Impossible For to Describe
Epistle LXXI: Impossible for to Describe
My beloved bridegroom, my future lord and husband
Oh Puey
How I wish you were here. The Starscapes are by their very nature indescribable. Splendors of light and fountains of dust sprawl upwards. Everything is bright against the vast canopy of darkness and melancholy. The Stars flutter about me, curious and silent. They stare at me sometimes as if I were an insect, other times they fall down about me and hold me as if I were an infant and coddling me remind me that I am the only offspring e'er born of the Immortals. And othertimes they ignore me and leave me and Fhermáta to fend for ourselves, as the Stars in their billions of throngs arise in joyous dance. I do not know how to describe it, my love, I can only trust that you remember some of the wonders up here from the brief moments we stayed with the Stars on the day that you and I died in each others’ arms.
Right now the Stars are descending again. Khnúl the Northron Star is drawing out metallic paper. The Stars are telling me that they are taking interest in Language once again. Sometimes I think they are nervous, as if they fear that my Mother is about to shatter the family once again, and that only I am able to keep us all together. Othertimes I think they are still afraid of you. Right now the Stars are telling me that it is my honor and aretē to creature a complete and wondrous language of supreme beauty within six days. Otherwise, they tell me, they shall husk out my brain and eat it, or use my wings for sword practice or just throw me from the heavens. I sincerely hope that the Stars are just trying to emulate humor from Fhólus and Aîya. Oh Puey, please do not worry. The Stars are just trying to be friendly. Anyway, I have Fhermáta to look after me. She makes me eat meals at regular intervals and makes sure that I don’t work myself to death, especially when the Stars descend as they are now and flutter behind me and gaze at what I am writing and murmur unto themselves in crystalline voices and debate and wonder.
My love, I spend my time exploring the Starscapes and wandering through the floating palaces and throughout all of the petrified continents, I dance and rest and read. But now I write unto you. Some of the Stars are even reading aloud what I’m writing in their fluttery flute voices. It’s an hula quire of voices. Perhaps I shall think of something interesting for them to say. Ah!
Hello Puey!
Did you hear that? A thousand Stars behind my wings just chanted, Hello Puey! I’ll try something else.
We all love you, Puey!
There, the choral Stars love you! How wonderous is that?
Since I have little hope of actually describing the Starscapes to you, it is only mete and right that I write a little bit about how to describe participles in Language. Both the level two suffixes and the level three suffixes are very simple descriptive affixes which one calls adjectives. The level two suffixes carry very basic meaning such as big and small and hot and cold while the level three suffixes are all just colors, red and blue and green. These suffixes are simply placed in the level two or level three suffix position, and like the numerical level three numerical prefixes we met before, one can use more than one of these affixes.
And they are as follows. If you hear a thousand Stars chanting a list of grammatical affixes, here is how it all began.
Level Two Suffix: Adjectives*
·afhol Place, way of
·afhtong True, faithful, loyal
·ailpil Light, bright
·aintil Strong
·ajhwil Speaker’s lheft
·ajhyul Speaker’s rhight
·akhpil Agreeababel, petalpretty
·akhpon Noisy, with noise
·akhtal Ready, easy, fitting
·akhtan Poor, unfortunate
·alqiil Safe
·alton Delicious, attractivë
·alyin Wide
·ampel Goodly
·angil Simple, uncomplicated
·antong One’s own, real, true, belonging to
·antun Edibibble, tasty, attractivë
·anwen Solid, stony, sure
·apti Warm, hot
·asqron Lóng
·axorn Sentient, person
·eimpul Thin
·ekhpal Intelligent, smart
·ekhqan Lovababel
·elfhin Fast, quick
·elpiin Katadown, low
·elpul Deceased person ør creature
·elqil Frightening, scary, creepy
·emfhen Cold
·emlul Deceased body part
·empin Bad, worthleß
·empung Short
·ental Happy, bleßed
·enyun Sparkling, glittering, shining
·eqlas Fortunate, lucky
·eqnun Friendwise, my friend
·esqral Polite, pious
·exorkh Non·sentient, creature, plantimal
·eyii Cute, affecciounate, nickname
·iilii Diminutivë, small
·ixorng Inanimate, thing
·okhqol Slow
·okhtekh Loverly, beautiful, moral
·olru Chaotick
·oltoin Just made, latewise acquired
·ompan Compleate, whhhole, finished
·ontrin Sweet, sugary
·ontrol Important
·oqlel Quick, fast
·oqleng Beautiful, loverly
·oqnil High, upana
·otqom Wild
·uiltul Darksome
·ukhpel Old, worn out
·ukhteil Free, liberal, noble
·ukhtokh Silly, goofy
·ulqukh Clean, pueyre
·ulton Normal, customary
·umpul Soft
·untrul Mature, aged, ready
·usqrun Augmentivë, large, über
·utqul Order, harmonious
·eltal Generick, non·specifick, general
·(e)ji Diminutivë, for relatives, proper names
·(e)jer Daughter of
·(e)jem Son of, ·ides, Mac a’
·(e)sa Wife of
·angpas Immortal, Æon, Star, Other, Raven
·ingpis Spirit, Dream, Soul, Ancestor
·ungpos Mnortal, Royality, Men
That’s it for the level two suffixes, that adjectives. I’ll list the color suffixes later. These suffixes are extremely easy to use. Now you’ve learned by now how most adjectival phrases are handled in language, either as unmarked relative khyàtyekh clauses or in the geminate case. You’ve learned how one says qiêl hills and wtsát they are green and one puts them together to say qiêl wtsát hills that are green or green hills. Qiêlutakh untowards the hills when described with wtsát becomes qiêl wtsátutakh untowards the hills that are green or untowards the green hills. Qielùlkha of the hills is followed by the ingeminate case, hence qielùlkha wtsát pfhu of the hills that are green or of the green hills.
