Epistle XIX: More Fun with Gibberish
[On the surface of Puîyus’ letter there is note written in Fhólus’ handwriting.]
I/we thoughted this would be a good first pageFor your book grammar thing thing thing ARTEDeLA LENGVACHLĪZZANA CON LA DECLARACION DE LOSADVERBIOS DELLA. AlIllustriß.o y Reuerendiß.oSeñor Don Púìïoz de Zçveghäñkku Arçobispo deDgaräkktu, del Consejo de su Magestad, &c. Por la Dea Ébheliñe Cháva Impreßo Con Licencia
GrammarOf Þe BabelLanguage With an Explanacioun ofIts adverbs ToÞe Most Illustrious ond MostReverend Lord don Puîyus of Sweqhàngqu, PrinceOf Jaràqtu, of Þe Cælestial Emperor’s Council, etc By Þe Starflower Princess Éfhelìnye Kháwa Printed with Permißion My precious Princess, I rejoice that you are feeling better. I have read your epistle several times. I’ve read the little essayling that Ixhúja wrote and would like to thank for it. I gave it to Great-Uncle Táto and asked him about whether Language were inherently Patriarchal, and he and Grandfather Pátifhar and Khniikhèrkhmair the Prophet had a grand and lively discussion of which I understood very little. We’ve been sailing away from this section of battle. It has been calm. I’ve been tending to the dinosaurlings and birds and flying fishes who have been staying with us on the warships, and I’ve always been listening to their music and thinking about what you are trying to teach us about language. I’ve asked Fhólus and Aîya whether they have any more ideas about Gibberish and pronunciation. They have a lot of ideas and wanted to include all manner of chirps, giggles, and taps into Gibberish, but I have gotten them to focus upon just a single aspect. It is something that we call, Íjukh Qíperakhàxhmikh, the Gibberish Pronounciation. For the purpose of speaking in Gibberish about words and names in Babel, it is common, we now propose, to practice to gibbergabber Babel. While it is never wrong to attempt to pronounce Fh, Tlh, Xh, and X and the musical tones in the authentic manner, sometimes it’s fun just to string sounds together. I’ve tried to remove the silliest parts, but here’s the system which Fhólus and Aîya and I are devising.
Standard Crown Prince Puîyos System
Let’s Jibber-Jabber Gibberish the Pronounciacioun
P, Pkh’ (dance!)
T, Tkh’, n’ (dance!)
K, Kkh’ (dance!)
P’, M’ (Fhólus was here)
Th (I want pie)
S (Stop writing on the letter, Fhólus)
Jh (stick out your tounges)
Q’ (stop talking about pie)
J (poke your neighbor)
Kh, kh’ (bubble bobble!)
K, Kkh’ (how are we supposed to pronounce that?)
W (two yodels)
R (one yodel)
L (three head spins)
Y (four pirouettes)
M (kick)
N (duck)
Ng (glide)
Ts (tip)
T + L (tap)
Xh’ (tap tap tap)
Ts’, Ks, Kts’, Q’s, Q’ts’
Thus K and Q are pronounced identically when gibber jabbed in Gibberish
Gibberish tends to make the tnòntha vowels quite balletic:
Standard Rising Sun Puîyos System
Dance dance dance, oh yeah,
Shake those necks, oh yeah yeah yeah
I (shake!)
I, Ii (shake!)
E, Ei, Its’ (shake!)
É-I (shake)
A, A’ (your)
Á (necks!
O, Ow (who?)
Ó, Ów (cares?)
U, Uw, A’s (let’s?)
Ú (dance!)
Diphthongs are pronounced simply as a combination of two vowels, sometimes with an hiccough or the tapping of one’s hand-feet, if one hands hand-feet. Exceptions are Ae and Oe which are pronounced identically with Ai and Oi. Furthermore sometimes an A or E or even the funny looking A’ is inserted between the consonants in the initial only consonant clusters of Wts-, Xhth-, Qth-, Wth-, Jhp-, Jhkh-, and Tn-
Er, Ir, and Ur are often pronounced just as syllabic –r’r, and sometimes with a sneeze. Final –Es and –Us are usually gibberized as –Itz’ and –A’s, quite often with a few sneezes. The initial combination of Kh plus a liquid or fhtuîtsil semivowel, that is Khm, Khn, Khl, Khr, Khw, and Khy are often gibbered as M, N, L, R, W, and Y. So Fhólus was calling my mother Khwofheîlya as if Wo-m’e-ílyakh’ (sneeze).
