Epistle XXIV: Nothing Wrong Here
My Dearest Puey,
My kind and beneficient Mother has permitted me to write you a letter. I’m going to write about time. I have quite a lot of time upon me now. Mother has been wise enough to catch me and place me in a place where I have no escape of escaping. She has bound my wings in precious iron, then strapped them to my back upon a corset which she assures me will help me attain a sidereal shape. She has even been kind enough to affix weights to my feet to keep me from escaping, and I give thanks for her forsight.
I sure do have loads and loads of time upon me.
Babel participles imply no time. There are no grammatical affixes to express pure time relationships, although there are some to describe the aspect of how something happens, and I shall describe them at a later date, if my Mother will permit me. Expressions of time are described in relative clauses or in locative phrases. Some of the more common expressions you have met before, qìr pé, now, in the present, and qìr té, then, next and qìr ké later, eft and qìr xhré, in the past, then and qìr xhré xhré in the far past, pluperfect, præterpluperfect. Those are some very usual expressions, but they conceptualize time as a point or ripple in the sea. But sometimes time is more than that, time is both memory and the state of mind when contemplating that time. So I’m going to introduce some very important participles that we use to describe time.
Lrún; khlún; fhúna all mean those who are in the past, are nostalgic for someone or something.
Khmaô; qí; sámo, sámoyot; fhiîn all mean those who are present, recent, contemporary
Fhwún; lyár all mean those who are in the future, who hope for someone or something
Puey, are you reading the margins of this letter? I don’t think that my Mother even notices the side of the letter. I’ll try to tell you what’s really betiding unto me.
Therefore, oh my love, my sweet:
Khusweqrauyelónge Khnoqísi lrúnatser.
Khnoqwísi is your teacher in Þe context of Þe past;
Khnoqwísi was teacher in Þe past;
One is nostalgick for Þe time when Khnoqwísi taught you.
Khusweqrauyelónge Khnoqwísi khmaô.
Khnoqwísi, who is in Þe present, is your teacher.
Khnoqwísi teaches you right now.
Khnoqwísi is teacher in the present
Lyáraloi khusweqrauyelónge Khnoqwísi.
In Þe future Khnoqwísi will be your teacher.
Khnoqwísi will teach you.
One hopes that Khnoqwísi will teach you.
Other participles may also be used to indicate time. These words regularly are inflected in the locative case and take the prefixes Qir and Pejor or the suffixes -aloi, atser, exhyeu and +ser. Hence.
Qir ajáxe, in the day
Engekétlhayèxhyeu, in the night.
The accusitive of the extend of tiem is expressed using the composite preprosition qir oaqe X xhroe. Therefore:
Qir oâqe’ ajáxe xhroe, during the day, for the extent of the day, all day, during all the day
Qir oâqe’ engekétlha xhroe, during the night, for the extent of the night, all night, during all the night.
So, with my Mother’s kind permission I’m going to start listing various periods of time.
Periods of Time
Seconds, Moments
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Hence: Pejor khaûjhwo, in a moment, qir oâqe khaûjhwo xhroe for a moment
Khaûjhwo moment of tyme, blink, twinkle, Augenblick
Khmaô tho who are hereslumber, present
Khriîpe blinking, twinkling of an eye, Augenblick
Lwùqho, lwòqhor heartbeats, seconds, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick
Qìqti moment, an instant, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick
Tyòjo minutes, seconds
Syárl seconds, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick
Thyìfhi hour, moment, minutes, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick
Xaôt hours, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick
Puey, I don’t think that Mother is even looking at the edge of the letter. This is how we’ll communicate. I’m not whether this will work or how much space I’ll have. To be breif. This is not fun. Why is it that when Mother gets angry she doesn’t even raise her voice? She just has to whisk me away to some desolate dimension and, I’m running out of space here.
Hours of Þe Day
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Hence, qir khwèntel, in the evening and qir oâqe khwèntel xhroe during the even.
Puey, I’m writing this in some ink that I’ve fashioned from the feathers shed of some of the Xharànta spirits that are flickering around in this place or time or realm, I’m not entirely sure where I am or whether indeed my Mother just whisked me away or created this little realm just to keep me out of trouble for a time. I wonder whether she can even read this. Light is her element, so if I write this very softly and mix it with the luminerous moondust tumbling up and down and all around me I may be able to create some sort of jhìntram, a lunascription which can be translated of moonlight. But then again, even shadows become light in her presence, so perhaps she’ll figure out how to hold up the page and see just how the letters appear. Oh, I need to start being less verbose I’m running out of room again!
Ajáxe daytime, daylight [light·tyme]
Ajàxhme morning, Þe third hour [light·to·tyme]
Ajàxhne morning, Þe third hour [light·with·tyme]
Ajàxhre evening, Þe sixth hour [light·from·tyme]
Àra mornings, Þe third hour
Engekétlha pnight
Fhakhèsya day, daytime
Fhànkhas twilight, Þe sixth hour
Fhaôtha season, hour
Fhàqa mornings, Þe third hour
Fhármes daytime
Ìka noon, Þe fourth hour
Kaûqike afternoon, Þe fifth hour
Khaoróra dawns, Þe second hour
Khaurórya dawns, Þe second hour
Khmepóker morning, beginning, Þe first hour
Khòrto hours
Khwàngqa dawn, Þe second hour
Khwáyaya daylight
Khwèntel evening; Þe sixth hour
Khyexhlexája evening, Þe sixth hour [great·through·tyme·light]
Khyexhrexája dawn, Þe second hour [great·from·tyme·light]
Òrthwe dawn, first light, morning, light, Þe first hour
Pyáqa mornings, Þe third hour
Qàqwi dawn, Þe second hour
Qhìqra twilight, Þe sixth hour
Sìpfhi, sisìpfhi evening, from dusk to midnight
Sukhíye evening, Þe sixth hour
Sunálei morning, tomorry, Þe seventh hour
Taôjhwa morning, Þe third hour
Thésan, thethésan dawn, morning, Þe second hour
Thòkhru, thòkhruru morning, from dawn to noon
Tròyo midnight; Þe seventh hour
Tsèrakh, tsetsérakh dawn, Þe second hour
Usèlanei noon, Þe fourth hour
Xhafhírer day, morning, Þe third hour
Xhàkhar Dawns, Þe second hour; eke a name for Kheiyáta
Khlalíya Þe darksome hours, Þe ancestrial hours, Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds ond Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Khwòngar Þe red hours, Þe bridging hours, Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima ond Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Jukùrpa Þe whhhite hours, Þe cælestial hours, Þe third hour, morning, terce ond Þe fourth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies ond Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Xhthátha hour, Star; Skydancren
Xhthátha sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds
Xhthátha sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima
Xhthátha sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce
Xhthátha sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies
Xhthátha sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Xhthátha sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Xhthátha sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Xhthátha sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng
Xhtháya hour, Star; Skydancren
Xhtháya sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds
Xhtháya sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima
Xhtháya sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce
Xhtháya sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies
Xhtháya sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Xhtháya sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Xhtháya sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Xhtháya sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng
Xaôt hours, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick
Xaôt sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds
Xaôt sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima
Xaôt sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce
Xaôt sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies
Xaôt sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Xaôt sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Xaôt sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Xaôt sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng
Thyìfhi hour, moment, minutes, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick
Thyìfhi sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds
Thyìfhi sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima
Thyìfhi sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce
Thyìfhi sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies
Thyìfhi sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Thyìfhi sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Thyìfhi sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Thyìfhi sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng
Túrpa hours
Túrpa sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds
Túrpa sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima
Túrpa sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce
Túrpa sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies
Túrpa sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Túrpa sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Túrpa sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Túrpa sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng
Fhaôtha season, hour
Fhaôtha sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds
Fhaôtha sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima
Fhaôtha sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce
Fhaôtha sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies
Fhaôtha sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Fhaôtha sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Fhaôtha sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Fhaôtha sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng
Khòrto hours
Khòrto sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds
Khòrto sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima
Khòrto sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce
Khòrto sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies
Khòrto sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones
Khòrto sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren
Khòrto sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline
Khòrto sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng
Puey, the problem is that my Mother is altogether without any guile at all, without any cunning or pretences at all. She is simple, she is pure, she really just is what she is. She is the Lady of Light, she is the Moon Empress, the Virgin Empress, so I don’t think it would e'er occur to her, say, to try and write some hidden messages inside of an epistle. Right now she’s dancing before me, and to be honest with you, I’m sure there are only three things on her mind, the quality of her dance, her dreams of my Father, and even more thoughts about her dance. She doesn’t really talk about too many things aside from dancing and my Father. Father Father Father Father Father, does she always have to talk about him? Can’t we have a perfectly normal conversation without her talking about when she first met him and how he makes her feel and how she likes dancing in the gardens and all that? And when I try to change the subject to something like story telling or drawing or philology or you she’ll just say, pish-posh, let’s just dance for a time. Although I can’t dance too much right now, this is probably the most uncomfortable position wherein I could possibly be. Just look at her, kicking her legs and opening and closing her wings, she’s dancing and the dust is just blossoming about her and all of the spirits are leaping upwards and beginning to exalt about her and I’m the one stuck in chains here, and the only concession at all that she’s given me is paper and quill, and I just know she’s going to look o'er what I’ve written, and even if she feigns interest who knows whether she’ll figure out the hidden message.
One can practice these particular time words with example sentences such as these:
Jhongopaingakh eixhrejor lwórjanaPuîye qir xhtháthayènguting koaqoas koaqoas tèjhu óxing poa.
I do not know, oh my beloved Puey, wherever, this hour, I may happen to be.
Sesemfhoyétyaîyories púxhrejor qhiqrayexhyeuyènguting kainoir tsenaqráyingteyùjhwa!
Please rescue me this twilight from my blessed Mother!
Koaqoas koaqoas is an inflexion of the relative pronoun and means wherever, and Tèjhu means those who exist in a place, whilst Sèmfho, sesèmfho is quite a useful participle meaning those who save or rescue someone or something and is quite efficacious for describing Princesses who have managed to get themselves trapped a situation wherefrom they have no idea how to extricate themselves.