However a small number of the most common adjectival phrases can be formed with level two suffixes. One just drops them down and shifts the musical pitch about if need be. It is that simple.
Khniyusyórim twílayolkhàyafhol pú.
I like places of birds.
Jeyusyórim qwásulkhayàntong pú.
I like mine own Moon.
One important feature about both the level two and the level three suffixes which you must remember though, my love, is that they are by their nature extremely general. They have just a very simple, almost generic meaning unto them. If one wishes to describe a participle with another participle on will find oneself in a vast maze of meanings. For instance if I say:
Khmír jakhtaqtayejikhòkhqol khmeníwa kae pú.
I love the slow warrior who is a pirate
The meaning of –okhqol slow is rather unadorned. However, consider how I may try to say something similar using participles.
Khmír tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh swàno khmeníwa kae pú.
I love the the slow warrior who is a pirate.
The means about the same thing, almost. Perhaps one could even translate it as, I love the warrior, who is slow and a pirate, but that’s just a matter of emphasis. And yet consider the following.
Khmír jakhtaqtàyejikh fhufhòrkhpoma khmeníwa kae pú.
I love the late or slow or difficult warrior who is a pirate.
Swàno means those who are slow while fhufhòrkhpon, fhufhòrkhpoma means those who are late, slow, difficult. It just has a wider and richer range of meaning. Now, let’s consider this experiment.
Khmír jakhtaqtayejikhòtqom khmeníwa kae pú.
I love the wild warrior who is a pirate.
Khmír jakhtaqtàyejikh khiníkhte khmeníwa kae pú.
I love the warrior, a wild man, a sasquatch, who is a pirate.
Khmír tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tlhèxhyo khmeníwa kae pú.
I love the ragged, haggard, disordered, worn, hugger-mugger, wild warrior who is a pirate.
Khmír jakhtaqtàyejikh xùngtar khmeníwa kae pú.
I love the feral, untamed, unfettered, wild warrior who is a pirate.
The level two suffix –otqom simply means wild, but the participle khìkhte, khiníkhte means wild men, sasquatches, yeti and tlhèxhyo means those who are ragged, haggard, disordered, wild, worn, hugger-mugger and xùngta, xùngtar means those who are wild, feral, untamed, unfettered.
Khmír theupíyayejikhòqlenging stélar kae pú.
I love the lovely virgin, a princess.
Khmír theupíyayèjikhing qleî stélar kae pú.
I love the beautiful maiden who is a princess.
I love the maiden who is like unto callitrichous tresses, a princess.
Khmír theupíyàyejikh qlín stélar kae pú.
I love the maiden, the callinymph, the princess.
Khmír theupíyayèjikhing qléxhe stélar kae pú.
I love the maiden, me beauty, a princess.
Babel is quite rich for participles denoting beauty and beautiful women and I have chosen a few which keep the sound symbolism of ql-, such as the level two suffix –oqleng beautiful, loverly and qleî* beautiful things, beautiful hair, those who are callitrichous and qlén, qlín you know, and qléxhe beautiful women, me beauties, callinymphs.
Now I should point out that there are two level two suffixes which don’t quite correspond to any participles which we have, and these are suffixes which conflate the idea of beauty and tasting good, the suffixes being –alton delicious, attractive and –antun edible, tasty, attractive. Although we do have some participles with a similar meaning, I can’t quite think of anything that really corresponds to those suffixes. For instance consider this sentence.
Qhorlpèntu theupíyayèjikhing pú.
I finish off the virgin.
I eat the virgin.
I see the virgin.
I see the virgin good enough to eat.
The participle qhòrlpen, qhorlpèntu is notoriously difficult to define, it means those who finish off, end, consume, eat someone or something, see someone or something, or see someone or something good enough to eat. It does not have the same meaning as the suffixes –alton and –antun but it is certainly similar. Suffice it to say those two suffixes are extremely popular with my Traîkhiim friends whose own eating habits, unspeakable, I shall not mention at this particular moment. Natheless I do hear Fhólus and Aîya say in everyday conversation.
Jaê Fhólusàltont púxhli.
I see delicious or attractive Fhólus.
Xá’ Éfhelinyeyàntun khuswexhurnamatàmpeit jheisarAiyayejakh
Oh edible and tasty and attractive Éfhelìnye, I, your friend Aîya, shall eat you.
But the tasteless expressions of the Traîkhiim I do not think I have the strength to describe. I shall leave that to some other intrepid grammarian.
Finally, oh my love, let me reassure you that your eyen did not deceive you, and that indeed we do have two level two suffixes with identical meaning, both –oqlel and –elfhin mean quick or fast, as in the following examples.
Khnieròqlel stélarùpwar púyan.
