Let's Just Finish Up the Locative Case, Okay!
Notebook Entry: Let’s just finish up the Locative Case, shall we?
I, Fhermáta, the Princess’ Sister by marriage have taken it upon myself to take the Traîkhiim and toss them out into the blizzard. I rather don’t care even if they fall into the Void and get broken apart into music notes and vocables and sound. I’ve tried to lock the door, for I know something very strange is happening outside. The Stars are descending in their thousands, and Éfhelìnye is getting extremely anxious lest any of her family decide to visit with her. I’m trying to keep the Princess a little less worried by asking her more about language and Puey, for such topics should enliven her a little.
Yes, I think there is only a little bit more to discuss with the level one suffixes and the locative case in general. For our present purposes I shall just discuss how the experiencer case can mimick the function of other cases, and then just review the rest of the forms of the locative case. Are you sure no one is going to enter the room? No one save Puey of course.
I don’t know. I’ll do my best to keep everyone else away.
The Experiencer Case! Fhermáta, write that down.
I just did.
Write it bigger.
The Experiencer Case.
No, let’s make it fancier.
The Experiencer Case!!!
That’s better. My dearest Fhermáta the most common case in Babel has got to be the Experiencer Case. Simply, the Experiencer case is used for all unmarked syntactic functions. It is not used for objects, for locational or adpositional functions, or vocative functions, we have six other cases for that. The experiencer case is used to mark both the subject and the predicate in omnivolitional clauses where there is an object or the subject is marked with an aspect suffix.
Wtsùyot Puiyeyòjhwa.
Puey is continuously great.
Both of those words are in the experiencer case. Now, there can be some ambiguity with the absolutive case, and so one must decide whether
Wtsùyot Puiyeyùpwar.
Means, Puey is great or Puey finished being great. Obviously the sentence can only mean the first, since Puey can never stop being great. But if one were confronted with, say, Wtsùyot Fhólusùpwar one would have the option of translating it as either Fhólus is great or Fhólus was great once.
Technically speaking any semantically non-restrictive sùkhpat participle which does not have a level seven prefix or a level one suffix and is not the subject of an intransitive/stative predicate is in the experiencer case. For instance Taê Puîye wtsùyot! Oh great Puey we have Taê Puîye in the vocative case, but the unmarked relative clause wtsùyot is just in the experiencer case. Puiyè wtsùyot! also begins with a vocative case and ends in the experiencer case, Oh great Puey!
Let’s consider the following:
‘Twas raining.
This word is simply a predicate experiencer with a verbal ending. We shall see it again with:
And once again in:
Jhkhùnwo xhìqtakem Puîyus.
Puîyus makes Þe sound tick·tock.
In the above we predicate with a predicate experiencer followed by another predicate experiencer. Puîyus is in the absolutive case. We can make the sentence consist entirely of the absolutive by writing:
Jhkhùnwo xhìqtakem Puiyusoâkhwe
Puîyus always makes Þe sound tick·tock.
Although I’m not entirely sure that Puey would like making the sound of clockwork.
Personal pronouns lack the absolutive case, so if one finds one as a subject than it must be in the experiencer case. The following sentence contains nothing but a predicate experiencer, another predicate experiencer, and a subject experiencer.
Khnathelónge qúra pú.
I appoint someone as viceroy king.
I dance.
Here the personal pronoun is a predicate experiencer followed by a verbal suffix.
Éfhelinyeyèxhriint Puîyus.
Puîyus likes Éfhelìnye.
And here we have two experiencer cases, the predicate with an imbedded object, and a subject.
We should keep in mind that
Is that someone at the door?
No, my Sister. Pray continue.
We should keep in mind that one cannot turn the vocative case into the locative case, one cannot force a vocative participle upon an adpositional phrase, since one participle or personal pronoun or relative pronoun cannot be two different cases at once. One cannot say xá qir Jaràqtu or taê Jaraqtuyèxhyeu and the like as one word to mean Oh those in Jaràqtu! One could say taê xú Jaràqtu se, vocative case and locative case, or simply taê Jaraqtuyùntar a longer vocative form.
The experiencer case is quite remarkable in that it is also used in locative phrases. In the following examples I have underlined the use of the experiencer case in a locative phrase.
