrí. Qìr té fhàmfhenot Pwapyékapa jhwuníxe ser khyetlhíjo-yàxhmikh fhaîma †Wthangoixhù-yejikh paje pejor jhkhekhqa-yùnyie.

3. Then the word of Starfather came by Pwapyékapa the sage of the whispering mountains, saying in this wise:


Fhé. – Tsosyiin-ájhei tnemò-yengut qhankhàkh-atser toaqe tóm khoresqa-yuqei-yòntet xhretlhoâxei tú pónukh pejor xhwopaingate tokhukhtim-ùlkha jakhna-fhókh-ing? –

4. “Is this time timely while you yourselves dwell in your triangular and circular houses with arrased walls and tapestries while my house is truly desolate?”


Jí. Kho paje-qhatiya-yunyie-yoîpil †Wtháxhi Khlanel-ejikh-òntett Táxuraríwa – Xiê-xhyoa khleikhà-syilo xhroe!

5. Now therefore, thus says Starfather of Æons and Stars, “Humbly consider your habits!


Thé. Pejor tlhèkhar qthé-yeîlwai khlún-aloi túyan ximfhumat-eîlwai theî-yatser túxhli. Jáxe quja thwinxhìng-ejikh túyan sarte-yufhàng-axúng quja qoe lwùtutt túxhli. Jáxe khompì-yejikh tú-yeilwai khnól jhu-khmapanxhu-yeîlwai qhíkhowe-yùtya túxhmi. Seîtya khrixho-yòjhwa pón-etlhi túyan quja xhìmlut xhmenù-yatser khnón-exhli quja. Xhnoet kàyaqha’ atsaqi-yòjhwa xhlir árxhìxheqhe paje-qhoa-yèxhyeu fhló-yaloi xhnir khaûlo kú-xhli. –

6. You have sown much, but you have harvested few things. You eat, but there is not enough in order for you to be satisfied. You drink, but there is not enough honey tea for you. You put dreamcoats on yourselves, but no one is warm enough. And a fisherman catches flying fishes in order to put them in butterfly nets with holes.”


Lwí. Kho paje-qhekhèkhna †Wthuînxhi’ Inatélà-yejikh – Lyernewo-yétyai khleikh-akhikhti-yùtya!

7. Thus says Starfather of the Immortals, “Begin to consider your routine practices!


Khé. Plèwe khmekhaûqa khrúju qoe xhthaiyéqa xhaen-utya-yòntet tsatlhis-òntet tsiyàngqa tú jhpakheiqha-yexhyeu-yùngpu tìsweimm túyan qoe’ óxing poa’ ólakh per twaô pejor xhnípe khyepetìl-ejikh! – paje-qhèlta †Jhpáfhi.

8. Sail and go towards the whispering mountains in order to take some crystalline timber, jewels, and tsiyàngqa precious stones, so that you may rebuild the triangular and circular temple, so that I may be pleased, being glorified,” says Starfather.


Jú. – Khmeqà-yatser xhèjhwo quja túxhli sopaingaja’ akhan aiyo quja twaqtoakh-ùlkha khmìxheka qhoqwiwì-yejet keixhrejor púyant pejor fhòxhe fhoxheyénxhe keixhrejor khleikha-khámà-yaloi tú. Paje-wthaijhelónge xhyeixhmoas xhyeixhmoas xhrúfha púyan? – wtseî khyéja †Jám Khwén-ejikh. – Khyaulelónge kúl púyant pejor jakhna-thithìsqa’ ól ker tokhùkhtim pejor khyèfhi khleikha-khárle-yaswaor-àntong khurìteritt tú-yetyikh.

9. “You search for much, but, alas alack, they become scanty things, because I blow them away, on purpose, when you bring them to friends or strangers at your homes. Whyever do I set out to do this?” declares Starfather of the Blessed Ones, saying. “I do such because my triangular and circular house verily verily is desolate, while each of you hastens unto your own home.


Lwó. Tú-yatlhui-yunyie Swaqírenat xhoâpyumet ur qoe jhanwa-yajaxhmexójo’ aqhus jhanwa-swùqno sqati-yèpyer khniîkhe’ ur qoe jhanwà-fhwifhu syá peséyoru-yetwur-èpyer xhnìyaot ur qoe jhanwa-fherúqhen khèngta qaqakhnaqa-yètwur.

10. Therefore, because of you, the Cælestial Emperor has caused the welkin to forbid its morning dew and its evening dew, and he has caused the fractal seas to forsake their examples of food, and he has caused the earth to forbid its examples of agricultural produce.


Píxhi. Paje-xhmìnte’ etyenye-yèngit-ing lwéfha-yétyai xhmir qhixhris-òntet fhlesqrin-òntet pràyatsa qrùnu so jhàti pae xhnir khìkhmi qènut xhmir emlaîya’ íya-yaswaor-òntet àkhwen asakhtelóngè-yafhamm tqèma pfhu xhmir Íwal ker Ólu qthátha-yàswaor xhnoipe fhérnxha xhnoipe fheqhìkhno xhnoipe khornà-fhwui qeyeitsayii-yèkhmo tsena-kistas-ùjhwu. –

11. He has commanded that a rainbow famine creep unto the dreamlands, whispering mountains, and lochs, and upon the blue grain, and the herbal tea with fresh honey, and unto the olive oil, and íya pumpkins, and what the ground produces, and unto the Real People, the aurochs kine, the dinosaurs, the giant silkworms, and all the labor from your wingfins.”


Xhíxhi. Qìr té tìmpe xhwaqhunoi-yùpwar †Jàqwo †paje-Khnófher-ùjhwa xhnir xhyákh Pwapyékapà-yejikh jhwuníxe kae Lwakhaôtha-yan Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa xhnoe Fhtóqhefhafhápe-yan ker khòyaxu sukhpi-yuqei-xùxhwi khyuwi-yètyikh setùyejet kúxhrejoring qìr xhré xhré †Jèkoyant †Pòrli. Eiqhòr-tlheu †Jisiithne-yètyikh lrún-èxhyeu Kháfha.

12. Thenabouts Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa and Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman, along with all the remainder of the people, obeyed the voice coming from Starfather, their Creator, along with the words spoken by Pwapyékapa the sage, because Starfather the Great Name had sent him. And the Kháfha began to revere Starfather.