Khnierèlfhin stélarùpwar púyan.
I quickly kissed the princess on purpose.
And so you can get a feel of how these level two suffixes work I shall device some sample sentences for you.
Usyórim stélarejìkhafhol Puîye.
Puey likes Þe place of Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyàfhtong.
Faithful Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhaîpil Puîye.
Puey likes Þe bright Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhaîntil Puîye.
Puey likes Þe strong Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhàjhwil Puîye.
Puey likes Þe Princess on his lheft.
Usyórim stélarejikhàjhyul Puîye.
Puey likes Þe Princess on his rhight.
Usyórimàkhpil stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey is a petalpretty liker of Þe Princess.
Usyórimàkhpon stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey is a noisy liker of Þe Princess.
Usyórimàkhtal stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey is a fitting liker of Þe Princess.
Usyórimàkhtan stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey is an unfortunate liker of Þe Princess.
Usyórimàlqiil stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey is a safe liker of Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhàltont Puîye.
Puey likes Þe attractivë Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyàlyin.
Wide Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórimàmpel stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey is a goodly liker of Þe Princess.
Usyórìmangil stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey is a simple liker of Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhàntong Puîye.
Puey likes his own true Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyàntun.
Tasty Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyànwen.
Reliababel Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyàpti.
Warm Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyàsqron.
Lóng Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejìkhaxornt Puîye.
Puey likes Þe sentient Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyeîmpul.
Thin Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhàkhpal Puîye.
Puey likes Þe intelligent Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhèkhqant Puîye.
Puey likes Þe lovababel Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhèlfhint Puîye.
Puey likes Þe fast Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyèlpiin
Lowwise Puey likes Þe Princess
Usyórim stélarejikhèlpul Puîye.
Puey likes Þe dead Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhèlqil Puîye.
Puey likes Þe scary Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhèmfhent Puîye.
Puey likes Þe cold Princess.
Usyórim tneufhtayolkhayèmlul stélar Puîye.
Puey likes Þe dead Princess’ dead eyen.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyèmpin.
Worthleß Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyèmpung.
Short Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyèntal.
Happy Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhènyunt Puîye.
Puey likes Þe sparkling Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhèqnunt Puîye.
Puey likes his friend Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhèsqral Puîye.
Puey likes Þe pious Princess.
Usyórim khmérnolkhàyexorkh stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey likes Þe Princess’ plantimals.
Usyórim stélarejìkheyii Puiyèyeyii.
Wee Puey likes his widdle Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhiîlii Puîye.
Puey likes Þe wee Princessling.
Usyórim khmérnulkhàyixorng stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey likes Þe things of Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyòkhqol.
Slow Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhòkhtekh Puîye.
Puey likes Þe mnortal Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyòlru.
Chaotick Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhòltoint Puîye.
Puey likes Þe newwise made Princess.
Usyórimòmpan stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey yzzz a compleate lover of Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhòntrint Puîye.
Puey likes Þe sweet Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhòntrol Puîye.
Puey likes Þe important Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhòqlel Puîye.
Puey likes Þe fast Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhòqleng Puîye.
Puey likes Þe beautiful Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhòqnil Puîye.
Puey likes Þe Princess on high.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyòtqom.
Wild Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyuîlul.
Darksome Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyùkhpel.
Old Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhùkhteil Puîye.
Puey likes Þe noble Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhùkhtokh Puîye.
Puey likes Þe goofy Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhùlqukh Puîye.
Puey likes Þe pueyre Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhùltont Puîye.
Puey likes Þe normal Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhùmpul Puîye.
Puey likes Þe soft Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyùntrul.
Mature Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyùsqrun.
Great Puey likes Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhùtqul Puîye
Puey likes Þe harmonious Princess.
Usyórim stélarejikhèltal Puîye.
Puey likes a generick Princess.
Sometimes, oh my love, in the Language of Beasts it is best to translate these these suffixes as some sort of adverbial phrase, especially when they describe the predicate of a clause. Consider the following.
Usyórimàfhtong stélàrejikh Puîye.
Puey faithfully loves Þe Princess.
Usyórim stélàrejikh Puiyeyòlru.
Puey chaotically loves Þe Princess.
Kúyàjwhil xhyus? Khyèqhiir kúyájhei? Khnenopaingate! Xaustélaring kú!
Wat’s that on Þe left? Is it a Dragon? Pardon me, but not! ‘Tis Þe beloved Princess!
Remember that the suffixes –ajhwil the speaker’s left and –ajhyul the speaker’s right refer to the speaker’s point of view which may or may not be the same as the listener. Context should make these clear. Semantically non-restrictive sùkhpet participles have to be used to be more specific as to whose left and right is being addressed.
Lyayefhóro teirxhmi Puîye.
Puîyus is on your left.
Koaqing khlètsu stélàrejikh Puîyus.
Puîyus is usually on Þe left of Þe Princess.
Xhthènteqhe qiel enyenáxhèyutakh fheil qiêl tnenátse Fhermáta?
Did Fhermáta go to Þe left or northron hill or ot the right or southron hill?
Koaqing khrìjho stélàrejikh Puîyus.
Puîyus is usually on Þe right of Þe Princess.
Aqhesqàniyi Karijoiyàswaor Puîyus xhnoe qìr té atísi kekuyaswaor kú.
