Thursday, May 24, 2012

Haggai Chapter One


Prùprut Pwapyékapayeîtlho

The Scroll concerning Pwapyékapa


Khlúqeis Xhíse

Chapter One


Xhí. Qéngqa-xing sir fhátaloi kongai Khyilyìkh-ejikhh Khlìmepa kae tsena qir jhòsweka sir khuînt Paîptona xhroe kes tiyùrna sir ékh tyètyewakh xhlir Pwapyékapa jhwuníxe tyeîqhayan †Wtsótsè-yejikhh Khyongoxhrixóxha Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa kus xhàrpomat Khlúqhal-ùlkha’ aqhus xhmir Fhtóqhefhafhápe kus asúti paje pejor éjar-ùnyie.

1. In the second year of honored Khyìlyikh the Emperor, upon the first day of Suntide, the sixth month, the word of Starfather set out to come through Pwapyékapa the sage unto Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa, who govered Khlúqhal, and unto Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman, saying in this wise:


Tlhé. – Kho paje-tsaqnelónge †Xhthaôlqe †Kus †Ajhoqhar-toîfha Fhóngo-yejikh-òntet Khyeûxi – Paje-tsiwòniya Kháfha Xákhefha Járqnis qte – Khwèjha’ etháxil árauka-yùpwar kes tsèxhlepi peining keqoas xhnípe-yùngpu wthetelónge xhroe khnèner tsena xhnir párna koas tèpli †Xhthoalqò-yejikh – uqte. –

2. Thus says Starfather, the mentoring Father of the Æons and Stars, “The Kháfha Xákhefha Járqnis say, ‘The season, the time itself has not yet arrived when the triangular and circular house, the temple of Starfather ought to be rebuilt.’”


Lrí. Qìr té fhàmfhenot Pwapyékapa jhwuníxe ser khyetlhíjo-yàxhmikh fhaîma †Wthangoixhù-yejikh paje pejor jhkhekhqa-yùnyie.

3. Then the word of Starfather came by Pwapyékapa the sage of the whispering mountains, saying in this wise:


Fhé. – Tsosyiin-ájhei tnemò-yengut qhankhàkh-atser toaqe tóm khoresqa-yuqei-yòntet xhretlhoâxei tú pónukh pejor xhwopaingate tokhukhtim-ùlkha jakhna-fhókh-ing? –

4. “Is this time timely while you yourselves dwell in your triangular and circular houses with arrased walls and tapestries while my house is truly desolate?”


Jí. Kho paje-qhatiya-yunyie-yoîpil †Wtháxhi Khlanel-ejikh-òntett Táxuraríwa – Xiê-xhyoa khleikhà-syilo xhroe!

5. Now therefore, thus says Starfather of Æons and Stars, “Humbly consider your habits!


Thé. Pejor tlhèkhar qthé-yeîlwai khlún-aloi túyan ximfhumat-eîlwai theî-yatser túxhli. Jáxe quja thwinxhìng-ejikh túyan sarte-yufhàng-axúng quja qoe lwùtutt túxhli. Jáxe khompì-yejikh tú-yeilwai khnól jhu-khmapanxhu-yeîlwai qhíkhowe-yùtya túxhmi. Seîtya khrixho-yòjhwa pón-etlhi túyan quja xhìmlut xhmenù-yatser khnón-exhli quja. Xhnoet kàyaqha’ atsaqi-yòjhwa xhlir árxhìxheqhe paje-qhoa-yèxhyeu fhló-yaloi xhnir khaûlo kú-xhli. –

6. You have sown much, but you have harvested few things. You eat, but there is not enough in order for you to be satisfied. You drink, but there is not enough honey tea for you. You put dreamcoats on yourselves, but no one is warm enough. And a fisherman catches flying fishes in order to put them in butterfly nets with holes.”


Lwí. Kho paje-qhekhèkhna †Wthuînxhi’ Inatélà-yejikh – Lyernewo-yétyai khleikh-akhikhti-yùtya!

7. Thus says Starfather of the Immortals, “Begin to consider your routine practices!


Khé. Plèwe khmekhaûqa khrúju qoe xhthaiyéqa xhaen-utya-yòntet tsatlhis-òntet tsiyàngqa tú jhpakheiqha-yexhyeu-yùngpu tìsweimm túyan qoe’ óxing poa’ ólakh per twaô pejor xhnípe khyepetìl-ejikh! – paje-qhèlta †Jhpáfhi.

8. Sail and go towards the whispering mountains in order to take some crystalline timber, jewels, and tsiyàngqa precious stones, so that you may rebuild the triangular and circular temple, so that I may be pleased, being glorified,” says Starfather.


Jú. – Khmeqà-yatser xhèjhwo quja túxhli sopaingaja’ akhan aiyo quja twaqtoakh-ùlkha khmìxheka qhoqwiwì-yejet keixhrejor púyant pejor fhòxhe fhoxheyénxhe keixhrejor khleikha-khámà-yaloi tú. Paje-wthaijhelónge xhyeixhmoas xhyeixhmoas xhrúfha púyan? – wtseî khyéja †Jám Khwén-ejikh. – Khyaulelónge kúl púyant pejor jakhna-thithìsqa’ ól ker tokhùkhtim pejor khyèfhi khleikha-khárle-yaswaor-àntong khurìteritt tú-yetyikh.

