I'm Just Translated Away
Epistle LXIX: I’m just translated away. How art thou?
Be this read by my beloved foster Brother Puey!
This is Fhermáta. I’m with Éfhelìnye and her slaves. We’re all fine and safe here, wherever this place may be, so please do not worry about us. It seems that the Princess’ family, as was probably inellectuable, have found her and plucked her away to be with them. We are translated somewhere up within the heavens, the Starscapes even. I’m quite glad that I wove a rope around myself and the Princess’ waist. Usually the Stars pay me and the slaves no heed at all. In fact they’ve spent the last night or so just staring at Éfhelìnye and not saying a word, but just occasionally fluttering their glassen wings and humming in some strange astral harmonics.
The Princess tells me that you would recognize some of her Stellar Aunts and Uncles. The violet one is Fhòntis, and he is the only Star who’s taken any interest in the slaves. Appearantly the Traîkhiim have some beliefs or customs with regards to their violet lord. One golden Star the Princess tells me is hight Khatawékhi, and one very beautiful one is Khetsekúxhii. The tall and thin white Star she tells me is Khnúl, Polaris. Khyùqhal is short and squat and a red giant. Syirúke delights in watching the timetides through the great dance. And one little Star landing beside me the Princess tells me is Tsukíno Tsukikáqe. For some reason I think I should be more afraid than I am, after all, I am in the presence of Immortals, and yet they appear so very gentle for creatures so powerful and deathless.
My Dearest Puey,
I do not wish for you to worry about me and Fhermáta. I suppose Grandfather Pátifhar got his wish in a way in that I was sent home, or rather unto my Mother’s home. As for my Mother, no one has seen her in quite some time, if the Stars even have a concept of time. It seems that the Stars are being forced to grow accustomed to my Mother’s wanderings and curiosity and in general trouble making. Great-Uncle Khnúl says that I’m a great deal like her but I don’t see any resemblance at all. Fhermáta is fine, and she’s taking care of me. The Traîkhiim keep mewling and complaining and asking for food, and so the Stars have permitted me and Fhermáta to gather up the stardust for to make bread such as mortals eat.
I hope you are well in the warfleet. The Stars say that they will deliver unto you any epistles that I write. Right now the Stars are growing bored with just staring at me, or through me, I think they’ve been examining all of my cells and memories and thoughts, and so I thought I would turn and try to figure out another topic of language for me to discuss. Fhermáta is grinding up some ink here to help me in writing the letter.
Can may the question we the helping?
Fhólus, you can help Fhermáta make the ink. Now, I’ve throughly discussed the seven cases and especially the locative case.
Sure certain pellucid are you you haven’t the you forgotten nothing?
There are more constructions to learn, but they should wait, for I wish to explore the rest of the suffixes as well as other nations of syntax. The locative case, as we have learned, not only describes location in terms of time and memory and space, such as in, at, on, through, untowards but also some basic predicate attributes such as having or belonging as well as subordination such as in the context of, since, when, while, if and the like. I think that before we move onto purely descriptive suffixes, the level two and level three suffixes, that we should address basic participles which are also pertinent to the meaning of motion.
I we making lots of ink.
Please don’t spill it. I suppose one can liken this section to Problems on Translation unto the Language of Beasts, for I just wish to mention a few fhìtyu vocabulary items which sometimes may cause difficulties in translation for you. Now Fhólus, please be careful with
[several pages damaged with ink splashed upon it]
Is this page legible? The Stars have not provided too much paper. Fhólus, go and find us more paper. Fhermáta and I are going to try and write.
Sorry, Empress of tomorrow.
Please just go.
Sister, I think I’ve been able to soak aside most of the stray ink. These pages should be adequate for our purposes.
Participles of Mocioun
Now, where shall we begin? Ah! First I shall make a list of the participles of motion which are clearly related to affixes of the locative case. You shall see that each of these participles begins with a vowel and ends with either an –i for to imply wending or an –a for to imply being. We have here a case, therefore, of some clear etymologies, for surely the forms of the locative case must have existed first and then these participles were builded up from it.
Princess, your divine Aunts and Uncles are staring at you again.
Éfhelìnye. Thou art the one with the term of Éfhelìnye. Khnoqwísi made you out of her song and flesh.
Princess! I’m not writing this on the letter. Their thoughts are just appearing on the parchment. And I must say Grandfather Pátifhar would be proud of their handwriting, it’s all soft and curvy, just as one would expect of a Star.
Beloved Fhòntis and Khatawékhi and Khetsekúxhii and Khnúl and Khyùqhal and Syirúke and Tsukíno Tsukikáqe, I am honored that you should take Fhermáta and me unto your rewel and floating palaces high in the heavens. We are just writing a letter unto Puey. Do you remember him?
Raven’s Son. Dragon Slayer.
Why, yes. He’s beautiful and strong and brave.
Hmmm. You sound like Khnoqwísi. Why did she make you?
Ah … I do not really know. I would like to think because she loves my Father and wishes to be a Mother. I am afraid that I do not understand how you Immortals think, but I look forward to finding a common peace among us all.
Khnoqwísi changed our music. She made a you. Why?
Um … I don’t know.
Do you plan on making more Stars with your beloved Husband?
Ur … one day. Later. Perhaps this is not a topic to be discussed right now.
Éfhelìnye, you are an infant in our sight. Khnoqwísi tells us that you are fully Star and fully Immortal. That is a contradiction, it cannot be in the past or present or the to come. And yet she also tells us that you have created Language and that such a xhùthwo, such a chimæra may exist. How can that be?
I do not know. Would you like to help me write a letter to Puey?
We understand him less than we understand you. He conquers the Empire and yet lets your Father live. He spares Dragons. He talks to flowers. We have not even a word for such a creature as he.
Just call him a Puîyos.
Why did you create Language? Is not Dance enough for those who are Stars?
I love dance. But Language is a way that I may dance with sound and poesy and meaning.
The Lords of the Sea say that mathmatics is enough. The Lords of the Earth say that art is enough. Surely mathmatics and art are superior to language. The mere fact that the one by whom you intend to create new Stars does not speak must mean that Language is not the only form of communication.
Perhaps dance and mathmatics and art in general are all perfect ways for some to communicate, but I believe that Language is the alchemy that holds together all of our worlds. Would you like to help me compose this letter? Fhermáta and I shall paint our letters and you can watch. Puey, these are the participles of motion which are clearly related to forms of the locative case.