Puîyus wended to Þe left of Kàrijoi, but then he wended to Þe right of him.
Note in the examples above that I’ve used the level seven prefix koaqing in his in its habitual sense. I have also used a few of the cardinal point participles which I introduced before, such as lyayefhóro, those who are left, not right and khlètsu lefthand side and those who are on the left or someone or something and enyéxhe, enyenáxhe those who are left, not right, north and aqhesqàniyi those who go to the left, port, larboard and tnètse, tnenátse righthand side and those who are on the right of someone or something and atísi those who go to the right, starboard.
The suffix -(e)ji is quite intimate and is thus only used upon words for relatives or for proper names.
Qráyìngteji! Qráyingtejì!
Mamà. Mamà!
Puîyeji. Puiyejì!
Puey. Puey!
Éfhaji. Éfhajì!
Éfha. Éfha!
The suffixes -(e)jer daughter of and -(e)jem son of and -(e)sa wife of also tend to be used upon such intimate words such as relatives and proper names.
Karijoîjer. Khnoqwísijer.
Daughter of Karijoi. Daughter of Khnoqwísi.
Íngikhmàrjem. Khwofheîlyajem.
Son of Íngìkhmar. Son of Khwofheîlya.
Puiyùsejer Pátifhàrjer Fhólùsejer Puîyejer Puiyùsejem Pátifhàrjem Fhólùsejem.
Daughter of Puîyus, Daughter of Pátifhar, Daughter of Fhólus, Daughter of Puey, Son of Puîyus, Son of Pátifhar, Son of Fhólus.
Íngikhmàrsa. Puiyùsesa.
Wife of Íngìkhmar. Wife of Puîyus.
Obviously there is no affix that means husband of, for there is no need for it, since it is from the husband and father that names must come to be. It is also far more useful for there to be a way to refer to the many wives of a man, say, if I had taken complete leave of my senses and permitted you to have wives and concubines, I would find it far more convenient just to call them Puiyòsesa wives of Puîyos rather than to have to weary my memory with the name of every concubine and secondary wife you may have. Of course this will never happen, but one can see where such an affix may be useful, especially among the Khlitsaîyart where the husbands still take many wives, and we may never be able fully to end such a practice even among the Noble Caste of our own people.
Wait, Fhermáta wants to write upon the parchment now.
Puey, I don’t know whether you know this but the priests and scribes still refer to me as Fhermáta Puiyòsesa. Did you know that? In fact just a few days ago, when I was going to the market with our Sisters, Karuláta was making a big deal about how she should get some dolls and she was telling strangers that she was Karuláta Puiyòsesa Khniêma Puiyòsesa’ Akhlísa Puiyòsesa. Oh the Princess wants the letter back.
Very well then, the first thing I’ll do when I return to Jaràqtu is ask Karuláta not to keep calling herself your wife. That will become rather annoying. Oh Fhermáta wants to write again. We’ll just sit down next to each other so we can both write.
Princess, I don’t think your cousin will like there being the suffix -(e)sa with no corresponding masculine form. Didn’t she write you a letter about whether or not Babel is a patrirachical language?
Yes, but she came to the conclusion that it was not. If the suffix -(e)sa was good enough for the Khnìnthans and Shield Maidens it’s good enough for us all. She did give some good examples of the use of the suffixes +qhau bellicose and +fhwii effeminate.
Sometimes, my Sister, the priests call your cousin Ixhúja Puiyòsesa.
That’s it! I will have to forbid that also. Fhermáta, remind me to start finding my cousin an husband as soon as possible.
I don’t think she’ll like that.
All we have to do is find a swordsman who can beat her in battle. How difficult can that be? And is there any way for the Stars fluttering papilionaceous behind me to stop reading aloud every word that I write.
Princess, shall we continue with these suffixes?
I suppose. Where did I leave off? Oh yes. There are a small number of participles denoting close relative which are considered to have the suffix -(e0ji already builded within them, in a similar way that, say tnèfhta has the builded in meaning of my or our eye. These relational particples are all of first person inseperable possession. One may still, however, add the suffix -(e)ji unto them for emphasis. These participles are Àpawu and Áfha for my or our Abbá, Daddy and Ámii and Àtiwu for my or our Mamà, Mommy and Pàpii my or our grandpa and Tètii my or our grandma.
Hence one may say:
My or our Abbá, Paĉjo
Your Abbá, Paĉjo
His or her or their Abbá, Paĉjo
My or our Mamà, Panjo
Your Mamà, Panjo
His or her or their Mamà, Panjo
My or our grandpa, Avoĉjo
Your grandpa, Avoĉjo
His or her or their grandpa, Avoĉjo
My or our grandma, Avinjo
Your grandma, Avinjo
His or her or their grandma, Avinjo
All other particples for relatives must take the suffix -(e)ji in order to form such affectionate diminutives.
My/our uncky, onĉjo, oĉjo
Your uncky, onĉjo, oĉjo
His/hir/thair uncky, onĉjo, oĉjo
My auntie, onjo
Your auntie, onjo
His/hir/thair auntie, onjo
And in the examples above I have used the lexical items ìtsain his or her or their uncle and ìtsan, ìtsanga my or our uncle and itsána your uncle and jenítlho my or our aunt and jenítlhoârtha your aunt and jenítlhoyaîngqa his or her or their aunt and khmumpalaîngpa his or her or their grandmother and khmumpalàrsya your grandmother and tìfhe, tìfha your father and tlharthosaîngpa his or her or their grandfather and tlharthosàrpa your grandfather and toîfhe, toîfha his or her or their father and tyèpiin, tyèpima your mother and tyèpoin, tyepoîma his or her or their mother.