Ìngeta (< íng) matins, lauds sky, sky of Þe darkness before the dawn, Þe first hour
Èngeta ( < éng) dawnlight, prima sky, sky of Þe second hour
Àngeta (< áng) morning, terce sky, sky of Þe third hour
Ùngeta ( < úng) noontide, Sexta, meridies sky, sky of Þe forth hour
Ìkheta (< íkh) afternoon, nones sky, sky of Þe fifth hour
Èkheta (< ékh) twilight sky, vespren sky, sky of Þe sixth hour
Àkheta (< ákh) midnight, compline sky, sky of Þe seventh hour
Ùkheta (< úkh) Final Dißolucioun, End of Tyme
I was just minding mine own business and stowaway upon your ship and she just chanced to be here, she must have been planning this all the while, I take it back, there’s nothing simple about her at all, she must have known, oh, I’m running out of moondust here.
Here’s another wonderful example:
Xhnípe’ur tsiprùntheyejikh ekhetàyatser ányarjanaPuîye kùlta qir qlús tyùxu xekhnuinùtya poe pú xauqráyìngtexing.
I am entrapped in the twilight sky, my loved and dearest Puey, in some weird dimension by my beloved Mother.
I shall discuss later on the formation and use of the passive voice, which you can already recognize with Xhnípe at the beginning of the sentence. This example employs the word Tsìpru, tsiprùnthe, those who trap, entrap, inveigle, ensure, lure, trepan someone or something, it’s quite a cunning and devious little word, don’t you think, and then there’s kùlta which means those who are golden, dearest, and in this case it means dearest, my love, since you’re not terrible flavous at all, and tyùxu are dreamlands, dimensions, planes of existence, while xèkhnu, xèkhnuin refers to those who are strange, weird, unusual, peculiar, crack-brained, daft, loopy, nuts, it’s how in theory one would describe, I don’t know, being trapped somewhere high in the heavens in a place with lots of asteroids and worlds spinning around. I don’t suppose you know where that may be, do you?
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Hence one says títìngaloi, for in the time from sunset to sunset, and qir oâqe títing xhroe for during the time from sunset to sunset.
Atlhiqhìlisu weeks, sennights, months
Fhárpa, fhárpot tho who are a single day old
Fhàrpfha day, period of tyme from sunset to sunset
Játlha, játlhim tho who are a single day old
Jhòswe, jhòswei day, a seven·hour period
Kètlha yesterday
Khàtlhar tomorry
Khìqha days
Khmekhátu holy days, holidays, maßes
Khneûtqi previous pnight, last pnight
Khnòqweta nightsky
Khwàwata Dawn of Tyme
Khwìqa week, seven day cycle
Khyó yesterday
Kiqùsqru tho who are, happen owll day lóng
Òthei days
Òtyei days
Pajáxe today, Þis day [Þis·light·tyme]
Pìneta eve, day before (a date)
Pyárxha tomorry
Qàmla tomorry, Þe next sunset
Sòlan today, nowadays, current things
Thókh tomorry
Tìneta daysky
Tíng, títing day (from sunset to sunset)
Tlhàjhwa tomorry
Tlhín today
Tnerqhefhírexhe, tneqhefhaîrexhu yesterday; days in Þe past
Tnòrpta next day, tomorry
Tòqno weeks, sennights, months
Tsèxhle dates, days, specifick days
Tyájha days, period of tyme from sunset to sunset
Uîxe nighttime, pnight [darksome·tyme]
Wthékh pnights
Xhàptatlha, xhaxhàptatlha days for fasting, fasting days
Xhekhéfha tho who are current, nunow, already, yet
Xhnìnu tho who are on every other day, on alternate days
Xhyóm days, any lóng period of tyme
Xól, xóla daylight, day
Xúl, xúla daylight, daytime
Jhuîntet Þe first day of Þe week
Fhaôstut Þe second day of Þe week
Kàtqat Þe third day of Þe week
Xàqtot Þe fourth day of Þe week
Xìlrut Þe fifth day of Þe week
Sùltat Þe fifth day of Þe week
Jhàtyu Þe sixth day of Þe week
Xhàkhlu, xhanákhlu Sabbath Day, Day of Rest, seventh day
Fhàrpfha sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Fhàrpfha sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Fhàrpfha sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Fhàrpfha sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Fhàrpfha sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Fhàrpfha sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Fhàrpfha sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Fhàrpfha sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Jhòswei sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Jhòswei sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Jhòswei sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Jhòswei sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Jhòswei sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Jhòswei sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Jhòswei sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Jhòswei sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Khìqha sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Khìqha sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Khìqha sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Khìqha sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Khìqha sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Khìqha sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Khìqha sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Khìqha sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Òthei sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Òthei sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Òthei sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Òthei sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Òthei sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Òthei sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Òthei sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Òthei sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Òtyei sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Òtyei sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Òtyei sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Òtyei sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Òtyei sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Òtyei sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Òtyei sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Òtyei sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Títing sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Títing sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Títing sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Títing sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Títing sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Títing sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Títing sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Títing sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Tyájha sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Tyájha sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Tyájha sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Tyájha sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Tyájha sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Tyájha sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Tyájha sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Tyájha sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Xhyóm sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Xhyóm sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Xhyóm sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Xhyóm sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Xhyóm sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Xhyóm sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Xhyóm sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Xhyóm sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Xóla sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Xóla sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Xóla sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Xóla sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Xóla sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Xóla sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Xóla sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Xóla sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Xúla sir íng Þe first day of Þe week
Xúla sir éng Þe second day of Þe week
Xúla sir áng Þe third day of Þe week
Xúla sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week
Xúla sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week
Xúla sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week
Xúla sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week
Xúla sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng
Pùxhrukh Þe first week, Þe red phase of Þe moons
Thùkhnukh Þe second week, Þe pueyrple phase of Þe moons
Fhoângpukh Þe third week, Þe blue phase of Þe moons
Qàpyokh Þe fourth week, Þe green phase of Þe moons
Tlhaîkhwokh Þe fifth week, Þe yellow phase of Þe moons
Tlhuîkhyakh Þe sixth week, Þe orange phase of Þe moons
Jhaîlwakh Þe seventh week, Þe whhhite phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir íng Þe first week, Þe red phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir éng Þe second week, Þe pueyrple phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir áng Þe third week, Þe blue phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir úng Þe fourth week, Þe green phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir íkh Þe fifth week, Þe yellow phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir ékh Þe sixth week, Þe orange phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir ákh Þe seven week, Þe whhhite phase of Þe moons
Khwìqa sir úkh Þe whhhole month, the complete month, owll month lóng
My beloved, so there I was just minding mine own business, I wasn’t even bothering anyone at all, I was just happy and content to be working upon some of my grammatical entries which still need heavy revision and which I shall have to give to Karuláta to be copied, really, one should have more appreciation for the importance and dedication which one must put into the craft of language, it is joy and madness and love all at the same time, and there is no reason in the world why my Mother had to react to me in the way that she did. I was quiet, I wasn’t getting in the way of any of the soldiers or guards or acolytes, I even brought mine own food and books with me, so what possible harm could I have been to anyone else? I that I want is to be with you, my Love, always always always always always, and if anyone at all thinks that she can stand in my way, why I’ll shatter the earth and break open the heavens and rip open the undergloom and flood these dreamlands with all of the Dead, then we’ll see just how she feels about that. I mean, what exactly does my Mother expect of me, anyway? She ran away to be with my Father! She rebelled against her entire Clan and threw us all into ruin and confusion, and all I do is stay with you, a veritable dragonslayer and hero, and one would think that I were starting some sort of unholy war. I And she keeps saying that when she was my age she was busy helping Grandpa at the cottage and doing all the chores and being quiet and pious, but I don’t know, Grandfather Pátifhar tells me that she spent a great deal of her time just dancing about and flicker fluttering just like she’s doing right now. At least I’m trying to do something productive here and write some rather instructive letters about the forms and usage of language itself. I think that when Mother was my age she was probably spying on Father all the time, but she just won’t admit it unto me. Oh, she’s looking this way. I’d better look like I’m writing about grammar. How is one supposed to look when writing about grammar, I wonder? Are we vocabularians supposed to have a certain look unto us? I wonder about that. Oh the page is just about to run out again. I really do need to start getting to the quodlibe of discussion sooner.
And so one may pratice with this sentence:
Xhrakàkhqa jitt teir xhnoet qir oâqe kiqùsqru xhroe tsàtor pútlhisa.
With humble heart help me, for nonetheless all day long I am imprisoned in chains.
We shall discuss various humiliative constructions later, but in the meanwhile we have the word Kàkhqa, those who help or enable someone or something, as well as tsàtor which are chains or fetters, and with the particle tlhir+ have the meaning those who are chained or imprisoned. The above sentence, for instance, one may observe as something that a Princess would say if she were being held captive by her Mother, say, and she had great desire to be rescued at once.
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
So one may say anípíràyatser for in the moonsets and qir oâqe’ anípíra xhroe for during the moonsets
My beloved, this time I’m going to try and get to the pertinent information. It’s a little difficult to concentrate in this place beyond places, for the stardust and moonlight is rather appealing, and my mind keeps wondering to watch my Mother as she jumps about upon her barefeet and sways her wings from side to side. It really does cause me to sigh with wonder to hope that perhaps I shall be as graceful as she is. Mother just says that it will take a great deal of practice and time, that in her eyen I am not even at the stage of crawling let alone dancing with consummate grace. But still, it would be lovely to have wings just like hers. I really could watch them all the night long. It’s interesting to see just how the light reacts with the wings, for not only are her wings like prisms and are taking in the light and doing such interesting symphonies with them, but the wings are also creating their own light, they are fractalling the light and shooting it outwards in sparkles in many directions. My own wings look like yucky hæmophiliac white raven doves. Sigh.