Eqìrxi tho who go in, at, on, into Þe presence of, near (somewhom/somewhat)
Eqìrxu tho who are in, at, on, in Þe presence of, near (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhlìrxi tho who go through, into Þe presence of, with (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhlìrxu tho who are throughout, in Þe presence of, with (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhmìrxi tho who go to, towards (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhmìrxu tho who are intended for, for Þe goal of (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhnìrxi tho who go with, together with, along with (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhnìrxu tho who are with, together with, along with (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhrìrxi tho who go from, out of (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhrìrxu tho who are owll boutly, about, concerning (somewhom/somewhat)
Etlhìrxi tho who go above, high above, on, upon (somewhom/somewhat)
Etlhìrxu tho who are above, high above, on, upon (somewhom/somewhat)
Aîtlhoxi tho who go on Þe surface of, on ptop of (somewhom/somewhat)
Aîtlhoxu tho who are on Þe surface of, on ptop of (somewhom/somewhat)
Aloîxi tho who go in, into, inside (somewhom/somewhat)
Aloîxu tho who are in, into, inside, during (somewhom/somewhat)
Alyoâxi tho who go throughout (somewhom/somewhat)
Alyoâxu tho who are throughout (somewhom/somewhat)
Antàrxi tho who go near, close, in Þe presence of (somewhom/somewhat)
Antàrxu tho who are near, close, in Þe presence of (somewhom/somewhat)
Àqlasi tho who go in Þe middle of (somewhom/somewhat)
Àqlasu tho who are in Þe middle of (somewhom/somewhat)
Aswaôru tho who are Þe beneficiary for, goal of, intended for (somewhom/somewhat)
Àthyeni tho who go outside, opposite to (somewhom/somewhat)
Àthyenu tho who are outside, opposite to (somewhom/somewhat)
Àthyingi tho who go in front of, before (somewhom/somewhat)
Àthyingu tho who are in front of, before (somewhom/somewhat)
Eîtlhoxu tho who are about, concerning (somewhom/somewhat)
Ejhwòrxi tho who go below (somewhom/somewhat)
Ejhwòrxu tho who are below (somewhom/somewhat)
Èlwilu tho who are without, lack (somewhom/somewhat)
Èmleni tho who go katadown from, below (somewhom/somewhat)
Èmlenu tho who are katadown from, below (somewhom/somewhat)
Èpakhi tho who go through (somewhom/somewhat)
Èpakhu tho who are throughout (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhyeûxi tho who go in, at, on (somewhom/somewhat)
Exhyeûxu tho who are in, at, on (somewhom/somewhat)
Iêngoxi tho who go behind, at Þe back of (somewhom/somewhat)
Iêngoxu tho who are behind, at Þe back of (somewhom/somewhat)
Iêqyaxi tho who go acroß, over (somewhom/somewhat)
Iêqyaxu tho who are acroß, over (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâfhexi tho who go around (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâfhexu tho who are around (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâkaxi tho who go after, behind (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâkaxu tho who are after, behind (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâpaxi tho who go against (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâpaxu tho who are against (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâtaxi tho who go beside (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâtaxu tho who are beside (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâtlhaxi tho who go above (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâtlhaxu tho who are above (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâtyexi tho who go off of, from (somewhom/somewhat)
Oâtyexu tho who are off of, from (somewhom/somewhat)
Ofhiêti tho who go beyond, past (somewhom/somewhat)
Ofhiêtu tho who are beyond, past (somewhom/somewhat)
Òkhnoxi tho who go over, away from (somewhom/somewhat)
Òkhnoxu tho who are over, away from (somewhom/somewhat)
Omleîxu tho who are for Þe sake of (somewhom/somewhat)
Ufhàrxi tho who go underneath, under, below (somewhom/somewhat)
Ufhàrxu tho who are underneath, under, below (somewhom/somewhat)
Ujhàrxi tho who go upon, on, on ptop of (somewhom/somewhat)
Ujhàrxu tho who are upon, on, on ptop of (somewhom/somewhat)
Uqeîxi tho who accompany, go with, among, between (somewhom/somewhat)
Uqeîxu tho who are aßociated with, are with, among, between (somewhom/somewhat)
Ùtakhi tho who go to, towards, head to (somewhom/somewhat)
Ìsoxu tho who are Þe beneficiary for, goal of, intended for (somewhom/somewhat)
Ipaîxu tho who are Þe beneficiary for, goal of, intended for (somewhom/somewhat)
Ìsexi tho who go in, at, on (somewhom/somewhat)
Ìsexu tho who are in, at, on (somewhom/somewhat)
Isèrxi tho who go through (somewhom/somewhat)
Isèrxu tho who are throughout (somewhom/somewhat)
Isaîxi tho who go through (somewhom/somewhat)
Isaîxu tho who are throughout (somewhom/somewhat)
Ìsixi tho who go from, out of (somewhom/somewhat)
Ìsixu tho who are from, out of (somewhom/somewhat)
Ìkhmoxi tho who go from, out of (somewhom/somewhat)
Ìkhmoxu tho who are from, out of (somewhom/somewhat)
We think that it is a miracle that Language Imaginary should become real and should be made publick unto all the worlds and that yours should be the voice to sing it, mute though thou shouldst be of song, and yours the hand to write it, although but an infantling unto our eyen timeless.
I do not think that any miracle that one can attribute unto Babel should be brought unto me. I clearly have some of the same attributes that my parents have, my Mother’s grace and rhythm as well as my Father’s artistic temperment. I can take no credit at all for how I was born. Indeed that Father of all the Stars, Who is the font of all of creation, is the ultimate author of all creative enterprises, His is the miracle that I may paint hieroglyphs which did not exist before and speak in Language for the first time, and so of Language all the rest of us dance and melody may take form.
We all come from above, from our Father in the Halls of Thoughts. And yet tell us, our child, it is not the custom of mortals to create words in the way you have. One learns language from other children and from one’s parents, but you bore it of yourself, just as your Mother created you.
Our Daughter, Virgin Born, it seems that you are far more similar to Khnoqwísi than we had considered before, for she took some of Kàrijoi’s music and of herself created you.
Oh yes, our Daughter, in the same way you are her new creation, so too Babel is your own. And it was for love of Kàrijoi, so the legend tells us, that she made you, and now it is for love of Puîyos that you create Language. How very curious.
In a way these participles of motion may take the place of regular form of the locative case.
Í Jaraqtùyutakh pú.
Ùtakhi Jaraqtuyùlkha pú.
I go towards Jaràqtu.
Xhnir xhónt pú.
Exhnìrxu xhón xhroe pú.
I eam near Þe water.
Wthárloâtlha pú.
Oâtlhaxu wthárl xhroe pú.
I eam above Þe river.
Participles of motion are especially useful if one wishes to create relative clauses or if one wishes to use level five aspect suffixes, since aspect may only be applied unto the experiencer and construct and ingeminate case.
Jaê stélarùpwar ùtakhi kae Jaraqtuyùlkha púxhli.
I see the princess going untowards Jaràqtu.
Jaê stélarùpwar ùtakhi kae yupwar Jaraqtuyùlkha púxhli.
I see the princess who went untowards Jaràqtu once.
Jaê’ exhnirxuyòjhwa xhón xhroe púxhli.
I see the ones who are near the water.
Jaê xúyòjhwa’ exhniròjhwa kae xhón xhroe púxhli.
I see the ones who keep on being near the water.
Khòsyeint Puiyeyùpwar púyan oatlhaxuyapònya wthárl xhroe.
I who may be above the river kissed Puey on his lips on purpose.
Khòsyeint Puiyeyùpwar púyan oatlhaxùyejakh wthárl xhroe.
I being above the river kissed Puey on his lips on purpose.