Tlhéxhi. Pfhiiqtafha-yoîtal xhlir kòmit kirnanóqà-yuqei qojhyi-yàswaor Pwapyékàpa-yan khmanthaneuk-apònya †Juinwò-yejikh paje pejor tàfhli’ – qte – Khuswe-yuqeîxi póyan – uqte qlaûxha khyéja †Pfhùmu. –

13. Then Pwapyékapa, the elegant mesenger of Starfather spake by means of a heavenly commission unto the people, saying, “‘I accompany you,’ declares Starfather, saying.”


Lríxhi. Kho qhòqhule proxhnakh-ànwa qupoma-yètyikh Jhinísqe Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpà-yejikh untèkhmat kae Khlúqhal-ùlkha xhnoipe Qhòqhule proxhnakh-ànwa’ úpa-yètyikh Fhtóqhefhafhápe xhroe tsòxhle kae’ xhnir fhtàkha-xul sukhpi-yejikh-ùxhwi khmenxhi-yètyikh Apúfha-yèpyer ókhi’ ur jhpepa-yèxhyeu Tsùfhlo qoe fhwàpa khárle-yàtser-ing †Fhtiijhì-yejikh †Qthèraxha kae’ Àyen xhroe yontet Énòntet kú.

14. So the Immortals both stirred, breathing upon the souls of Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa, who governed Khlúqhal, and they stirred, breathing upon the souls of Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman, along with the many souls of all the remnants of the people, and the mortals sailed into the clouds in order to work upon the house of Starfather, the Master of Æons and Stars.


Fhéxhi. Pyaôr pi’ ól xólèna-xing jhetlhétlhè-yaloi tìyuir sir ékh-èxhyeu tsena qir qéngqa sir éng Khyilyìkh-ejikh Pwér kae.

15. This came to pass upon the twice-eleventh-and-second day of the sixth month in the second year of Khyìlyikh the Emperor.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Book of Obadiah


Prálàqexing xhrir Khlòfhur Syarápa-tlharthose-wethenxhe-jhangétsa-qhanu-lrepa-tàrotlha

The Scroll concerning King Syarápa-tlharthose-wethenxhe-jhangétsa-qhanu-lrepa-tàrotlha


Xhí. Qhìkhtai xhrir Xhèlama Syarápa-tlharthose-wethenxhe-jhangétsa-qhanu-lrepa-tàrotlha’ eixing.

1. The mystical vision from King Syarápa-tlharthose-wethenxhe-jhangétsa-qhanu-lrepa-tàrotlha


Kho’ ei qhèlta’ eixhrejor kus Qhíngeîtlho †Qúthu †Qthèraxha –

Qhàtuqhi qhasetùpwar †Pónujhwa †Jinexhliyaiqhor

Xhnípe sqoqonùyejikh Qhíyuqei ker Ólu’ tlhòstu

Pajeqhekhekhnàyatser – Ás tlhéròjhwas túxuxhwi

Qoe fhóyai kúxhrejorul tsenapúqisexhyeuyùsqrun tú! –

Thus says Starfather the Master concerning the Qhíng,

“I have heard a report from Myself, and

An envoy has been dispatched among the Real People,

Saying, ‘Be it that all of you arise,

In order to persue all of them in a great sky battle!’


Tlhé. Fhrút ur yokhwo qoe tú fholtàyuqei Thufhèrlejikh

Ker Ólu Póyepyer xhnípeyampeisìxhna jhèmer xhroe tú.

2. How annoying! I cause you to be small among the nations

of the Real People, and you shall altogether be misloved.


Lrí. Khùswejhít qlaêkh jhpuixanàjhwen qlaêkh

Toaqe xhlèxhii taê xhajhyasànthu khlumliplàyaloi

Sqakhanàxhmikh qheîl se qefhúra túqi xhroe

Xá pajèsaqa púrùlkha toaqe qàxhlës

– Jhárs tieyàmpein tepuxhrejor pwuîyaloi xhyus? –

3. The boastfulness in your heart-stomachs

Has deceived you, oh dwellers in the clefts

Of the scurrying rocks, in the height of your sky bridges,

Oh you who say in your heart-stomachs,

‘Who intends to yank me down into the fractal waves?’


Fhé. Xhár jhyethìyatser xhmárlèthya túxuxhwi

Pejor xhràrxhnen xhthènthe túqi xhroe Xhlinthàkhuqei’

Ei koayèpwo kus xhetu xhmuju túxhrejor púyant

Wtseî pfhe fhtoâ pfhe †Xhnawùyejait pus xhmiiyeqheyùnyie.

4. Though you many ones build high like green magnet eagles,

While appointing your nests among the Stars,

‘Tis from yon place that I shall throw you,

As I, Starfather, announce, declare, saying thus.


Jí. Teyákayàlwos túyoapa tìfhu qlaêkh

Telparalwosùxhli ker qlaêkh qir túrpapi sir ákh

Xhroâkhpu xhroâkhpu khrúju qìr xhmé tú!

Xhmúngàlwos xhnoe qlaêkh koxhaxul khyáxe

Xhnoe tsufhìyixorng kúqiyepyer fhantayàlwos túxhmi

Fhruiyaôngi fhafhelòlkha lreîkh tsìjhu kúxhli khyáxe?

5. If thieves came against you,

If candy pirates came at the seventh hour,

How ruined you would be!

Would the many men not merely steal

Until they had enough things, and if gatherers of

Applecherries came, would they not leave seeds?


Thé. Xhnípe xhnípe tsekhpìyejikh Pwolyakhàpakhakh

Xhnípeyatserìxhna tufhriyùlkha teiqhàtiwa ker tsèrmi!

6. How the Seven Qhíng Castes will, by chance, be ransacked,

while their treasures of books, being hidden places, will altogether be discovered!


Lwí. Fhtó syoeyàmpein túxhrejor lreisyetàswaor

Khornakhwòlqayan ker khuswekhwóqu ker Lyoê

Xhnoike khekhtitqeyànwa qlaekhòntet lrieyànwa túxhrejor

Xhokhoyanùxhwi ker xhál kus xhnènur túxhmi.

Ól qtèfho khrúju qìr xhmé yaipoin túxhrejor

Khuswekìnxhiyan kus lyìlpaun khleikhakhalqiyòtya

Pejor khnenopaingaxhei jáxe xhroe qluî xhroa’ aîQthín.