Anípíra moonsets
Atlhiqhìlisu weeks, sennights, months
Eîleni darkleness, fear, death, moonrise
Ìtus, ìtusat full moon
Jìnwe, jìnwa months
Jùpte moon, month
Khmàngqo, khmàngqos months
Khmèpeng moon, month
Khmúnu full moons
Sìnuta months
Tìyur, tìyuir months
Tòqno weeks, sennights, months
Xhlòya full moon
Xhnòrixhi pnew moon
Xhùpta half·moon
Fhiêlti Samhain, Þe first month of Þe year
Sònyi Frosttide, Þe second month of Þe year
Tàngto Yule, Þe third month of Þe year
Jèxhmo Imbolc, Þe fourth month of Þe year
Khòkhtu Bealtane, Þe fifth month of Þe year
Paîpto Suntide, Þe sixth month of Þe year
Xhlúkhesei Lughnasadh, Þe seventh month of Þe year
Thúmakh Thúmakh, Þe Spring Equinox, Ostara
Tsálkhuthe Tsálkhuthe, Clover Day
Tsíxhar Tsíxhar, Midsummer
Xhàthwum Xhàthwum, Autumn Equinox, Mabon
Tlhiijhwekhmátu (< Tlhiîjhwekh) Tlhiijhwekhmátu, Dancing Days; high ceremony for Þe Winter Solstice
Jìnwa sir íng Samhain, Þe first month
Jìnwa sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month
Jìnwa sir áng Yule, Þe third month
Jìnwa sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month
Jìnwa sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month
Jìnwa sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month
Jìnwa sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month
Jìnwa sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng
Jùpte sir íng Samhain, Þe first month
Jùpte sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month
Jùpte sir áng Yule, Þe third month
Jùpte sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month
Jùpte sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month
Jùpte sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month
Jùpte sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month
Jùpte sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng
Khmàngqoss sir íng Samhain, Þe first month
Khmàngqoss sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month
Khmàngqoss sir áng Yule, Þe third month
Khmàngqoss sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month
Khmàngqoss sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month
Khmàngqoss sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month
Khmàngqoss sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month
Khmàngqoss sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng
Khmèpeng sir íng Samhain, Þe first month
Khmèpeng sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month
Khmèpeng sir áng Yule, Þe third month
Khmèpeng sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month
Khmèpeng sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month
Khmèpeng sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month
Khmèpeng sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month
Khmèpeng sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng
Sìnuta sir íng Samhain, Þe first month
Sìnuta sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month
Sìnuta sir áng Yule, Þe third month
Sìnuta sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month
Sìnuta sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month
Sìnuta sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month
Sìnuta sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month
Sìnuta sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng
Tìyuir sir íng Samhain, Þe first month
Tìyuir sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month
Tìyuir sir áng Yule, Þe third month
Tìyuir sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month
Tìyuir sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month
Tìyuir sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month
Tìyuir sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month
Tìyuir sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng
The construction ei pejor or the suffix -epoar expresses the situation, ’Tis happening, ‘Tis coming to pass.
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Therefore one says, fhlólepoar, for It’s spring time, and Fhlólexhyeûxing, for in the spring and qir oâqe tsenàfhlól xhroe for during the spring.
Áraûka season, tyme, year
Qhìxie, qhìqhixiet wintren (connotaciouns of Þe Emperor)
Qhòlai winter (connotaciouns of Þe Emperor)
Tòtra winter (connotaciouns of Þe Emperor)
Lyèri winter (connotaciouns of Þe Emperor)
Lyíyike wintren (connotaciouns of Þe Emperor)
Jhaxeîxe winter (connotaciouns of Þe Emperor) [leß·life·thing·tyme]
Jhetingewetlhajáxe winter (connotaciouns of Þe Emperor) [leß·Þæt·one·circle·high·life·tyme]
Pterúla, pterúlas life, spring (connotaciouns of Þe Princess)
Pingewetlhajáxe spring (connotaciouns of Þe Princess) [Þis·one·circle·high·light·tyme]
Prìxe spring, Þe season (connotaciouns of Þe Princess)
Fhyelúra life, spring (connotaciouns of Þe Princess)
Fhrúla spring, life (eke personal name for Fhrúla, Puîyus’ foster sister) (connotaciouns of Þe Princess)
Fhlól flowren; spring tyme (connotaciouns of Þe Princess)
Fhènxha Spring (connotaciouns of Þe Princess)
Syùlya life, spring (connotaciouns of Þe Princess)
Áre spring tyme (connotaciouns of Þe Princess) [life·do·tyme]
Qhóqhi summer
Tingewetlhajáxe summer [few·one·circle·high·life·tyme]
Qyòyike summren
Thèmlapa summer
Siêfha summer
Xhìmla summer
Xhyìne summer
Aoxeîxe summer [fire·thing·tyme]
Pfhaôpa autumn
Xèthen, xèthema harvest, pfall, autumn
Qèpta autumn, pfall
Fhluîkh fruit; autumn
Kingewetlhajáxe autumn, pfall [yon·one·circle·high·light·tyme]
She didn’t even appear very angry at all when she found me upon your warship. She barely even looked at me. She just, I’m not entirely know whether even I know all the words for it, she just caused all of the realities to shift at once, for of a sudden the soldiers and acolytes and sailors were blasted right upon their backs. I felt as if a whirling wind were arisen about me, but no æther was moving, no wind was reaching out to rustle the pages of my notebook. I was certainly being drawn forwards in the great and windless swirl. I tried to hold onto the barrel, even as the pterodons and seagulls were skriking and fluttering about me. I cried out. All of the solar sails burst out into bright golden light. I reached and saw you, but already it was too late. I was flying through the air, and my Mother arose, she ripped open the heavens, and hurled me inside. I saw your face for a moment, and then you were gone.
And here’s another fun example sentence for you.
Xuxuséyayáxeus khyi póxhrejor tú thùngpeqhe jis pterúlas!
Would that you save dear me before spring comes to an end!
Xuséya, xuxuséya, is a word that means, those who help or save someone or something, while thùngpa, thùngpeqhe means those who stop or make an end of someone or something.
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Hence one says japàrnot ser ing for in the new year, and qir oâqe japàrnot xhroe xing for during the near year
Àfhil years
Áraûka season, tyme, year
Fhèlpi years; tho who are annual, yearwise
Ingewetlhajáxe years [one·circle·high·light·tyme]
Japàrnot Þe pnew year
Jó years
Khayàpta years
Khnìrne years
Khyél years; space of years
Lyeyáka years, year by year
Qén, qènga years
Qwetiyáqa years
Qyeyáka years
Tlhàthya, tlhàthyar years
Xhyóm days, any lóng period of tyme
Puey, I have no idea where my Mother took me. All that I know is that it is up, up up up up up. If you crane your head all the way up, it’s still not up high enough. I don’t think that your warfleets have had to go as up as all this up is heading upwards.
Oh, let’s create another random sentence for practice:
Pejor xhyómùsqrun sèpfhasa póxhrejor qráyìngtexing paje pejor khmùrtor xorsàjhexing ker lritongèmfhoi pútlhisayontet xhnípe lweiqayòlkha jànajárs.
For a long period of time my Mother has been punishing me by forcing me to wear a clockwork corset too tight and by having my wings bound.
It truly is amazing what one can create out of some random words that I’ve plucked out of my mind. Sèpfhasa, means those who punish, scourge, scour someone or something, and can refer to either individual or collective punishment, while khmùrtor means, those who compel, gart, blackmail, force someone or something, while xòrsajhe are clockwork corsets, and with the particle tlhir+ it has the meaning of wearing a clockwork corset, and lrìtong we met before as a word meaning those who are tight, and its antonym with the xhma- element is xhmalrítong, those who are narrow, strair, but here you can see lrìtong with a little 13 level suffix meaning excessor too much, so that lritongèmfhoi means too tight, and lweîqa means those who bind someone or something while járs, jàrsa are wings.
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Hence pejor ayèsarun are in the epochs but qir oâqe’ ayèsarun xhroe are during the epochs.
Ayèsarun ( < Àyen) epochs, lóng eons of tyme
Khyèltum centuries, millenia
Lyàna, lyànana eons, ages
Xorjùnta, xorjùntang generaciouns, circlen, cyclen, prominent individuals
Óxe age [person·tyme]
Quníxe ages, eons, centuries
Tlhòpwi, tlhòpwim eras, ages, epochs
My Mother told me that this was all for mine own good. She told me that one day I’d be doing the same to my Daughters and Granddaughters. Pain is always temporary, in fact, she says it’s all an illusion.
My Dearest, the composite preposition qir tìrxho X xhroe, when used with a time word, means until.
Qir tìrxho xhìmla xhroe khniêr Éfhelìnye xhroe Puîye.
Puey kißed Éfhelinye until Þe summer.
Yes, it was quite a magnificient kiss.
And this, an khremàtlhexing, a pun.
A pun:
Lwènetha xhtháthàyatser jakhnaxhmoxhníxoi xhroe Khleníra tneîfha.
A heavenly Star dances upon Þe hour of our meeting.
The khrèmatlhe uses the words lwènetha, those who dance, and Khlèra, khleníra, Stars, Skydancers, and Xhthátha which you met before, a word which means both hour and Star, as well as Tneîfha which means those who shine, are heavenly, are divine, and Xhmoxhníxoi which are meetings. The mararonick paranomasia, thus, uses four different words which are petinent unto the heavens and Stars, lwènetha, xhthátha, Khlèra, and tneîfha and the ambiguity of xhthátha being able to refer either to a unit of time or to an Immortal.
But who has e'er been able to understand the Immortals?
Periods of Time for the Past and Non-Past
One can afford to be quite thorough on this subject while one is entrapped here in a place beyond time. My beloved Prince and future Husband, many of the time forms that I have listed above have separate suppletive forms which emphasisze whether the action took place in the past or in the non-past. These forms are not productive, however, and forms that denote the past tend to have –na or –Ka as a suffixed element or a nasal infix, while forms denoting the present or future, the non-past, end in –qi, -ti, or –pi. I theorize that these past forms are similar to the –na/ka/nasal forms on some participles having to do with plantimals and denoting that the plantimal part has been removed from the rest of its body. For instance, my love, you will recall that sìpra are branches, but sìpraka are branches off of a tree. The –ka upon that word is viwed as a past time khmàloma affix, that is, the branch has ceased being a living branch in the same way that a tyìfhina is a past hour. As to the non-past forms, all of them consist of stopped consonants followed by –i, the same plosive which can appear in consonant combinations, and, moreover, -qi and –pi sound similar to qí and pé which both are participles denoting happening in the present, plus –ti and –pi sound similar to the affixes meaning this and that.