Àkhte, àkhtemet tho who come, leave
Áko, áqya tho who adarrivë
Alreûtha tho who go
Aqhesqàniyi tho who go to Þe lheft, port, larboard, tand·lan, baborde
Árnaxa tho who go outwards
Àsyetha tho who go under (somewhom/somewhat)
Atísi tho who go to Þe rhight, starboard, lan
·axhrit X go, come, move katadown (to root) (7·s)
Èko, èqya tho who come
Éngi tho who go downswirlwards, catabatick
Èngii tho who go katadown (somewhom/somewhat)
Engòrtha tho who go behind (somewhom/somewhat)
Èthaka, ethaikelínge tho who adarrivë
Èthake, ethaîke tho who adarrivë
Etháxa, etháxil tho who adarrivë
Eûla tho who go
Èxhixe inside area; tho who are inside (somewhom/somewhat)
Fhamèpyi tho who go around, encircle (somewhom/somewhat)
Fhàmfhen, fhàmfhenot tho who come
Fhànta, fhànteqhe tho who come
Fhaônta tho who go upon, mount (somewhom/somewhat)
Fhàthna, fhàthno tho who go forward
Fhàtsa, fhàtsail tho who go far, go a far distance
Fhèqha tho who rhun away
Fhí, fhielínge tho who go, walk, stand, rhun [power·go]
Fhoráwetha tho who go
Fhóyai tho who persue, go after (somewhom/somewhat)
Fhtó, fhtóyelínge tho who come forth
Fhyòjhapa, fhyojhàpamet tho who adarrivë
Fhyórefha tho who go acroß (somewhom/somewhat)
Í [movement; tho who go, come]
Íri tho who go, come, move [go·do·go]
Íroa tho who go further than, are farther than (somewhom/somewhat)
Íxei things Þæt go; machines [go·thing]
·ixhrit X go, come, move upana (to root) (7·s)
Íxo people who go [go·person]
Íyo, íyai tho who return
Jaêrs tho who go upwhiffwards, anabatick
Jhárs tho who go downswirlwards, catabatick
Jhèfhi tho who go slowwise [leß·power·go]
Jhpènta tho who tread, go
Jhpèpte, jhpèpteqhe tho who go around (somewhom/somewhat)
Jhpòrkhwi tho who go back ond forth, abak ond ferforth, are restleß
Jhùnwo, jhunwènthe tho who come to, adarrivë at (somethither)
Jìpwo, jìpwowo tho who return to (somewhom/somewhat)
Jìsye tho who are, go together
Jòyim tho who go downswirlwards, catabatick
Kàmli tho who come from, leave (somewhom/somewhat)
Keqèrthii tho who move as one, together, as with a single mind
Kèxhun, kèxhuma tho who accompany, go along with (somewhom/somewhat)
Khànte, khàntemet tho who go back, retreat
Khèyel tho who go far, travel far, last lóng
Khìxhye, khìxhyemat tho who ascend, go upana (somewhom/somewhat)
Khlèfhla tho who are fast, go quickwise
Khlètu tho who leave (somewhom/somewhat)
Khlùrwu tho who quit, leave, abandon (somewhom/somewhat)
Khmaô tho who are hereslumber, present
Khmekhaûqa thos who go towards Þe whhhispering mountains
Khmepáqai tho who go seawards, towards Þe sea
Khmìxheko, khmìxheka tho who leave, go away
Khmìxhexo, khmìxhexa tho who leave, go away
Khmixhíyo, khmixhíya tho who are lost, gone
Khmòthake, khmothaîke tho who return
Khmùfha movement; tho who move, go
Khrí tho who move (somewhom/somewhat) [do·go]
Khùpes tho who go over (somewhom/somewhat), oferflow
Khwàthatlhu, khwàthatlhus tho who meet, encounter, come acroß (somewhom/somewhat)
Khwír tho who go in circlen, turn around, wander, go astray [circle·go·do]
Khwòyim tho who go downswirlwards, katadown, catabatick
Khwùfho tho who go under (somewhom/somewhat)
Khyèfhi tho who go extremewise quickwise, rhun [great·power·go]
Kìnxhi companions; tho who are with (somewhom/somewhat)
Kórm tho who come
Lraônta tho who go before, precede (somewhom/somewhat)
Lràpor tho who leave, go away
Lraûkh tho who leave, go away
Lreîkh tho who leave (somewhom/somewhat)
Lriêyi tho who go
Lwemlònta, lwemlòntamet tho who rhun away
Oâqi tho who enter (somewhom/somewhat) [space·in·go]
Oâr tho who go [space·do]
Oâtlhe tho who go above (somewhom/somewhat) [space·high]
Oâwa tho who go around (somewhom/somewhat) [space·circle]
Ojhèthake, ojhetaîke tho who return
Okhàfhaka, okhefhàkamet tho who return
·oxhrie X go, come, move (to root) (with preps) (7·s)
Paês tho who go afar
Párfha, párfheqhe tho who go
Párs tho who go downswirlwards, catabatick
Pàthake, pathaîke tho who adarrivë
Pètsa tho who go forward, through, in front of, before (somewhom/somewhat)
Pfháwes runagates; tho who leave, desert, cease, stop (somewhom/somewhat)
Pfhòjhapa, pfhojhàpamet tho who come
Pfhonetsèjhapa, pfhonetsejhàpamet tho who go
Poâtaka, poatàkamet tho who return
Porlìweqa tho who go astray
Pòyim tho who go upwhiffwards, anabatick
Ptèfha tho who go into Þe middle (of somewhom/somewhat)
Pwìsem tho who are above ground
Pyárkh tho who go abroad
Pyàtaka, pyatàkemet tho who adarrivë
Qètha tho who go, yield
Qhàkhretha tho who walk, go
Qhànkhakh tho who are residing in, dwelling in (somewhom/somewhat)
Qhèlkhe, qhèlkhemet tho who go quickwise, rapidwise, swiftwise
Qhìnkhikh tho who are coming to, arriving to (somewhom/somewhat)
Qhìpyu, qhìpyuin tho who leave, depart, go away from (somewhom/somewhat)
Qhixhèngpa tho who go, walk
Qhoîkhnun, qhoikhnùntu tho who adarrivë, come, emerge, appear
Qhòlu tho who go
Qhòtsi tho who go to, approach (somewhom/somewhat)
Qhùnkhukh tho who are going from, leaving (somewhom/somewhat)
Qíxei things Þæt go in, at, on (somewhom/somewhat) [in·go·thing]
Qíxo people who go in, at, on (somewhom/somewhat) [in·go·person]
Qlárs tho who go upwhiffwards, anabatick
Qlìkhor tho who go behind (somewhom/somewhat)
Qlòyan tho who go downswirlwards, catabatick
Qórm tho who go beside, near, by (somewhom/somewhat)
Qòthat, qothàteqhe tho who go
Qtén, qtèma tho who go in, enter (somewhom/somewhat)
Qtheyáwe, qtheyáwu tho who come, go
Qwó, qwóyeqhe tho who go on, proceed, continue
Qyèxa, qyèxat tho who enter, go into (somewhom/somewhat)
Senèrta tho go straight towards (somewhom/somewhat)
Sèqolo tho who leave, go out of (somewhom/somewhat)
Sí tho who go, walk [part·go]
Sìlqa area below ground; tho who are below ground
Syèta tho who go
Syèxhe, syèxhemet tho who come
Teyáka, teyáku tho who come
Thàka, thaîkamet tho who come
Thàke, thaîke tho who come, wind
Thaôta, thaôteqhe tho who come
Thàqyothat, thaqyothátamat tho who rejoin (somewhom/somewhat), return to (somewhom/somewhat)
Thàte, thàteqhe tho who come
Thém tho who agree with, go together with (somewhom/somewhat)
Thóthatlha, thothàtlhamet tho who adarrivë
Thúra tho who are near (somewhom/somewhat), come near (somewhom/somewhat)
Tìqhikh tho who go backwards
Tlhér pegs, posts, boundary markren, goals; tho who go upwhiffwards, rise [high·do]
Tlhoâxi tho who go over, above, transcend (somewhom/somewhat) [high·space·go]
Tlhoîxoa tho who go acroß, over (somewhom/somewhat) [high·matter·space]
Tnaîsqa tho who leave in a hurry, squirt, spray, shout out, off (somewhom/somewhat)
Tnèkhukhakh, tnekhùkhakhmet tho who depart, leave
Tnèmpu (of a path, river) tho who go, rhun towards (somewhom/somewhat)
Tnètha, tnèthail tho who return safewise home
Tsiîxhe, tsiîxhu tho who come
Tsilúqhi tho who adarrivë, get therethither, return, come back
Tsìpwo, tsìpwat tho who come between, divide (somewhom/somewhat)
Tùqhukh tho who go forwards
Tút tho who are slow, go slowwise
Twés, twésemet tho who go astray, wander
Tyewàkhqa, tyètyewakh tho who come
Úta tho who go out of (somewhom/somewhat)
Útlhera tho who go outside (of somewhom/somewhat)
Ùtlhero tho who go later
Uwekhèthaka tho who return
·uxhli (root) goeth, cometh, moves (7·s)
·uxhrien X cometh away from (root) (7·s)
·uxhriet X cometh closer to (root) (7·s)
Wthókh tho who paß, go past (somewhom/somewhat)
Wthùrkhqe tho who wander about, go about idwise, travel aimleßwise
Xèler tho who go
Xèpfhi tho who go near, at, against (somewhom/somewhat)
Xèqhes tho who go out, exit (somethither)
Xhàtlha tho who go
Xhèkhqe tho who retire, leave
Xhèli, xhèlimet tho who come
Xhìnthun, xhinthúnga tho who come
Xhlípi tho who go on, continue [through·go·Þis·go]
