Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ruth Chapter Four

Khlúqeis Fhé

Chapter Four


Xhí. Ól tlhàtwin ur kanyà-yaloi’ Èkhut kórm-atser télòl-utakhh Khaqra-yàxhmikh. Eiqhor keqoas twìtwim ewokhei’ ítakhaingpa-yùpwar xhnoînguma’ alreûtha kae kuxhroas tlhòlqekh xhré-yèxhyeu peséyoru koxha-xhli-xing jeuyéjar kekoxha-yaswaor-ing koxhing paje pejor plìkaka thètwoss ser kekoxha-tlhi-xing – Xekhya-pwii-yétyai teyáku-yatsèr-ipau qir khwòjhi qrètlho aîKhesáfha toxhing! – Pejor eulà-yatau kekoaqing tsútsum kekoxhing.

1. It came to pass that Èkhut sailed upon the rainbow canals, as he came towards the castles of Khàqra. And, evoe! when he saw his kinsman, not related by blood or marriage, going past, concerning whom he spake in the past, he chanted to him, summoning him by hame, “Turn yourself aside, coming hither for a brief time, my Older Brother!” And going thither, the other sate down.


Tlhé. Tneûkh Sarauníya-yòntet Xètsena fhaproka-yùlkha-xing Èkhutan paje-tsaqnelóngè-yatser – Ás toaqe qhùtlhut qìr poâ tú! – Kho khmortya-yùpwarn kú-xuxhwi.

2. Èkhut lead the Regent Queens and the Elders of the city, saying, “Be it that you sit down hereabouts!” So they all assembled.


Lrí. Paje-tsiwoniya-yoîtal tsena xhmir Khesoîfha koxhing – Xhrefhil-àxhwa khmothaikamet-apònya xhrir Xométàsjhi tyojhaqlúngà-yaloi lréyiqhe khmaitlhor-Khmámejikh íkhiling pejor khnunúna Staràn-ejikh Trèwo kae Fheiyà-yuqei.

3. Then he chanted to his Older Brother, “As for Xhrèfhil, who has returned from the Dragon Kite Cities upon the purple plains, she is a vassal of our respected Mothers, and a teacher of Shield Maiden Clones among the Færie.


Fhé. Kho pajè-thothoas pú-xing qhiqhíthnaing jhkhèkhqa pyápepèlixhe xhroe túxhmixing eûfhunt púxhni qte qhetsiyéqa-yáxeus fhexhrexhla-yòjhwa Kùkhpe pae xhthontern-àntar xekhya-fhruyù-yejikh qìr poâ kus Lwánaka kus Qáru jhenta-qojhyi-yètyikh túyaning uqte. Khuqoxhuxhu-yàlwos quja Kùkhpe khleikha xhlir triê qàtlhimm túyaning qháxhnu-yétyaî-yories kúlùlkha plùjhi tyoe quja túxhrejoring ei saqajathit qoe eixing toxhing qoe paje-yaqwànita púsa khnónejett toaqing sèsum xuxuséya-yèxhyeu kexhe-xhrejor-epyer fhràna sir éng túpejoxing púxhli. – Pajeqhàtiya Tlhèfho’ akháwetair – Sesemfho-yàmpeit kexhexhrejor púyan. –

4. So I, for one, thought that I ought to inform you, saying the words, ‘May you get weapons for the Clones in the presence of the faces of those gathering themselves hereabouts, the Viceroy Queens and Elders of our people.’ On the one hand, if you will rescue the Clones by your noble inheritance, please do such, but, on the other hand, if it doesn’t please you, honor me by telling me so that I, in fact, know, because there is no one except for you for helping those women, and I happen to be born second unto you.” And the older Prince chanted, “I shall save them.”


Jí. Qìr té paje-qhekhèkhna kekoxhaxhmixing Èkhut – Jhpexho-yèxhyeu pwuntoîpe qthefhtern-àswaor Xhrefhìl-ejikh toxhaxhlixing syoîpeqhe khleikha-qhelurt-ùpwar fhejhèru-yan túxhni-xing-epyer xòngti pìmlo tarmu-yojhwa-yàlyur twoê ser xhlir Sakhtoînga Kùkhpe Xhrèfhil trie-yesqoîr-ing túqixing túxing tus xhnípe qweû-yejikh sèqolo kae tus khloròsusu tsena-súfha-yèpwo tus qìfhis qìfhis Khnérning. –

5. Thenabouts Èkhut chanted to him, “In order to procure weapons for the hands of Xhrèfhil, by chance, you must set out to use your legacy, but if Xhrèfhil’s Clone Daughters fail to use those weapons with honor, then you will will be deprived of the birthright that you have, being cast out, being an exile from the city, being a Prince nevermore.”