It has been the view of traditional grammarians that one cannot use certain participles in the same clause as these past and non-past participles. The reasoning is that one has a redundancy in time, in the same way that one may not have a redundancy in negatives in the same clause. I am not entirely sure whether this is a rule or a stylistic concession, but it is certainly a rule that I follow both in writing and daily speech, and in general only children and slaves and Traîkhiim tend to violate this particular dictum. For the time being I shall just describe it.
When one uses the past and non-past participles one cannot use the following participles in the same clause:
Participles for, those who are in the past, nostalgic for someone or something:
Lrún; khlún; fhúna.
Participles for those who are present, recent, contemporary, nigh
Khmaô; qí; sámo, sámoyot; fhiîn
Participles for those who are in the future, who hope for someone or something
Fhwún, lyár.
And the following:
Qìr pé, now, in the present
Qìr xhré in the past, then
Qìr xhré xhré in the far past, pluperfect, plusquam perfectum
Examples, please!
Qir ajáxeqi kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
These days Puîyus sets out and kißes Éfhelìnye.
Qir oâqe’ ajáxeqi kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
Throughout these days Puîyus sets out and kißes Éfhelìnye.
Qir ajáxàqixang kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
In three days Puîyus shall go about kissing Éfhelìnye
Qir kauqìkeka kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
In Þe afternoon Puîyus kißed Éfhelìnye on purpose.
Qir kauqìkeqi kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
In Þe afternoon Puîyus kißes Éfhelìnye on purpose.
Qir xhlòyana qár kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
Seven full moons ago Puîyus kißes Éfhelìnye.
Qir xhlòrapi qár kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
Seven full moons from now Puîyus shall go out and kiß Éfhelìnye.
Qir qhóqhika kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
In summren past Puîyus kißed Éfhelìnye and meant to.
Qir qhóqhiqi kuxha’ Éfhelìnye Puîyusan.
In summren to come Puîyus shall kiß Éfhelìnye and mean to.
Seconds, moments past/non·past
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Qir syàrmla are heartbeats ago while qir oâqe syàrmla xhroe are during those heartbeats in the past
Lwùqhoka heartbeats, seconds, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick ago (in Þe past)
Lwùqhoti heartbeats, seconds, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qìqtina moment, an instant, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick ago (in Þe past)
Qìqtiti moment, an instant, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tyòjoka minutes, seconds ago (in Þe past)
Tyòjopi minutes, seconds nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Syàrmla seconds, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick ago (in Þe past)
Syàrlpi seconds, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Thyìfhina hour, moment, minutes, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick ago (in Þe past)
Thyìfhiqi hour, moment, minutres, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xaônta hours, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick (in Þe past)
Xaôti hours, moments, heartbeats, eyeblinks, Augenblick nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Puey, it’s a little difficult to describe where exactly my Mother took me. Perhaps it is a disfunction of my limited perception, or perhaps there is aproblem with reality itself, or maybe I just do not yet have the grammar for to describe it. All that I can say is that in one heartbeat I was with you upon the warship, you were reaching out your hand unto me, and all at once Mother brought me high into the heavens, and without being angry at all, started tying me up.
Hours of Þe Day past/non·past
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
So ingqàyaloi are in the noon of the past and ikaqìyaloi are in the noon of the present or future while qir oâqe’ ìngqa xhroe are during the noon in the past and qir oâqe’ ìkaqi xhroe is during the noon in the present or future
Ajáxena days ago (in Þe past)
Ajáxeqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Ajàxhmena morning, Þe third hour ago (in Þe past)
Ajàxhmepi morning, Þe third ago nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Ajàxhneka morning, Þe third hour ago (in Þe past)
Ajàxhneqi morning, Þe third hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Ajàxhrena evening, Þe sixth hour ago (in Þe past)
Ajàxhreqi evening, Þe sixth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Àrna mornings, Þe third hour ago (in Þe past)
Àrati mornings, Þe third hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Engekétlhana pnights ago (in Þe past)
Engekátlhapi pnights nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhakhèsyana days ago (in Þe past)
Fhakhèsyaqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhankhàxhna twilight, Þe sixth hour ago (in Þe past)
Fhankhàsqi twilight, Þe sixth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhaôthana season, hour ago (in Þe past)
Fhaôthapi season, hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhàqana mornings, Þe third hour ago (in Þe past)
Fhàqaqi mornings, Þe third hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fharmèxhna days ago (in Þe past)
Fharmèsqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Ìngqa noon, Þe fourth hour ago (in Þe past)
Ìkaqi noon, Þe fourth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Kauqìkeka afternoon, Þe fifth hour ago (in Þe past)
Kauqìkeqi afternoon, Þe fifth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khaorórana dawns, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Khaoróraqi dawns, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khauróryana dawns, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Khauróryapi dawns, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khmepokèrna morning, Þe first hour ago (in Þe past)
Khmepokèrqi morning, Þe first hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khòrnto hours ago (in Þe past)
Khòrtopi hours nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khwàngqana dawn, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Khwàngqaqi dawn, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khwayàyana days ago (in Þe past)
Khwayayaqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khwentèmla evening; Þe sixth hour ago (in Þe past)
Khwentèlqi evenings; Þe sixth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khyexhlexájana evening, Þe sixth hour ago (in Þe past)
Khyexhlexájaqi evening, Þe sixth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khyexhrexájana dawn, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Khyexhrexájapi dawn, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Òrthwena dawn, first light, morning, light, Þe first hour ago (in Þe past)
Òrthwepi dawn, first light, morning, light, Þe first hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Pyáqana mornings, Þe third hour ago (in Þe past)
Pyáqati mornings, Þe third hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qàqwina dawn, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Qàqwiti dawn, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qhìqrana twilight, Þe sixth hour ago (in Þe past)
Qhìqraqi twilight, Þe sixth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Sìpfhina evening ago, from dusk to midnight (in Þe past)
Sìpfhiqi evenings nunow, from nunow, from dusk to midnight (present/future)
Sukhíyena evening, Þe sixth hour ago (in Þe past)
Sukhíyepi evening, Þe sixth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Sunaleîna morning, Þe seventh hour ago (in Þe past)
Sunaleîqi morning, tomorry, Þe seventh hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Taôjhwana morning, Þe third hour ago (in Þe past)
Taôjhwati morning, Þe third hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Thesànta dawn, morning, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Thesàngqi dawn, morning, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Thòkhruna morning, from dawn to noon ago (in Þe past)
Thòkhruqi morning, from dawn to noon nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tròyona midnight; Þe seventh hour ago (in Þe past)
Tròyoqi midnight; Þe seventh hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tseràkhna dawn, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Tserèkhqi dawn, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Uselaneîna noon, Þe fourth hour ago (in Þe past)
Uselaneîqi noon, Þe fourth hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhafhirèrna day, morning, Þe third hour ago (in Þe past)
Xhafhirèrqi day, morning, Þe third hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhakhàrna Dawns, Þe second hour ago (in Þe past)
Xhakhàrpi Dawns, Þe second hour nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhtháthana hours ago (in Þe past)
Xhtháthaqi hours nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhtháyaka hours ago (in Þe past)
Xhtháyapi hours nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Túrmpa hours ago (in Þe past)
Túrpapi hours nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhtháthana sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (in Þe past)
Xhtháthana sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (in Þe past)
Xhtháthana sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (in Þe past)
Xhtháthana sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (in Þe past)
Xhtháthana sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (in Þe past)
Xhtháthana sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (in Þe past)
Xhtháthana sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (in Þe past)
Xhtháthana sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (in Þe past)
Xhtháthaqi sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (present/future)
Xhtháthaqi sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (present/future)
Xhtháthaqi sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (present/future)
Xhtháthaqi sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (present/future)
Xhtháthaqi sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (present/future)
Xhtháthaqi sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (present/future)
Xhtháthaqi sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (present/future)
Xhtháthaqi sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (present/future)
Xhtháyaka sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (in Þe past)
Xhtháyaka sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (in Þe past)
Xhtháyaka sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (in Þe past)
Xhtháyaka sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (in Þe past)
Xhtháyaka sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (in Þe past)
Xhtháyaka sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (in Þe past)
Xhtháyaka sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (in Þe past)
Xhtháyaka sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (in Þe past)
Xhtháyapi sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins (present/future)
Xhtháyapi sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (present/future)
Xhtháyapi sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (present/future)
Xhtháyapi sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (present/future)
Xhtháyapi sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (present/future)
Xhtháyapi sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (present/future)
Xhtháyapi sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (present/future)
Xhtháyapi sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (present/future)
Xaônta sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (in Þe past)
Xaônta sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (in Þe past)
Xaônta sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (in Þe past)
Xaônta sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (in Þe past)
Xaônta sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (in Þe past)
Xaônta sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (in Þe past)
Xaônta sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (in Þe past)
Xaônta sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (in Þe past)
Xaôti sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (present/future)
Xaôti sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (present/future)
Xaôti sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (present/future)
Xaôti sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (present/future)
Xaôti sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (present/future)
Xaôti sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (present/future)
Xaôti sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (present/future)