Qiêl wtsatìmaloi
In Þe green hills
Qiêl wtsùyot wtsatìmaloi
In Þe great, green hills
Qiêl khrèjhar wtsùyot wtsatìmaloi
In Þe killing, great, green hills
Qiêl and wtsòyot and khrèjhar are in the experiencer case but act as if they were in the locative case. This is an extremely common and basic rule of syntax, that the locative case is inflected either at the beginning of the phrase in the case of a prefix or at the end in the case of a suffix.
The khmuîthno experiencer case is also used in the highly marked possession construction. Don’t you like all of the constructions we’ve learned to so, Pronominal Supplementation, the Possession Construction, and the Habeo Construction. Then again, those three bits of syntax have given me the most difficulty in explaining unto you and Puey. Let’s review the possession construction again.
Koaqing qiêl wtsàtim Puîyus
In Puîyus’ green hills
Teîqhaqiel wtsùyot wtsàtim Puîyus
In Puîyus’ great, green hills
Teîqhaqiel khrèjhar wtsùyot wtsàtim Puîyus
In Puîyus’ killing, great, green hills
In the above examples wtsàtim and wtsùyot and khrèjhar reside in the experiencer case.
And finally the experiencer case is used in a wide variety of unmarked relative clauses.
Taê Pátifhar ter khníjur kùxha jijíxhe stélàrejikh Puîyus xhmárot
Oh singing Pátifhar, mighty Puîyus, laughing, kißed Þe princess.
In the above example khníjur and jijíxhe and xhmárot are unmarked relative clauses in the experiencer case, while kùxha is the experiencer predicate and Puîyus is the experiencer subject.
The experiencer case therefore belongs at the top of the Hierarchy of Cases, for it is one of the strongest of the cases of Babel, sturdier than the vocative case, hardier even than the construct. In fact as we have experienced it before, it is possible to omit an object especially when the object is vague or just something in general. This is ygnowen as the antipassive voice. Remember, though, that ‘tis rare to omit the subject experiencer save in poetic situations or in Gibberish.
Jaê pú.
I see; I look about.
Jotelónge pú.
I understand; I understand.
Qhorlpèntu pú.
I eat in general.
The sentences above use the words jót, jotelónge those who understand someone or something and qhòrlpen, qhorlpèntu those who finish off, end, consume, eat someone or something. The above sentences can be rewritten in the full antipassive voice as follows:
Jáxe jaêyejikh pú.
I see something or other.
Jáxe jotelóngèyejikh pú.
I understand in general.
Jáxe qhorlpentùyejikh pú.
I eat something or other.
And now we come to one of the most whimsical usages of the Experiencer Case, that is, the Experiencer Case assuming the function of the other six cases. Should we draw up another box?
Þe Experiencer Case Aßuming Þe Funcciouns of Þe Other Cases
·aiqhor Ond, also, eke, ptoo, only, even; both …ond
+ xhnoe Ond, also, eke, ptoo, only, even; both … ond; until, zo
+ aqhus Ond
·ontet Ond, connects substantivë clauses; both … ond; … but also
+ xhnoipe Ond, connects substantivë clauses; both … ond ; … but also
+ fheil (Either) … ør
The above six conjunctions always copy the case of the substantive mentioned before them. One can almost think of them as the ól equals sign, in the sence that two substantives linked with one of these conjunctions, such as Puiyeyòntet tsenastélar Puey and the princess must both be in the same case. It is of course possible to mark then as being in different forms of the same case, such as qir Puîye xhnoe tsena xhrir stélar in Puey and from the princess. However, the six conjunctions listed above may be used with the experiencer case to assume the function of the other six xhìqhila cases. These conjunctions are used for linking or yoking of the same case. Let’s examing the use of the experiencer case with these conjunctions one by one.
Experiencer Case + Experiencer Case
Óqlayaîqhor ijótlha
Óqla xhnoe’ ijótlha
Flowren ond whispering mountains
Flowren ond whispering mountains also, eke, too, only, even
Both flowren ond whispering mountains
Óqla’ aqhus ijótlha
Flowren ond whispering mountains
Óqlayòntet ijótlha
Óqla xhnoipe’ ijótlha
Flowren ond whispering mountains
Both flowren ond whispering mountains
Flowren but whispering mountains also
Óqla fheil ijótlha
Flowren ør whispering mountains
Either flowren ør whispering mountains
One may easily see two experiencer cases linked as the predicate or as the subject of a transitive or ditransitive clause. In the examples on the right below the subjects must be in the experiencer case because the predicate is being used to inflect for a subject. You will note that the flowers and whispering mountains are both conceptualized as non-sentient animate in such examples.