Xhlíxei clarity, clearneß; things Þæt go through (somewhom/somewhat) [through·go·thing]
Xhlíxo people who go through (somewhom/somewhat) [through·go·person]
Xhloârir tho who drivë (somewhom/somewhat), make (somewhom/somewhat) go [through·space·do·go·do]
Xhmèfhte, xhmèfhteqhe tho who go upwhiffwards, go forwards, anabatick
Xhmèrer tho who leave (somewhom/somewhat) behind [toward·do·tyme·do]
Xhmíri tho who come [toward·go·do·go]
Xhmíxei things Þæt go towards (somewhom/somewhat) [toward·go·thing]
Xhmíxo people who go towards (somewhom/somewhat) [toward·go·person]
Xhmùqhu, xhmùqheqhe tho who go slowwise
Xhneîxoa tho who go along with (somewhom/somewhat) [with·thing·space]
Xhnípi tho who come along [with·go·Þis·go]
Xhníxei things Þæt go along, with (somewhom/somewhat) [together·go·thing]
Xhníxo people who go along, with (somewhom/somewhat) [together·go·person]
Xhnoîngun, xhnoînguma tho who go past, paß by, allude to, hint at, are similar to (somewhom/somewhat)
Xhnoîthwe tho who pfall head over heals, tumble, swing around by a push, sway
Xhríri tho who go away, leave, depart [from·go·do·go]
Xhríxei things Þæt go out of, from (somewhom/somewhat) [from·go·thing]
Xhríxo people who go out of, from (somewhom/somewhat) [from·go·person]
Xhthènta tho who go
Xhthènte, xhthènteqhe tho who go
Xhthòmfhe tho who go from one thing to another
Xhwárs tho who go upwhiffwards, anabatick
Xhwòyan tho who go downswirlwards, catabatick
Xhyiîrptu tho who owll go at thilke tyme
Xiêtlhi tho who go above, beyond (somewhom/somewhat)
Xó, xoâ tho who go
Xòpfhe, xoxòpfhe tho who go
We are examining your language. This very different. When you create language from your thoughts, the words are pure and sparkling, they do not yet have the depth, the richness, the connotations, the culture behind them. And yet the language is already aged, for it dwelleth within the timelines of the Dreamtime. Let us consider what we have just claimed. With Babel, as you have exposed in your epistles thus far written and polished for the mind of the Mute Crown Prince the Dragonslayer, the Son of Raven our Mischievous Brother, one tends to use the same words again and again. If one needs a new term, one tends to use the syntax in a different way rather than just add more words unto the core vocabulary. One does not have to create a word for and/or or exhaustive and, one is able to use a different case of words. When one creates poesy and slang and non-standard patois, one does not change the phonology or add words, one just uses them in a different way. Thus you have created the option of Gibberish, so that Language itself can remain consistent, and yet if one needs to be as free and strange, one can do so in a safe way without creating another War of Heaven.
You are saving the Dreamtime, the Land of all Story for all time, our Daughter. You ensure there will be no more War of Heaven. Thus can one name the Land Glossopoeia, the Dreamtime.
Just to speak language is to sing it. Just to chant language is to create poesy.
We think that your language is a Flower just like the Flower of Heaven. Just as once your dread Father struck down all fertility and all flowers in his attempt to destroy all things because of our own original dishonor, so too your language breeds flowers that enlivens relexifying all the realms.
That is certainly an interesting way to think about it, my Uncles and Aunts. How is it that your words are appearing upon this parchment without my or Fhermáta’s having to write it?
Our thoughts become real. Our thoughts exist. We think in Language. It is.
Tell us, Khnoqwísi’s daughter, Virgin born, who are you?
Who are you?
I am Éfhelìnye.
A name, pity.
I am Kàrijoi and Khnoqwísi’s Daughter.
A geneology of course.
The future Moon Empress, the Bride of the Viceroy kingdoms and Mother of the Sylvan Caste and the Patroness of all Matrons and Wives and Virgins and children.
A title, yes.
I am Puey’s beloved, the Artist of the Dreamtime, the Creatrix of Language
Hmmm. We may accept such.
May I ask who is talking, my beloved Sidereal Aunts and Uncles?
We are the Empyrean Ones, we are Xhwìnye, Khwaxíqa, Pàlis, Xàlta, Jhája, Tèliir, Khnèlti, Khwèjhi, Kíli, Kànta, Khlòxha, Fhùla, Khlèmfhe, Fhàqhii, Khlúlau, Èngtekh, Jaûs, Khmèlis, Tsòtsa, Sòjha, Fhèler, Tlhòlpo, Jhòrqha, Jórl, Xhnèrta, Khút, Tsúrl, Qaînen, Xhmàkha, Túm, Xhmìngpe, Fhàtlhi, Xhmíla, Xhràsti, Xhànit, Xhòsti, Xhnètlha, Fhìpu, Xuîxu, Pàqha.
We are Tsukíno Tsukikáqe and Syirúke and Khyùqhal and Khnúl and Khetsekúxhii and Khatawékhi and Fhòntis.
Is my holy Mother among you?
All of us are Khnoqwísi. She is a part of us. We are the Divine Áme. We are the same dream.
I do not understand.
You may never. But if you are fully Mortal and fully Immortal, you shall.
But you just chanted …
What is the name of your Language?
It’s just Language, just Babel. I like to call it Khlìjha, that is The Language of Mine Heart and Dreams, but I don’t think that will catch on as an actual term for it. I like how its related unto the word Khlijhatàkhta the Dreamtime, all the Dreamscapes, wherever Babel is spoken, Glossopoeia, the Land of Story.
So you create Khlìjha.
Why, yes. I’m sorry, sometimes it’s difficult to speak with Immortals because sometimes we repeat items and other times we change the subject. I realize that time is a rainment unto you, that you shuffle it away and can wear many timelines at once, and one can even see some influence on that in Babel where we do not inflect for time, but indeed when speaking to a mortal child
We have questions about Language. Explain.
Yes, of course.
Explain language.
All of it? I’m writing these letters to Puey and
Can we find you always in this same timeline?
I’m still not exactly sure what Immortals mean when they speak about timelines?
How old are you?
I am eleven winters of age. I should enjoy it while it lasts, next year I shall be leaving the prime number eleven.
Winter is passing. You will age. Thou art an infant Star unto us. What is your gender?
Are you gamma or beta or alpha? Or are you androgynous?
We don’t understand. Your wings are not fully formed you.
I’m a female!
Like Khnoqwísi?
Are all of the words in Babel of the feminine gender?
If Khnoqwísi had made language, all of the words would be of the feminine gender.
Well …
Cardinal directions
While we are on the topic of location and direction, I think I’ll list the cardinal directions. Basically we have four different concepts.
The West, westron dreamlands, La Ust, Þe region of westroneße, Þe occident, westwegas, Empapanóqha, land of Þe setting suns, southron Syapàkhya, Þe worlds of Þe Qhíng, Traîkhiim, Qriî, Khmàfhlort, Qlùfhem, Thùlwu; Tsìqin Jàta Jumlènte Pás Qlás Fhlèqe Thíkhu Khwát Khwàyau Khwèsurt Khlùsta Xhwás Uîxoa Iswìwesiikh Utèliqhu
The East, eastron countries, places, La Est, chan, eastroneße, orient, Þe dreamlands of Khniîkha Þe Rising Sun, Khniîqhekh, Tnakhíya, ond Khníxher; Kàluqhu Qhìqya Qleîr Lwàqyin Khlèfhurt Khlèsta Xhweîr Xhyókh Aûngta Ajáxoa
The South, meridional, pertaining to La Sur, Þe region of southroneße, Eilasaîyan’s wasteland, Þe Heresy, Tsànyun, Jhexhíras Þe southron naciouns, Xùlan Þe allied viceroy kingdoms, Jheutèrpei; folk of Xàxhla Sùlurt Sùrti Sútha; Tnètse Qèja Lwùnxha Khmìkhta Khnùkhul
The North, septentrional, boreal, pertaining to La Nor, Þe region of nothroneße, northron Syapàkhya, Ìthikus, Jaràqtu behind Þe Northwind, Qájien ond Þe worlds of Þe Qája; Jhpòmi Xár Kháre Khnòlurt Khnòrti Xhàman Xhmìti Ixefhífhesakh Enyútha; Jhpòmi Xár Kháre Khnòlurt Khnòrti Xhàman Xhmìti Ixefhífhesakh Enyútha
So my list is as follows and, I’m sorry, are you saying something, my divine Uncles and Aunts?
