Púqexing xhrir Xhrefhilòntet Takhtaseîtlho
The Book of Xhrèfhil and Tàkhtas
Qonáfhto Xhíse
Chapter One
Xhí. Ól tínganàyaloi lreqhíkhqeun jis Sqauyòjhwa pejor pàrti jhaoWthirpalqayùlkha Jhwíjoyaîlraikh kistàsufhang ker qhoikhnùntu tsixhlìtaloi Khninthayàxhmikh. Xhnoet oêr Khnertheumùpwar Khaqrayùlkha’ elilentiyèxhyeu Xométàsijhi se teiwa xhnir Tlhatayaîngpaxing koxhing.
1. It came to pass in the days before the Walls rose, when the Crimson Moons were a part of the honored Winter Patriarchy, there was a rainbow famine that came in the dreamlands of Khnìntha. And a male Khnèrthem of Khàqra went, to sojourn in foreign Dragon Kite Cities along with his lady Wife.
Tlhé. Xhrèfhil aira tsenatlhátlhaîngqa Khnertheumingèpyer tlheîrkha keîqhi pónaswaor kúxhli. Tqetoyànwa xhmir Telèxhnu Khaqrayàxhmikh xhrir Úkhwànatlhai Khmakhtaînejikh Tsekhqoingpayàntong koxhaxhrejoring xhnoipe túrnurn qus kexhexhrejoring qir jhuthakinánthe koxhayaning lràpor koxhingontet tsena koe sokhtayaîngta. Oâqi qus Xométasijhiyùlkha tyeû koâ kúyaneng.
2. The male Khnèrthem’s wife was named Xhrèfhil, and they had no children for themselves. His own family were vassals for the Queen of Khàqra of the Household of Khmàkhtain, and, after he served her for a time, he and his wife left. After entering the Dragon Kite Cities, they abode in yon place.
Lrí. Qìr té Khnertheûmaning sixeyùsiti Khwuráraungqayùpwar ker Kùkhpe ker Qáni Sátha si’ Uxhajànejikh qoe pajèqthoe karèneqa qoe Stàran kekoxha. Koaqing tqangqelínge Jhkhaiqnayaîngqa Xhrèfhil kekoaqing xhmér wtsoîno Trèwo Soênuqei kexhing.
3. Thenabouts the male Khnèrthem purchased for himself a Family of Færie Clones, from the Sátha of the Blue Tribe, in order to train them to be Shield Maidens. When Xhrèfhil’s husband became an Ancestor, she remained, alone, with the Clone Sisters.
Fhé. Jhyanípa lrúnèxhyeu Kùkhpe kekoi Paxhmoxéxheyàswaor qwungqotèthya xhnir fhoâ Xhrefhilèpyer xhnir xorjùntana’ òxhni ker Trèwo Sáthayùjhwa’ ól theupíya jhàlyo Tàkhtas. Eiqhorkhulàyukoa qir khriîrsqo khnirnekayàxhmikhh khmú pfhu Xhrefhilòntet pajeKùkhpe Jhiîs.
4. Xhrèfhil taught the Clone Sisters as best she could, and, among the last generation of Clones from the Sátha, there was a maiden named Tàkhtas. And Xhrèfhil and her Færie Clones dwelt in yonder place for approximately eleven years.
Jí. Ke se sas xhyoimùyufhang ker xhmárot Wthorthnayoâpa plòje pajeTrewoyòjhwa Fheîya kae Xhrèfhil Xhmelèxheyan Xométasijhiyèxhyeu. Tetlkhákha kheithaKùkhpe Soenepakhèpyer xhwopaingate qeînejikh Xhrèfhil thóyejet Khón Trewoyètyikh pónexhmi kexheqi póning.
5. When there was a great battle against the Wthòrthna, the Viceroy Queens of the Dragon Kite Cities summoned Xhrèfhil’s Færie Clones. Most of the Clone Sisters were slain, and Xhrèfhil was truly alone, because she herself had few Clone Children left unto herself.