Óqlayaîqhor ijótlha pei.
Óqla xhnoe’ ijótlha pei.
These are flowers and whispering mountains.
These are flowers and whispering mountains also, eke, too, only, even.
These are both flowers and whispering mountains.
Xoîqhathoas óqlayaîqhor ijótlha.
Xoîqhathoas óqla xhnoe’ ijótlha.
The flowers and whispering mountains think about us.
The flowers and whispering mountains also, eke, too, only, even, think about us.
Both the flowers and the whispering mountains think about us.
Óqla’ aqhus ijótlha pei.
These are flowers and whispering mountains.
Xoîqhathoas óqla’ aqhus ijótlha.
The flowers and whispering mountains think about us.
Óqlayòntet ijótlha pei.
Óqla xhnoipe’ ijótlha pei.
These are flowers and whispering mountains.
These are both flowers and whispering mountains.
These are flowers but whispering mountains also.
Xoîqhathoas óqlayòntet ijótlha.
Xoîqhathoas óqla xhnoipe’ ijótlha.
The flowers and whispering mountains think about us.
Both the flowers and the whispering mountains think about us.
The flowers but the whispering mountains also think about us.
Óqla fheil ijótlha pei.
These are flowers or whispering mountains.
These are either flowers or whispering mountains.
Xoîqhathoas óqla fheil ijótlha.
The flowers of whispering mountains think of us.
Either the flowers or the whispering mountains think of us.
When one wishes to modify more than one experiencer yoked with a conjunction, though, one must keep in mind the syntax of the conjunctions and how they copy the same case unto either side of them. If one wishes to modify just the second element one can still just use the conjunctions as you have seen before.
Puîye xhnoe tsenastélar jijíxhe
Puey and the laughing princess
The experiencer case is quite lucky, since it is the unmarked case one can just keep stacking adpositions all about it.
Puîye’ újar xhnoe tsenastélar jijíxhe
Thinking Puey and the laughing princess.
However, we’re going to have learn, though, how explicity to mark the case of both of the substantives on either side of the conjunction, and you shall understand why quite quickly.
Puîye’ aqhus tsenastélar
Puey and the princess
Puîye wtsatimòntet stélar tlhìjhweqhe
Green Puey and the falling princess
Puiyeyènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélarìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book
You will note that in the above substantive phrase that both Puiyeyènwe and stélarìnwi must be in the same case, for they are both given an focus particle and the two parts of the phrase are separated by -ontet. This is the most common way of linking together two substantives to be a single phrases, by marking the beginning of each phrase with a focus participle and using a conjunction between them, usually –ontet and xhnoipe. The phrase above could be either the predicate or the subject of a clause.
Puiyeyènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélarìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha kú.
They are green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book
Jhèntathoas Puiyeyènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélarìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book are thinking about us.
However, a compound substantive phrase could simply be marked with the subject suffix –aqwa or perhaps –aqwa followed by focus particles.
Jhèntathoas Puiyeyàqwa wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaràqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Jhèntathoas Puiyeyaqwayènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaraqwayìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book are thinking about us.
One can create a chart of sorts and show how focus particples, subject suffixes, and conjuctions are used in order to show multiple modification in a single case phrase.
Khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
Khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
They are a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
They are a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl also, eke, too, only, even.
They are both a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe yaiqhor tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaiqhor tsenajakhtaqtayaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe yaiqhor tsenajakhtaqtayaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think about us.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl also, eke, too, only, even think about us.
Both the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think about us.
Khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya aqhus tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
They are a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonde and a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya aqhus tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya aqhus tsenajakhtaqtayaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonde and a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think about us.
Khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayòntet tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
Khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
They are a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
They are both a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
They are a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade but a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl also
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayòntet tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayòntet tsenajakhtaqtayaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe tsenajakhtaqtayaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think about us.
Both the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think about us.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade, but the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl also, think about us.
Khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya fheil tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha kú.