7. All of the persons, who are your allies, who are Aliens

Shall send you forth unto the borders,

And the persons who have peace, who are peaceful unto you

Shall both deceive and conquer you.

It shall come to pass that your comrades who eat of your honey bread

Are fated to intend to ambush you,

Though you do not understand, oh Qhíng.


Khé. Otyeitiyaloiyàlyuring qlaûxha pfhe khyéja †Qwiitsòyejait

Ojuxhmoiràmpeit okhatlhayòjhwa teû kae Kelorètyikh

Xhnir ujáxu qir oxìxhloa Khyixhefhífhèsyo se Póyan khyáxe?

8. On that day to come, I, Starfather, say, as I declare,

Shall I not destroy the wise and venerable among the Kèlor masters

Along with understanding upon the skyways in the Qhínglands?


Jú. Qiirntoyoîtal kóm khusweQháma xóswaje taê Fhwàja

Qoe xhnípe fhentèyejikh qhanuxhnuyèpwo qir Keloranóqha

Khórtepakhh xhlir khèmloin xhmaûng xhmaîqhamat ser.

9. Then your bellipontent Qháma Warriors will be so annoyed, oh Suzerain Speakers,

That all persons will be divided from the skyways in the Triple Qhíng kingdoms,

With a slaughter and with bleeding Xhmaûng Qhíng-blood.


Lwó. Khlojúfhàyatlhui Khnifheyoâpa ker Aûm ekhàngqo

Xhrongújo sae túxhli tus pìsqu pejor aikhtèrnem.

10. Because of violence against your Brothers, the Aûm, you

will be covered with small patterns, with shame, being smashed into small pieces for ever.


Píxhi. Ajáxenayexhyeûxing toaqe xhnòqne túyaiqhor

Qir otheîka khmepefhrìyatser khnentruyùlkha’ Aûmejikhh

Khnènti pejor qtén teiqhastanayàxhmikh khaolyeyàqwa

Keqoas thewàrqha’ ayarsayàswaor kongai’ Aûm Aumùlkha

Túyan ei tú tus uqeîxi’ uréfhayolkhayòntet xhajhyàqukhon.

11. On the day when you remained aloof from controversial issues, and

On the day when the enemies carried the time capsules of the Aûm,

When the foreigners entered their sky ports,

As soon as you resounded for the realms of honored Aûm Aûm,

‘Twas you who accompaned the ravens and the many scavengers.


Xhíxhi. Khnólas qakhéxher teiqhaxhaptatlhàyejen Khnìfhe

Tú xhyómaloîxing xhthokheyejikhàjhwen kúxhrejoraiqhor

Khnenafhuxhlixhei kháyejikh teiwaXhmóyoâpa Qhutyóyis

Tsenatsèxhle se teiqhayúlànta xhroe yepyer khwanajiîxhe

Qhae jaipàyepakh qir tèlkhaxing teîqhatól xhroe khnónutya!

12. Be it not that you giggle against of your Brothers’ fasting days,

Upon the day of their suffering harm, and

Do not rejoice against the Children of Qhutyóyis

In the day of their destruction, and do not laugh

At all, with schadenfroh giggles, yes, upon the day of their distress!


Tlhéxhi. Khwànapau wthontàyaloi jhentaqojhyiyàswaor tú

Xólayèxhyeu teiqhafhèxhoqe xhroe eypyer khnenafhuxhlixhei

Qhae jhwestàyejikh teiqhapoyòyatlhui qir tyájha teiqhaxhèlekot

Xhroe xhnoike khnólas xùmle qlaêkhh khliêqha kúqi xhroe tú

Xúlàyaloi lraoyùlkha xeraingqayàxhmikh thweqhílpeng pfhu!

13. Do not enter the gates of my people

Upon the day of their mess, and do not chuckle,

Yes, because of their calamities upon the day of their ruin,

And be it not that you loot the wealth of books that they have

On the day of the chaos of their crumbling homerealm!


Lríxhi. Tqeqafhuxhlixhei xhthaôkhejikh fhomfhayàxhmikh

Pónùyaloi khmékhayèxhyeu pfhangìyatser túxhliyepyer

Khnólas tqàqha xhrènwi túyan ajáxe se teiqhayojuxaîxei xhroe.

14. Do not do firing of firebombs

Upon the sky bridges, in order, by chance, to mow fugitives, and

Be it not that you capture survivers upon the day of their chaos.



Xhnoet xèpfhi tyómaswaorùxhwi xhlir xólqi †Xorfhàlejikh.

Pwànta pfhe qìr xhré tú xhnípe paikhelóngeyùlkha túxhmi kei

Poatakayaipoînejet xhmir pfhaipfháxheyàntong khleikhatúnel.

15. For the days of Starfather go nigh unto all the viceroy kingdoms.

As you have done, it shall be done to you,

Because your deeds are fated to return unto your own antennæ.


Jíxhi. Poaqing stiêxing stakèrjus thwolkhìngejett túxhli

Jáxeyòjhwan tlhínìyejikhh khurìtepakh tlheukhtarètyikh.

Xhtheipiyaipoinòntet xefhéxhoyaipoinòntet kúxuxhwi

Pejor sopaingateqha Xúyejikh ker Khnólu.

16. Because you quaffed upon my sacred mountain, by chance

All of the kindreds will drink continuously.

The many ones are fated both to guzzle and to gulp,

As they become Fantasy People.


Théxhi. Tèjhu Jhpú Tnutsèyaloi khrupoyojhwayaôngi

Xhnoike kho tyèkhetha qìr xhmé keixing pejor xeîrikh

Qoxoyùlkha Qéngejikh Qwíke Qíriniîle Xhyúlafhwuraqháne xhroe.

17. On Mount Tnùtse there will be those who escape,

And it intends to be holy, while

The Phratries of Queen Xhyúlafhwuraqháne possess the Qhíng candies.


Lwíxhi. Qìr té khyìmet Khwuráraûngqa Khnoingèrejikh

Pejor khùngut puwarùtya Pururfhàraxing Xhnófhòyejikh

Pfhùpa jamojoyùlkha qlátèyatser Fhwajayàswaor.

Eiqhorthwalpaunaîpoin xhnoipe xaxuyaîpoin kúxhrejor Ása

Xhnoe’ ól khnón jeruyeyètyikh teiwayOxhrìyuqei Tlhelòrejikh

Tlhòlqekh pfhe xhmaitlhújo Fhyàqhu ker Àyan ker Fhriîxhe.

