Qonáfhto Lríse
Chapter Three
Xhí. Jìpwowo qus fhtanar-tsena-Toen-àswaor pajèxhutse kekexhe-xhmixing Xhrèfhil – Khmaê Sesèkhta xhmìqit ei khyáxe syàpfhi sènye teirxhmi jinan khlathot-èxhyeu khleîna-jhau?
1. After she returned to her foster Mother, Xhrèfhil chanted unto her, “My loved Daughter, is it not proper that I dearly set out to provide security for you so that your life will be good?
Tlhé. Eiqhor-tùkhtut khlaûtuin kongai Telexhnu-yepakh-engit-apònya khyáxe xhnípe jhwú-yejìkh-axúng paje-qhùxhwa ser fhangaû-yaloi teir-xhli? Qir tlhiêrnwa khwaet poa xing jáxe-yaîpoint puyunteqhè-yejikh qlaîkhto se tlhákh-ofhiet sún-ùlkha Tqaringpi-yùpwar Peltaîronu.
2. Furthermore, isn’t this honored Queen, by chance, the feudal master of our family, with whose handmaidens you happened to be yoked in the farms? Ah! This starry night, her Son, the Prince, is fated to hunt in the forest galaxies beyond the lava fields.
Lrí. Xekhya-lwéya-yétyai-yùnyei xhnoe khmùnthe ser xekhyà-xhonge khrúju’ aqhus oaqir-étyai khleikha-pyòqhaqha xhtheu-yùtya khyi xhthenxhènthe qwungqòt-uqei tú-xhrejor-ing pón-etlhi-yaiqhor qìr té xhmíxei khrúju’ ajaxeixíjò-yutakh fhaqhesò-yofhiet khárng-axhmikh-èpyer khnen-afhuxhlitei khlèjhi xhroe tsenà-Khleson xhroa khleûkh túxhrejor Jhinísqe ser xhnoe tetlhákhot ur qoe lrèxhe twòfhimm teiran.
3. Wash yourself, therefore, and anoint yourself with perfumes, and don your most elegant skirt along with your best garment, and then go towards the forest galaxies beyond the lava fields, but do not permit the Prince to see you until you have slain a feirce crystalbeast.
Fhé. Koaqing khrèsto fhaûyoi se xing koxhing oirqurser-étyai tlhím-ùtya koaqoas koaqing jekheîyo koxhing-epyer qhotsi-yétyai-yoîtal kareneqa-yètyikhh khnie pejor qwìnini fhoyeqti-yùlkha keipejos khyèrjha tlhunteupe-yèlwil tsena-Staràn-ejikh tú kae xing koxha-xhmi-xing tú-xing-inwi. Xhnoet pante-yaîpois khleit koxhing. –
4. When he reposes in the pavilion, begin to notice the place where he rests, and then go to him, revealing unto him the creature you have slain without the weapons of a Shield Maiden. And he shall marvel at dear you.”
Jí. Paje-tàpli kekexhe-xhmi-xing kexhing – Paje-jhyéyamat-àmpeit púyan keis keis kòrjhi teir. –
5. She answered the other, “I shall do whatever ‘tis that you command, dear one.”
Thé. Kho kexhing sixè-khekhekh pónetlhi pejor khikhíqa khlanxha-yulkha-xing-òntet kàpwei’ emòsti pfhu trajhì-yatser tsena-fhótà-yaloi pejor fhwèxa purtà-yatser fhtanar xhrir Khmoîmim xhmìnte.
6. So she dressed herself, taking an impaling spear and a wooden shield, travelling into a forest galaxy, and doing according to the words from her foster Mother who commanded.
Lwí. Keyexhyeusas kekoaqing eptòrmot xhnípe xhmau-yaloî-xing fholwe-yàthying khnewa-Khyexhrò-yejikh Èkhut khmùqhut fhúna se xhlir khòkhteu xhèket kexhe-yan-ing-inwi jeu pejor khrixhmerénxha khmín-ùlkha-xing jijikhmàt-afham qìr xhré xhré xarjhi-yèlwil Staran-èjikh-ing koxha-xhmixing.