Xaôti sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (present/future)
Thyìfhina sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (in Þe past)
Thyìfhina sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (in Þe past)
Thyìfhina sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (in Þe past)
Thyìfhina sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (in Þe past)
Thyìfhina sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (in Þe past)
Thyìfhina sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (in Þe past)
Thyìfhina sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (in Þe past)
Thyìfhina sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (in Þe past)
Thyìfhiqi sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (present/future)
Thyìfhiqi sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (present/future)
Thyìfhiqi sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (present/future)
Thyìfhiqi sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (present/future)
Thyìfhiqi sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (present/future)
Thyìfhiqi sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (present/future)
Thyìfhiqi sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (present/future)
Thyìfhiqi sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (present/future)
Túrmpa sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (in Þe past)
Túrmpa sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (in Þe past)
Túrmpa sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (in Þe past)
Túrmpa sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (in Þe past)
Túrmpa sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (in Þe past)
Túrmpa sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (in Þe past)
Túrmpa sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (in Þe past)
Túrmpa sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (in Þe past)
Túrpapi sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (present/future)
Túrpapi sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (present/future)
Túrpapi sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (present/future)
Túrpapi sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (present/future)
Túrpapi sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (present/future)
Túrpapi sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (present/future)
Túrpapi sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (present/future)
Túrpapi sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (present/future)
Fhaôthana sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (in Þe past)
Fhaôthana sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (in Þe past)
Fhaôthana sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (in Þe past)
Fhaôthana sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (in Þe past)
Fhaôthana sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (in Þe past)
Fhaôthana sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (in Þe past)
Fhaôthana sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (in Þe past)
Fhaôthana sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (in Þe past)
Fhaôthapi sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (present/future)
Fhaôthapi sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (present/future)
Fhaôthapi sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (present/future)
Fhaôthapi sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (present/future)
Fhaôthapi sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (present/future)
Fhaôthapi sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (present/future)
Fhaôthapi sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (present/future)
Fhaôthapi sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (present/future)
Khòrnto sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (in Þe past)
Khòrnto sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (in Þe past)
Khòrnto sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (in Þe past)
Khòrnto sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (in Þe past)
Khòrnto sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (in Þe past)
Khòrnto sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (in Þe past)
Khòrnto sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (in Þe past)
Khòrnto sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (in Þe past)
Khòrtopi sir íng Þe first hour, darkness before the dawn, matins, lauds (present/future)
Khòrtopi sir éng Þe second hour, dawnlight, prima (present/future)
Khòrtopi sir áng Þe third hour, morning, terce (present/future)
Khòrtopi sir úng Þe forth hour, noontide, Sexta, meridies (present/future)
Khòrtopi sir íkh Þe fifth hour, afternoon, nones (present/future)
Khòrtopi sir ékh Þe sixth hour, twilight, vespren (present/future)
Khòrtopi sir ákh Þe seventh hour, midnight, compline (present/future)
Khòrtopi sir úkh Þe whhhole day, compleate day, owll day lóng (present/future)
My Mother was quite methodical with what she was doing. The first thing she did was to start with my wings. No, rather, the first thing she did was slap me around a couple of times for running away from home again. This time her wings became rolling winds and thorn when they glanced against me. She threw me down, ah, well there really is no down per se in this place, it’s all an eternal upwards, it’s a little difficult to explain. She strapped some metallic weights to my feet, she dug right into the flesh of my white ankles so that both of them are still bleeding a little. I do not mind the corset that she has prepared for me, it’s actually quite ingenious in its invention, the way that it allows for the muscles and bones of my wings to poke through the grooves in the back. However, she told me, as she started tightening the corset, that she was forced to start binding my wings so that I would not try to sneak away from her. She told me that you would find me far more feminine and appealing in the years to come, if she began the process of cutting my wings even as they grew. She told me that my wings were far from fully developed, so now would be a good time to start the process. In time, she told me, I’d be binding the wings of my Sons and Daughters, she told me, and she kept telling me that I must not at all be sympathetic to the pain that I would inflict upon them or think to loosen the ties and bands, otherwise everything would be spoilt. In fact she told me that I was quite lucky that the War was continuing and Spring only partially lying upon the land, for if one travelled out of Jaràqtu and the mortal realms, the bitter cold held all things, and in these numbing months I would not feel the pain of the binding too much. She took a knife and cut into the muscles of my wings several times. I fainted a couple of times, and that was probably for the best. My Mother is not too affected by the sight of blood. When I awoke again she was already preparing some sort of concoction, and despite myself misgivings and the pain I was feeling, I could not help but feel very curious as to whatever it could be. I think she made much of the mixture just out of her own substance, for it was a burst of white cold light, but she was plucking phlogistons from the æther and mixing it within until it at least looked like blood. I was lying on my back at this point, and the corset was chomping against my sides to keep me still. She began plucking some of my wings, and she told me this was to prevent any ill growth, and she soaked my wings in this dust connoction until my wings felt like noodles upon my back. She rubbed my back and wings for a couple of hours, and yet I did not feel comfortable at all, it was not like how she used to rub and comfort me or how you hold me. She was making some sort of bandage, I think out of her own feathers at this point, long and rippling bandages that looked like tartaned dragon coils. Then, with her frore, frore hands she took each of the finger sof my wings and crushed them against my back until I heard a sickening snap. I screamed and begged her to stop, but she broke the finger bones one by one and pressed them right against me. She wrapped her bandages about my broken bones, she wrapped all around the wing and through the loops of my corset, and when she made a pass she reached for the clockwork of the corset to tighten it. I could feel where my wings were broken in many places. She told me that it would make me even more of a Princess, that this process turned maids into delicate dancers and young men into warriors
I just love sample sentences, don’t you? Let’s just invent something altogether stochastick:
Túrmpa ser xùjus ur qoe khornaxhnalwakhmòpongu jànajárs jaiqráyingtèyaning.
Hours ago mine honored mother went about and broke all of my wings’ bones.
Qir oâqe túrpapi xhroe khwòxekho xhthaûyejakh xhlir jhkhaû.
During the hours now and to come the bandages throttle me as I am tortured.
The first sentence is a volitional sentence, my mother is in the ergative case because she set out to do something on purpose, but since there is no object there is no absolutive case, there is only the anterior object following qoe and it is in the predicate experiencer case. The second sentence is a non-volitional sentence since the bandages don’t really set out to torment me, and notice that the object, xhthaûyejakh, me, being tortured or yelling in pain, is in the absolutive case, but there is no overt marker to it. One could say xhthauyupwàrejakh of course, but the –ejakh already makes it quite clear that it is singular. The vocabulary for these two randomly created sentences are xùjus from the I, A, U ablaut forms above, and it means those who are broken, shattered, toshivered, but in a causative construction it means those who break, shatter, toshiver, while Khmòpongu* means bones, usually it must have an inalien possessor upon it, but xhnalwa- is taking its palce, and we have in the next sentence khwòxekho, khwòxekhu, those who strangle, throttle someone or something, and then Xhthaû which means those who screech, who yell in pain, are tortured and a participle that chances to rhyme with it, Jhkhaû, bandages or bands.
Days past/non·past
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Therefore, atlhiqhilisunàyatser, sennights ago and atlhiqhilisuqìyatser sennights now and to come but qir oâqe’ atlhiqhilìsuna xhroe during the sennights then and qir oâqe’ atlhiqhilìsuqi xhroe during the sennights now and to come
She tightened the bandages and corset for about an hour, and when she was finished she sewed the cloth right into corset. I thought at least that the pain was finished, but as I lay there and wept for a time, I noticed that the bandages in the hours to come were loosening themselves of dreamdust and binding against me all the tighter, as the hours passed.
My Mother has repeated this particular ritual several times, and each time she has made the corsetry and bands upon my wings even tighter. She tells me that I’m quite lucky to have a Mother to take care of her in such a way and help her to become such a delicate little jhpaipalwòthyos ballerina princess. At least one an hour she unwraps my wings and inspects the broken bones one by one, she rubs them and kneads them and softens them and washes them in the dust that permeates the high nebulæ of these regions, she makes sure that all of the outer feathers are trimmed, and she kisses my wounds one by one. This is perhaps the only part of the entire process that I do enjoy, for at her touch at least the pain is lessened for a little while. She washes my wings with the stardust and tells me that she is removing dead skin, I’m usually no longer paying attention at this point, usually I’m still swimming at the feeling of her kiss. But then she rebinds my wings all the tighter and I’m aware of muscles and wings and pain once again. The first few times she just left me to lie there and then wandered away to dance the rest of the hour away, but after a time she started to become more talkative and tell me a little bit more about her life. I had no idea that she was about nine or ten winters of age before she spoke her first word, and from what she was saying I was thinking that perhaps she understands you better than I had thought. But sometimes I’m far too angry to pay attention to whatever it is she’s saying, especially when she’s talking all the time about how glorious and beautiful my Father is. After several more rituals of unbinding and rubbing and breaking my wings, I decided to try and escape from her. I had been tinkering with the chains that were cutting my ankles raw, and when my Mother was busy in her dance I snapped open the lock and proceeded to run a few cubits before crashing right upon my face, and I felt the full pain of my broken wings upon it. I think mine own body weight causes the corset to constrict against the wings all the tighter.
