Monday, November 21, 2011

The Mad Tea Party Begins!

Khlúqeis Lwí.
Chapter Seven
Jarùyuxing Jukàkhta xhnir Qhaôm Jhatìyuqei
Piratical and Insane Honey Tea Party
Párna-xing khmeilafhoat-àthying pfhìleu qafhwomet-èpyer tsena-lruixhe-yaîtlho fhùlta solwir-iilii-yùjhwu keis thyiêsoa qyíyaûxi theî pfhu kei-tlhi-xing xhlir xhlúro ptét ptét ptét.
In front of the sea-wood ship house, flowed a stream, and, on top of the stream, a few cubits above it, floated a small sky whery with a flag flap flap flapping.
“Eiyinger-èjhyi teiqha-fhró-yùpwar Jhenínófho tei-xhli-xing khakhàsyar pfhe kúl qir syìlkhe pú-yepakh,” Stélar-ing paje-sixe-khwilìfhufhu, “xhnoet fhlajhì-yaloi toa xing toa khyakhpífhaî-yufhang ketlhi-yulkha-xing-òntet éxhertyàfhu-xing qir xhlajhèxhra xhweî xhroe xing xhnoipe tsena-xhyoinèsuqhi.”
“That happens to resemble, a little, a Candy Pirate’s flag, as I’ve seen such in illustrated books,” the Princess told herself, “but, in that feathered flag, there’s a picture of a tea kettle and a kitchen knife instead of a cookie and onion of war sword.”
Jhpárui-yàqlas ól tàpa’ ingoîxe xhroe’ itlhuki-yàthyen-ing tsena qir jé-yèpyer engeut-oaqèn-atoa khnau-yùpwar pejor jhwaîtlha Xarsòr-an-ing Qhíkhowe-yùlkha xhnoipe Jhpepornaîn-an.  Kekoaqing khyùxhamet kú-yuqei-xeng Tqepàlqim kekoaqing xhyikhikh-òmpan xhnoike syoipa-yoâqen kei-xhrejor-ing xixhne-yèthya-xing stá-yan stór kekoaqe khrèsto xhlir kekoi’ aqixhlèxhninges kei-yujhar-ing pejor án ùptakh tsena tlhir khátoi.
In the middle of the sky whery, there existed a table of preparation, outside of the crystal tree of the boat, and the Tea Pirate and the Mad Scientist were enjoying a honey tea party there with the cheerful ambience of a tea tavern.  The Ammonite was sitting between the twain, and was completely asleep, and the other two were using it as a hexagonal cushion, as they rested with their elbows upon it, and as they were talking and being blabbermouths high above its head.
“Istot-èmpai kònxhu khli Tqepàlqim pae tei-sur-ing,” pajè-wthau’ Alixhlìnye’, “Eiqhor-thalépà-yejet kei-xing paje-tsèpre pú kòmla kei-tlhi-xing.”
“Very, very uncomfortable for the Ammonite,” thought Alixhlìnye, “However, since ‘tis asleep, I suppose it doesn’t care.”
Pòyim pràno fhàngtas fhaseqhè-yujhar Qhimpíya-yatser-ing-àqwa fhàseqhe fhójhamat ei-xhrejor kexh-ing khwíwer-oâqen xhmoe jhpòrkhwi qtiiqhe-yènxhur fhórt-ùpwar xhnoipe sefhíjur-oâqen xhmoe jhepa-yoâpa xhokhra-yòntet fhungqo-yòntet kètlhi.
As the Princess ran up the rickety gangplank, she found, understanding that the sky whery was swaying side to side rather violently, and that dishes, and tea cozies, and tea kettles were crashing against each other.
Prùju jhati-yàswaor khokhteu-yàthying xekhya-fhleso-yoâqen jhárs  Fhòkhlili fhòkhlili teiqha-ponájhyi plèwe-xing.  Paje-fhórel kexh-ing khyoe-yeîlwai swui-yùpwar qhiirkhyon-eîlwai tsena jhanwa qir xòxhna’ ángo-yan.
Tea utensils were spilling down in front of her feet.  The boat’s cannon kept tottering.  She saw that the table was large, but that the three persons were crowded together at one corner of it.