18. Then the Family of Khnoînger will be fire,

While the Clan of Xhnófho shall be a flame,

When the castes,that the Suzerain Speakers have, resemble stubble.

And the Ása are fated to kindle and consume them

Until no surviver among the Children of the Qhíng exist,

As the respected Immortals have spoken, the Æons and the Stars.



Jheimpanaîpoin qletsiwayùpwar koas Khmàrsitel Qlùfheman.

Qejhetlhefhiyaîpoin qefhúra Qthantònthe xhroe Thùlwuyan

Xhnir qhùnti Qelreqàkhejikh xhnoe’ óloâyuqei Fhwajaràkhejikh

Pejor qhekheîyo fhaprokayàxhmikh khwalpùyaloi Qhokòkhti.

19. The Qlùfhem are fated to set out to grab a handful of the Ideapoleis Khmàrsitel.

The Thùlwu are fated to set out to conquer the sky bridges of Qthantònthe,

Along with the countries of the Qhíng Warrior Caste and the territories of the Qhíng Noble Caste

While the Seedlings conquer the city-states upon the fractal waves.


Júxhi. Ei’ elilènti lwuintèyejikh Pénètyikh Aûm Aûm xhroe

Pfhorkuyaloîxul koas lyófhi qir tìrxho’ Eilasaîyanor xhroe

Pfhangìyuqei ker Thùlwu ker tqèkhel Thulwujoirèxhyeu kus

Khmolrayaîpoin ur qoe syartemùxhwi Khyexhasyeîmejikh.

20. ‘Tis the exiles of the armies of the Childru of Aûm Aûm

In the floating continent sky armadas as far as Eilasaîyanor

Along with the refugee Thùlwu who dwell in Thùlwu home

Who are fated to cause all the viceroy kingdoms of the Qhíng to be mutated.


Lwóxhi. Tlhárnàmpeint Péla Tnutseyèxhyeu ptiêsakhan

Thathniyèxhyeu fhlàkha xhroe’ Àrqhong xhroa kúxuxhwi

Keqoas khyongoxíjoyèkhmen †Khyeinwùyejikh. –

21. The deliverers will ascent upon Mount Tnùtse,

In order that they form an opinion about the whispering mountains of the Qhíng,

When the viceroy kingdoms will be His, Starfather’s.”

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ruth Chapter Four

Khlúqeis Fhé

Chapter Four


Xhí. Ól tlhàtwin ur kanyà-yaloi’ Èkhut kórm-atser télòl-utakhh Khaqra-yàxhmikh. Eiqhor keqoas twìtwim ewokhei’ ítakhaingpa-yùpwar xhnoînguma’ alreûtha kae kuxhroas tlhòlqekh xhré-yèxhyeu peséyoru koxha-xhli-xing jeuyéjar kekoxha-yaswaor-ing koxhing paje pejor plìkaka thètwoss ser kekoxha-tlhi-xing – Xekhya-pwii-yétyai teyáku-yatsèr-ipau qir khwòjhi qrètlho aîKhesáfha toxhing! – Pejor eulà-yatau kekoaqing tsútsum kekoxhing.

1. It came to pass that Èkhut sailed upon the rainbow canals, as he came towards the castles of Khàqra. And, evoe! when he saw his kinsman, not related by blood or marriage, going past, concerning whom he spake in the past, he chanted to him, summoning him by hame, “Turn yourself aside, coming hither for a brief time, my Older Brother!” And going thither, the other sate down.


Tlhé. Tneûkh Sarauníya-yòntet Xètsena fhaproka-yùlkha-xing Èkhutan paje-tsaqnelóngè-yatser – Ás toaqe qhùtlhut qìr poâ tú! – Kho khmortya-yùpwarn kú-xuxhwi.

2. Èkhut lead the Regent Queens and the Elders of the city, saying, “Be it that you sit down hereabouts!” So they all assembled.


Lrí. Paje-tsiwoniya-yoîtal tsena xhmir Khesoîfha koxhing – Xhrefhil-àxhwa khmothaikamet-apònya xhrir Xométàsjhi tyojhaqlúngà-yaloi lréyiqhe khmaitlhor-Khmámejikh íkhiling pejor khnunúna Staràn-ejikh Trèwo kae Fheiyà-yuqei.

3. Then he chanted to his Older Brother, “As for Xhrèfhil, who has returned from the Dragon Kite Cities upon the purple plains, she is a vassal of our respected Mothers, and a teacher of Shield Maiden Clones among the Færie.


Fhé. Kho pajè-thothoas pú-xing qhiqhíthnaing jhkhèkhqa pyápepèlixhe xhroe túxhmixing eûfhunt púxhni qte qhetsiyéqa-yáxeus fhexhrexhla-yòjhwa Kùkhpe pae xhthontern-àntar xekhya-fhruyù-yejikh qìr poâ kus Lwánaka kus Qáru jhenta-qojhyi-yètyikh túyaning uqte. Khuqoxhuxhu-yàlwos quja Kùkhpe khleikha xhlir triê qàtlhimm túyaning qháxhnu-yétyaî-yories kúlùlkha plùjhi tyoe quja túxhrejoring ei saqajathit qoe eixing toxhing qoe paje-yaqwànita púsa khnónejett toaqing sèsum xuxuséya-yèxhyeu kexhe-xhrejor-epyer fhràna sir éng túpejoxing púxhli. – Pajeqhàtiya Tlhèfho’ akháwetair – Sesemfho-yàmpeit kexhexhrejor púyan. –

4. So I, for one, thought that I ought to inform you, saying the words, ‘May you get weapons for the Clones in the presence of the faces of those gathering themselves hereabouts, the Viceroy Queens and Elders of our people.’ On the one hand, if you will rescue the Clones by your noble inheritance, please do such, but, on the other hand, if it doesn’t please you, honor me by telling me so that I, in fact, know, because there is no one except for you for helping those women, and I happen to be born second unto you.” And the older Prince chanted, “I shall save them.”