Thé. Koaqing xhthateiqayoîtal Kùkhpe Jíyoilàyuqei kexhing qhaqhotlhuyayèxhyeu xhrir wtsóyas Xométasijhìyaloi wtsailrùyaning pajetirnàyejet qìr xhré xhré kexhing ei fhasixunùntre se qir fhlú Khaqrayàxhmikh kus khwìsut khleûkh ánieyètyikh †Thwíju tlhietlhutlhùngatser tsijayaxhmikhòntet jhkhèkhpa kúxhmi.
6. Then she arose with her Clone Daughters in order to turn around from the platforms in the Dragon Kite Cities, because she had heard that ‘twas in the volcanoes and wheels of Khàqra that Starfather visited, beginning to look upon the people as he gave them food and honey bread.
Lwí. Kho tnekhukhàkhmet xhrir jùqya qeqersumùlkha koxhaxhrejoring Kùkhpe Xhthaitoingtàyuqei wtsaswákhiwen xhnoike xhthènta pfhònge se koxhayuqeixing kúxul poatakamètatser Xhmilpentòyutakh koas Khàqra kexhing.
7. So she departed from the place of her sojournment along with her Clone Daughters, and the many ones went upon the canals with her, as she returned towards the Metropolis that was Khàqra.
Khé. Pajetsaqnelónge Trèwo Seqaingtayàswaor Xhrèfhil – Íreu! Íyaiyétyai khwét pae tqarKhmumpalàrsya taê khurìteritt túyètyikh! Khlieqhayáxeus texheyomlei lyoermepakhòntet khmìsalat †Tlhiîjhwekh pìnto pfhe ter jhkhèfha jaiFhajhaqayàswaor poaqing xhmeîxoa texheyanul.
8. Xhrèfhil chanted to her Clone Daughters, “Go! Each of you, return to your loved Grandmothers’ houses! May Starfather act as a parent for your sake with kindness and mercy, as you have acted as younger siblings, while venerating the dead, for the Honored Dead and for my sake.
Jú. Ás wthentelónge’ ur qoe tamìkhya xhroe texhexul ter khurìteritt tómaloi xhmaitlhujoke Khmumpalarsyàyejikh †Tlhóngu. – Kítuîqa kekexhexhrejor kexhinguiqa jaêrs tòwon xhwàqhunoi kekexhexhli kus ojuxujoxíjurèpleis.
9. Be it that Starfather cause you many women to find rest, being each one in the houses of your respected Grandmothers.” After she kissed them, they lifted up their voices, beginning to weep.
Lwó. Pajetsiwòniya kexhexhmixing Àstil kus Kuníkhpe thweupíyai – Khnólas! Ojhethakeyaipoitìthni ajhoqhartúxhnixing tsenafhaprokàyutakhh khleinaxhmáxiyàxhmikh xánt pfhu kekhnan. –
10. Àstil, the Clone maiden, chanted to her, “Let it not be! Surely we are fated to return with you, our mentor, to the city of your birth itself.”
Píxhi. Eiqhorpajetàpli xhmir Astilòntet khnèwaSoen Xhrèfhil – Khámajìpwo khrúju taê Khwóyo! Xhyeixhmoas xhyeixhmoas qún xhmíriyàlwos póyuqei khmàlta túxhnixul? Qlús khréxhye’ óngùtya fheil stúrm púqi keixhloas khuqoxhuxhuyèfhto túxhrejor jhefhíxoiyèpwo khleikhakhejúyimuyùlkha púxhli? Xhmir Jhilúwekìlejait khithyuyájhei keixhloas janaxhmeroxóxhaxing kus khuswexèrjaka poaqing tlhùtseru púqi qoe sèpel jhkhaiqnarthayèjikhing púxhri texhexul?
11. But Xhrèfhil answered Àstil and her Sisters, “Return home, my daughters! Whyever would you many ones want to come with dear me? Do I have any honor or esteem by which I can, by chance, rescue you from the failure of your battle? Do I, an Alien, have the ability by which I can have a Son of your kindred in my womb in order for you many ones to hope for a husband from me?