Eight of the level two suffixes I would class together as … classifiers. I should rewrite that sentence. Oh, there they go, a thousand Stars just read it aloud. I guess if I rewrite the sentence they’ll just read aloud the rewrite. Just. As. They. Are. Reading. Every. Word. That. I. Right. Green. Purple. Up. Down. We. Are. All. Reading. The. Same. Thing. Fhermáta, let’s just draw a little box here.
·axorn Sentient, person
·elpul Deceased person ør creature
·emlul Deceased body part
·exorkh Non·sentient, creature, plantimal
·ixorng Inanimate, thing
·angpas Immortal, Æon, Star, Other, Raven
·ingpis Spirit, Dream, Soul, Ancestor
·ungpos Mnortal, Royality, Men
As we have learned to an exhaustive degree, Babel has a formal five-fold gender system which is really only fully seen with the focus particles. Sometimes the personal pronouns make a distinction among sentient and non-sentient, and the construct and ingeminate cases may make the distinction among sentient animate and non-sentient animate and non-sentient inanimate. However, the classifiers are another way that one can use to describe just what exactly the nature of a participle or personal pronoun may be. This is especially useful for personal pronouns which may be of any gender, such as wtsát, wtsàtim which could be animate or female or non-sentient all depending upon context. I think that a few examples will suffice to show the usage of these classifiers.
Jèjae qéyejìkhaxornt pú.
I see sentient people.
Jèjae qéyejikhèlpul pú.
I see dead people.
Jaê khréxhye tneûfhta xhroe yemul taê tó?
Do you see Þæt deceased eyeball?
Jèjae khmérnulkhàyexorkh pú.
I see non·sentient creatures, things.
Jèjae khmérnulkhayexorkhèlpul pú.
I see dead non·sentient creatures, things.
Jèjae khréxhye Khnoqwísiyejikhàngpas tú?
Do you see Khnoqwísi, Þe Immortal One?
Ojuxújòraxúng qéyejikhùngpos Jhasqewayàngpas.
Raven, Þe Immortal, doth not fear mnortal men.
Oh Puey, Þe Ancestor, the Ghost!
Oh Puey, Mnortal!
Oh Puey, puny Mnortal!
Tsèfheir wtsatìmaxorn tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a green person.
Tsèfheir wtsatimèlpul tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a dead person or creature.
Tsèfheir wtsatimèmlul tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a green dead body part.
Tsèfheir wtsatìmexorkh tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a green plantimal.
Tsèfheir wstatìmixorng tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a green thing.
Tsèfheir wtsatimàngpas tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a green Giant.
Tsèfheir wtsatimìngpis tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a great Dragon.
Tsèfheir wstatimùngpos tsena xhlir jakhtàqta.
The warrior accidently carried a green mortal.
Classifiers are also used with personal pronouns. This allows us to use personal pronouns to inflect all sorts of genders and classes, if one desires do so.
Joîkhmír khleitingpis jinungpos.
I, though but a mnortal, love you, though a spirit.
Újar kúxhrejoraxornt púyungpos.
I, a mortal, think about the person.
Újar keixhrejorelpul púyingpis.
I, a spirit, think about the deceased creature.
Újar keixhrejoremlul púyangpas.
I, a Star, think about the dead body part.
Újar keixhrejorexorkh púyixorng.
I, as a thing, think about the plantimal.
Újar keixhrejorixorng púyexorkh.
I, as a creature, think about the thing.
Újar kúxhrejorangpas púyemlul.
I, as if a dead body part, think about the Immortal.
Újar kúxhrejoringpis púyelpul.
I, though dead, think about dreams.
Újar kúxhrejorungpos púyaxorn.
I, a person, think about royality.
Admittedly one or two of the sentences above would either be considered delightful nonsense or metaphoric to an extreme sense, but still one does hear some rather unusual poetry from time to time.
Yes, Princess, and mostly from Kàrula. Her poetry is just odd.
I like it. I’m thinking of commissioning her to recite something at the betrothal rite.
It will be difficult to keep her behaved and unfidgetting and non-hyper for that long. But one can try.
Puey, my love, the classifier suffix –emlul deceased body party is not very often used with the participle ùsqa severed heads. The word ùsqa is just considered special.
Jaê usqayòlkha Puîyus.
Puîyus saw severed heads.
Xhmiîyeqhe xhmir Pápo Pátifhar ùsqa.
Þe severed heads spoke to Grandfather Pátifhar.
Severed heads are usually dead. However, some of them can still communicate with the quick, such as heads in Grandfather Pátifhar’s hut are sometimes known to do. But then again, Grandpa is a Sylvan Wizard after all.
The exact meaning of the suffix –antong one’s own, real, true, belonging to really depends upon context. It can refer to either the speaker or the subject of the clause. And so one hears the following and has to decide for oneself what is being communicated:
Taê Karijoiyàntong!
Oh our own Kàrijoi!