“Khnól jàkhya!  Khneno-jàkhya!” pèxhlulu khyéja Jhpepòrnain.
“Room does not exist!  We have no room!” cried, saying the Mad Scientist.
“Khnólya jàkhya!  Khneno-jàkhya!” pwàfheqhe khyéja Tèlpar Jhàti xhroe.
“In sooth, room does not exist!  We have no room!” cried, saying the Tea Pirate.
“Khnólya jakhya-yàxhwa!  Khneno-jàkhya khnónt!” pwàxhexhe khyéja kú-xeng paje-qhorlpèn-atser koxha-xeng pfhojhàpamet Alixhlìnye.
“In sooth, room does not exist indeed!  We have no room at all!” they both cried, saying, as they both saw that Alixhlìnye was coming.
“Ólya thèptam xhunya-yùtya!” pajè-xhutse’ Alixhlìnye wthermet-èpyer koaqing qhùtlhut asteka-yaloî-xing ùrai khrepátsò-yuqei qánto se khuîn sqejhumunthe-yùlkha.
“Verily verily there is a pluperfection of emptiness,” chanted Alixhlìnye, sighing, and she sate down in a large throne with antimacassars at one corner of the table.
“Fhriîs aira pú,” qwèsur khyéja Khmeilaràfhama Jhati-yàxhmikh.  P-opaingana’ anítsutsaî-yejikh Xhámi kae’ óxe-yulkha-yàntong kexhe-xhrejor-ing xhnir sàroi pèyu sikáya-yaîqhor jhangétsu khmewa-yèthya koaqing púqe Peltaîrenu koxh-ing.
“I am named Fhriîs,” grinned, chanted the Tea Pirate.  He seemed to be a Færie boy of her own age, with bright orange hair, and he was dressed like the candy pirates in the Princess’ books.
“Tirnot-ájhei-yèmfhoi tú-xing khyáxe tsinítsa-yèxhyeu tú-xing?” jàkhakh qhàtiya’ ei-xhrejor Alixhlìnye.  “Eiqhor-xhyoaqoas xhyoaqoas ajhoqhar-khleina-khmóngo?
“Aren’t you too young to be a bucchaneer?” asked, chanted Alixhlìnye.  “Anywhere, wherever are you mentoring parents?”
“Keníxhle quja pú-sa tsinítsa quja pú-sur.  Keníxhle-yènwe xhmir jhàti!” paje-thoqelínge kexhe-yaswaor-ing Fhriîs kèpres xhmunífherò-yutakh.
“In fact, I’m a pirate, but not a privateer.  A pirate for tea, for true!” Fhriîs told her, sticking out his tongue towards the maiden.
“Xhnoet Jhwèsta xaê-xing pú-tlhi,” plát khyéja Jhpepòrnain.  Ánie Khlitsaiyart-ètyikh xhnir khlijhaîxhe jhipeiraju-yùjhwa fhél-ejikh koxh-ing. Xhléng xhléng khnewa-xhrepla-yùpwar xhnoike tixhemet-oâqen tlhotlhoxhwe-yoâfhe khengpeû-yepakh.  Pèrne peûta se siefhepi-yùlkha sókaqtènokor pfhu sikhya-khnewa-jhkhesta-yòjhwa sijeki-yèpyer xuxùwepe tsena-syarápeu-yèkhmo qóyoike-yòlkho-xing xekhya-fhùmlulu.
“And my name is Jhwèsta,” smiled, chanted the Mad Scientist.  He was of the saurian Khlitsaîyart people, of the genetic sub-caste of wheelmakers.  His tail kept undulating like waves, and his claws were strumming around a tea decanter.  His six rewel horns glistened in the light of icy gold summers to come, and a tea cup suspended itself from the horn of his snout.
“Xhiiqlim-ìthni pùplaimm tú-xing,” paje-fhèpyuliin Alixhlìnye.
“You surely are the crazy alchemist,” chanted Alixhlìnye.
“Xhiiqlim-ànwa khlíse taê tsena-Swakaîxhrini pú-yanwa!” pajè-xhtheus paje-jhkhèkhqa Jhwèsta.  “Ól tìfhikh keis khmèrot keis xekhya-khmemeráfha keis khmèrkhrekh.  Fhèngqi khithyu-yeîlwai xhnír qlús-ing khwawexhaxhlèqta poaqing khwàwexha pú-yeilwai!”