Sometimes when Mother is busy breaking and binding my wings, she sings sweet lullabies unto me. The pain that comes can actually be soothing in a way that’s hard to describe. I suppose after a time I just feel so completely numb that all I can do is lie on my side and listen to my mother’s singing. She tells me that she finds sleep to be very strange indeed, for of course she herself does not sleep. When she dwelt with Grandfather Pátifhar she found the entire ritual of sleeping rather endearing and baffling at the same time, and later with my Father she was puzzled that there should be another mortal creature that slept, it was quite a quirk she thought. She tells me that when I was newly born she used to hold me and sing me to sleep, although she was exceeding disappointed that I needed sleep, it was a concession to weakness she says, and she was also disappointed that when I was newly born that the wings I had phased out of existence. She says she knew it would take many years for my wings to blossom again. Her voice is very beautiful. Mine entire back aches. I can no longer feel the back of mine arms and legs. I think I shall have to sleep now. I can barely feel the quill in my hand or write a single
Atlhiqhilìsuna weeks, sennights, months ago (in Þe past)
Atlhiqhilìsuqi weeks, sennights, months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhàrpfhana days ago (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhapi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Jhòsweka days ago (in Þe past)
Jhòsweqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khìqhana days ago (in Þe past)
Khìqhaqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khwìqana weeks, sennights ago (in Þe past)
Khwìqaqi weeks, sennights nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Otheîka days ago (in Þe past)
Otheîqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Otyeîna days ago (in Þe past)
Otyeîti days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tíngana days ago (in Þe past)
Tíngapi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tòqnona weeks, sennights, months ago (in Þe past)
Tòqnopi weeks, sennights, months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tsexhlèna days ago (in Þe past)
Tsexhlèpi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tyájhana days ago (in Þe past)
Tyájhapi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Uîxena pnights ago (in Þe past)
Uîxeti pnights nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Wthékhna pnights ago (in Þe past)
Wthèkhqi pnights nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhyómena days, any lóng period of tyme ago (in Þe past)
Xhyómpi days, any lóng period of tyme nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xólena days ago (in Þe past)
Xólqi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xúleka days ago (in Þe past)
Xúlpi days nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Jhuintènta Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhaostùnta Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Katqànta Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xaqtònta Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xilrùnta Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Sultànta Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhàtyuna Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhàkhluna Sabbath Day, Day of Rest, Þe seventh day (in Þe past)
Jhuintètqi Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhaostùtqi Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Katqàtqi Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Xaqtòtqi Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xilrùtqi Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Sultàtqi Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhàtyuqi Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhàkhluqi Sabbath Day, Day of Rest, Þe seventh day (present/future)
Fhàrpfhana sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhana sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhana sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhana sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhana sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhana sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhana sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhana sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Fhàrpfhapi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhàrpfhapi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhàrpfhapi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhàrpfhapi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhàrpfhapi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhàrpfhapi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhàrpfhapi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Fhàrpfhapi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Jhòsweka sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhòsweka sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhòsweka sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhòsweka sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhòsweka sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhòsweka sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhòsweka sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Jhòsweka sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Jhòsweqi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhòsweqi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhòsweqi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhòsweqi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhòsweqi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhòsweqi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhòsweqi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Jhòsweqi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Khìqhana sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Khìqhana sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Khìqhana sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Khìqhana sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Khìqhana sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Khìqhana sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Khìqhana sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Khìqhana sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Khìqhaqi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Khìqhaqi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Khìqhaqi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Khìqhaqi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Khìqhaqi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Khìqhaqi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Khìqhaqi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Khìqhaqi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Otheîka sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otheîka sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otheîka sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otheîka sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otheîka sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otheîka sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otheîka sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otheîka sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Otheîqi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Otheîqi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Otheîqi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Otheîqi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Otheîqi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Otheîqi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Otheîqi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Otheîqi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Otyeîna sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otyeîna sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otyeîna sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otyeîna sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otyeîna sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otyeîna sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otyeîna sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Otyeîna sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Otyeîti sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Otyeîti sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Otyeîti sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Otyeîti sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Otyeîti sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Otyeîti sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Otyeîti sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Otyeîti sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Tíngana sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tíngana sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tíngana sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tíngana sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tíngana sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tíngana sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tíngana sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tíngana sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Tíngapi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Tíngapi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Tíngapi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Tíngapi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Tíngapi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Tíngapi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Tíngapi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Tíngapi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Tyájhana sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tyájhana sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tyájhana sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tyájhana sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tyájhana sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tyájhana sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tyájhana sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Tyájhana sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Tyájhapi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Tyájhapi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Tyájhapi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Tyájhapi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Tyájhapi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Tyájhapi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Tyájhapi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Tyájhapi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Xhyómena sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhyómena sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhyómena sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhyómena sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhyómena sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhyómena sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhyómena sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xhyómena sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Xhyómpi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhyómpi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhyómpi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhyómpi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhyómpi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhyómpi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhyómpi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Xhyómpi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Xólena sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xólena sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xólena sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xólena sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xólena sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xólena sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xólena sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xólena sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Xólqi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Xólqi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Xólqi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Xólqi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xólqi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xólqi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xólqi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Xólqi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Xúleka sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xúleka sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xúleka sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xúleka sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xúleka sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xúleka sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xúleka sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (in Þe past)
Xúleka sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (in Þe past)
Xúlpi sir íng Þe first day of Þe week (present/future)
Xúlpi sir éng Þe second day of Þe week (present/future)
Xúlpi sir áng Þe third day of Þe week (present/future)
Xúlpi sir úng Þe fourth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xúlpi sir íkh Þe fifth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xúlpi sir ékh Þe sixth day of Þe week (present/future)
Xúlpi sir ákh Þe Sabbath, Þe seventh day of Þe week (present/future)
Xúlpi sir úkh Þe whhhole week, compleate week, owll week lóng (present/future)
Puxhrùkhna Þe first week, Þe red phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Thukhnùkhna Þe second week, Þe pueyrple phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Fhoangpùkhna Þe third week, Þe blue phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Qapyòkhna Þe fourth week, Þe green phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Tlhaikhwòkhna Þe fifth week, Þe yellow phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Tlhuikhyàkhna Þe sixth week, Þe orange phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Jhailwàkhna Þe seventh week, Þe whhhite phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Puxhrùkhqi Þe first week, Þe red phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Thukhnùkhqi Þe second week, Þe pueyrple phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Fhoangpùkhqi Þe third week, Þe blue phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Qapyòkhqi Þe fourth week, Þe green phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Tlhaikhwòkhqi Þe fifth week, Þe yellow phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Tlhuikhyàkhqi Þe sixth week, Þe orange phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Jhailwàkhqi Þe seventh week, Þe whhhite phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqana sir íng Þe first week, Þe red phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Khwìqana sir éng Þe second week, Þe pueyrple phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Khwìqana sir áng Þe third week, Þe blue phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Khwìqana sir úng Þe fourth week, Þe green phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Khwìqana sir íkh Þe fifth week, Þe yellow phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Khwìqana sir ékh Þe sixth week, Þe orange phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Khwìqana sir ákh Þe seven week, Þe whhhite phase of Þe moons (in Þe past)
Khwìqana sir úkh Þe whhhole month, the complete month, owll month lóng (in Þe past)
Khwìqaqi sir íng Þe first week, Þe red phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqaqi sir éng Þe second week, Þe pueyrple phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqaqi sir áng Þe third week, Þe blue phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqaqi sir úng Þe fourth week, Þe green phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqaqi sir íkh Þe fifth week, Þe yellow phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqaqi sir ékh Þe sixth week, Þe orange phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqaqi sir ákh Þe seven week, Þe whhhite phase of Þe moons (present/future)
Khwìqaqi sir úkh Þe whhhole month, the complete month, owll month lóng (present/future)
Months past/non·past
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
So, ituxhnayèxhyeu, in the plenilunes ago, and itustiyèxhyeu in the plenilunes now and to come, but qir oâqe’ itùxhna xhroe during the plenlunes then and qir oâqe’ itùsti xhroe, during the plenlunes now.
Anípírana moonsets ago (in Þe past)
Anípíraqi moonsets nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Atlhiqhilìsuka weeks, sennights, months ago (in Þe past)
Atlhiqhilìsuti weeks, sennights, months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Eilènina moonrises ago (in Þe past)
Eilèniti moonrises nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Itùxhna full moons ago (in Þe past)
Itùsti full moons nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Jìnwena months ago (in Þe past)
Jìnwepi months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Jùptena months ago (in Þe past)
Jùpteqi months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khmàngqona months ago (in Þe past)
Khmàngqoqi months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khmepèngqa months ago (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqi months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khmúnuna full moons ago (in Þe past)
Khmúnupi full moons nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Sinùnta months ago (in Þe past)
Sinùtqi months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tiyùrna months ago (in Þe past)
Tiyùrqi months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tòqnona weeks, sennights, months ago (in Þe past)