Oh real Kàrijoi!
Oh true Kàrijoi!
Oh Kàrijoi Þæt belongest unto us!
Jaê stélaràntonging púsa.
I see mine own princess.
I see the real princess.
I see the true princess.
I see the princess beloning unto me.
Jaê stélaràntonging Puîyus.
Puîyus sees his own princess.
Puîyus sees the real princess.
Puey sees the true princess.
Puey sees the princess belonging unto him.
Finally, oh my love, let me remind you that like the level three numerical prefixes that one may use more than one suffixes of this particular type upon a single participle or personal pronoun. Hence one does and can hear:
Khmír jakhtaqtayejikhokhqolòntrin khmeníwayùkhtokh kae pú.
I love the slow and sweet warrior who is a goofy pirate
Khmír theupíyayejikhòqlengeqnuning stélar kae yotqom púyanpas.
I, Immortal that I am, love the lovely and friendly virgin, a wild princess.
Xá’ Éfhelinyeyantunaptiyàlton khuswexhurnamatompanàmpeit jheisarAiyayejakh
Oh edible and tasty and attractive and warm and delicious Éfhelìnye, I, your friend Aîya, shall eat you whole.
Khnierèlfhin stélareltalùpwar Puiyeyanusqrunùtqul.
Great and harmonious Puey quickly kissed the genetic princess on purpose.
And so, my beloved Puey, as a reward for learning how to use the level two adjectival suffixes and also in celebration of both how efficacious and easy they are to use, I shall create a little chart showing how to use very many of them in a simple sentence, upon the predicate, then upon the object, and lastly upon the subject. I shall oscilate among omnivolitional, volitional, and non-volitional sentences just for the sheer joy of it all! How I love language, for it allows me to express my love of thee!
Sister, do I really have to help you paint out this entire chart?
Why yes!
This will take hours!
Why yes!
Level Two Suffix
Upon the
Level Two Suffix
Upon the
Level Two Suffix
Upon the
Ptiikhàyafhol jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey is the way of kissing the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejìkhafhol Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the place of the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyèyafhol khmeníwàyuqei.
The way of peitical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey accidently but faithfully kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàfhtong Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the faithful ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyàfhtong khmeníwàyuqei.
Leal and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayaîlpil jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey is a bright kisser of the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximaîlpil xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiraticaly Puey chances to kiss the bright ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanaîlpil khmeníwàyuqei.
Light and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayaîntil jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey strongly kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhaîntil Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the strong ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyaîntil khmeníwàyuqei.
Strong and peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàjwhil jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
On our left peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàjhwil Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princesson our left and on purpose and on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyàjhwil khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey on our left kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàjhyul jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
On our right peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàjhyul xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on our right and on her brow..
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanàjhyul khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey on our right kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayàkhpil jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In in agreeable way peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhàkhpil Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the pretty ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyàkhpil khmeníwàyuqei.
Agreeable and peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàkhpon jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Noisily peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow by accident.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàkhpont Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the noisy ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyàkhpon khmeníwàyuqei.
Noisy and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàkhtal jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratically Puey easily, readily kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàkhtal xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the ready ballerina princess on her brow by accident.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanàkhtal khmeníwàyuqei.
Ready and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayàkhtan jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratically Puey unfortunately kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikh àkhtant Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the unfortunate ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyàkhtan khmeníwàyuqei.
Poor and peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàlqiil jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratically Puey safely kisses the ballerina princess on her brow by accident.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàlqiil Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the safe ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyàlqiil khmeníwàyuqei.
Safe and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàlton jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow in a delicious, attractive way.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàlton xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chances to kiss the delicious and attractive ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanàlton khmeníwàyuqei.
Delicious, attractive peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princes on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayàlyin jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey widely kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhàlyint Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the wide ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyàlyin khmeníwàyuqei.
Wide and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow by accident.
Ptiikhayàmpel jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a good fashion peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàmpel Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the good ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyàmpel khmeníwàyuqei.
Good but peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhàyangil jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In an uncomplicated way peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmangil xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chances to kiss the simple ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyànangil khmeníwàyuqei.
peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayàntong jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey is a true kisser of the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhàntong Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess belonging unto him and on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyàntong khmeníwàyuqei.
Her own peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàntun jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a tasty, edible way peiratical Puey chances the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàntunt Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the tasty, attractive ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyàntun khmeníwàyuqei.
Edible and tasty peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayànwen jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess in a sure way on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximànwen xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the solidic ballerina princess on her brow by accident.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanànwen khmeníwàyuqei.
Stony and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayàpti jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a hot way peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhàpti Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the warm ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyàpti khmeníwàyuqei.
Warm but peiratical Puey chances to kisss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayàsqron jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess for a long time on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximàsqront Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the long ballerina on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyàsqron khmeníwàyuqei.
Long and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhàyaxorn jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a sentient way peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmaxorn xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chances to kiss the sentient ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyànaxorn khmeníwàyuqei.
Sentient and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayeîmpil jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a thin fashion peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikheîmpul
Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the thin ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyeîmpil
Thin but peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèkhpal jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In an intelligent way peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèkhpal Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical puey kisses the intelligent ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyèkhpal khmeníwàyuqei.