Jí. Qìr té paje-qhekhèkhna kekoxhaxhmixing Èkhut – Jhpexho-yèxhyeu pwuntoîpe qthefhtern-àswaor Xhrefhìl-ejikh toxhaxhlixing syoîpeqhe khleikha-qhelurt-ùpwar fhejhèru-yan túxhni-xing-epyer xòngti pìmlo tarmu-yojhwa-yàlyur twoê ser xhlir Sakhtoînga Kùkhpe Xhrèfhil trie-yesqoîr-ing túqixing túxing tus xhnípe qweû-yejikh sèqolo kae tus khloròsusu tsena-súfha-yèpwo tus qìfhis qìfhis Khnérning. –

5. Thenabouts Èkhut chanted to him, “In order to procure weapons for the hands of Xhrèfhil, by chance, you must set out to use your legacy, but if Xhrèfhil’s Clone Daughters fail to use those weapons with honor, then you will will be deprived of the birthright that you have, being cast out, being an exile from the city, being a Prince nevermore.”


Thé. Paje-qhèlta Paifhèlti qhál – Khuqòxhuxhu suju kexhe-xhrejor pú póning xhmojùr-ejet jakhna-qhelurt-àntong Khwuráwaum khmo púxhlisur. Khnón xhmoe poaqing fhwìnu khnáng xhmoe keis ólu xhmir Xhrefhil-òntett Trèwo teiwa-fhínefha. –

6. The older Prince chanted, “I shall not rescue the women myself, because I would not, by chance, jeopardize mine own inheritance from my Family. What happens to Xhrèfhil and her Clone children shall be nothing in my sight.”


Lwí. Xhnoet jhelqa-yàtser-ing jhòsweka’ afhar-èxhyeu qir Apíra-yaîlraikh qukhrim-alwos-ingpenìngpen khlèstimm teiqha-khii-yùlkha stór so Wtsúkh-an-ing khringìmemat xhùjhi pón-etlhi khyasinwè-yan-ing kúl pejor xhrejexási keixhrejor jhepa-yaswaor-èpyer túnelawetsátho khnoel-ejikh-àjhwen Khnìntha se peixing.

7. And in terms of the customs in the ancient days in the Crimson Moons, if, at any time, a Prince set out to conceed the honor of his birthrights to another, than such a man removed the wooden shoon that he wore, giving them to another, and this was the method of testifying in Khnìntha.


Khé. Kho paje-tàfhli’ Èkhut pae Tyerpòsya’ akháwetair – Pròjhu khrúje pruju-yùtya toxha pón-ing! – Eiqhor-xhthii-yèngpor qhèxhle pón-elthi kekoxha-yan-ing.

8. So the older Prince chanted to Èkhut, “May you begin to forge the weapons yourself!” And immediately he removed the wooden shoon that he wore.


Jú. Qìr té paje-tàfhli Khyongéxhe-yaswaor-òntet Pentèqwoim peung-ètyikh Èkhut – Ás qraô qir pajáxe túxhli-xuxhwi tus pajètwím qrùjojo jakhnà-qhelurt pfhiqelot-èxhyeu xhmethi-yùtya qthèfhtern so Xhrèfhil teiwa-Khón-ùxhwi Trewo-yàswaor xhnir Khwuráraûngqa Sátha’ Uxhajan-ùjhwa poxhing púyan! –

9. Thenabouts Èkhut chanted to the Viceroy Queens and Elders of the people, “Be it that all of you, by chance, are witnesses this day, seeing that I use mine inheritance in order to begin forging weapons for Xhrèfhil’s hands and for all of her Clone Children among the Sátha Family, from the Blue Tribe.


Lwó. Xhnoet jhinga-yuîqa khejúyimu-yulkha-yùsqrunt pejor sqokiqhàtqoa Kukhpe-yuîqa ker Soên xhlèjheru ser xhele-yAneta-yèjikh-ing kotisìsasakh xhmuju yenwe kexhe-xhrejor-ontet xhthikhneûpa xhmuju yenwe Takhtàs-ejikh xhrir Xométàsijhi koe Paxhmoxéxhe Trewò-yuqei Sokhta-yexhyeû-xul poxhing qoe tyeu-yoâkhwet tsena-khyelóxoa-yèxhyeu khnasa-yaxhmikh-òntet xhrùntra kexhe. Íse qàmaqa se túxuxhwi. –

10. Moreover, after the Clone Sisters win a great battle, checkmating, with the permission of my lady Mother, I intend to be betrothed and to marry Tàkhtas from the Dragon Kite Cities, along with her Clone Sisters, to be my wives, so that they may dwell in the metropolis of volcanoes and wheels always. You all are eyewitnesses today.”


Píxhi. Pàje-tien khyuwi-xuxhwi-yeîlwai tènepa khmelulà-yaloi Khmìxhejur quja Fhúthwoim quja – Qrao-jaxhalei kepu. †Kosofha-yetwúreu pfhùpa’ Ifhrúrì-yejikh xhmoe xemárar kae yempai khnata-Xheqwa-yètyikh kus khlífhir Ingatlhafhà-yejikh Khnintha-yèxhyeu Tàkhtas xhnoike tulyau-yáxeus xhàkar xhàqor xhàqer xhakorùtya pejor pfhòrjha túxhmixing Kùkhpe Soên! –

11. All of the people who were in the castle, the Viceroy Queens and elegant Elders chanted, “We honor you by being witnesses. May Starfather cause Tàkhtas to resemble Ifhrúri, the greatest of our esteemed Viceroy Queens, who increased the Nobles in Khnìntha, and may her Clone Sisters begin to bring you great glory in speardins!”


Xhíxhi. Paje-yelèfheqhe tsena xhmir Xhthayaîngpa Xhmelèxhe-xing – Eiyinger-áxeus khmixhejuranúweqe-yùtya xhré xhroe jhiwa-fhínefha ser tukhyusaî-yafhamm Tusùrthir kae yontet †Kúqha túxhmi-xing xhlir aqhexhyutsà-yengit khlautim-ànwa! –

12. The Queen told her Son, “May our family begin to resemble the queendoms of old by the offspring whom the Divine Twinlings and Starfather shall grant by these young women!”