Thé. Paje-qhèlta Paifhèlti qhál – Khuqòxhuxhu suju kexhe-xhrejor pú póning xhmojùr-ejet jakhna-qhelurt-àntong Khwuráwaum khmo púxhlisur. Khnón xhmoe poaqing fhwìnu khnáng xhmoe keis ólu xhmir Xhrefhil-òntett Trèwo teiwa-fhínefha. –

6. The older Prince chanted, “I shall not rescue the women myself, because I would not, by chance, jeopardize mine own inheritance from my Family. What happens to Xhrèfhil and her Clone children shall be nothing in my sight.”


Lwí. Xhnoet jhelqa-yàtser-ing jhòsweka’ afhar-èxhyeu qir Apíra-yaîlraikh qukhrim-alwos-ingpenìngpen khlèstimm teiqha-khii-yùlkha stór so Wtsúkh-an-ing khringìmemat xhùjhi pón-etlhi khyasinwè-yan-ing kúl pejor xhrejexási keixhrejor jhepa-yaswaor-èpyer túnelawetsátho khnoel-ejikh-àjhwen Khnìntha se peixing.

7. And in terms of the customs in the ancient days in the Crimson Moons, if, at any time, a Prince set out to conceed the honor of his birthrights to another, than such a man removed the wooden shoon that he wore, giving them to another, and this was the method of testifying in Khnìntha.


Khé. Kho paje-tàfhli’ Èkhut pae Tyerpòsya’ akháwetair – Pròjhu khrúje pruju-yùtya toxha pón-ing! – Eiqhor-xhthii-yèngpor qhèxhle pón-elthi kekoxha-yan-ing.

8. So the older Prince chanted to Èkhut, “May you begin to forge the weapons yourself!” And immediately he removed the wooden shoon that he wore.


Jú. Qìr té paje-tàfhli Khyongéxhe-yaswaor-òntet Pentèqwoim peung-ètyikh Èkhut – Ás qraô qir pajáxe túxhli-xuxhwi tus pajètwím qrùjojo jakhnà-qhelurt pfhiqelot-èxhyeu xhmethi-yùtya qthèfhtern so Xhrèfhil teiwa-Khón-ùxhwi Trewo-yàswaor xhnir Khwuráraûngqa Sátha’ Uxhajan-ùjhwa poxhing púyan! –

9. Thenabouts Èkhut chanted to the Viceroy Queens and Elders of the people, “Be it that all of you, by chance, are witnesses this day, seeing that I use mine inheritance in order to begin forging weapons for Xhrèfhil’s hands and for all of her Clone Children among the Sátha Family, from the Blue Tribe.


Lwó. Xhnoet jhinga-yuîqa khejúyimu-yulkha-yùsqrunt pejor sqokiqhàtqoa Kukhpe-yuîqa ker Soên xhlèjheru ser xhele-yAneta-yèjikh-ing kotisìsasakh xhmuju yenwe kexhe-xhrejor-ontet xhthikhneûpa xhmuju yenwe Takhtàs-ejikh xhrir Xométàsijhi koe Paxhmoxéxhe Trewò-yuqei Sokhta-yexhyeû-xul poxhing qoe tyeu-yoâkhwet tsena-khyelóxoa-yèxhyeu khnasa-yaxhmikh-òntet xhrùntra kexhe. Íse qàmaqa se túxuxhwi. –

10. Moreover, after the Clone Sisters win a great battle, checkmating, with the permission of my lady Mother, I intend to be betrothed and to marry Tàkhtas from the Dragon Kite Cities, along with her Clone Sisters, to be my wives, so that they may dwell in the metropolis of volcanoes and wheels always. You all are eyewitnesses today.”


