Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jonah Chapter One


Tsùqtaxing Tharúka Kóreîtlho

The Book of Tharúka Kór


Khlúqeis Xhíse

Chapter One


Xhí. Qìr é thaikametùpwarn Tharúka Kórutakh kus khnáxing Korsyànejikh anímayiêtokhi wtsùyot kae fhaimayùpwar †Fhepeiyùjhwa paje pejor jhkhekhqayùnyie.

1. Once upon a time, the word from Starfather came towards Tharúka Kór, the descendent of Kòrsyan, the great æronaut, saying thusly:


Tlhé. – Ás toaqing qhùjhutt túxing qoe pfhonetsejhàpamet xhmir Qhàyul koas qletsiwayùsqruning túxing tus fhìkhmis thùntrumat khyefhíju keiyoapaxing pòyim xhyekikìyejet †Jinantar teiqhajìlkha qlaêkh koayèxhyeu. –

2. “Be it that you arise in order to go unto Qhàyul, the great city·state, as you preach, proclaim, and cry out against it, because its wickedness in yon place has drifted upwards near Me.”


Lrí. Eiqhor koaqing kormàntu Tharúka koxhing Ílini pae xhthonternèkhmo †Wthangoîxhu sixewtsárlamatèxhyeu xhnoike qtèma Khleprekànwa koxhayaning koaqoas ujàxhmi khnawayùpwar keis utakhiyàmpei fhaprokayulkhayèlkhuming koxhayaning. Kho pèjhi qus jhìkhtu khmeilanàswaor oâqi keiyaloixing qoe tràjhi kekuyuqei xhmir Ílini xhrir xhnoâ’ †Eûlejikh koxhing.

3. However, Tharúka got up in order to flee, for his own sake, unto Ílini from Starfather’s face, and he entered Khleprekànwa where he found a sky ship that intended to head to yon city·state. So, after he paid bead coins unto the æronauts, he entered into it, in order to travel along with them towards Ílini away from Starfather’s presence.


Fhé. Xhnoet qyìkhei fhimejujùxhwo thaltimùtya qir thithìpto khnepixhayùtya †Qyímèpyer tepàyufhang ker khlàrot ker kúl khlètlhoa se jhenoaxayèxhyeu khmijajàyepakh pejor sopaingana khwuirqhasulkhayènye kekeixing.

4. But Starfather began to hurl a great tree breaking wind into the sea of clouds, and there was such a mighty tempest in the heavens that the sky ship was in danger, because perhaps it would become bent and broken.


Jí. Tyoxuyoîtal tlhir kotsatlhayaîqhor qràka qus Ptoteiyongqayàswaor qakhnaqaxùxhwi qaêyaloi qwáyùtya khmìxhexo xhètu xhwùxhnitha plejerngùtya qir trienoîpu keku qoe thyèjojo’ ur qoe keixing keku soe qthoântho qasornìxhloa jhetlhoayèxhyeu keku. Eiqhorjhwòrxi qìr xhré xhré qir syàjuju tsenakholpufhangùlkha Tharúka koaqoas koaqing khyakhqelínge koxhing kus khluxasunèpleis xhlir ujaqijáxe tlhekheûpa.

5. Then the æronauts were afraid, and, after all the men cried out unto their Ancestors, they threw away of the cargo, which was located in the sky ship, into the sea of clouds, in order to make it light, lest they sink into the swan-road seas below. But Tharúka had gone below into the hold of the sky craft where he lay down, beginning to sleep with a deep sleep.