We glance at your letters. You say that Language has five genders, sentient animate-epicine-both-all, and sentient animate male-gamma and sentient animate female-alpha-beta and non-sentient animate and non-sentient inanimate. Perhaps you are all of those sexes.
I rather doubt it.
How can you create what you are not? Khnoqwísi made you and female because that is she is. Are you more creative than your Virgin Mother?
I’m not sure.
What is your culture and nationality and species?
I am a færie maiden from the Holy City Eilasaîyanor in Khniîqkekh of the divine Khniîkha culture.
Where do you dwell now?
I’ve been living with Puey’s family in the middleheart of Jaràqtu.
You create language. But did you speak before you create language?
I am not sure that cause and affect truly work in the Dreamtime. However I do have some nature of Tsaûsqo the signed language which Puey and his kin use, as well as a smattering of Qtheûnte the language of beasts and of course Qíperakh the gibberish that all Children and Traîkhiim speak. I am also able to understand Puey’s sighs and blinks and gestures. I am not fluent though in Signed Language of the Mews of Beasts, but I can speak Gibberish quite well, at least Gibberish as spoken by the Real People and not from the dreams of the void.
How much education have you received? We who are divine were born knowing who and what we were, and learned to teach ourselves what we needed for our telick purpose.
Ajáwoa East, Þe lands of light [light·space]
·ajhwil Speaker’s lheft (2·s)
·ajhyul Speaker’s rhight (2·s)
Aqhesqàniyi tho who go to Þe lheft, port, larboard, tand·lan, baborde
Atísi tho who go to Þe rhight, starboard, lan
Aûngta East
Enyútha north, northron places
Fhlèqe westron lands
Ixhefhífhesakh Northron hemisphere
Jàta westron countries, places
Jhás westron persons
Jheîr eastron persons
Jhpòmi northron lands
Jumlènte westron countries, Þe west
Kàluqhu east, lands of light
Kháre, khárot northron countries
Khlàrqtas West Wind
Khlèfhurt east, eastron lands
Khlèsta east, eastron lands
Khlètsu lefthand side; tho who are on Þe lheft of (somewhom/somewhat)
Khlùsta west, westron lands
Khmìkhta southron lands
Khnòlurt north, northron lands
Khnòrti north, northron lands
Khnùkhul south, southron lands
Khrìjho righthand side; tho who are on Þe rhight of (somewhom/somewhat)
Khrùmfhurs Northwind, Þe wind Þæt circumsurrounds Jaràqtu, Qterfhóreso Khrùmfhurs
Khwát westron lands
Khwàyau West, westron lands
Khwèsurt west, westron lands
Khyókhar North·eastron dreamlands, La Norlesta, whhhere dwell Þe Xakhpàlqe, Þe Archaick Ones: Þe Emlalàqta, Þe Pèrithe, Þe Xeriîqe, ond Þe Xhàkhmat
Khyómìkhta South·eastron dreamlands, La Surlesta, whhhere dwell Þe Jongèrya, Þe Xhrùmpum, Þe Squîsar, Þe Sufhàltii, Þe Xaxhestàriqhe, Þe Qrìkhasat
Koâl, koâlot tho who are eastron
Lwàqyin East, eastron lands
Lwùnxha south, southron regions
Lyayefhóro tho who are lheft (not rhight)
Pás West, westron countries
Piêr tho who are from Þe east
Qájien Northron Waste
Qàpa, qàpot tho who are northron
Qàxhwas South Wind
Qèja, qèjaot tho who are southron
Qhìqya east; eastron lands
Qlás westron places
Qleîr eastron places
Qórt barbarians (epicene), persons from Þe far north
Qòrta barbarians (male), persons from Þe far north
Qòrto barbarians (female), persons from Þe far north
Qterfhóreso Northwind, Þe wind Þæt circumsurrounds Jaràqtu, Qterfhóreso Khrùmfhurs
Sùlurt south, southron lands
Sùrti south, southron lands
Sútha South, southron regions
Thíkhar North·westron dreamlands, La Norlusta, ‘ev, whhhere dwell Þe Lwàlyas, ond Þe Jhèngqekh, ond Þe Xhlaûxher, ond Þe Xhyaîqtekh, ond Þe Syìplet
Thíkhu westron lands
Thímìkhta south·westron dreamlands, La Surlusta, tIng, whhhere dwell Þe Xhmàsqor, Þe Kurkuîlo, Þe Fhlùltekh, Þe Xhmaûmumum, Þe Khnenyènwa
Tlhàsqrus East Wind
Tnètse, tnenátse tho who are rhight (not lheft), south
Tsìqin west, westron lands
Tsìthnis southside snow of hill
Uîxoa West, Þe lands of darkleness [darksome·space]
Utèliqhu west, darksome lands
Wthètoka northside snow of hill
Xár Northron lands
Xàxhla southron lands
Xhàman North, northron countries
Xhmìti Þe North, northron countries
Xhwás westron countries, places
Xhweîr eastron countries, places
Xhyókh eastron countries, sunny lands; Khniîkha
Both Grandfather Pátifhar, my Mother’s foster Father, and Great-Uncle Táot have educated me in all of the subjects of the Dreamtime save music which my Father forbade unto me. I am not sure how an education in the classics of literature and poesy and logic and mathmatics as well as the dance of the constellate heavens, though, might have prepared me for the task of creating language.
When did you start creating language?
As soon as I was first able to burble, so Great-Uncle Táto tells me. As soon as I could hold stylus and brush I began to paint out the sounds for the name Puey and Fhermáta and Siêthiyal and Karuláta and all the others of whom I dreamt and of whose family I longed to be.
You sound like a Star more and more, we who are not begotten or born yet come into being knowing that we are the Stars of the heavens. You are born and know of Crown Prince Puîyos and burn insatiable for to create. Do you remember your earliest versions of Babel?
Yes, a little. The phonology was either too harsh or to soft, and it took me a long time to figure out syntax. I fiddled with morphology through and had some ideas on compounds and other word forms. I am not at all sure about whether I can credit anyone or anything for inspiration. I have been interesting in how one actually speaks, the naturalistic dreams of language. I can still remember one of my first songs in Babel:
Ennasorum·von inäl’tläs·von
Áhor on owdmós *
Zkäntârent·vun d’uliträe perzit
Nihtuís·vin *
Ond ôroí·vin résónbäs·vin
Pusälmorum·vin *
Teëkĉhónt·vun *
Ánk·Larêr·vin in Excelsó·vin
Glor’iä·vin in Äl’täl·vin Deyläs·sham.
We who are Stars dance all the time. We cannot help it. We are made out of pellucid light. So are you. But part of your light is of words. Are you shy of your words?
Oh no, I tell everyone about it. I’ve spent hours describing syntax and semantics to Great-Uncle Táto, and I’ve been getting both Fhermáta and Karuláta to help me in painting out all of the forms of Babel.
Do you think you’re boring them?
Of course not! They love me and language! How resplendent!
You may possibly be damaged in your mind. Khnoqwísi might not have been able to make you are pure as possible. We are not at all sure how it is possibly that one could be both Mortal and Not. We wonder though, although you are gifted in dance, your dread Father kept music away from you. And yet we are thinking that music and language must be related.
Oh yes, they are related. Perhaps I am an exception in that I do not compose music and can barely strum the strings of an harp. But I can sing, although just a little, and I only sing to Puey.
Our Brethren who are Lords and Ladies of the Sea say that all things are mathmatics. How may mathmatics be related unto words?
I’m still not entirely sure. I like equations and prime numbers and counting and rhythm, but I know that I shall never be a brilliant student of mathmatics like Great-Uncle Táto is.