In order to demonstrate this gibbering, Fhólus and Aîya are pronouncing the names of some of those who were once of the Clan Sweqhàngqu. I am trying to produce their sounds as best I can, but I keep having to ask Fhólus and Aîya to be slightly less silly.
Enòsingar: E-né-psing-ar (my noses itch!)
Qhòrtho Tsàlkhat: Q’ór-tho tsál-kh’at (both noses)
Íngìkhmar: Íng-Íkh-mar (no, three noses)
Jàkopar: Ják-o-par (life’s complicated when one has three noses!)
Jesoâxha: Jes-ó-Æxh’-akh’ (uh-oh!)
Jùpal Esqrupiêtha: Júp-al es-qrup-í-íth-akh’ (about to sneeze!)
Khangisqrírles Otòrfhexes: Kh’ang-isk-r’í-ír’-lits’ o-torm’-ék-sits’ (sneeze!)
Khàsar Pèleqha: Kh’áth-ar pél-e-q’akh’ (sneeze!)
Khwofheîlya: Wo-m’e-ílyakh’ (sneeze!)
Khwòrpal Xàfha: Kh’wór-pakhl’ ts’ákh’m’-akh’ (I we can’t stop sneezing)
Puîyos: Pú-í-yos (burp)
Puîyus Serqheyewítsa: Pú-Í-ya’s ser-q’ey-e-wíts-akh’ (belch)
Seputritwítsa: Se–pu-tri-twí-tsakh’ (left wing twirl)
Siêthiyal: Sí-éth-i-yakh’l (middle wing twirl)
Syaîritsa: Syáí-ri-tsakh’ (ring wing twirl)
Tán Tìngo Qwiîto: Tán Tíng-o Kwí-ít-o (shake those wings!)
Moreover there are two names in Babel which, because the Traîkhiim deam them to be of a slightly onomatopoeitc nature, have their own standard Gibberish forms.
Plórpa is Blorp
Puîye is Puey
The Traîkhiim are telling me that musical pitch accent should only be added to neologistic Gibberish words which are somply natal Babel words or names used as the equivalent as names in the Shadow Tounges. Otherwise no pefhírokh pitch accent is used save for the rsing accent used to indicate a long vowel. I am not entirely sure whether that makes any sense. But we’re just playing here:
Kàrijoi is Karlos, Jh’arla’s
Khmaryátàyejikh is of Méri, Mári
Éfhàyutakh is towards Ém’a
Amen, Amën, ‘amen, Amenn is Túreil
Khyósepa is Jósep’
Fhethelekhemutakh is towards Fh’ethlekh’em
I would like to help you in your writing of this Grammar, but I’m afraid there’s very little that I can add to your erudition, oh Princess. Fhólus and Aîya and I are collecting whatever interesting words we can find here at the edge of the Void, we are almost snatching at the words as if they were sparkles of dust and mist tumbling upwards.
The Traîkhiim and I thought it would be fun to attempt to map the various dialectal phonemes and allophones that you described before unto the sounds of Babel. Please, oh Princess, know that there has been no true consistency, as there can be no consistent concourse between the Reality of the Dreamtime and our shifting imagination.