7. When Èkhut was resting in the triangular and circular shrine before the icons of his Ancestors, she came with silent feet, bringing unto him, the stranger, the mineralbeast that she had slain without the weapons of a Shield Maiden.
Khé. Ól khnatlhi-yexhyeu-yàlyur-ing kes xhmènterl xhtháthana xhroe sir ákh pfhu’ aseqwangòsqa xhlir Paifhèlti kus jhpèpteqhe tnekheiyor-èpyer khmànthaxa pui tsena-fhauyoî-yaloi sanínxhoyan ker Syòle xaxakhwà-yatser tnenesòlkha-xing kexhe-yoaka-xing.
8. It happened that night, the time of the middleheart of the seventh hour, that the Prince was startled, looking around, and, ah! a Færie maiden swooped down into the pagoda, dragging a typhoonasaurus rex after her.
Jú. Paje-xhlothelónge’ íkhil-aswaôr-ing koxhing – Xhyus túxing? – Eiqhor-paje-pònta khyéja kexhing – Tàkhtas ter khuswe-xhnènatha púsa. Aer-étyai’ akhwen-ùlkha kei-pejos kàyaqha khlúnaloi tsena-kópà-yepakh xhlir papákal lyàrtsa pú kae yepyer khangqelónge-yáxeus kei-xhrejor-ing khleqiwa-yexhyeû-xing xhmir Khmixhejùraka xhripfhu-yapònya tsekhqì-yejikh tsùmla kae toxhing. –
9. He chanted unto her, “Who are you?” And she answered, saying, “I, in fact, am Tàkhtas, your handmaiden. Behold what I have caught with an impaling spear and a wooden shield, and may you take this as a gift unto the Regent Queen, who was the feudal master to my humble family.”
Lwó. Qìr té paje-xhmiîyeqhe koxhing – Xhnípeu’ ur qoe túxing †Korpakhróxha’ aîXhamim! Qwìnini khleikha-khyójitsai fhína pfhu khyúxo-yènxhur trí-yetwèkh-ixorng fhúna-yèxhyeu texhe-yan-ing ke se sas fhisìmpemat khajhin-upwar-aôngi khwàli pfho qthefhtarn-epakh-àntong Qíriniile-yomleî-xing qletsiwa-yàxhmikh-ing túyaning.
10. Then he chanted, “May you be blessed by Starfather, my Sister. You have revealed your final deed to be braver than your first when you slew a great thunderlizard with your own hands for the sake of Viceroy Queen of the city.
Píxhi. Xá Sáma-yùnyie’ ás kòten túxing! Jhpùqte khrúju qìr xhmé khorna-tyeiqhe-yùlkha xhmoqlu-yampeî-yafham púxhmi tú kae xing púyenwe. Paje-xhrekha-yànwa jana-qojhyi-xùxhwi kus fhyèkhtu qir khlóqèxhmoa tsena-teiqha-khlóxoa-yùlkha Khmàfhlo-xing xhwopaingalei wtsaswákhiwen xhroe xhròjur khnìrli kae xhetlhutsi-yùlkha.
11. Therefore, my Sister, be content! I intend to do all the words that you shall say unto me. Indeed, all of my people who dwell within the gates of my Mother’s city-state know that you truly are a virtuous woman, a damsel of excellence.
Xhíxhi. Xhnoet xhòkhot ei Tlhefho-yeîlwai pú Wtsúkh-ufhang-ing-eîlwai kus akháwetair púxhrejor.
12. However, it is true that I am a Prince, in constrast there is a Prince who is older than I am.
Tlhéxhi. Ás toaqing jofhyumàt-ipoa qir oâqe qhènthi xhroe yenguting tú-xing-epyer pejor xhèlimet tsena-khyexhrexájapi sesèmfho tyoe sínu-yùpwar tuqi-xing-ontet xhmir Sín Kùkhpe Plínaning qhál wtsertu-yùjhwu korot-ùjhwu xhnoike ìtseril tyoe khleikha-tsexixu-yùlkha xhàkhmimat koxha-xhni-xing ixolèfheqhe xhmuju tú-xhrejor-uxhwi pú tyàtlhamet pfhe †Kós. Khaû-thetlhoar qoe khlùxasun qir tìrxho xeqhùsqi xhroe túxhli-xing! –
13. Be it that you remain here during this night, and, when morning is come, if the older Prince will not save the blood debt that you and your Clone Sisters have, then all things shall be good, but if he does not wish to save your honor debt, than I intend to liberate you all, as Starfather lives. Humbly lie down to sleep until sunrise!”