We notice that you are skilled in other environs, in flower arrangement and star-gazing in poesy and drawing mandala and creation of stories and novels and calligraphy and drawing and painting and inventions of wheel and clockwork. Perhaps they are all related unto Language in a way.
We are curious as to some of the various items and thoughts of Language. May we ask you of them?
Of course, my divine Uncles and Aunts.
We do not understand. You must be both of us and both of them. You must be Áme and Pwéru at the same time, as well as Sweqhàngqu. You must be both language user and language breather and language creator. You must make language philosophical and found and logical and artistic all at the same time. Is it even possible for one to quantify and qualify language?
I am not sure what you mean. We do have a rich locative case as I’ve been writing before, some interesting and symmetrical conjuctions, and phonemes which are fun to say and which flower upon one’s toungue.
We find your vocabulary to be quite idiosyncratic. And yet you have plenty of words for light and sparkling. We enjoy that. Thank you. Strange, though, that you do not really have substantive classes for your participles. You claim that there are five genders in Babel. Why do you not have five substantive clases, then, say each one with a characteristic vowel, -i, -e, -a, -o, -u, for each gender, or maybe different consonsonts for each gender.
My Mother’s empyreal kin, the only syntactic way to inflect for all five genders is in the level fifteen suffixes, and there one does see characteristic vowels, -inwi for females, -enwe for males, -anwa for persons, -ojhwo for creatures, and –ujhwu for things and places. But then again, you probably forsaw that I would say that.
Of course.
We’re all talking in circles.
We are Immortals. Not you. We. All of us. And you. You are our infant. Our Sister Khnoqwísi made you out of her body and song. You created words of her and you. How did you find the words?
I am not sure. They just come to me. It’s like learning how to dance? Or how I learned to write the glyphs of Babel, it just took years of practice to figure out how the script would best work, the jots and cursive and tiddles and turns and coils and beauty of it all.
How would you describe the structures of Language renewed and engreened and invented of you?
Let’s see, the syntax is rather complex, we have objects communing after their predicates, some of the particles are rather analytic but for the most part the affixes are agglutinating, we have omnivolitional and telic structures, we have an ergative case and absolutive case, we have mostly suffixes for the locative case and rather fluidic subjects.
Have you created any taxonomies for Language?
I think that some of these epistles themselves are become taxonomies, when I list cardinal directions and motion words and such.
How many words are there in Babel?
I think we can passover the definition of what a word may or may not be in such an agglutinative language as Babel, but I think there are about twice eleven thousand lexical items. Some of them names of course, but even names are words and one can gleam meaning of them. One can always create new words of compounds, plus the normal means of declension let’s use us quotidian words in a new way. For instance one can use the level nine suffixes and so say Puiyèyotlhakh the place of Puey and Puiyèyufhein the children of Puey and Puiyèyapuir the words of Puey and Puiyeyàtwakh the mythe of Puey and Puiyeyèqluil the story of Puey and Puiyèyongan the ritual of Puey. I do try to create new words from from those that already exist, but I tend to dream up new words. One example would be wthítho piping, the sound of lwaût bagpipes, skirring, thos who make such a sound, skirling it came to me in a dream as wθíííθo!
How is the Dreamtime related to language.
Glossopoeia and Babel are one and the same. I do not think it is possible to disentangle them. Language and Myth are the same, all the same series of universes and thoughts.
And yet the Dreamtime is populated with Immortals and Spirits and Dragons and Dreams and various alien creatures. Language by its very nature must be alien and strange to encompass all loquent beings. Does that cause the phonology to expand and blossom? Does it cause any strangeness in the vocabulary?
Ah … probably. I am not entirely sure though. I am not sure whether Language is inherently un-Mortal even though it is spoken by the Immortals.
Language is used for all things, our child. Prayer and mantras and recipes and jokes and stories and history and chants and lullabies and poems, all are the domain of Babel. One writes epistles like this and entries in a notebook, one has to develop Language in language itself. How very curious. We wonder, will it e'er be possible for Puîyos to learn such a language? Perhaps it would be easier for you to turn back unto your physical works, the materialism of clockwork and creature language of and for it, as if teaching a pet to speak.
I do have it as my heart’s desire that Puey should learn to talk. At least he can write fluently and he usually understands what I’m saying. We already communicate though in non-verbal ways. Sometimes I dream his dreams, and I find language floating around within the dreams of him.
Here in the beauty of the Heavens am I inspired to create new taxonomies for you my beloved Puey.
Jewels, Mineralbeasts
Aôjoi Aôjoi, a blue stone ike turquoise, teoxihuitl
Áxhloi red metals [red·many·matter]
Fhaikhènte Fhaikhènte (type of metal}
Fhaûrmla crystals
Fhìxhut jewels
Íxhloi yellow metals [yellow·many·matter]
Jakhìntha jacinth
Jàkhpil jasper
Jàmpi crystals
Jàswi amathist, tlapaltehuilotl
Jhàtis jewels
Jhkhìrjhya crystals
Jhpàqlu crystals
Jùla jewels
Jùxhyu, jùxhyung rubies, cuacocoztick
Kartheîna bixbites, scarlet emeralds
Keûkhwa crystals
Khàkhte jade, chalchiuitl
Khànexo, khanánexo jewels, gems
Kharfhítsel beryl
Khèpyo, khenápyo diamonds, tlaquauacteepatl
Khloârkhma crystals
Khlutyèrntra crystals
Khmeîlri crystals
Khnèqame crystal, anianiglaß
Khneqaôlin obsidian, ītztli
Khnujóloi jewels, gems [goodly·feeling·many·matter]
Khruîkhqi crystals
Khrùqli crystals
Khwèlto feldspar, moonstone
Khwòjhye chalchiuitl jade; name for a Prince of Þe Noble House Empopolópa
Khyoîngu crystals
Khyupùngqa crystals
Lramànetlhu, lramanetlheûnxha Lramànetlhu metal; a piece of Lramànetlhu metal
Lrèxhe mineralbeasts, ore
Lwamàntu Lwamàntu, a metal like zinc ond aluminum
Lyamàntu Lyamàntu metal
Lyilukènxha Lyilukènxha, type of precious metal
Oîfha mineralbeasts, ore [matter·power·life]
Paôrlqi crystals
Qàxhera quartz, iztactehulotl
Qheswùrnxha crystals
Qlòmu obsidian, ītztli
Qthaûmfha crystals
Qthiêfhya crystals
Qthiîtye crystals
Qthùrxhni crystals
Seûkhe crystals
Seûnar chrysoprasus
Seûtel chalcedony, onyx, tecalli
Sìptosal topaz
Supyùngta crystals
Syàtha sapphire
Tàjhwo, tajhwònthe emeralds, quetzalxoquiyae
Thèntrotha Thèntrotha, a crystalline deposit
Tlhenujóloi diamonds, tlaquauacteepatl [high·goodly·feeling·many·matter]
Tlhoâle crystals
Tlhoîjale obsidian, ītztli
Tnìwi mineralbeasts, ore
Tnuîkhna crystals
Tsàtlhis, tsatlhisènxha jewels
Tsifhatlhàngqa, tsitsifhatlhàngqa precious metals
Tsilárel chrysolyte
Tsíyang Tsíyang, a precious stone like crystal, jasper
Tsiyàngqa Tsiyàngqa precious stones
Tsùqri crystal; crystalline quartz, iztactehulotl; tho who are crystalline
Twùfhli jaspar
Ùsqar sardonyx
Ùsqarel sardius
Úxhloi blue metals [blue·many·matter]
Xhafhíretha Xhafhíretha, a type of metal
Xhakòrwa, xhakeîrowu obsidian pnives, obsidian razors
Xhlàthwi crystals
Xhlilúke Xhlilúke, a type of precious metal
Xhmàrqte, xhmàrqto rubies, gems, cuacocoztick
Xhraîpfhi crystals
Xhrùsqai Xhrùsqai, Þe soul·metal
Xhwiêrmi crystals
Dost thou have a philosophy for language?
I am not entirely sure. Sàntru, wisdom, phiilosophy, ethiξ, virtue, aretḗ, gymnosphaon, sapav, volasap, nolöf, rUrO, kUrO, ghob, it has such a broad meaning unto it.