Tlhéxhi. Koîpamat qus yunyie teiqhà-trie Èkhutan qoe tsùpra wtsotu-yulkha-yòntett tnúkhe-yòntet kàpwe koxhing syàpfhi khwafhi-yòjhwa Takhtas-àswaor xhnoipe Trewo-xùxhwi Soên tuwu-yefhtò-yafham qaqàkhnaqa kae koxha-yan-ing-enwe. Quxhrèrngo qus qòxho xhroe Wthorthna-yètyikh Takhtas-òntet Kùkhpe teiwa-Paxhmoxéxhe sanumaxhnarkheyíyot xhnoipe’ àkemor Takhtas-ejikh-òntet Khenoîngpa Lwakhaôtha. Tlhir Trèwo Soên tlheqa-yeîlwai Jíyoîla’ Èkhut ser †Kúsètwur tsùlta’ ur eilwai Takhtas-èpyer khàqhenokhh Khefhoiltor-ùpwar tlhiwa-Xoâsi kae kexhexhlixing.

13. Therefore, after Èkhut used his inheritence in order that he forge crystal glass swords, and clockwork machines, and shields, he provided weapons unto Tàkhtas and all of the Clone Sisters that he could find. After Tàkhtas and her Clone Sisters drove the hosts of the Wthòrthna away, the Prince was betrothed to and married to Tàkhtas and her same-sex Siblings. On the Clone Sisters Èkhut begot Daughters, but Starfather caused Tàkhtas to conceive, and she gave birth to their Firstborn Son.


Lríxhi. Qìr té paje-fhàplin xhmir Xhrèfhil khmàxhekh – Ei fhónejha kus Qírenat-enwe-yòntet Kaixhrenat-ìnwi stapù-yafham †Tsáme kae pejor un-opaingateqha khuswe-lreîkh-ejikh ptiptiesakh-èlwil sòlan se yepyer safhuxhlitet xhmixhno-yùlkha pejor xhnípe thuntru-yàxhmikhh Khnintha-yàlyoa khúl tlhir Lranepwéru!

14. Then the matrons chanted to Xhrèfhil, “Blessed are the Emperor and Empress, stablished by Starfather, for they have done the opposite of leaving you without a deliverer today, and may the names of the House of the Sun become famous, proclaimed throughout Khnìntha!


Fhéxhi. Ptoa-yáxeus-aôngi xhnoe jai-xoiqha-paîkha †Wtsótse-yan-àxhwa khmemènekheim quja tú túxhrejoring jhpèkhoqha quja khleikha-fhàrlen xhroe fhtanar xhlir Seqartha-xing-àqwa kus khuswe-sìketii kus tu-xhyoâtim Tlhangaingtà-yejikh xèfha kae túxhmi tlheqà-yejet Tlhóxha-yùpwar! –

15. May Starfather also be a restorer of your honored life, being one who comforts your souls and who cherishes your old age, because your foster Daughter, ‘tis, who loves you, who is better to you than seven Sons, has borne a Prince!”


Jíxhi. Ponxhe-yoîtal pfhìkhukhu Xhrèfhilant pejor xùrjhi koxha-xhrejor-ing tlhotlhokhrò-yatser koxha-xhrejor-ing koaqing qeyeîtsayoi pejor sopaingate tsena-qlantaltà-yejikh koxha-xhrejor-ing.

16. Then Xhrèfhil held the infant, taking care of him, wrapping him up in her wingfins, and becoming his governess.


Théxhi. Twuî khnanxhi-yùtya kexhe-tlhi-xing Ptànta paje-ptànta paje-fhepyuliîn-atser – Xhnípe ajenemàt-ejikh xhmir Xhrèfhil tsena-yènteron! – Otheika-yexhyeu-yàlyur sopaingaja tíl xhroe purùrfhara xhroa ker Khmàkhtain Sátha’ Uxhajàn-uqei.

17. The matrons, her neighnors, began to congratulate her names, saying, “An heir is given unto Xhrèfhil!” In those days, the Sátha among the Blue Tribes became a part of the Khmàkhtain clan.


Lwíxhi. Keyatsersas koaqing tyeqhekheîwa Peltaîronu’ akháwetair tsenà-sijhi se’ atra-yulkha-yòntet xìxhlu sopaingana Tyerposyà-yejikh sir íng kae Khaqra-yàxhmikh Èkhut.

18. When the older Prince in the city of volcanoes and wheels retired to his ancestors, Èkhut became the first Prince of Khàqra.


Khéxhi. Xhnoet qir fhakhèsyaqi kes fhàmfhen kes ólu sopaingate kongai Sarauníyàyejikh khmini-yaswaor-ùxhwi khmèfheta xhroa Takhtasepyer kho sopaingana ptaîreltu xhroe xhmir Qháyatsir pámaqa Tlhangaîngta-xing.

19. And in the days that came, that happened, Tàkhtas became the honored Queen that all the lava city had, and so her Son became the heir that the great Qháyatsir had.


Júxhi. Pejor Qháyatsir úkakhoi xekhyà-pwau sopaingana Khar-tlharthosaîngpa xhroe Khlaînator ekhwúkha pae kus qhìkhetha khurit-ùlkha Xipépojhatu-yutya-yòntet qárnet-òntet Xométasijhi-yòntet Pelyo-yòntet Khàqra pòlti fhempoka-yèxhyeu sórlafham khnewa-yéjes pfho xing Tsena-Qamayaîngqa xhmoe susyaîngqa.

20. While the Qháyatsir dynasty strengthened themselves, the Son, the heir, became the Great-grandfather unto Grand Khlaînator, who united all of the Tree Cities, and canal branches, and Dragon Kite Cities, and the Inner Worlds, and Khàqra, into a single nation, ruled by his hand.


Lwóxhi. Khlainator-àqwa ker qhàkhna xóswajelínge kóm pejor pùxhim kóm koxhing fhtóyelínge fhoar-èxhyeu qthefhtern-òtya-xing fhoâ koxha-xhni-xing xhnoike paje-Staràn-uqei paje xhnir Lwáfha khmàlekur qir xhloâ sùlurt xhroe’ etyenyè-yan-ing tlhetlhejhye-yèxhyeu Talamaswaqírenat Eilasaîyant póning koxha-yan-ing.

21. Grand Khlaînator, ‘twas, who was so bellipotent, being so mighty, that he was able to begin sending forth his hand, and, along with his Shield Maidens and Clockwork Automata, marched throughout the southron dreamlands, to challenge the Cælestial Eilasaîyan himself.


Pítlhe. Xhnoett tíngana tnúre pei fhothíter jis ur qoe sútha’ Saiyanoînga-xing Eîl-ejikh pejor xhwárs oswókhes Tlhefhoi-yùlkha Wtsùyot pfhu lreû-yatser Khnintha-yàxhmikh xhmérsèpwo jhao-Wthirpalqamern-ùlkha.