Tòqnopi weeks, sennights, months nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhlòyana full moon ago (in Þe past)
Xhlòyapi full moon nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhnorìxhni pnew moon ago (in Þe past)
Xhnorìxhqi pnew moon nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhùptana half·moon ago (in Þe past)
Xhùptapi half·moon nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhiêltina Samhain, Þe first month of Þe year (in Þe past)
Sònyina Frosttide, Þe second month of Þe year (in Þe past)
Tàngtona Yule, Þe third month of Þe year (in Þe past)
Jèxhmona Imbolc, Þe fourth month of Þe year (in Þe past)
Khòkhtuna Bealtane, Þe fifth month of Þe year (in Þe past)
Paîptona Suntide, Þe sixth month of Þe year (in Þe past)
Xhlukheseîna Lughnasadh, Þe seventh month of Þe year (in Þe past)
Fhiêltiqi Samhain, Þe first month of Þe year (present/future)
Sònyiqi Frosttide, Þe second month of Þe year (present/future)
Tàngtoqi Yule, Þe third month of Þe year (present/future)
Jèxhmoqi Imbolc, Þe fourth month of Þe year (present/future)
Khòkhtuqi Bealtane, Þe fifth month of Þe year (present/future)
Paîptoqi Suntide, Þe sixth month of Þe year (present/future)
Xhlúkheseîqi Lughnasadh, Þe seventh month of Þe year (present/future)
Thumàkhaka Thúmakh, Spring Equinoxes, Ostara ago (in Þe past)
Thumàkhaqi Thúmakh, Spring Equinoxes, Ostara nunow, from nunow (present/past)
Tsalkhùntha Tsálkhuthe, Clover Days ago (in Þe past)
Tsalkhùtheti Tsálkhuthe, Clover Days nunow, from nunow (present/past)
Tsíxhàrna Tsíxhar, Midsummren ago (in Þe past)
Tsíxhàrqa Tsíxhar, Midsummren nunow, from nunow (present/past)
Xhathwùmena Xhathwum, Autumn Equinoxes, Mabons ago (in Þe past)
Xhathwùnta Xhàthwum, Autumn Equinoxes, Mabons nunow, from nunow (present/past)
Tlhiijhwekhmánta Tlhiijhwekhmátu ago, Dancing Days (in Þe past)
Tlhijhwekhmátqi Tlhiijhwekhmátu nunow, from nunow, Dancing Days (present/past)
Jìnwena sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (in Þe past)
Jìnwena sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (in Þe past)
Jìnwena sir áng Yule, Þe third month (in Þe past)
Jìnwena sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (in Þe past)
Jìnwena sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (in Þe past)
Jìnwena sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (in Þe past)
Jìnwena sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (in Þe past)
Jìnwena sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (in Þe past)
Jìnwepi sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (present/future)
Jìnwepi sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (present/future)
Jìnwepi sir áng Yule, Þe third month (present/future)
Jìnwepi sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (present/future)
Jìnwepi sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (present/future)
Jìnwepi sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (present/future)
Jìnwepi sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (present/future)
Jìnwepi sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (present/future)
Jùptena sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (in Þe past)
Jùptena sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (in Þe past)
Jùptena sir áng Yule, Þe third month (in Þe past)
Jùptena sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (in Þe past)
Jùptena sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (in Þe past)
Jùptena sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (in Þe past)
Jùptena sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (in Þe past)
Jùptena sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (in Þe past)
Jùpteqi sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (present/future)
Jùpteqi sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (present/future)
Jùpteqi sir áng Yule, Þe third month (present/future)
Jùpteqi sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (present/future)
Jùpteqi sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (present/future)
Jùpteqi ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (present/future)
Jùpteqi sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (present/future)
Jùpteqi sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (present/future)
Khmàngqona sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (in Þe past)
Khmàngqona sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (in Þe past)
Khmàngqona sir áng Yule, Þe third month (in Þe past)
Khmàngqona sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (in Þe past)
Khmàngqona sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (in Þe past)
Khmàngqona sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (in Þe past)
Khmàngqona sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (in Þe past)
Khmàngqona sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (in Þe past)
Khmàngqoqi sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (present/future)
Khmàngqoqi sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (present/future)
Khmàngqoqi sir áng Yule, Þe third month (present/future)
Khmàngqoqi sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (present/future)
Khmàngqoqi sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (present/future)
Khmàngqoqi sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (present/future)
Khmàngqoqi sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (present/future)
Khmàngqoqi sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (present/future)
Khmepèngqa sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqa sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqa sir áng Yule, Þe third month (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqa sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqa sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqa sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqa sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqa sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (in Þe past)
Khmepèngqi sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (present/future)
Khmepèngqi sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (present/future)
Khmepèngqi sir áng Yule, Þe third month (present/future)
Khmepèngqi sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (present/future)
Khmepèngqi sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (present/future)
Khmepèngqi sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (present/future)
Khmepèngqi sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (present/future)
Khmepèngqi sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (present/future)
Sinùnta sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (in Þe past)
Sinùnta sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (in Þe past)
Sinùnta sir áng Yule, Þe third month (in Þe past)
Sinùnta sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (in Þe past)
Sinùnta sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (in Þe past)
Sinùnta sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (in Þe past)
Sinùnta sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (in Þe past)
Sinùnta sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (in Þe past)
Sinùtqi sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (present/future)
Sinùtqi sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (present/future)
Sinùtqi sir áng Yule, Þe third month (present/future)
Sinùtqi sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (present/future)
Sinùtqi sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (present/future)
Sinùtqi sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (present/future)
Sinùtqi sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (present/future)
Sinùtqi sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (present/future)
Tiyùrna sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (in Þe past)
Tiyùrna sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (in Þe past)
Tiyùrna sir áng Yule, Þe third month (in Þe past)
Tiyùrna sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (in Þe past)
Tiyùrna sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (in Þe past)
Tiyùrna sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (in Þe past)
Tiyùrna sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (in Þe past)
Tiyùrna sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (in Þe past)
Tiyùrqi sir íng Samhain, Þe first month (present/future)
Tiyùrqi sir éng Frosttide, Þe second month (present/future)
Tiyùrqi sir áng Yule, Þe third month (present/future)
Tiyùrqi sir úng Imbolc, Þe fourth month (present/future)
Tiyùrqi sir íkh Bealtane Þe fifth month (present/future)
Tiyùrqi sir ékh Suntide Þe sixth month (present/future)
Tiyùrqi sir ákh Lugnasadh Þe seventh month (present/future)
Tiyùrqi sir úkh Þe whhhole year, the complete year, owll year lóng (present/future)
[A vague smear in the shape of Princess Éfhelìnye’s nose followed by several smears that look like her thumbprints.]
Where was I?
I’ve fallen asleep. I hope you can read this. Mother tells me that she commands me to continue living a normal life with her here and the whereeverafter she’s created for us. Right now she’s unbinding my wings again. I’ve completely lost track of time by now. I’m sure some days have past, but I don’t think that I’ve eaten at all. I’ve slept at least twice, but I’m not sure, with my Mother and her kind there is no clear division between life and thinking and dream, it’s all a single intention or dance with them. Mother was trying to explain unto me a little what her earliest days were like, but I don’t understand at all. She had no parents and no childhood at all, there was just energy and light and Khmèlte qthemlipuyùlkha, the Halls of Thought as the Holy Writ describes it. She says that my souls are a little too small to encompass it all, I’m still her little seedling and can only understand metaphor. I ask her what it’s like to dance in the heavens and be the very purity of light, but she tells me that there is no frame of reference that I have by which she can compare it.
Puey, I can’t withstand this pain anymore. She’s digging right into my wings right now. She says my wings will grow into the perfect little ballerina shape.
I ask my Mother to describe then the days of her girlhood with Grandfather Pátifhar, if she cannot tell me about what it is like to shine eternal and perfect constellate in the welkin. Once again she says that it is difficult to explain. She says that Grandfather found her in a pure shaft of bamboo and milch and light, and that he wrapped her up and took her home. She did not talk. She knew not how to talk. As oen of the deathless Áme who were part of the Apálo, the Great Music of Creation, the Joy of Creation and the Great Unfolding, as one who all of her existance was part of the Qyál the Musick of the Spheres wherein all Æons and Stars take part, she had neither lungs nor lips such as functioned in the mortal virospheres. She did not quite understand that the songs of men were part of the songs of the Immortals. She was quiet. She tells me that even today she is happiest when she is quiet and can just communicate in dance and motion and grace. Words are insufficient to the gravity of feelings that swell within her, she tells me. Grandfather Pátifhar labored for many a year even to teach her to say her own name.
I can’t endure this pain too much longer, my love.
I’ve very sleepy, but I’ll try to write some examples:
Xhajhya qir anípírana kiyùrkhaxing xheleqráyìngte.
Many moonsets ago my lady mother was not yet speaking.
Pajeqrauyelóngeyefhtoyènye’ anípíraqiyèxhyeu teirxhmi xheleqráyìngte’ éjarèxhyeu púr xhroe Khlìjha xhroa teir.
Perchance in the moonsets to come my lady Mother can teach you how to speak the words of Babel.
I’m having trouble staying awake. Kiyùrkha, kiyaîrukha means those who are silent, stilly, not yet speaking, nepios, infans. The rest of the other words I’ve introduced in the vocabulary, although I have not yet begun to teach you the various affixes. Paje- is a level five prefix that usually means his, her, or their, but it can also be used to begin certain constructions that require a second complentary clause, in this case, She teaches it, while the second clause is, What she teaches. –efhto is a level four suffix meaning potential, able to while –enye is a level eight suffix meaning perhaps, maybe, perchance, haply, mayhap, so that long word, Pajeqrauyelóngeyefhtoyènye’ is easily broken apart to mean is potentially able to teach it. Xhele- is one of those honorific prefixes that just mean female or lady, and you can see that the locative case form –exhyeu means both when something happens but also in order to do something, as it is repeating on both anípíraqiyèxhyeu, in the moonsets now and to come, as well as with éjarèxhyeu, in order to speak.
Mother is shattering my bones. So sleepy. Hard to write now.
Season past/non·past
The construction ei pejor or the suffix epoar expresses the situation, ’Tis happening, ‘Tis coming to pass.
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
I don’t really like it when Mother talks about how she met Father and what she thinks about him and how he’s just the greatest at everything. I’m not entirely interested at all. In fact I keep telling her to change the subject. If someone has to be squeezing my wings into bandages, I just would rather listen to something else. I’m just not paying attention to her. Perhaps this may just be the best path to take with my parents sometimes. Puey, you have no idea how lucky you are to have been given back the parents that you have, nor to Fhermáta and Karuláta know what a gift they have received, for whatever faults all of the parents of the penultimate generation might have had, at least all of the rest of them aside from my parents are relatively sane or at least scrutible. It was such a tragedy for so many children to be orphaned and driven asunder from their mothers and fathers, and mine heart swells with joy to see all of the families made whole again, and yet why is it that I’m still left with the parents that I have? Right now Mother is braiding my feathers, she’s working on some of my middle wings, now that she’s pulverized my lower wings. Blood is streaming down my back. Mother does not mind. She says that we are all ichor, it is part of our heritage and that I should not be ashamed to have dragon’s blood flowing inside this small coil of mine. I’m trying to get her to talk about how she learned language rather than Father. I’m glad he’s with you and fighting monsters and dæmons and all the horrors he created. Yucky.
Áraûkana season, tyme, years ago (in Þe past)
Áraûkaqi season, tyme, years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qhixiêka wintren ago (in Þe past)
Qhixiêti wintren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qholaîna wintren ago (in Þe past)
Qholaîti wintren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tòtrana wintren ago (in Þe past)
Tòtraqi wintren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Lyèrina wintren ago (in Þe past)
Lyèriti wintren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Lyiyìkena wintren ago (in Þe past)
Lyiyìkepi wintren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Jhaxeîxena wintren ago (in Þe past)
Jhaxeîxepi wintren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Jhetingewetlhajáxena wintren ago (in Þe past)
Jhetingewetlhajáxeti wintren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Pterúmla springs ago (in Þe past)
Pterúlqi springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Pingewetlhajáxeka springs ago (in Þe past)
Pingwetlhajáxeqi springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Prìxena springs ago (in Þe past)
Prìxeqi springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhyelúrna springs ago (in Þe past)
Fhyelúrqi springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhrúlana springs ago (in Þe past)
Fhrúlapi springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhlómla springs ago (in Þe past)
Fhlólqi springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhènxhana springs ago (in Þe past)
Fhènxhati springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Syùlyana springs ago (in Þe past)
Syùlyaqi springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Árne springs ago (in Þe past)
Árqe springs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qhóqhika summren ago (in Þe past)
Qhóqhiqi summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tingewetlhajáxena summren ago (in Þe past)
Tingewetlhajáxeti summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qyoyìkena summren ago (in Þe past)
Qyoyìketi summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Themlàpana summren ago (in Þe past)
Themlàpaqi summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Siêfhana summren ago (in Þe past)
Siêfhepi summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhìmlana summren ago (in Þe past)
Xhìmlaqi summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xhyìnena summren ago (in Þe past)
Xhyìneqi summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Aoxeîxena summren ago (in Þe past)
Aoxeîxepi summren nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Pfhaôpana autumns ago (in Þe past)
Pfhaôpapi autumns nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xethèmpa harvest, pfall, autumns ago (in Þe past)
Xethèngqi harvets, pfall, autumns nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qèptana autumn, falls ago (in Þe past)
Qèptapi autumns, falls nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhluîkhna autumns ago (in Þe past)
Fhluîkhqi autumns nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Kingewetlhajáxena autumn, pfall ago (in Þe past)
Kingewetlhajáxepi autumn, falls nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Puey, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to last. I keep fainting from the loss of blood. Mother tells me not to worry. She’s take a knife and digging into my middle wings.