We find it interesting that all of the writing systems tend to be extremely phonemic.
Ah, yes!
And yet one could imagine a writing system which did not in that way function.
One could have an image that represented Eîl such as one finds in runes and symbols. One could build up an entire writing system in such a fashion. You already have some forms of that in the characters you use for numbers and equations..
I rather prefer the writing system to reflect the language as much as possible, the actual form and sound and function of the words. I’m sure there are myriad ways to present Babel, and in my papyrus notebooks I have worked in glyphs and images and drawings which are certainly of language, and yet do not fully represent it.
Here in the place of light and with my Mother’s kin who are all light, I cannot help but think about words for light and dark and shadow.
Light, Darksome, Shadow
Ája [light]
Árfha light
Árpa, árpu light
Àrxe, àrxa light
Atsastòxhti light, light bubblen, lamps
Atsùsti, anátsùsti light, light bubblen, lamps
Eîleni darkleness, fear, death, moonrise
Eilyoriênya (< Eîl) sunlight, sunshine
Eîr, eîryu light
Èxhra, èxhri light
Fhenítlha tho who are blind, darksome
Fhèsar, fhèsat proteccioun, shadow
Fhètra, fheîretu tho who are darksome, dim
Fhtoêrs darkleness, gloom, fog
Fhyésa, fhyefhyésa proteccioun, shadow
Ixhúja moon, moonlight, echoes, shadows
Jhìrngpi light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Jhkhèxhror tho who are darksome, black, brown
Jhkhoîkhlu light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Jhkhoîtya beams of light; jet, stream of water; tho who shine light upon (somewhom/somewhat)
Jhpaôrl shadows
Jhpiîsto light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Juîrqla light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Kharxhreqheyéxhe darkleness
Khét light
Khingpùfhti light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Khlája colors; rays of light [many·light]
Khlaqwòrmi light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Khlaûrtlhi light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Khliît light, illuminacioun
Khlìkhta, khliîkhta starlight
Khlíta starlight
Khlìtlha light
Khlùkhpi light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Khmàroki, khmaràroki shadow, shade
Khmiêla moonlight
Khnoâsqru light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Khrèpwu light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Khrùtsu light, radiacioun
Lrárpa, lrairápu flame, light
Lreûkhqa light, brightneß
Lreûs sunlight
Òrthwe dawn, first light, morning, light, Þe first hour
Peûte light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Pyùngefhe, pyùngefhim tho who are darksome, wann
Pyungèsyakh darkleness
Qàlor, qàlorim tho who are darksome, cruel
Qél tho who are grey, black, darksome
Qhiîkhtu light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Qín, qína light
Qìrkhya light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Qìsuka darksome cloud over open water
Qrèni rays of light, energy
Qtèrtha tho who are darksome, dirty
Selupèkhatlha, seselupèkhatlha shadow, terror
Stèlyarel (< Stél) starlight
Syàjang shadows
Syìjing darkleness
Syùjung light
Tàqhikh tho who are darksome, obscure
Teûkhma light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Teût starlight
Thája shade, shadow [few·light]
Thìqyot darkleness, shade
Tlhém tho who are darksome, wann
Toâpru light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Tòxun shadows, shade; Raven’s World rendered as “Shade”
Tqùte, tqùtete tho who shine, radiate light
Tràka tho who are darksome, wann
Tsàlkha, tsàlakhang shadows
Tyú tho who glow, shine, glisten
Uî [black, darksome; tho who are black,darksome]
Uîxei darksome, black things [darksome·tyme]
Úr, úru fire, light
Wtsàxhnu light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Wtsòlpa light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Wtsuîjhya light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Xám darkleness; a name for Raven rendered “Þe Darkleness”
Xèmoir, xèmuir tho who are darksome; a name for Raven rendered “Darksome One”
Xèqam darkleness, dusk
Xhaîpit shadows
Xháti shadows
Xhètsu shade, shadows
Xhlùsi light, especialwise red ør whhhite
Xhmaôwer light, brightneß
Xhrèkhwum light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Xhroâkhna light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Xhrúm, xhrúmum darkleness, instance of darkleness
Xhthòfhwi light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Xhyuîtwu light; tho who sparkle, twinkle
Xúr, xúri light, fire
One day you must sing in Language.
I am not yet euphonious enough for that, save for some short outburts.
A pity. But you are growing.
What are your favorite topics for the creation of language.
All of them!
How can that be?
Can’t I be as evasive and expansive as my Immortal kin?
Surely you have finished with phonology.
Yes, but I still have a lifetime for to describe it, even though I may know that, say, P, T, K, Q, and Fh are phonemes of language.
How much of the syntax is devised?
Most of it, but in my mind and not on paper.
The writing systems?
They tend to form of themselves.
We at least have a basic vocabulary. But more words will come throughout the rest of my life.
Could you e'er create a new language?
Oh no, never. I myself could never create Sign Language or the Language of Beasts. I think having the Gibberish inflexions wedged into Babel create enough tension for eleven languages. I shall be working on Babel probably for all the rest of my life.
Is it possible for language to be complete?
Not by me. My children and grandchildren may complete it, or at least enrich it. If I can get Puey to speak just a few words in it I shall be happy for all the rest of my days.
And here in the presence of the Immortals one cannot help but start thinking about mathematics in both the pure and the abstract.
Geometrick Terms:
Ángoa three dimensional space [three·space]
Ángur tho Þæt are three dimensional [three·spirit·do]
Ayàrsa, ayàrsu circlen, realms of Dreamtime
Eîwa circlen [thing·circle]
Éngoa plane, flatneß [ptwo·space]
Èqlelun, eqlèlunga circlen
Fhàmla balls, spheres
Ìngeloa lines [one·many·space]
Ingeloâxei line, cord [one·many·space·thing]
Jànxhe, jànxhu rectanglen
Jhèqanu anglen
Jhkhòtas pyramids, ziggarats, ziqquratu, teocalli
Jìprujhang, jìprujhaing trapezoids
Júr round objects, lumps, spheres; tho who are lumpy, tlher
Khliêna straight lines
Khlìnyi lines
Khrànte disks, circlen; tho who are round, circular
Khweî round things, circlen, cyclen, spheres [circle·thing]
Khwènu, khwènus spheres
Khwìngeloa circumference [circle·one·many·space]
Khwoê circlen, spheres [circle·matter]
Khwoîxei balls, spheres [circle·matter·thing]
Kúrpe cubes
Kùrwa squares
Lreîkhas rhight trianglen
Lròrus equalateral triangle
Lwàwimus rectangle
Lwàyejis quadrillateral
Lweîthes square
Lweûwas isosolen triangle
Lyàyas triangle, trinity
Pàrfhi ratios
Pfhèri, pfheîri circlen
Pfhí ovals, circlen
Pìrno tho who are flat; planes
Pláte planes
Plìta planes
Plùjhe, plùjhein trianglen, trinity
Qàtwi planes, flat surfaces
Qlìna straight lines
Seqwatlhèsti toy balls, spheres
Thèkos rings, circlen
Thwaôjos hypotneuse of a triangle
Thyùma, thyùmat disks, circlen
Tlhèwi tho who spiral, coil, twirl [high·circle·go]
Tlhèwoi spirals, coils, twirls [high·circle·matter]
Tlhùkhmo, tlhùkhmos pyramids, ziggarats, ziqquratu, teocalli
Trá elipses (geometrick figure)
Tré parabolas (geometrick figure); eke a family name for some Ice Pterodactyls
Tró hyperbolen (geometrick figure)
Tsìlya, tsìlyan ovals, ellipses
Tsùkhma, tsùkhmair squares
Tyùqri logarithms
Xayàrxa, xayaîrasu circlen
Xhethènte circlen, rings
Xhnàkhne, xhnàkhnei hexes, hexes in Tnúpa Jórqha cheß, hexagons, tho who are hexagonal such as tlhùkhmo ond jhkhòtas ond ptiê ond jhónti ziggarats ond khwimíro mortar board hats
Xhnàmethu, xhnàmethur cones
Xhnewaôtlha arches, arcs, bows [together·circle·space·high]
Xhthòtlhu, xhthòtlhim cubes
Xhthùlo, xhthùloin line, series of contiuous points
Xònyu cones
Xorjùnta, xorjùntang generaciouns, circlen, cyclen, prominent individuals
Xùpli cubes
Xùrfha squares
Qhás qhàxhnu geometrick figures
Xhíqhas , xhíqhàxhnu (< xhí + qhás) lines
Tlhéqhas, tlhéqhàxhnu (< tlhé + qhás) planes
Lríqhas, lríqhàxhnu (< lrí + qhás) trianglen
Fhéqhas, fhéqhàxhnu (< fhé + qhás) quadrillaterals
Jíqhas, jíqhàxhnu (< jí + qhás) pentagons
Théqhas, théqhàxhnu (< thé + qhás) hexagons
Lwíqhas, lwíqhàxhnu (< lwí + qhás) heptagons
Khéqhas, khéqhàxhnu (< khé + qhás) octogons
Júqhas, júqhàxhnu (< jú + qhás) nonagons
Lwóqhas, lwóqhàxhnu (< lwó + qhás) decagons
Pixhíqhas, pixhíqhàxhnu (< píxhi + qhás) undecagons.