22. And these were the ancient days, before the Son of the Sun blasted the south, raising up the Great Wall, and cutting Khnìntha apart from the remainder of the honored Covanent of Glossopoeia.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Ruth Chapter Three

Qonáfhto Lríse

Chapter Three


Xhí. Jìpwowo qus fhtanar-tsena-Toen-àswaor pajèxhutse kekexhe-xhmixing Xhrèfhil – Khmaê Sesèkhta xhmìqit ei khyáxe syàpfhi sènye teirxhmi jinan khlathot-èxhyeu khleîna-jhau?

1. After she returned to her foster Mother, Xhrèfhil chanted unto her, “My loved Daughter, is it not proper that I dearly set out to provide security for you so that your life will be good?


Tlhé. Eiqhor-tùkhtut khlaûtuin kongai Telexhnu-yepakh-engit-apònya khyáxe xhnípe jhwú-yejìkh-axúng paje-qhùxhwa ser fhangaû-yaloi teir-xhli? Qir tlhiêrnwa khwaet poa xing jáxe-yaîpoint puyunteqhè-yejikh qlaîkhto se tlhákh-ofhiet sún-ùlkha Tqaringpi-yùpwar Peltaîronu.

2. Furthermore, isn’t this honored Queen, by chance, the feudal master of our family, with whose handmaidens you happened to be yoked in the farms? Ah! This starry night, her Son, the Prince, is fated to hunt in the forest galaxies beyond the lava fields.


Lrí. Xekhya-lwéya-yétyai-yùnyei xhnoe khmùnthe ser xekhyà-xhonge khrúju’ aqhus oaqir-étyai khleikha-pyòqhaqha xhtheu-yùtya khyi xhthenxhènthe qwungqòt-uqei tú-xhrejor-ing pón-etlhi-yaiqhor qìr té xhmíxei khrúju’ ajaxeixíjò-yutakh fhaqhesò-yofhiet khárng-axhmikh-èpyer khnen-afhuxhlitei khlèjhi xhroe tsenà-Khleson xhroa khleûkh túxhrejor Jhinísqe ser xhnoe tetlhákhot ur qoe lrèxhe twòfhimm teiran.

3. Wash yourself, therefore, and anoint yourself with perfumes, and don your most elegant skirt along with your best garment, and then go towards the forest galaxies beyond the lava fields, but do not permit the Prince to see you until you have slain a feirce crystalbeast.


Fhé. Koaqing khrèsto fhaûyoi se xing koxhing oirqurser-étyai tlhím-ùtya koaqoas koaqing jekheîyo koxhing-epyer qhotsi-yétyai-yoîtal kareneqa-yètyikhh khnie pejor qwìnini fhoyeqti-yùlkha keipejos khyèrjha tlhunteupe-yèlwil tsena-Staràn-ejikh tú kae xing koxha-xhmi-xing tú-xing-inwi. Xhnoet pante-yaîpois khleit koxhing. –

4. When he reposes in the pavilion, begin to notice the place where he rests, and then go to him, revealing unto him the creature you have slain without the weapons of a Shield Maiden. And he shall marvel at dear you.”


Jí. Paje-tàpli kekexhe-xhmi-xing kexhing – Paje-jhyéyamat-àmpeit púyan keis keis kòrjhi teir. –

5. She answered the other, “I shall do whatever ‘tis that you command, dear one.”


Thé. Kho kexhing sixè-khekhekh pónetlhi pejor khikhíqa khlanxha-yulkha-xing-òntet kàpwei’ emòsti pfhu trajhì-yatser tsena-fhótà-yaloi pejor fhwèxa purtà-yatser fhtanar xhrir Khmoîmim xhmìnte.

6. So she dressed herself, taking an impaling spear and a wooden shield, travelling into a forest galaxy, and doing according to the words from her foster Mother who commanded.


Lwí. Keyexhyeusas kekoaqing eptòrmot xhnípe xhmau-yaloî-xing fholwe-yàthying khnewa-Khyexhrò-yejikh Èkhut khmùqhut fhúna se xhlir khòkhteu xhèket kexhe-yan-ing-inwi jeu pejor khrixhmerénxha khmín-ùlkha-xing jijikhmàt-afham qìr xhré xhré xarjhi-yèlwil Staran-èjikh-ing koxha-xhmixing.

7. When Èkhut was resting in the triangular and circular shrine before the icons of his Ancestors, she came with silent feet, bringing unto him, the stranger, the mineralbeast that she had slain without the weapons of a Shield Maiden.


Khé. Ól khnatlhi-yexhyeu-yàlyur-ing kes xhmènterl xhtháthana xhroe sir ákh pfhu’ aseqwangòsqa xhlir Paifhèlti kus jhpèpteqhe tnekheiyor-èpyer khmànthaxa pui tsena-fhauyoî-yaloi sanínxhoyan ker Syòle xaxakhwà-yatser tnenesòlkha-xing kexhe-yoaka-xing.

8. It happened that night, the time of the middleheart of the seventh hour, that the Prince was startled, looking around, and, ah! a Færie maiden swooped down into the pagoda, dragging a typhoonasaurus rex after her.


Jú. Paje-xhlothelónge’ íkhil-aswaôr-ing koxhing – Xhyus túxing? – Eiqhor-paje-pònta khyéja kexhing – Tàkhtas ter khuswe-xhnènatha púsa. Aer-étyai’ akhwen-ùlkha kei-pejos kàyaqha khlúnaloi tsena-kópà-yepakh xhlir papákal lyàrtsa pú kae yepyer khangqelónge-yáxeus kei-xhrejor-ing khleqiwa-yexhyeû-xing xhmir Khmixhejùraka xhripfhu-yapònya tsekhqì-yejikh tsùmla kae toxhing. –

9. He chanted unto her, “Who are you?” And she answered, saying, “I, in fact, am Tàkhtas, your handmaiden. Behold what I have caught with an impaling spear and a wooden shield, and may you take this as a gift unto the Regent Queen, who was the feudal master to my humble family.”