“I indeed am a mad alchemist, little Princess,” corrected her, chanted Jhwèsta.  “There’s a difference that’s large, and increases itself, and is emense.  Anyone can be demented, but I’m insane up to my ears!”
“Ás qthèwa xhamarnafhin-ùtya tú-xing,” paje-thyòqamat Qhaôm-ing Jhàti xhroe qrèxi-xing jáxe ser qhie-yùlkha kexhe-yaswaor-ing.
“Be it that you drink of the pink lemonade,” chanted the Tea Pirate to her in a tone that encouraged in general.
Qliî swui-yoâfhe-xing Alixhlìnye quja tèjha kei-yujhar-ing qir sèsum jhàti xhroe khnón quja.
Alixhlìnye looked all around the table, but nothing was upon it except for honey tea.
“Jenui-fhìsqa xhamarnafhin-ùtya khón-utya,” khyéja khmá-yùpwar khmàrniyo sae xing.
“I am not a see-er of some pink lemonade at all,” she chanted with a remark.
“Khnól xhamàrnafhint,” paje-khmúta Fhriîs Xàrsor Qhíkhowe-yùlkha.
“There is no pink lemonade,” chanted Fhriîs the Tea Pirate.
“Kho khnen-opaingana plúrt-ulkha-yèmpai ke se sas fhrìti kúl tú-yan-ing,” paje-yéjar Alixhlìnye’ akinàluqhang.
“Then ‘twas not very polite when you offered such on purpose,” chanted Alixhlìnye, being angry.
“Khnen-opaingalei qlite-yejikh-èmpai toaqing pùpwowo xhnípe-yalyìr-axúng qújòr-ejikh,” paje-fhaplìnamat Fhriîs.  “Ijuxújor-ingpenìngpen eiya tlhéxha-xing fhipfhu-yeîtlho jhenínófho-yètyikh xhyus xhyus?”
“You weren’t very polite when you sate down without being invited,” chanted Fhriîs.  “Eiya!  Whoever heard of a princess beginning to behave like a pirate?”
“Junth-opaingakh ei-xhrejor xhnípe fhwaô-yejikh jhumpe-yexhyeu-yèngut-ing pú,” paje-jhyèlta’ Alixhlìnye.  “Xhnípe khmorqor-ùlkha xhmir taên khmèngpa qwús tyá-yètwekh kei-xing.”
“With respect, I assumed it to be true that I was summoned to this table,” chanted Alixhlìnye.  “’Tis prepared for many, copious, more than three persons.”
Xhelkhemet-èjhyi qir síl fhòtsu fhàlkhat jáxe sae qweu-yùlkha pejor khlèkhye’ ur qoe jhyie-yòntet ampal-òntet jhpeikheîjatsu khangparto-yèxhyeu kei-xhli-xing.
The fragile sky whery happened to swing a little in the æther, as it hurled things, as it scattered pots and basins and tea water everywhere, flying off in fear.
Tlhitlhíla’ Alixhlìnye-yan.  Jaêrs lweirothie-yatser-ùngpu paje-khakhàsyar kexh-ing Fhriîss sixe-payan-oâqent pruju-yulkha-xùxhwi kekoaqe seîstu qìr xhré xhré fhenti-yàthying-ing.
Alixhlìnye ducked.  When she glanced up again, she saw that Fhriîs was hugging all the utensils that had been lying before her.
“Qí jhenujaxíxo khréxhye qlaêkhh khornà-pruju púxhrejor tú-yan-ing?” khmàltas xhàfhepel ei-xhrejor Alixhlìnye.
“Did you just take all my utensils?” asked, chanted Alixhlìnye.
“Khneu-khwiifhèfhafha paje-khwilìfhufhu pú-xhmi sàrei wtsí qtène xhàkhmi xhnir xhthàrlrei,” khyéja Jhwèsta Jhpepòrnain.  Lyánaûmat Alixhlinye-yètyikh qìr xhré xhré khwòjhi se xhrii-yàjhwen ekhwákhà-yepakh Jhpepornain-èpyer kheltelínge tsena xhlir xhrèqhawai sir xhlíkha koxh-ing.