Tanxhènta Tanxhènta, one of Þe Songlords; tangent of (somewhom/somewhat)
Tsikànta Tsikànta, a queen among Þe Songlords; secant of (somewhom/somewhat)
Kòtsain Kòtsain, one of Þe Songlords; cosine of (somewhom/somewhat)
Tsaên Tsaên, a Noiselord; sine of (somewhom/somewhat), jya, ardhajiva, jiba
Is it possible for you to wax tired of Language?
No, one can grow no more tired of Language than one can of air and food and joy.
Does language have an æsthetic?
I think so.
Yes. I think the phonology is quite beautiful in the way that it dances and trips and sings. The structure is just plain fun, with the cases and the different ways that one can have objects and subjects. I love the sounds of agglutination along with the pitch accent musical tone, and yet we also have some isolation particles. I may have Puey help me in creating the scripts. How I love circles, curves, and dance. Yes hieroglyphs dance also.
Do you avoid anything at all in language? Any sounds or forms?
I am not sure, I may be avoiding something without even having to think of it. Obviously sounds I do not like did not come into the phonology, nor any sort of simplistic system. I wish for language to be easy and exotic at the same time. I wish language to be both invented and natural, I wish for it to be like the waves of out thoughts, language should the sound of healing. Language is all about magic and spirit. One prays in Babel, one thinks about incantations and psalms, it is the language of forgiveness and love.
How does one know that the words are suitable for language? After all, not every utterance which is possible in terms of the phonotactics you have devised is a word in language.
How does one know when a dance is complete, a painting or a work of music? How does one know it is right? I just do. It is difficult to describe the boundaries of creation and gazing and knowing. I suppose there are many phonæsthemes which use again and again, and hence the Fhraîxhu Sound Symbolism which I described above. But I cannot rely upon them too often, sometimes word that have Ql- mean beautiful but more often not, some words beginning with K- mean That or He or She, but not always. I have no classification system, as you have mentioned before, no rigorous classes for the substantives.
How can one view Babel? Is it all of Langauge?
I don’t know. I suppose. It is certainly enough to give one the tools for all of language. And where Babel shall go, how it shall blossom and grow in the generations to come, I shall only know as an Ancestress. I ahall then have to sit back and listen to the prayers of my descent and listen unto what they make of language.
Are you saying that we who are deathless cannot change language?
I do not know. I can see where I get my curiosity though, from my Mother and her rather philosophical kin.
With language we think that one can surely stretch the confines of one’s thoughts. Language is like unto wings for us, the predicates and objects launching subjects for us. Language certainly helps to validate some of the thoughts and patterns of our dance. Tell us, our Child, could you tell us some of your favorite words of language? Do you like the sound? The meaning?
I love the different words we have for joy. We have kàrul, hymns, song sof joy and xhthòngpi sound joy, phonæsthetiξ; those who are melodious, melodic, Sprachgefühl and jaîpa schedenfreude, silly joy, a case of uncontrollable giggles, schadenfroh giggles, hypergelastness and our other words for joy, qhárl and fhàqi, fhatíqi and fhyoâ and khyeunújo and khyòfha and khlètlhem as well as khmènxha joie de vivre and lwùlqerut light joy, photoæsthetiξ and xhyiî delight, pleasure, list, enjoyment, joy, gladneß, rapture, ecstacy, lætitia, ĥūdum, mēleşum, rīŝtum, ulşum, von, gëlod, krOn, kOvU, krO and euxújo peace, trust, pleasure and perhaps one of my favorite words, eiyuláriya hope, euphoria, joy, transcendence, ecstasy, beautitude, transport once one of mine own names, Eiyuláriye.
We enjoy those words. They give us joy. We are glad that one of your names is Eiyuláriye.
Thank you, my divine Aunts and Uncles.
You created language. We could never have done so. We have not the combination of creativity and curiosity that you have. You are fertility itself, you bound and burst with language. Sometimes we wish that we could just liquefy your souls and drink them up.
Immortals do not drink. We do wonder what taste would be like. Your brain, for instance.
We have no concept of food and feast and taste.
Did you just mention my brain?
Yes. Would that it were possible for us to suck out your brain and feast upon it. Alas, your brain is probably too chocolately and chewy from overuse, inedible, inesculent. Poor empyreal Stars that we are!
Um … Fhermáta am I understand them?
They’re your family, beloved.
There are so few functioning brains left in the Land. Most creatures, be they Spirit or Mortal do not question the fabric of reality. We Stars would just end up shattering our wings and breaking our jaws upon yours the most o'er-exercised cranial labyrinth this side of Etsèrjoir the Starscapes.
Princess, I think they’re telling jokes.
Are Immortals capable of humor? Does my Mother e'er tell a joke?
Oh our divine infant Star Child, if we ourselves who are Immortal were to invent Language not only would there be no time, but there would ne no aspect at all – we would only have qìr pé now just qí and fhiîn and khmaô and sámo what is contemporary, nigh wing, present, we would have an eternal language which consisted of naught but the Gibberish suffixes level a suffixes –a and –au in the present realms or timelines or –anya continuously, presently, now. Perhaps all of language would consist of the eternal aspect -oakhwe. We do not know. We would thus be living crystal and energy, we would have language, we would be aware and perfect, and yet we would not have to think about how memories hurt us, hor hopes frighten us, and how broken our hearts have become that Khnoqwísi left us and bred a creature ouf ot her body. We would be in eternal bliss. Here. Now. Always.
But Khnoqwísi changed language. She taught us about possibility. She taught us about dreams and melancholy and weeping. They taught us that the past is about nostalgia and the future is about hope. We dwell in eternal memory. We cry unto the rest of our divine family. We wish to be now. But we have become all things. We cannot make the Dreamtime what it once was.
Puîyus shall close up the Void. The Dreamtime, all of Glossopoeia will reform itself around language. You shall be the new Moon Empress. There will be a new Paradise. But we can add nothing else. We are young and old, we are timeless, are are Immortal, we dream and make.
It is time to send this letter to your beloved. Sign it, and our clouds of Ravens shall deliver it unto the warfleet.
I love you Puey! Fhermáta and I will have fun up here. Lots of kisses.
Fairwell, oh Crown Prince. We shall take care of our neice. We will eat her brain.
You’re joking, aren’t you?
The units designed the-set-of-things-cleped-Fhólus-with-and-Aîya are trying to teach us humor. Yes. We will suck our your brain and eat it. Our Brother Raven once tried to teach us humor, but it mostly involved pie fights and chasing nymphs around.
Somebody the mentioning I we the pies?
I miss you Puey!
All my love,
New Website
Dearest Blessings~
It looks as though after over 3 years and 1145 letters, I have managed to
run out of storage for photographs of you all. So, I have con...
12 years ago
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