Lwó. Qìr té paje-xhmiîyeqhe koxhing – Xhnípeu’ ur qoe túxing †Korpakhróxha’ aîXhamim! Qwìnini khleikha-khyójitsai fhína pfhu khyúxo-yènxhur trí-yetwèkh-ixorng fhúna-yèxhyeu texhe-yan-ing ke se sas fhisìmpemat khajhin-upwar-aôngi khwàli pfho qthefhtarn-epakh-àntong Qíriniile-yomleî-xing qletsiwa-yàxhmikh-ing túyaning.

10. Then he chanted, “May you be blessed by Starfather, my Sister. You have revealed your final deed to be braver than your first when you slew a great thunderlizard with your own hands for the sake of Viceroy Queen of the city.


Píxhi. Xá Sáma-yùnyie’ ás kòten túxing! Jhpùqte khrúju qìr xhmé khorna-tyeiqhe-yùlkha xhmoqlu-yampeî-yafham púxhmi tú kae xing púyenwe. Paje-xhrekha-yànwa jana-qojhyi-xùxhwi kus fhyèkhtu qir khlóqèxhmoa tsena-teiqha-khlóxoa-yùlkha Khmàfhlo-xing xhwopaingalei wtsaswákhiwen xhroe xhròjur khnìrli kae xhetlhutsi-yùlkha.

11. Therefore, my Sister, be content! I intend to do all the words that you shall say unto me. Indeed, all of my people who dwell within the gates of my Mother’s city-state know that you truly are a virtuous woman, a damsel of excellence.


Xhíxhi. Xhnoet xhòkhot ei Tlhefho-yeîlwai pú Wtsúkh-ufhang-ing-eîlwai kus akháwetair púxhrejor.

12. However, it is true that I am a Prince, in constrast there is a Prince who is older than I am.


Tlhéxhi. Ás toaqing jofhyumàt-ipoa qir oâqe qhènthi xhroe yenguting tú-xing-epyer pejor xhèlimet tsena-khyexhrexájapi sesèmfho tyoe sínu-yùpwar tuqi-xing-ontet xhmir Sín Kùkhpe Plínaning qhál wtsertu-yùjhwu korot-ùjhwu xhnoike ìtseril tyoe khleikha-tsexixu-yùlkha xhàkhmimat koxha-xhni-xing ixolèfheqhe xhmuju tú-xhrejor-uxhwi pú tyàtlhamet pfhe †Kós. Khaû-thetlhoar qoe khlùxasun qir tìrxho xeqhùsqi xhroe túxhli-xing! –

13. Be it that you remain here during this night, and, when morning is come, if the older Prince will not save the blood debt that you and your Clone Sisters have, then all things shall be good, but if he does not wish to save your honor debt, than I intend to liberate you all, as Starfather lives. Humbly lie down to sleep until sunrise!”


Lríxhi. Kho koaqing pesiêkemet exhing qoe khlériêprafha khokhteû-yaloi xhraka-yùlkha qir tìrxho’ òrthwena xhroe kexhing. Eiqhor koaqing kormàntu wtsaîlru-xing tsiîxhe jis jhetlhefho-yòjhwa khmemòsefhau jis kexhe-xhrejor-ing khìthyu kúxhni paje pejor xhmòqlu’ Èkhut – Khnen-afhuxhlixhei paje-tárl-ejikh pèswis ei fhátaqhu-yòxhrie thiptò-yofhiet khmefheta-yàxhmikh xhmunífhero! –

14. So she lay down to sleep upon the bare ground at the feet of the icons until first light. And she arose from sleep before the servants came, before they could recognize her, while Èkhut chanted, “Don’t permit it to be well known that the maiden came to the triangular and circular shrine beyond the lava seas.”


Fhéxhi. Xhnoet paje-yeiléja-yòjhwan koxhing – Khneu-yeixiréqa khrúju saki-yùtya-xing eitlhòr-afhamm tú kae xing púxhmi pejor kàqhan stimis-èxhyeu janya xhlir qthèfhtarn túxing! – Paje-qthoptelónge jhwathon-èxhyeu kexhe-yatser-ing pajè-xhuwai xhlir kùyojo xhyór jhpúxho-yotya-yòntet fhlùkhpa xhmisexhyùr-an-ing paje pejor thyeî kexhe-yaloi-xing. Khmepexhri-yoîtal keixhrejor kexhing kus xhàtlha xhòxhneqhe se.

15. And he continued to say, “Begin to give me the sack that you wear, as you hold it opened with both of your hands!” While she was holding it opened, he filled it with six ephahs of blue grain and mushrooms, while tying it upon her. Then she carried it, going into the ideapolis.


Jíxhi. Pejor ojhetaîke fhtanar xhmir Qráyiîngta-xing exhing paje-yelèfheqhe kekexhing – Xhmupli-yájheî-xing xhmeuxíxoi-yùtya xàrtume ser ing? – Xhnoet qlaûxha tsìsoso tnaqnàsta khnie-tupelóngà-yafham qìr xhré xhré kexhe-xhmi-xing tsenàTaka kae Tàkhtas-an-ìnwi.

16. When she returned to her foster Mother, the other chanted – Was the hunt an example of a success, by chance?” And Tàkhtas declared, reported all the things that the Prince had done for her.


Théxhi. Pajey-elèpyil kexhing – Kuyojò-yengut ker èpaket jhpúxhmo-yotya-yòntet khmiîngqe keipejos khmangumatéqa koxha kae xing khyeunujoxaîreu paje-yeltamàt-ejet púxhmi koxhing qte – Khnólas ojhetaîke fhtanarTín pae xing qthèfhtarn jotlhèkh-epakh túxing! – uqte. –

17. She chanted, “Look with wonder upon these six ephahs of blue grain and mushroom that he gave me, though a stranger, because he chanted, ‘Be it not that you return to your foster Mother with empty hands!


Lwíxhi. Eiqhor-paje-yelyèteqhe Xhrèfhil – Pfhìtrumet khrúju yaiqhor thét-étyai-yòjhwa xá Séqaxing es paje-xhnujáxo teir keixhloas keixhloas xhloên tínu-xing xekhya-xòpta seistu-yejèt-axúng Tyerposya-yùpwar xhnoe kenthènthe keixhrejor fhúna-yèxhyeu qir pajáxe koxha-yan-ing. –

18. And Xhrèfhil chanted, “Wait, and continue to sit, my Daughter, until you know, dear one, however the situation will conclude itself, because the Prince will not rest until he has settled it this day.