They are a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
They are either a candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or a warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya fheil tsenajakhtaqtayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha
Jhèntathoas khmeníwayaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya fheil tsenajakhtaqtayaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think of us.
Either the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think of us.
See, isn’t it quite easy the way that we are able to put sentences all together now that we understand how cases and conjunctions work together? I do wish to point out that when multiple predicates and subjects are used without objects that one does not have to make use of the elaborate focus particples and the subject suffix. For instance one can just say
Khmeníwa senípási wtsàtim jijíxhe xhnoe jakhtàqta jhkhér jhkhuyéri tnarjhwèkhmat kú.
They are a candy pirate, hyper and green and laughing, and a warrior, protecting and loving and painting.
The sense is completely clear. It’s when we start adding objects in the middle that we have to start taking drastic action as we shall see before. It’s all a manner of understanding how the cases function.
The six conjunctions used to link together substantive clauses can also be used with the other six cases. The conjunction swallow up the markers of the second case.
Vocativë Case + Vocativë Case
Taê’ óqlayaîqhor taê’ ijótlha
Taê’ óqlayaîqhor ijótlha
Oh flowren ond whispering mountains
Taê’ óqla xhnoe taê’ ijótlha
Taê’ óqla xhnoe’ ijótlha
Oh flowren ond whispering mountains also, eke, too, only, even
Oh both flowren ond whispering mountains
Taê’ óqla’ aqhus taê’ ijótlha
Taê’ óqla’ aqhus ijótlha
Oh flowren ond whispering mountains
Taê’ óqlayòntett taê’ ijótlha
Taê’ óqlayòntet ijótlha
Taê’ óqla xhnoipe taê’ ijótlha
Taê’ óqla xhnoipe’ ijótlha
Oh flowren ond whispering mountains
Oh both flowren ond whispering mountains
Oh flowren, but also whispering mountains
Taê’ óqla fheil taê’ ijótlha
Taê’ óqla fheil ijótlha
Oh flowren ør whispering mountains
Oh either flowren ør whispering mountains
The vocative case can be used as a form of asyndeton or apposition clauses. In other words an utterance such as taê’ óqla taê jakhtàqta! Oh flowers, oh warriors! Could mean either Oh flowers and oh warriors! Or Oh flowers who are like warriors! One must rely upon context, to make it clear, although one could always say Taê óqlayyòjhwoyòntett taê jakhqtaqtayènwe! If one means to say Oh flowers and oh warriors! And one can say Taê’ óqla ter jakhtàqta! Oh flowers that are warriors!
One can of course modify multiple vocatives and give them objects. One does not have to mark each of the vocatives with a focus participle, but sometimes one finds them as a matter of emphasis. I shall give just a few examples to surfice
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayaîqhor taê’ ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayaîqhor ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayaîqhor taê’ ijótlhayùjhwu khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayaîqhor ijótlhayùjwhu khníjur wthárlùtya
Oh yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoe taê’ ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoe ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoe taê’ ijótlhayùjhwu khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoe ijótlhayùjhwu khníjur wthárlùtya
Oh yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers also, eke, too, only, even
Oh both yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and the singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha’ aqhus taê’ ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha’ aqhus ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha’ aqhus taê’ ijótlhayùjhwu khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha’ aqhus ijótlhayùjhwu khníjur wthárlùtya
Oh yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayòntett taê’ ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayòntet ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayòntett taê’ ijótlhayòjhwo khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyulkhayòntet ijótlhayòjhwo khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoipe taê’ ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoipe’ ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoipe taê’ ijótlhayòjhwo khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoipe’ ijótlhayòjhwo khníjur wthárlùtya
Oh yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and singing whispering whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Oh both yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and singing whispering whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Oh yellow flowers of Jaràqtu but also singing whispering whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha fheil taê’ ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqla’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha fheil ijótlha khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha fheil taê’ ijótlhayùjhwu khníjur wthárlùtya
Taê’ óqlayòjhwo’ íxhi Jaraqtuyùlkha fheil ijótlhayùjhwu khníjur wthárlùtya
Oh yellow flowers of Jaràqtu or singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Oh either flowers of Jaràqtu or singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
See, that’s not too difficult, is it?
Now, let’s examine the construct case and the ingeminate case at the same time.