What We Think We’re Hearing
Closest Babel Equivalents
Sample Gibberish Words
How We are Pronouncing them in Babel
Pit, tip, spit, kh’ika’p, apír
Pít, tipa, sepíta, khikapa, apíra
Fh, P, Mp
Fh’al, q’lofh’, a’mfh’-l’l, fh’rik, fh’a’fh’-l’l
Fhál, qlopa, empel, fhrika, fhafhal
Taq’, pat, stik, teron’aqt-l’l, sta’p’t
Taqha, pát, stíkh, terotaqtil, stufhta
T, Nt
N’ip, karn’, n’rap, la’m’n’, fh’aten’
Tipa, kárt, trapa, khlafhta, patet
K, Q, Kh
Kit, skút, keraqt-r-r, krit-iik, ek-stenn’
Kít, sqút, qeraqter, qritíkha, etlhiita
Q, Qh
Q’arn’, fh’aq’, lang-r’r, n’esiq’net, pitsfh’-r’rq’
Qhárt, fhaqa, khlangqer, tetsiqneit, Pitsefhurqha
‘ (saltillo)
X, Ø
A’-‘-o, kh’a-‘-trak, fh’a-‘-man
Axo, khatrakh, fháman
P’ut, lap’, p’ilosop’i, káp’i, kerap’
Fhút, khlafha, fhilásofhi, qwáfha, keráfha
Fh, Mfh
M’est, n’a’m’, q’ram’-l’l, anm’il, am’-r’r-ej
Fhesta, tafha, qrafhel, amfhil, efherija
Thrú, rath, this-l’l, íth-r’r, títh
Theru, khratha, thisel, íthur, tiitha
Th’a’, th’er, ma’th’-r’r, aith’-r’r, títh’
Tha, thair, khmáther, aither, tiitha
S, Ts
Sop, sikaloji, paks, n’isent, pis
Sópa, saiqoloji, pakes, tisenta, piis
Ts, Tlh, X
Ts’ip, ron’ts’, kisets’, tsiraks, n’isain
Tsipa, khrotes, kises, tlhírokes, tixain
Xh’ai, mixh’-n’n, neixh’-n’n, q’lexh’el, xh’-r’r
Xhae, khmixhen, khneixhen, qleixhel, xhúr
Mejh-r’r, m’ijh-n’n, ejh-r’r, kasaliti, n’isijh-n’n
Khmejhur, fhijhen, eixhur, kajhuwalti, tisijhen
Kh’u, kh’at, rekh’axh’, kh’ol
Khú, khát, khrikháxha, khól
Xh, Jh
Jh’ok, majh’, p’ijh’-r’r, raijh’a’s, kon-stijh’u-ent
Xhókh, khmajha, fhixhur, khraixhes, kanxhixhuwenta
Ja’j, jorj, jelo, ríj-n’n, resijual
Jája, Jórja, jélo, khrijen, khrisijuwal
M, Khm
Mús, lam, xhmak, amnesty, amp-l’l
Khmús, khláma, xhmákh, amenesti, ampel
N, Khn
Nap, n’isain, sno, nó, nemanik
Khnápa, tisaina, xhnó, khnó, khnemánikh
Psing, thingk, p’ing-r’r, psing-r’r, angk-l’l
Síng, thingqa, fhingqer, singar, engqel
L, Khl
Lip’, p’il, loin’, mailn’, aplán’
Khlífha, fhiil, Khloet, khmailta, apláta
R, Khr
Rip’, p’ir, kh’aris, prún, kárp
Khrífha, fhiir, Khéris, prún, kárpa
R, Y
R’ait-r’r, ba’t-r’r, a’n’-r’r, kla’t-r’r, ca’t-r’r
Khrairer, fhayer, arer, qlayer, qyuyer
Fh, W, Khw
With, swim, mowing, kwin, twailait
Khwitha, swím, khmówing, qwín, twailait
Y, Khy
Yu, fh’yutip’-l’l, p’yun’, yús, yél
Khyú, fhyutifhal, fhyút, khyús, khyél
Khw’ijh’, khw’er, khw’at, khw’el, khw’ai
Khwixha, khweir, khwát, khweil, khwae
Ks, Q’ts’
Tlh, X
Eq’ts’akt, liks, ek-s-rei
Etlhaqta, khlikes, exerei
Syllabick Qwòthnas consonants
Em, Am
Pás-m’m, ka’s-m’m, an’-m’m, fh’at-m’mles
Pásem, qasam, atam, fhatemles
En, An
Fhut-n’n, jh’ik-n’n, les-n’n, kit-n’n-ixh’
Fheten, xhikan, khlesan, kixenixha
El, Al
Lit-l’l, sing-l’l, simp-l’l, steifh’ilaits’
Khlitel, singal, simpal, steifhalais
Er, Ar
Lan’-r’r, psing-r’r, fh’-r’rp, pr’r-sent
Khlatar, singar, fherpa, persenta
I, Í, Ii
Fh’it, wi, fh’ilim’, píp-l’l, ma’ni
Fhít, khwí, fheliifha, pípel, khmanii
Fh’it, kansist, injuri, maliq’nant, fh’isina’s
Fhít, kanxhista, inxhuri, khmaliqnanta, fhisines
E, Ei, é
Fh’eit, rein, q’reit, th’ei, q’eij
Fheit, khrén, qreit, thé, qeqe
E, Ei
Fh’et, resepxh’en, sets’, q’est, fh’eri
Fhét, khrisepexhen, seis, qhesta, fheiri
A, E
Fh’at, lap’, ang-r’r, kamran’, rali
Fhát, khlafha, enger, kamlet, khreli
U, Ú
Fh’ut, kh’u, suw-r’r, n’uti, thru
Fhút, khú, suwer, túti, theru
U, A
Put, p’ut, fh’ujh’-r-r, kan’, fh’uq’iwuq’i