Píxhi. Pàje-tien khyuwi-xuxhwi-yeîlwai tènepa khmelulà-yaloi Khmìxhejur quja Fhúthwoim quja – Qrao-jaxhalei kepu. †Kosofha-yetwúreu pfhùpa’ Ifhrúrì-yejikh xhmoe xemárar kae yempai khnata-Xheqwa-yètyikh kus khlífhir Ingatlhafhà-yejikh Khnintha-yèxhyeu Tàkhtas xhnoike tulyau-yáxeus xhàkar xhàqor xhàqer xhakorùtya pejor pfhòrjha túxhmixing Kùkhpe Soên! –

11. All of the people who were in the castle, the Viceroy Queens and elegant Elders chanted, “We honor you by being witnesses. May Starfather cause Tàkhtas to resemble Ifhrúri, the greatest of our esteemed Viceroy Queens, who increased the Nobles in Khnìntha, and may her Clone Sisters begin to bring you great glory in speardins!”


Xhíxhi. Paje-yelèfheqhe tsena xhmir Xhthayaîngpa Xhmelèxhe-xing – Eiyinger-áxeus khmixhejuranúweqe-yùtya xhré xhroe jhiwa-fhínefha ser tukhyusaî-yafhamm Tusùrthir kae yontet †Kúqha túxhmi-xing xhlir aqhexhyutsà-yengit khlautim-ànwa! –

12. The Queen told her Son, “May our family begin to resemble the queendoms of old by the offspring whom the Divine Twinlings and Starfather shall grant by these young women!”


Tlhéxhi. Koîpamat qus yunyie teiqhà-trie Èkhutan qoe tsùpra wtsotu-yulkha-yòntett tnúkhe-yòntet kàpwe koxhing syàpfhi khwafhi-yòjhwa Takhtas-àswaor xhnoipe Trewo-xùxhwi Soên tuwu-yefhtò-yafham qaqàkhnaqa kae koxha-yan-ing-enwe. Quxhrèrngo qus qòxho xhroe Wthorthna-yètyikh Takhtas-òntet Kùkhpe teiwa-Paxhmoxéxhe sanumaxhnarkheyíyot xhnoipe’ àkemor Takhtas-ejikh-òntet Khenoîngpa Lwakhaôtha. Tlhir Trèwo Soên tlheqa-yeîlwai Jíyoîla’ Èkhut ser †Kúsètwur tsùlta’ ur eilwai Takhtas-èpyer khàqhenokhh Khefhoiltor-ùpwar tlhiwa-Xoâsi kae kexhexhlixing.

13. Therefore, after Èkhut used his inheritence in order that he forge crystal glass swords, and clockwork machines, and shields, he provided weapons unto Tàkhtas and all of the Clone Sisters that he could find. After Tàkhtas and her Clone Sisters drove the hosts of the Wthòrthna away, the Prince was betrothed to and married to Tàkhtas and her same-sex Siblings. On the Clone Sisters Èkhut begot Daughters, but Starfather caused Tàkhtas to conceive, and she gave birth to their Firstborn Son.


Lríxhi. Qìr té paje-fhàplin xhmir Xhrèfhil khmàxhekh – Ei fhónejha kus Qírenat-enwe-yòntet Kaixhrenat-ìnwi stapù-yafham †Tsáme kae pejor un-opaingateqha khuswe-lreîkh-ejikh ptiptiesakh-èlwil sòlan se yepyer safhuxhlitet xhmixhno-yùlkha pejor xhnípe thuntru-yàxhmikhh Khnintha-yàlyoa khúl tlhir Lranepwéru!

14. Then the matrons chanted to Xhrèfhil, “Blessed are the Emperor and Empress, stablished by Starfather, for they have done the opposite of leaving you without a deliverer today, and may the names of the House of the Sun become famous, proclaimed throughout Khnìntha!


Fhéxhi. Ptoa-yáxeus-aôngi xhnoe jai-xoiqha-paîkha †Wtsótse-yan-àxhwa khmemènekheim quja tú túxhrejoring jhpèkhoqha quja khleikha-fhàrlen xhroe fhtanar xhlir Seqartha-xing-àqwa kus khuswe-sìketii kus tu-xhyoâtim Tlhangaingtà-yejikh xèfha kae túxhmi tlheqà-yejet Tlhóxha-yùpwar! –

15. May Starfather also be a restorer of your honored life, being one who comforts your souls and who cherishes your old age, because your foster Daughter, ‘tis, who loves you, who is better to you than seven Sons, has borne a Prince!”