“Your hair whispered to me, saying that your tresses want to be dyed purple,” chanted Jhwèsta the Mad Scientist.  The Mad Scientist had been gazing upon Alixhlìnye for some time with great curiosity, he intoned and chanted elegant words with his first speech
“Úwotu-yájhei khli yojhwo qir xhmeîxoa’ aníqhèxhyutsa xhroe qhijhwa-yùlrukh fheil khlákhra-yuîlwa?” paje-xhlothelónge Fhriîs.
“Is blue hair or green hair prettier, for the sake of a damsel?” chanted Fhriîs.
“Eîtlhir xisqiku-yùpwar teiqha-yòngerei xhroe tqèto xhroa Táfha-xing tú-xhli-xing khyáxe?  Paje-fhompiim-étyai-yùnyie tú-xing qìfhis qìfhis xhnípe fhaplinamàt-ejikhh khmàrniyo pèsqi pòtyi pfhu yaxúng tú-yepakh-ing,” khyéja Alixhlìnye kus tlhèfhir Fhixhàpa-xing fhrelo-yètyikh xhàlepa sae.  Xhnoett teqaxhruneqa-yàswaor paje-tiênamat kexh-ing, “Eiqhor-lyiîilhu-yapònya khlúrtis qláte-yèlwil pfhùpa xhuxhupáxhu-yùlkha’ inthuyèrqha pfhu swàreu tú-yepakh-ing!”
“Don’t you happen to wear the skeleton key of my Father’s office of vassals?  Therefore you must learn nevermore to be saying inferior and unsuitable remarks by accident,” Alixhlìnye chanted, beginning to command the crazy Alchemist with severity.  And to the lad she chanted, “And you, by chance, are a rude, castless boy whose hair resembles worrying fractals!”
Jhwàthon ur eilwai qoe tneûfhta palkho-yèxhyeu khyi Jhpepòrnaint fhwonxhùnthe sae kúl-ùtya xhwaoptu-yeîlwai paje-fhrimeqhè-yejikh koxh-ing, “Xhyeixhmoas xhyeixhmoas qúnt fhoreika-yoâkhwen khwoe-yòntet plùfhe lrerin-àswaor xhlir Fhafhàfhta Jhàsqewa?”
The Mad Scientist accidentally opened his eyen very wide as he began to hear such, but he merely chanted, “However does Our Lord Raven, by chance, eternally resemble the circles and triangles that an escritoire has?”
“Xhlipíreu!  Qìr ké swaqhímlum-ampeit-oîpil kepu!  Tlhenújo pexh-ing pfhonxhapfhà-yejet khìngqu jhpèpti-yan kúxhni,” pajè-swoa’ Alixhlìnye.  “Wthór ei-xhrejor pú khrárt kei-xhrejor-ing fhoâ pú-xhni,” khèkhekh paje-xhàfhepel kexh-ing.
“Go on!  Finally we shall have some fun now!  I’m glad, because they’ve begun asking riddles,” thought Alixhlìnye.  “I believe I could guess that,” she added, chanted aloud.
“Pejor xhmùni tú-xhrejor-ing tqàqyumat paje-tafhli-yájhei tú-xing tòngta’ ei-xhrejor tú-xing tuwu-yèfhto khrepti-yùpwar kei-qi-xing tú-yan-ing?” khmàltas khyéja Fhriîs Khmeníwa Jhàti xhroe.
“In terms of your meaning, do you claim, saying that you think that you can set out to find the answer that it has?” asked, chanted Fhriîs the Tea Pirate.
“Pajè-xhyau kómm tú-xing,” paje-xhlothelónge’ Alixhlìnye.
“You describe it exactly so,” chanted Alixhlìnye.
“Xhnoquru-yàtser-ing tú-yejikh-ing kho xhùtse’ eîqu susupfha-yampeî-safhamm tú kae xing fhongújo-yan-ìnwi tú-xhni,” qwóyeqhe paje-fhaplìnamat Fhriîs Keníxhle Qhíkhowe-yùklha.
“In terms of your meaning, then you are supposed to set out and say the meaning you intend to mean,” continued, chanted Fhriîs the Tea Pirate.


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