Pút, fhút, paxher, qulta, fhuqhiiwuqhii
O, Ó
Fh’ot, fh’o, q’ro, th’o, óm’-r’r
Fhót, fhó, qró, thó, ofher
Fh’at, kát, rang, stalk, kór
Fhát, qát, khráng, stalqa, qár
A, Á
Pát, p’ath’-r’r, sarjent, ánor, kh’aspital
Pát, fháther, sarjenta, ánor, ásepital
A, E
Fh’at, tap’, anath’-r’r, ama’ng, p’oka’s, sóp’a
Fhát, téfha, enáther, Amánga, fhókes, sófha
Ai, Ae
Fh’ait, stain, aiyel, qwair, ailann’
Fhaet, staen, aiyel, qwaer, ailanta
Fh’aut, fhraun, n’aut, p’law-r’r, laun’
Fhaut, praun, taut, fhlaur, khlauta
Oi, Oe
Fh’oi, n’oili, rijois, per-s-troika, anoi
Fhoe, toili, khrijoisa, persqroika, anoiya
Fhólus and Aîya and I have been fiddling with various strategies of rendering Gibberish sounds into words which are at least pronouncible into Babel. I have asked them to avoid tapping, bouncing, and yodellng for the moment so that we can really think through this experiment. We have come up with four different ideas.
Fhraîxhu calques:
†Khmìmenga Sàja Þe Paraklétos which we think is another name or title for the Father of Paradise. We have translated it as Holy Ghost A natal Babel term would be simply to use one of the names of the Starfather such as †Xhákh or †Uîpfhu. Other Gibberish forms for the name of the Father of Paradise that we have found is:
Khristos Khristos from Kkh’istos, another name for Þe Starfather
Khyésus Khyésus from Iésus, another name for Þe Starfather
Putting Gibberish Sounds into Babel phonology:
This is not always easy since someones we have had to simply consonant clusters and use epenthetick E or A to wedge them apart. Such neologisms in Babel we have decided not to give the grave or circumflex accent but only to acute to use as a long vowel. We’re not entirely sure what if anything these sounds actually mean.
Afhrakham Afhrakham from Afh’rakh’am
Alapa Alapa from Ala’fh’a
Amen Amen from Xamen
Amérika Amérika from Amérika
Athína Athína from Athína
Auqustos Auqustos from Auq’ustus
Eire Eire from Eira’
Elperetha Elperetha from Elfh’ereth
Elta Elta from Eln’a
Etwart Etwart from En’warn’
Fhafhel Fhafhel from Fh’afh’el
Fhalimar Fhalimar from M’alimar
Fhanuilos Fhanuilos from P’anuilos
Fhárta Fhárta from M’arn’a, cf Fhárta “fate”
Fhíriel Fhíriel from P’íriel
Isarayel Isarayel from Israel
Jhkhaqwan Jhkhaqwan from Jhkwan
Jhkhár Jhkhár from Jhkar
Kaisar Kaisar from Kaisar
Kalakirya Kalakirya from Kalakirya
Keilis Keilis from Qeilixh
Khlorien Khlórien from Lorien
Khmelqo Khmelqo from Melko
Khmimfhári Khmimfhári from Mimfh’ari
Khmortor Khmortor from Morn’or
Khmoxhekh Khmoxhekh from Moxh’ekh’
Khnatsaretha Khnatsaretha from Nats’areth
Khnúmenor Khnúmenor from Númenor
Khyafhes Khyafhes from Yafh’es
Khyexhayakhu Khyexhayakhu from Yexh’ayakh’u
Khyokhanan Khyokhanan from Yokh’anan
Khyuteya Khyuteya from Yun’ea
Kútukh Kútukh from Kún’uk
Oiyoláxhe Oiyoláxhe from Oiyolóse
Pontiyus Pilatus Pontiyus Pilatus from Pontius Pilatus
Qalatriel Qalatriel from Q’alan’riel
Qasat Qasat from Kkh’ats’an’
Qhalilii Qhalilii from Q’alilaia
Qhiltóniel Qhiltóniel from Q’ilthoniel
Súrya Súrya from Suria
Tawit Tawit from N’am’in’, cf Tàwit, tàwika tiger slippers
Tsakhatum Tsakhatum from Ts’kh’an’um
Xhinar Xhinar from Xh’inar
Fhólus and Aîya and I have also decided just to use ordinary Babel words to represent some of the gibbering that we have discovered at the edge of the Void. Once again, this may all just be nonsense, but it is a glorious sound.