Lríxhi. Kho koaqing pesiêkemet exhing qoe khlériêprafha khokhteû-yaloi xhraka-yùlkha qir tìrxho’ òrthwena xhroe kexhing. Eiqhor koaqing kormàntu wtsaîlru-xing tsiîxhe jis jhetlhefho-yòjhwa khmemòsefhau jis kexhe-xhrejor-ing khìthyu kúxhni paje pejor xhmòqlu’ Èkhut – Khnen-afhuxhlixhei paje-tárl-ejikh pèswis ei fhátaqhu-yòxhrie thiptò-yofhiet khmefheta-yàxhmikh xhmunífhero! –
14. So she lay down to sleep upon the bare ground at the feet of the icons until first light. And she arose from sleep before the servants came, before they could recognize her, while Èkhut chanted, “Don’t permit it to be well known that the maiden came to the triangular and circular shrine beyond the lava seas.”
Fhéxhi. Xhnoet paje-yeiléja-yòjhwan koxhing – Khneu-yeixiréqa khrúju saki-yùtya-xing eitlhòr-afhamm tú kae xing púxhmi pejor kàqhan stimis-èxhyeu janya xhlir qthèfhtarn túxing! – Paje-qthoptelónge jhwathon-èxhyeu kexhe-yatser-ing pajè-xhuwai xhlir kùyojo xhyór jhpúxho-yotya-yòntet fhlùkhpa xhmisexhyùr-an-ing paje pejor thyeî kexhe-yaloi-xing. Khmepexhri-yoîtal keixhrejor kexhing kus xhàtlha xhòxhneqhe se.
15. And he continued to say, “Begin to give me the sack that you wear, as you hold it opened with both of your hands!” While she was holding it opened, he filled it with six ephahs of blue grain and mushrooms, while tying it upon her. Then she carried it, going into the ideapolis.
Jíxhi. Pejor ojhetaîke fhtanar xhmir Qráyiîngta-xing exhing paje-yelèfheqhe kekexhing – Xhmupli-yájheî-xing xhmeuxíxoi-yùtya xàrtume ser ing? – Xhnoet qlaûxha tsìsoso tnaqnàsta khnie-tupelóngà-yafham qìr xhré xhré kexhe-xhmi-xing tsenàTaka kae Tàkhtas-an-ìnwi.
16. When she returned to her foster Mother, the other chanted – Was the hunt an example of a success, by chance?” And Tàkhtas declared, reported all the things that the Prince had done for her.
Théxhi. Pajey-elèpyil kexhing – Kuyojò-yengut ker èpaket jhpúxhmo-yotya-yòntet khmiîngqe keipejos khmangumatéqa koxha kae xing khyeunujoxaîreu paje-yeltamàt-ejet púxhmi koxhing qte – Khnólas ojhetaîke fhtanarTín pae xing qthèfhtarn jotlhèkh-epakh túxing! – uqte. –
17. She chanted, “Look with wonder upon these six ephahs of blue grain and mushroom that he gave me, though a stranger, because he chanted, ‘Be it not that you return to your foster Mother with empty hands!
Lwíxhi. Eiqhor-paje-yelyèteqhe Xhrèfhil – Pfhìtrumet khrúju yaiqhor thét-étyai-yòjhwa xá Séqaxing es paje-xhnujáxo teir keixhloas keixhloas xhloên tínu-xing xekhya-xòpta seistu-yejèt-axúng Tyerposya-yùpwar xhnoe kenthènthe keixhrejor fhúna-yèxhyeu qir pajáxe koxha-yan-ing. –
18. And Xhrèfhil chanted, “Wait, and continue to sit, my Daughter, until you know, dear one, however the situation will conclude itself, because the Prince will not rest until he has settled it this day.
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