Intelligent and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess.
Ptiikhayèkhqan jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a loveable fashion peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèkhqan xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chances to kiss the loveable ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanèkhqan khmeníwàyuqei.
Loveable and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayèlfhin jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Quickly peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhèlfhint Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the fast ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyèlfhin khmeníwàyuqei.
Quick and peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèlpiin jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Down low peiratical Puey chances to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèlpiint Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kisses the low princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyèlpiin khmeníwàyuqei.
Low and peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèlpul jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Like unto a corpse peiratical Puey kisses the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèlpul xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the dead ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanèlpul khmeníwàyuqei.
Dead and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayèlqil jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a creepy fashion peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhèlqil Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the scary ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyèlqil khmeníwàyuqei.
Creepy and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèmfhen jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a cold fashion peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèmfhent Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the cold ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyèmfhen khmeníwàyuqei.
Cold and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèmlul jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Like unto a dead body part peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèmlul xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess who was like unto a dead body part.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanèmlul khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey who is like unto a dead body part kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayèmpin jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a bad way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhèmpint Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the worthless ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyèmpin khmeníwàyuqei.
Bad and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèmpung jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
For a short time peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèmpung Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the short ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyèmpung khmeníwàyuqei.
Short but peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèntal jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a blessed way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèntal xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the happy ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanèntal khmeníwàyuqei.
Blessed but peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayènyun jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a sparkly way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhènyunt Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the glittering ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyènyun khmeníwàyuqei.
Shining but peiratical Puey chanced to ksis the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèqlas jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Fortunately peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèqlas Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the lucky ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyèqlas khmeníwàyuqei.
Lucky and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayèqnun jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a friendly fashion peiratical puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèqnun xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss his friend the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanèqnun khmeníwàyuqei.
Her friend, peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiikhayèsqral jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a pious fashion peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhèsqral Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the polite ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyèsqral khmeníwàyuqei.
Pious and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhàyexorkh jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Like a plantimal peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmexorkh Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess, who was like a creature, on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyèyexorkh khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey, like a plantimal, kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhàyeyii jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In an affectionate way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmeyii xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the cute ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyàneyii khmeníwàyuqei.
Cute and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayiîlii jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess a little on her brow but on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhiîlii Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the small ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyiîlii khmeníwàyuqei.
Wee and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhàyixorng jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In the fashion of a thing peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmixorng Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess, who was like a thing, on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyèyixorng khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey, who wa slike a thing, kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayòkhqol jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Slowly peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximòkhqol xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the slow ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanòkhqol khmeníwàyuqei.
Slow and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina Princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayòkhtekh jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a lovely way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhòkhtekh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the beautiful ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyòkhtekhh khmeníwàyuqei.
Moral and peiratical Puey chanced to kisss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayòlru jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a chaotic fashion peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximòlru Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the chaotic ballerina princess on her brow on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyòlru khmeníwàyuqei.
Chaotic and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayòltoin jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Just now peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximòltoin xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess he just recently acquired and on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanòltoin khmeníwàyuqei.
Lately aquired peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayòmpan jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Completely peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhòmpant Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess all upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyòmpan khmeníwàyuqei.
All of peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayòntrin jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a sweet way peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximòntrint Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the sweet ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyòntrin khmeníwàyuqei.
Sweet and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayòntrol jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In an important way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximòntrol xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the important ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanòntrol khmeníwàyuqei.
Important and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayòqlel jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Quickly peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhòqlel Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical puey kissed the fast ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyòqlel khmeníwàyuqei.
Swift and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayòqleng jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a lovely way peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximòqleng Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the beautiful ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyòqleng khmeníwàyuqei.
Lovely and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiikhayòqnil jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
High up peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximòqnil xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the high ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanòqnil khmeníwàyuqei.
High and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayòtqom jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Wildly peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhòtqom Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical puey kissed the wild ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyòtqom khmeníwàyuqei.
Wild and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayuîltul jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a dark fashion peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximuîltul Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the dark ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyuîltul khmeníwàyuqei.
Dark and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayùkhpel jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a worn out way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximùkhpel xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the worn out ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanùkhpel khmeníwàyuqei.
Worn out and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayùkhteil jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In a liberal fashion peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhùkhteil Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the free ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyùkhteil khmeníwàyuqei.
Noble and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayùkhtokh jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a goofy way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximùkhtokh Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the goofy ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyùkhtokhh khmeníwàyuqei.
Goofy but peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayùlqukh jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a pure fashion peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximùlqukh xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the pure ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanùlqukhh khmeníwàyuqei.
Pure and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayùlton jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
In the normal way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhùltont Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the customary ballerina princess on her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyùlton khmeníwàyuqei.
Normal and peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayùmpul jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Sofly peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximùmpul Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the soft ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyùmpul khmeníwàyuqei.
Soft and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayùntrul jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a mature way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximùntrul xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss the ready ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanùntrul khmeníwàyuqei.
Aged and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Ptiikhayùsqrun jhpaipasàraxim Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Greatly did peiratical Puey kiss the ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximejikhùsqrunt Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the large ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puiyeyùsqrun khmeníwàyuqei.