9. “You search for much, but, alas alack, they become scanty things, because I blow them away, on purpose, when you bring them to friends or strangers at your homes. Whyever do I set out to do this?” declares Starfather of the Blessed Ones, saying. “I do such because my triangular and circular house verily verily is desolate, while each of you hastens unto your own home.


Lwó. Tú-yatlhui-yunyie Swaqírenat xhoâpyumet ur qoe jhanwa-yajaxhmexójo’ aqhus jhanwa-swùqno sqati-yèpyer khniîkhe’ ur qoe jhanwà-fhwifhu syá peséyoru-yetwur-èpyer xhnìyaot ur qoe jhanwa-fherúqhen khèngta qaqakhnaqa-yètwur.

10. Therefore, because of you, the Cælestial Emperor has caused the welkin to forbid its morning dew and its evening dew, and he has caused the fractal seas to forsake their examples of food, and he has caused the earth to forbid its examples of agricultural produce.


Píxhi. Paje-xhmìnte’ etyenye-yèngit-ing lwéfha-yétyai xhmir qhixhris-òntet fhlesqrin-òntet pràyatsa qrùnu so jhàti pae xhnir khìkhmi qènut xhmir emlaîya’ íya-yaswaor-òntet àkhwen asakhtelóngè-yafhamm tqèma pfhu xhmir Íwal ker Ólu qthátha-yàswaor xhnoipe fhérnxha xhnoipe fheqhìkhno xhnoipe khornà-fhwui qeyeitsayii-yèkhmo tsena-kistas-ùjhwu. –

11. He has commanded that a rainbow famine creep unto the dreamlands, whispering mountains, and lochs, and upon the blue grain, and the herbal tea with fresh honey, and unto the olive oil, and íya pumpkins, and what the ground produces, and unto the Real People, the aurochs kine, the dinosaurs, the giant silkworms, and all the labor from your wingfins.”


Xhíxhi. Qìr té tìmpe xhwaqhunoi-yùpwar †Jàqwo †paje-Khnófher-ùjhwa xhnir xhyákh Pwapyékapà-yejikh jhwuníxe kae Lwakhaôtha-yan Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa xhnoe Fhtóqhefhafhápe-yan ker khòyaxu sukhpi-yuqei-xùxhwi khyuwi-yètyikh setùyejet kúxhrejoring qìr xhré xhré †Jèkoyant †Pòrli. Eiqhòr-tlheu †Jisiithne-yètyikh lrún-èxhyeu Kháfha.

12. Thenabouts Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa and Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman, along with all the remainder of the people, obeyed the voice coming from Starfather, their Creator, along with the words spoken by Pwapyékapa the sage, because Starfather the Great Name had sent him. And the Kháfha began to revere Starfather.


Tlhéxhi. Pfhiiqtafha-yoîtal xhlir kòmit kirnanóqà-yuqei qojhyi-yàswaor Pwapyékàpa-yan khmanthaneuk-apònya †Juinwò-yejikh paje pejor tàfhli’ – qte – Khuswe-yuqeîxi póyan – uqte qlaûxha khyéja †Pfhùmu. –

13. Then Pwapyékapa, the elegant mesenger of Starfather spake by means of a heavenly commission unto the people, saying, “‘I accompany you,’ declares Starfather, saying.”


Lríxhi. Kho qhòqhule proxhnakh-ànwa qupoma-yètyikh Jhinísqe Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpà-yejikh untèkhmat kae Khlúqhal-ùlkha xhnoipe Qhòqhule proxhnakh-ànwa’ úpa-yètyikh Fhtóqhefhafhápe xhroe tsòxhle kae’ xhnir fhtàkha-xul sukhpi-yejikh-ùxhwi khmenxhi-yètyikh Apúfha-yèpyer ókhi’ ur jhpepa-yèxhyeu Tsùfhlo qoe fhwàpa khárle-yàtser-ing †Fhtiijhì-yejikh †Qthèraxha kae’ Àyen xhroe yontet Énòntet kú.

14. So the Immortals both stirred, breathing upon the souls of Prince Sqeqlúxha Fhwàpa, who governed Khlúqhal, and they stirred, breathing upon the souls of Fhtóqhefhafhápe the fisherman, along with the many souls of all the remnants of the people, and the mortals sailed into the clouds in order to work upon the house of Starfather, the Master of Æons and Stars.


Fhéxhi. Pyaôr pi’ ól xólèna-xing jhetlhétlhè-yaloi tìyuir sir ékh-èxhyeu tsena qir qéngqa sir éng Khyilyìkh-ejikh Pwér kae.

15. This came to pass upon the twice-eleventh-and-second day of the sixth month in the second year of Khyìlyikh the Emperor.


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    Haggai Chapter One is a profound and thought-provoking scripture that emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spiritual pursuits and rebuilding faith. It encourages reflection on priorities and aligning them with spiritual journeys. The eloquent prose and compelling narrative make it a valuable addition to any religious study, showcasing the enduring relevance of the Bible's teachings. The author found great inspiration and is eager to delve deeper into its lessons.

  2. Haggai Chapter One offers a poignant reminder of the importance of prioritizing spiritual pursuits amidst worldly distractions. Through the prophet's impassioned call to action, readers are urged to reflect on their own lives and reassess their priorities in light of God's will. The chapter's timeless message resonates with readers across generations, challenging them to consider the state of their spiritual houses and the ways in which they allocate their time, resources, and energy. With its powerful imagery and compelling exhortations, Haggai Chapter One serves as a stirring wake-up call, urging readers to recommit themselves to the pursuit of God's kingdom above all else.
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