Xhíxhi. Jipwoyétyai xá Jíyola! Qhòlu khrúju xakhpalqimejetèmfhoi kóm púxhli soe khneûjhpá xorjùntang péxa kae ker Trèwo ker Fhèyofha púxhmi khwérèxhyeu Wthenitlhùyepakh! Xhnoet khnenopaingateqha tárlejikh túxhrejor Xhwùxithe qir Xométàsijhi fhlá Thufhlíyangpayètyikh tsenaToijoirthayèxhyeu texheqixul.
12. Return, my Daughters! Go, because am I so too old that my Aunts will not give me a new generation of Færie Clone for rearing. And the Matriarchs in the Dragon Kite Cities will not permit you to have one of their Sons for a Husband.
Tlhéxhi. Kho khnólaxhei khréxhye ter paikhaqethèsya ter khmexhnujoxíjar? Khnólas aiFhafhàsta! Pú xekhyayujaxojúxujor xoiqhakháwayejetàxhwa kùtra khyi’ eilwai xitlhakháwa kùtra khli’ eilwai pejor syèta fhtó púyoapa qthèfhternt Fhyaqhùyejikh. –
13. Therefore will you verily verily not become betrothed and not marry? Let it not be, my Daughters! I grieve for myself, because my life is saltier than your life, while the hands of the Immortals have gone forth against me.”
Lríxhi. Pòyim towònatser xhwaqhunoiyòlkha’ akhlíseyùngpu’ ingoîrei kúxhni. Sqèsa quja fhtanarKhmoîmim KhornaKùkhpayan Soên khyèxhnoa fhweqhínxhaun quja kexheyantaring Tàkhtasan.
14. Lifting up their voices, they began to weep again. On the one hand, all of the Clone Sisters kissed their foster Mother, but on the other hand Tàkhtas clung, dear to the heart, close to her.
Fhéxhi. Pajejhkhekhqayoîtal kekexhexhmixing Xhrèfhil – Khmothakeyaîkhwai khusweyànye xhnoipe wthomùrwo xhnoipe lrìmale kúxhrejor Astilòntett Trèwo Sín. Okhefhàkamet jhkhekhqeyétyai toe Paxhmoxéxheyètyikh! –
15. Then Xhrèfhil chanted to her, “Behold, Àstil and your Clone Sisters return to your people and to their lares and penates. Return and begin to follow your Sisters!”
Jíxhi. Eiqhorpajefhloîqi Tàkhtas – Khnenopaingalei súnamatejikhòntet xhmefhujóxeuròntet xhmìnte’ eixhrejor khuswexhnaoyáxeus pú pejor taêtt túxhrejoring tsaqwólateyèthyaxing. Eiqhorkoaqoas koaqoas xhthenteqheyàmpeis túyan xhèntha púyèpyer pfhólèxhyeu khmixháka xhmuju texheyaning khmàqhakh xhnoe pú. Poe’ anyeyaîpoin toe’ ánieyèpyer Ptoteiyànwa fhwinùyatser †Tlhúyejikh Ptoteirthayànwa.
16. But Tàkhtas answered, “Do not urge, entreat, command me to leave you, while I follow you like a six winged blue bird. For wherever you shall go, I shall go, and in the place where you shall stay, I also shall dwell. Your people are fated to be my people, and your Ancestors shall indeed be my Ancestors in Starfather’s sight.
Théxhi. Tnáyaloi koas qhétaîpoi tyeqhekheiwayejikhàlyir ei santoyexhyeûyixorng kus poaqing tsutsùkhqe púyepyer xhnípèyukoa jhpameptòyejikh pú. Wthaijhelóngeyáxeusùnyie púxhmi jheneîyuqei †Káyan xhnèsoa’ uqeixiyàlwos khleitontet jit khmérnaning qir sèsum tsuwènetlha xhroe peining. –
17. In the land which is fated to receive you, as a friend, as you die, ‘tis in the same thing that I shall die, and in yon place shall I be buried. Thus may Starfather to do me along with worse things, if a single thing except for death itself be a wave, coming between you and me.”