Losing feeling in my hand. Having trouble holding pen
[several smudges are blotched upon the page]
I’m back. I’m having trouble concentrating. Mother is tightening something about my neck. It’s hard to breathe. I shall try to write and
[several more splotches]
Years past/non·past
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Hence jóna ser, years ago and jóqi ser years from now, and qir oâqe jóna xhroe during the years hence and qir oâqe jóqi xhroe during the years that come
Afhìmla years ago (in Þe past)
Afhìlpi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Fhèlpina years ago (in Þe past)
Fhèlpipi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Ingewetlhajáxeka years ago (in Þe past)
Ingwetlhajáxepi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Jóna years ago (in Þe past)
Jóqi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khayàptana years ago (in Þe past)
Khayàptapi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khnìrneka years ago (in Þe past)
Khnìrnepi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khyémla years ago (in Þe past)
Khyèlqi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Lyeyákaka years ago (in Þe past)
Lyeyákapi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qéngqa years ago (in Þe past)
Qéngqi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qwetiyáqaka years ago (in Þe past)
Qwetiqáqapi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Qyeyákaka years ago (in Þe past)
Qyeyákapi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tlhàthyana years ago (in Þe past)
Tlhàthyapi years nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Puey, I’ve fainted many times. Sometimes I wake up in Mother’s arms and she’s rocking me. Other times I wake up and I’m on my back and my Mother is crushing my shoulder bones. My mouth tastes like blood. I think she’s binding me up again, I can’t be sure. I’m going to be sick. I [nothing else legible]
Óxoar qir Khwònojhe’ afhimlàyatser óxhlixing poa.
Years ago dwelt I in the Forbidden Gardens.
Óxoar jana Puiyèyatser qir afhìpla’ óyaning poa.
Years from now I shall dwell in the presence of Puey.
Óxoar is a perfectly fine participle meaning those who dwell or are settled, and you already know of the Khwònofhe forbidden gardens where spent I my youth. In the first sentence you see a fun stylistic device in Babel where one participle in the locative case begins with a prefix and the other ends in a suffix, in this case the patter is qir X Y-exhyeu, and the same pattern is repeated in the second sentence as X-exhyeu qir Y, and these particular forms of the locative case can carry many meanings for location in time and space. In the first sentence, moreover, the subject is the instrumental form of the locative case because I had no choice about where I spent my childhood, but in the second sentence the subject is in the ergative case because it is of mine own free choice to dwell with you, my love.
Generaciouns past/non·past
The locative inflexions of Pejor+, qir+, -aloi, -atser, -exhyeu and +ser express the time when
The composite preposition qir oâqe X xhroe expresses the accusitive of the extent of time
Hence one saith pejor xorjùntana in past generations and pejor xorjùntati in generations to come, and qir oâqe xorjùntata xhroe during generations of the past and qir oâqe xorjùntati xhroe during generations to come
Ayesarùnta epochs, lóng eons of tyme ago (in Þe past)
Ayeserùtqi epochs, lóng eons of tyme nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Khyeltùmena centuries, millenia ago (in Þe past)
Khyeltùmeqi centuries, millenia nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Lyànta eons, ages ago (in Þe past)
Lyàngqi eons, ages nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Xorjùntana generaciouns ago (in Þe past)
Xorjùntati generaciouns nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Óxeka ages ago (in Þe past)
Óxepi ages nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Quníxena ages, eons, centuries ago (in Þe past)
Quníxepi ages, eons, centuries nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Tlhòpwina eras, ages, epochs ago (in Þe past)
Tlhòpwipi eras, ages, epochs nunow, from nunow (present/future)
Please save me, Puey. I keep falling asleep. I don’t know all that Mother’s doing. She’s breaking many bones now. I’m somewhere up on high. I need you.
Traditional grammartians have stated that generalized participles of time such as lyár and pé are not used with the specific participles of time that I have noted before. I am still not sure whether this is a matter of true grammar or just of styles. However, I should note that this preference or rule altogether has to do with too many mentions of time in the same clause. For instance the participle xorjùnta, xorjùntang means generations, circles, cycles, prominent individuals. It can still, for instnce be used with the phrase qìr xhré when referring to individuals of the past, but it cannot be used with qìr xhré when referring to generations of the past.
Khetyàxhuxurl qìr xhré xorjùnta.
Prominent individuals honored each other in Þe past.
Khetyàxhuxurl qé qir xorjùntana.
People honored each other generaciouns ago.
I am quite blessed to have Karuláta in our family, because from her I hear so many fun quirks of language, unto her all of Babel is always but a game, and she invents phrases I would never have conceived. I have heard her capitolize upon the double meaning of xorjùnta, xorjùntang by using both xorjùnta and xorjùntana in the same xhméja sentence, and thereby using qìr xhré with only one of htem.
Xhmiî’ ú qir xorjùntana khetyàxhuxurl khloâru qìr xhré xhnir xorjùnta.
‘Tis chantedthat in generaciouns past that prominent individuals used to honor each other.
In the sentence above notice that she uses the construction khloâru qìr xhré xhnir which, when it uses qìr xhré must must must must must must insert it between the khloâru and the xhnir. Why am I so emphatic about that rule? I’m not entirely sure, but I’ve heard it so many times, that it seems an irregularity worth repearting. What Karuláta is doing is purposely using the construction just to emphasise qìr xhré especially in its opposition to xorjùntana. There is a perfectly sound philological term for creating such a perfectly grammatical and yet highly marked sentence which all natal speakers of Babel will understand and yet find a little perplexing.
The scientific term is xèkhnuin, that is, weird. Xekhnuinèmpai, very weird indeed.
I’m losing all feeling in my body, Puey. Mother says that if I faint again she’s just going to take the letter and mail it for me. I wish I could tell you where I was. I need you.
Eûxi qir xhtháthaqi Xhthátha xhtháthanayèthya.
Hours from now Þe Stars shall dance just like hours ago.
This sentence is making use of a great many time words that I listed above, such as xorjùnta, xorjùntang, our famous word for generations, circles, cycles, prominent individuals, and xorjùntana generations ago and xorjùntati generations from now and to come and Xhthátha hour or Skydancing Star and xhtháthana hours ago and xhtháthaqi hours now and to come.
I do wish to mention
having trouble grasping. Fingers can’t quite hold the quill.
Just wish to conclude this discussion on time with words for Future and Past and Present Realms.
The words we have for Future Realms, or Places in a future timeline are Wtsuloîlo and Fhùrten while words that we have for Past Realms, or Places in a past timeline are Xhmawetsuloîlo and Xhmafhùrten while words for Present Realms, places in the present timeline are Wtsuloîloti and Fhurtènti. I suppose these words have created time itself. For time is something that so often must exist as a postjective or in the locative case. The Past and the Future are just difference places, just different timelines where one can visit, sometimes with great difficulty, sometimes with some ease, and all of the timelines come looping back together again at the beginning which is the end. So often these participles are just used in locative phrases to describe the where and when of where we may chance to be.
Qir fhùrten khetyàxhuxurl qìfhis ú.
In future realms one never honors one another.
Xhmawetsuloilèxhyeu qírenat Eilasaîyan.
In timelines in Þe past Eilasaîyan wæs Emperor.
Wtsuloilotiyèxhyeu Qunínya Qírenat Karijoiyèpyer xhneyemaike Saiqírent Puiyeyènwe kus xhnípeyèfhto jhkhathwòtejikh kus xhnípeyèfhto khosyeînejikh.
In the present timeline Kàrijoi is the Regent Emperor, but Puey, the snuggleable and kissable is the Cælestial Crown Prince.
I suppose I could have been a little bit more concise in the above sentence. Puiyeyènwe is your name with a masculine focus suffix upon it, I chose the masculine form rather than a generic one such as –axhwa or +xhmoe or the epicine –anwa because I want to emphasise what a wonderful Prince you are, and the focus lets us use the two relative clasues after it, kus xhnípeyèfhto jhkhathwòtejikh, who is huggable and kus xhnípeyèfhto khosyeînejikh, who is kissable. Xhnípe is the marker for the passive voice, and here with the –efhto suffix it means, those who are able to be engaged in something. You know jhkhàthwu, jhkhàthwot, those who cuddle, hug, snuggle, comfort someone or something and khòsyei, khòsyein, those who kiss someone or something on the lips, so xhnípeyèfhto khosyeînejikh means kissable upon his lips. The sentence could have been more concise by ending in Puîye xhnípeyèfhto jhkhathwotejikhòntet khòsyein Puey who is able to be both cuddled and kissed upon his lips, but I wanted the full force of the sentence to play out. Language should, after all, be fun. Qùnya, qunínya are viceroys or regents while Saiqíren you know is the Heir to the Emperor.
I can’t stay awake much longer. Mother is cutting into me. Blood soaks into all of the pages. Please save me. Mother –
[the rest of the pages are covered in crushed rose petals which had once been Princess Éfhelìnye’s blood. Upon the last page a small note in prismatic light shines]
Dearest Son,
Éfhelìnye and I are safe and having fun up here. She will be a true Empress one day. If you’re very good, I shall make wings for you also, bright and strong Raven wings. I find Daughter’s writings very interesting. They remind me of how I had to learn to speak. Fight with honor in the war, and win the war in my name.
New Website
Dearest Blessings~
It looks as though after over 3 years and 1145 letters, I have managed to
run out of storage for photographs of you all. So, I have con...
12 years ago
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