Thé. Kho jhìkhlumat koxhaxhrejoring ptètar kus pajekhniejhyèlta kúxhmi – Xhyeixhmoas xhyeixhmoas xhloên xhlípayoâqes fhoâ túxhnixing thyausamayèthya xhnir tqepàlqim! Pòyim lreqhíkhqeun xhnelpokhlamayétyai Khoipayejikhòntet Khyiîn! JaiPtoteirthayètwekh pfhìwo kepuxhrejor tyár ser soe pyójha tekhya pejor Khyèxhro kepu pónukh. –

6. So the captain approached him, saying unto him, “However are you able to be sleeping, as drowsy as an ammonite! Rise up, invoking your Male Ancestors and Female Ancestors for help! At least for your honored Ancestors, they may be concerned for us, lest we ourselves become Ancestors.”


Lwí. Xhnoet pàjefhrím thùfherl so keku – Íreu! Qweuyáxeusènwe twóyutyayòntet tqeirngáxeusènwe fhorqherayutyayòntet punweyáxeusènwe kátayùtya tepu pajefhompiyèxhyeu tepu kuyatlhuisas préroâqen ker qlaêkh tepuxhrejor poyoyepakhiîpixing. – Kho jhkhùyeng twó kekuyan xhmoe pejor qroîka fhorqherùlkha’ ojuxhmefhìyatser xhretoyàxhmikh xhnoike xhònu Tharúka korotànixorng.

7. And they chanted to each other, “Let’s go! Let’s you and I cast knucklebone dice, consult the up compass, and wave hexagonal playing cards, so that we may learn because of whom this calamity in sight happens to be striking us with evil intent.” So they tossed knucklebone dice, while glancing upon the up compass and shaking hexagonal playing cards, and all things could not help but point to Tharúka.


Khé. Qìr té pajekhnietàfhli kúxhmi keku – Pajefhtoayétyaîyories kepuxhmi sèpeto pfhe yoipil túxhmixing kepu qir xhmeîxoa kupejos xhmèfhi qlaêkh tepuxhrejoruxhwi khlúnaloi xhlir xhelekòtengut! Xhyeis khleikhàfhlíkh xhmir junínáso túxhrejoring? Xhyoapejos ólalei? Xhyoas khleikhaqhùnti koas xeràrthaxing? Xhnoet qojhyiyetyìkhaxiis ólyalei? –

8. Then they chanted unto him, “Please declare unto us, as we request unto you know, for whose sake has this disaster happeked to strike all of us! What are your obligations for your Færie caste? From what place do you originate? What is your country, your homeland? And from what people do you verily verily come?”


Jú. Eiqhorpajefhaplìnamat kekuxhmi koxhing – Ólakh per Qorprayèpyer pyèment †Pyìwe preníkhu tàloyi kae tingajuyulkhayòntet thyuiyòntet khèngta khraênafhamm Tusùrthir kae púyananwa. –

9. And he chanted unto them, “I am a Qòrpra, and I set out to revere Starfather, the master, Who crafted the heavens, fractal seas, and earth that the Divine Twyndyllyngs rule.”


Lwó. Sopaingaateqha xhnípe xhroe yoital xhnaû xhroa yixhna peséyor kus pajetsàqna koxhaxhmixing – Wthaijhelóngèyikuis peixhrejoring qìr xhré túxing?” Xhnoet pajepyákhepe lrainèlpa koaqing tèqyekh xhnípe’ opernèkhmo’ †Untèstii koxhing khnaqhemàtejet kúlùlkha kekuxhmi qìr xhré xhré koxhing.

10. Then the men became altogether frightened, saying unto him, “Why have you done this?” For the æronauts knew that he was fleeing from Starfather’s face, because he had told them such.


Píxhi. Kho pajeyeiléja koxhaxhmixing keku – Tujhpùqte xhyeipejos xhyepejos túxhmixing khnér kepuxhni xàmesi pafhayùtya kepuxhmi xekhyasyiiyèxhyeu soe khruî xhòrus jhetlhoâyaloi kepu? – Qrelákekh ojótlhayùjhwu pejor sopaingaja jhwiriyùlkha qwúsatser pejor lréyiyòntet khmemlònthe syáyàqwa.