Great and peiratical Puey chanced to kis the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayùtqul jhpaipasàraxim xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In an harmonious way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximùtqul Puîyeyan khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey kissed the harmonious ballerina princess upon her brow and on purpose.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puiyeyùtqul khmeníwàyuqei.
Ordered and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiikhayèltal jhpaipasaraxìmejikh Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
In a generic way peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasaraximèltal xhlir Puîye khmeníwàyuqei.
Peiratical Puey chanced to kiss a non-specific ballerina princess upon her brow.
Ptiîkha jhpaipasàraxim Puiyeyanèltal khmeníwàyuqei.
Generic and peiratical Puey kissed the ballerina princess on her brow and on purpose.
Just to be thorough I shall mention that there are some level two Gibberish suffixes which roughly correspond unto aspect markers. I shall list them at this present time, but shall not discuss them until later.
·a in Þe present realms, in Þe present timelines (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·au in Þe present realms, in Þe present timelines (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·oi in historical tyme, in narracioun, in story (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·ai in Þe far past, at Þe dawn of tyme, in Þe far future, at Þe end of tyme (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·anya continuous, nunow, presentwise (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·eta recentwise (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·ei imperfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·úte imperfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·enga perfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·úpe perfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
My love, you have seen just how easy the level two adjective suffixes are. The level three suffixes work exactly the same way. They all denote colors, but they are a very small subset. And yes, we do have one suffix which means red and another which means crimson, scarlet. I find that very interesting because even though we have the participle qhèsqo, qhèsqot those who are crimson, I am not sure whether that participle can also mean scarlet. It very well may be the case that the level three suffix –ailraikh is our only choice for expressing the concept of being scarlet.
Here are the color suffixes.
Level Three Suffix: Color*
·alrakh Red
·ulrukh Blue
·ilrikh Yellow
·uilwa Green
·aulwa Violet
·ailwa Orange
·oilyat Black
·iilwat Whhhite
·aojha Gold
·ajhwu Silver
·oalri Clean, colorleß
·iitiikh Crystalline
·ailraikh Crimson, scarlet
That’s it. And they work just like the level two suffixes.
Ùsyor óqlayolkhayàlrakh Eilasaiyanorùntar.
Þe Eilsaiyanorans like red flowren.
Ùsyor óqlayolkhayàlrakh Eilasaiyanoraojhayùntar.
Þe people of golden Eilasaîyanor like red flowren.
Ùsyor óqlayolkhayàlrakh xúyaôjha’ Eilasaiyanorèxhyeu.
Þe golden people of Eilasaîyanor like red flowren.
Ùsyor óqlayolkhayoâlri’ Eilasaiyanorùntar.
Þe Eilasaiyanorans like colorleß flowren.
Ùsyor óqlayolkhayaîlraikh Eilasaiyanoriitiikhùntar.
Þe inhabitants of crystalline Eilasaîyanor like crimson flowren. Sometimes one can even find a color term upon the predicate.
Í’ íyiitiikhìngpen xí?Do dreams alwey keep moving in a crystalline way? Xí is one of our particples which mean crystalline dreams.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayàlrakh óxing poa.
Perchance I like a red pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayùlrukh óxing poa.
Perhaps I like a blue pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayìlrikh óxing poa.
Mayhap I like a yellow pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayuîlwa’ óxing poa.
Maybe I like a green pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayaûlwa’ óxing poa.
Perchance I like a violet pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayaîlwa’ óxing poa.
Perhaps I like an orange pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayoîlyat óxing poa.
Mayhap I like a black pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayiîlwat óxing poa.
Maybe I like a white pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayaôjha’ óxing poa.
Perchance I like a golden pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayàjhwu’ óxing poa.
Perhaps I like a silvern pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayoâlri’ óxing poa.
Mayhap I like a colorless pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayiîtiikh óxing poa.
Perchance I like a crystalline pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayaîlraikh óxing poa.
Mayhap I like a crimson scarlet pie.
And like the level two suffixes one can apply more than one level three color suffix upon the same term.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayalrakhulrukhìlrikh óxing poa.
Perchance I like a red and blue and yellow pie.
Usyórim jairetuyulkhayenyunoalriyiîtikh óxing poa.
Perchance I like a sparkling, colorless, crystalline pie.
The Gibberish level three inflexions I shall list below just to be complete, but once again I shall wait later in the course of these epistles before I explain just how Gibberish works.
·re usualwise, accustomed to, begins to, starts to (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·jha must, neceßary, willing to, ready to, prepared to (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·mii can, able, may, might (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·jai hit (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·ja mee (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·ngo us (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·le thee (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·xhe yee (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·qhe oneself (object) (middle voice) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·jhii one another, each other (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
And so I have described unmarked relative pronouns, the ingeminate case, the the level two and level three suffixes by which we can describe the world, our thoughts, and the imagination of our hearts. And although I am unequal to describing the marvels of the Starscapes and the glories of my neverdying kith, I hope at least I may be able to describe the love that I have for thee
Xá Puiyeyòkhtekh!
Oh lovely Puey!
Oh loved and happy Puey!
Oh my beloved and pious Puey!
Your Éfhelinye
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