Jíxhi. Ponxhe-yoîtal pfhìkhukhu Xhrèfhilant pejor xùrjhi koxha-xhrejor-ing tlhotlhokhrò-yatser koxha-xhrejor-ing koaqing qeyeîtsayoi pejor sopaingate tsena-qlantaltà-yejikh koxha-xhrejor-ing.

16. Then Xhrèfhil held the infant, taking care of him, wrapping him up in her wingfins, and becoming his governess.


Théxhi. Twuî khnanxhi-yùtya kexhe-tlhi-xing Ptànta paje-ptànta paje-fhepyuliîn-atser – Xhnípe ajenemàt-ejikh xhmir Xhrèfhil tsena-yènteron! – Otheika-yexhyeu-yàlyur sopaingaja tíl xhroe purùrfhara xhroa ker Khmàkhtain Sátha’ Uxhajàn-uqei.

17. The matrons, her neighnors, began to congratulate her names, saying, “An heir is given unto Xhrèfhil!” In those days, the Sátha among the Blue Tribes became a part of the Khmàkhtain clan.


Lwíxhi. Keyatsersas koaqing tyeqhekheîwa Peltaîronu’ akháwetair tsenà-sijhi se’ atra-yulkha-yòntet xìxhlu sopaingana Tyerposyà-yejikh sir íng kae Khaqra-yàxhmikh Èkhut.

18. When the older Prince in the city of volcanoes and wheels retired to his ancestors, Èkhut became the first Prince of Khàqra.


Khéxhi. Xhnoet qir fhakhèsyaqi kes fhàmfhen kes ólu sopaingate kongai Sarauníyàyejikh khmini-yaswaor-ùxhwi khmèfheta xhroa Takhtasepyer kho sopaingana ptaîreltu xhroe xhmir Qháyatsir pámaqa Tlhangaîngta-xing.

19. And in the days that came, that happened, Tàkhtas became the honored Queen that all the lava city had, and so her Son became the heir that the great Qháyatsir had.


Júxhi. Pejor Qháyatsir úkakhoi xekhyà-pwau sopaingana Khar-tlharthosaîngpa xhroe Khlaînator ekhwúkha pae kus qhìkhetha khurit-ùlkha Xipépojhatu-yutya-yòntet qárnet-òntet Xométasijhi-yòntet Pelyo-yòntet Khàqra pòlti fhempoka-yèxhyeu sórlafham khnewa-yéjes pfho xing Tsena-Qamayaîngqa xhmoe susyaîngqa.

20. While the Qháyatsir dynasty strengthened themselves, the Son, the heir, became the Great-grandfather unto Grand Khlaînator, who united all of the Tree Cities, and canal branches, and Dragon Kite Cities, and the Inner Worlds, and Khàqra, into a single nation, ruled by his hand.


Lwóxhi. Khlainator-àqwa ker qhàkhna xóswajelínge kóm pejor pùxhim kóm koxhing fhtóyelínge fhoar-èxhyeu qthefhtern-òtya-xing fhoâ koxha-xhni-xing xhnoike paje-Staràn-uqei paje xhnir Lwáfha khmàlekur qir xhloâ sùlurt xhroe’ etyenyè-yan-ing tlhetlhejhye-yèxhyeu Talamaswaqírenat Eilasaîyant póning koxha-yan-ing.

21. Grand Khlaînator, ‘twas, who was so bellipotent, being so mighty, that he was able to begin sending forth his hand, and, along with his Shield Maidens and Clockwork Automata, marched throughout the southron dreamlands, to challenge the Cælestial Eilasaîyan himself.


Pítlhe. Xhnoett tíngana tnúre pei fhothíter jis ur qoe sútha’ Saiyanoînga-xing Eîl-ejikh pejor xhwárs oswókhes Tlhefhoi-yùlkha Wtsùyot pfhu lreû-yatser Khnintha-yàxhmikh xhmérsèpwo jhao-Wthirpalqamern-ùlkha.

22. And these were the ancient days, before the Son of the Sun blasted the south, raising up the Great Wall, and cutting Khnìntha apart from the remainder of the honored Covanent of Glossopoeia.


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