11. So they chanted unto him, “Whatever ought we to do you in order for the sea of clouds to calm itself, lest we fall down into the fractal seas below?” The clouds were thrawn, indeed, becoming more tempest·tossed, while the ocean flowed and swelled.


Xhíxhi. Eiqhorpajèxhutse kekuxhmi koxhing – Jhentakhlàfhti khrúju xhyieyèxhyeu púxhrejor uloqhilàyaloi tú! Qìr té sopaingaja xhmuju jhuqthékayùlkha túxhmi tlhernanúweqe pajejanòyejet púsa púyomlei thaîke thewàrqha khlún se túyoapa fhwuraqhánayupwàrengut khloâ.”

12. And he chanted unto them, “Lift me, in order that you throw me into the clouds! Then the heavens should become calm for you, for I, in fact, know that, for my sake, this great hurricane has come, thunderous against you.”


Tlhéxhi. Xhnoet xesoròjhwant quja fharnesèthya xhnir fhoâ qwùnyan qoe khmìfhta khmursithefheiyùpwar xharkùyutakh kúyan xhnefhoaxeîyaxúng quja kekuxhmi’ ei’ eiqhortniîntra’ ùrpa xhmoe pejor sopaingaja tepayàxhmikh tlhekhàratser kekuyoafhe xekhya pejor túyei fhìleu tóxhekewtsáthoyàqwa.

13. Natheless, on the one hand, the elegant æronauts kept rowing as best as possible, in order to return the sea wood sky ship towards the land, but, on the other hand, ‘twas impossible unto them, for the clouds, indeed, were interlaced, becoming more a tempest around them, while the whale’s way seas were tossing themselves, swelling.


Lríxhi. Eiqhoròrpyel †Úlàswaor keku pajetsiwoniyàyatser – Qthènxha †Túxhrejoring †xá’ Fhiîngi kepuyan! Khuswèfhekurn †taê Fhiîpa kepuyan! Khnólas khlúpu xhnalwaxháyàyejen xhokhoyèngiting kepoxhliyaiqhor khnenafhuxhlitei khlepepèyejikh kepoxhrejor teiwakhmitsìplu wthìthilu ser kepoyexhyeu’ †aîWthuînxhi qháxhnùyejet sixexhreuxujórei pónexhmi qìr xhré toxhayaning. –

14. And they cried out unto Starfather, saying, “We beg You, Starfather! We beseech You, Starfather! Be it not that that we dear ones happen to die because of this person’s life, and do not pollute us with innocent blood upon us, because you, Starfather, have done pleasing things unto yourself.”


Fhéxhi. Kho tlhér oswókhes qus Tharúka tsìkeut koxhaxhrejoring jhpèpa se kekuyanepyer thewàrqha xhnoipe swiê thùngpeqhe xhnir síl.

15. So, after lifting up Tharúka, they threw him into the clouds, and the sky stopped both resounding and undulating.


Jíxhi. Ongéjaroîtal †Pfhùmu’ úrul qhakhnàyepakh xhlir lrainèlpa pejor tànxhe †Tefhelàswaor qoqnèyatser.

16. Then the æronauts praised Starfather with great laud, while performing ballet for Starfather and while bowing in courtesy.


Théxhi. Xhnoet xhèfhtu tóxhekeyùpwar khyaxáxa pfho †Xhweqhaûltuyant paxhahexhyeuyìxhna Kórejikh keixing jhárs sèpfhupu kekoaqing óxoâxing tlhekhomèxhyeu syisyitsasayaîiqhor exhixeyùnyie xhthitlhewomiêrneu tóxhekexing qir oâqe khìqhana xhroe túteka pfhu qir oâqe’ uîxena xhroe khí pfhu Tharkúka Kórepakh.

17. And Starfather appointed a large cloud whale altogether to swallow Tharúka, and the crystalbeast dove into its home in the seas, and therefore Tharúka happened to be inside the cloud whale’s stomach for three days and for three nights.

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