Lwíxhi. Qìr té pajetsatlhùyatser Xhrèfhil fhàki Tàkhtas kexhumayèxhyeu kexhexhrejoring pyàkhtanga xhnoipe tyatyátamat kekexhing pejor xhnípèyaxúng fhiethàyejikh thaqyothátamatèxhyeu Soenejikhòntet khemlèkhwúnt pajetsotsòjhwi Khnèrthoim pfhiîqtafha kekexhexhmixing kexhing.
18. Then, when Xhrèfil saw that Tàkhtas was steadfast, in order that she accompany her, and that she refused, being not persuaded for rejoining her Sisters and her friends, the female Khnèrthem stopped speaking to her.
Khéxhi. Kho thém lrieyìyatser khíqo’ ur kexheyaneng khnaxelìyaloi Khàqra pae. Qhìnkhikh kejoqe qìr xhré xhré tsenasijhiyèxhyeu khaqrayaxhmikhòntet khòmafha kúxeng kejoqe qtharmloyèlfhin khornaWtháyuqei ker Ólu xhnir Thanyoxùxhwi Khàqra ses tsena xhlir éreja. Pejor qhòqhule lwajhwafhàyatser pajeqhàtiya qhèyen – Xhrefhilájhei tlhíyùpwar pi? –
19. So they both, going together, sailed upon the rainbow canals unto Khàqra. After they both had arrived in the city of volcanoes and wheels, the report was quickly spread out everywhere among all the Real People and all the Clockwork Automata in Khàqra. Stirred and moved, the women chanted “ Is this one Xhrèfhil?”
Júxhi. Xhnoet pajeqhekhèkhna ptantayàswaor kexhing – Khnenafhuxhlitet kikhèsejikh Xhrèfhil per khnaê pútlhi per ètsakhh Khápa pejor Tlhoixoyòntet Tlhòngaja’ ólyu ker fhwèwa fhietisùlkha púxhmi jhentaxhuwaîyatser xhlir ámaxa kú.
20. But she chanted to the matrons, “May my Male Ancestors not call me Xhrèfhil the beautiful, who am salty, for the Æons and the Stars have verily verily done salty things against me, filling me with snow salt.
Lwóxhi. Úta per jhkhuîtas púxhliyeilwai khrixhmerénxhayùngpu púxhrejor jakhnakhlómutakh xhefhasèxhyeu Khwénaneîlwai. Kikhèsikuis Xhrèfhil per wtsaûng pútlhi’ ú pejor khnoêl púyoapa’ Ása Khnàlqe keyexhyeusas qtaêrm ur qoe pú’ Ása Xhár syipòsatser púxhrejor †Kás? –
21. I happened to go out, being full, but the Blessed Ones have brought me again, like a stranger, to my home, being empty. Why does one call me Xhrèfhil the beautiful, while the Blessed Ones witness against me, while the High Ones cause me to be humble, while Starfather afflicts me?”
Pítlhe. Kho’ okhefhàkamet Xhrèfhil xhnir Tàkhtass Sáthayùjhwa kus Kuníkhpe Seqaîngtaxing pejor syèxhe Xométàsijhi khyá khmo teiqhaqeqersumùlkha kexheng. Eiqhorfhàmfhen Khaqràyaloi qir fhèqin tsenàxhrepu xhroe xhyú xhroa yontet tlheûkhti fhentiyòjhwa.
22. So Xhrèfhil returned along with Tàkhtas from the Sátha, who was her Clone Daughter, as the two of them came from the Dragon Kite Cities that were the place of their sojournment. And the women came to Khàqra at the beginning of the harvest of the blue grain and mushrooms.
The story begins with Naomi’s family leaving Bethlehem due to a famine, seeking refuge in Moab. Tragically, within ten years, Naomi is left a widow with two Moabite daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth. Naomi’s grief is palpable as she prepares to return to Bethlehem, urging her daughters-in-law to stay in Moab and rebuild their lives.
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