Akhlísa Akhlísa to represent Alisa, Lisa, Elits’afh’eth, Fh’eth
Ánital Ánital to represent Án, Ána
Éfha Éfha, to represent Ím’a, Ím’
Éfhelìnye Éfhelìnye to represent Em’elin, Em’elina, Ím’
Eirènwa Eirènwa to represent Airin, Írulan
Euqliîna Euqliîna to represent Yujiin
Fhloêt Fhloêt to represent P’loin’
Fhrákh Fhrákh to represent P’rak
Fhrán Fhrán to represent P’ran
Fhràngqa Fhràngqa to represent P’rangk
Fhrànxhiin Fhrànxhiin to represent P’ransin
Fhrànxhis Fhrànxhis to represent P’ransis
Fhríkh Fhríkh to represent P’rik or P’rits
Jàkopar Jàkopar to represent Jeikafh’, Ják, Jeimts’
Jhakúpa Jhakúpa to represent Ján, Jánathan, Yokh’an
Kàrijoi Kàrijoi to represent Kárl, Karlos, Jh’arla’s, Jh’arlts’, Jh’arlt-n’n
Karuláta Karuláta to represent Karláta
Khàtamakh Khàtamakh to represent An’am
Khlaûre Khlaûre to represent Lárel
Khniîkh Khniîkh to represent Ník
Khnìkhlaxha Khnìkhlaxha to represent Nikolas
Khmaryáta Khmaryáta to represent Méri, Mári, Maríya, Míriam
Khrùkhtii Khrùkhtii to represent Raxh’, Raxh’n’i
Khrunàlto Khrunàlto to represent Ranaln’, Orlann’o
Khwèntel Khwèntel to represent Wenn’el
Khwofheîlya Khwofheîlya to represent Op’ílya
Lyoê, lyoîsa aliens, non·Xhámi, tho of Þe naciouns, gentilen, to represent q’oyim
Plórpa Plórpa to represent Blorp
Puîye Puîye to represent Puey
Qwarìnyus Qwarìnyus to represent Kurenios, Kwirinius
Serqheyewítsa Serqheyewítsa to represent Serq’eyem’ijh’
Taôn Taôn to represent N’aniel,Taônt fhwii for N’ani fh’oe
Tét Xhmaîlaot Tét Þe Acceptababel, Super Tét
Tét Tét for Ten’
Tsiîkh Tsiîkh to represent Ets’ekiel, Ts’ík
Xataríyona Xataríyona to represent Kath-r’r-in, Katrína
Xeîtei Xeîtei to represent Keîti
Also the Traîkhiim and I tried to chose native place names in the Dreamtime to represent some of the gibber jabber we find in the void. The Dreamtime, the Land of Story is the music of cultural constructs, the memories of the glories that were and the wonders that are coming to be.
Eilasaîyanor Eilasaîyanor to represent Kh’ierusalem, Tsaiyen, Khr’oma, Lann’dan
Jaràqtu Jaràqtu to represent Eira’, Alafh’a, Kimra
Khatlhàntikih Khatlhàntikh to represent An’lantis
Kheîlel Kheîlel to represent M’inas
Khìtlhekel Khìtlhekel to represent Tiq’ris
Khnìntha Khnìntha to represent Mars
Khúpel Khúpel to represent P’rans, Swits-r’r-lann’
Purátu Purátu to represent Yup’retes
Qamélo Qamélo to represent Amérika, Inglann’
These are about all of the jokes and songs that the Traîkhiim and I have been able to create from the sounds and dreams that come from the Void. It is growing very late here, and Great-Uncle Táto likes to look o'er the letters to make sure that most of the glyphs were done correctly.
I had a dream about you the other night. I saw your standing beside the outer fence at the stead, and the Moons were setting, the light suffusing outwards and becoming part of your gown. Please give all my love to my Mother and Grandmothers and Sisters, and I look forward to the next epistle you shall send.
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