Construct + Construct
Óqlayolkhayaîqhor ijótlhayàxhmikh
Óqlayolkhayaîqhor ijótlha
Óqlayòlkha xhnoe’ ijótlhayàxhmikh
Óqlayòklha xhnoe’ ijótlha
Of flowren ond hills
Of flowren ond hills also, too, only, even
Of both flowren ond hills
Óqlayòlkha’ aqhus ijótlhayàxhmikh
Óqlayòlkha’ aqhus ijótlha
Of flowren ond hills
Óqlayolkhayòntet ijótlhayàxhmikh
Óqlayolkhayòntet ijótlha
Óqlayòklha xhnoipe’ ijótlhayàxhmikh
Óqlayòklha xhnoipe’ ijótlha
Of flowren ond hills
Of both flowren ond hills
Of flowren but of hills also
Óqlayòlkha fheil ijótlhayàxhmikh
Óqlayòlkha fheil ijótlha
Of flowren ør hills
Of either flowren ør hills
Ingeminate Case + Ingeminate Case
Ólqa pfho yaiqhor ijótlha pfhu
Óqla pfho yaiqhor ijótlha
Óqla pfho xhnoe’ ijótlha pfhu
Óqla pfho xhnoe’ ijótlha
Flowren ond hills
Flowren ond hills also, ptoo, only, even
Óqla pfho’ aqhus ijótlha pfhu
Óqla pfho’ aqhus ijótlha
Flowren ond hills
Óqla pfho yontet ijótlha pfhu
Óqla pfho yontet ijótlha
Óqla pfho xhnoipe’ ijótlha pfhu
Óqla pfho xhnoipe’ ijótlha
Flowren ond hills
Both flowren ond hills
Flowren but hills also
Óqla pfho fheil ijótlha pfhu
Óqla pfho fheil ijótlha
Flowren ør hills
Either flowren ør hills
One does not too often find a conjunction used with the ingeminate case. I would say that it lies on the edge of the rainbow of language in the sense that it is completely grammatical and makes sense, but it does sound a little odd and perchance poetic in a strange way. Most often we find utterances where more than one element in the ingeminate case modifies something in the construct case.
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim kakaûpa pfho
Of a green and singing flower
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho yaiqhor kakaûpa pfho
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho yaiqhor kakaûpa
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho xhnoe kakaûpa pfho
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho xhnoe kakaûpa
Of the green and singing flower
Of the flower which is green and asinging also, too, only, even
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho’ aqhus kakaûpa pfho
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho’ aqhus kakaûpa
Of the green and singing flower
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho yontet kakaûpa pfho
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho yontet kakaûpa
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho xhnoipe kakaûpa pfho
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho xhnoipe kakaûpa
Of the green and singing flower
Of the flower both green and singing
Of the flower green but singing also
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho fheil kakaûpa pfho
Óqlayòlkha wtsàtim pfho fheil kakaûpa
Of the flower that is green or singing
Of the flower that is either green or singing
I did not mark the construct form with a focus particle since in my experiencer more often that not the construct case is not thus marked. However, multiple forms of the construct case are quite often found so we shall have to explore them for a moment. This shall be one of the most important parts of syntax for you to learn, oh Puey my Prince. It is essentially the same formula I used above for showing how to use multiple forms of the experiencer case, for in order to express several forms of the construct case modified in some way, one also has to repeat the experiencer case which is thus modified.
We shall begin quite simply:
Puiyèyejikh aqhus tsenastélàrejikh
Of Puey and of the princess
Puiyèyejikh aqhus tsenastélar
Of Puey and the princess
Tsena qir qielùjhwu Puiyèyejikh wtsàtim kae’ aqhus tsenastélàrejikh tlhìjhweqhe kae
On the hill of green Puey and the falling princess
Tsena qir qielùjhwu Puiyèyejikh wtsàtimm tuînamat kae’ óqlayòlkha’ aqhus tsenastélàrejikh tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat kae fhrotayùlkha
On the hill of green Puey who is giving flowers for a friend and of the falling princess who is reading a book.
You will note that the double construct phrases are come after a locative phrase which has been marked with the focus particle. Hurray!
However, when more than one construst phrase, modified by adpositions and their own construct phrases, come after the predicate, one both has to repeat the predicate and mark it with the focus affix.
Jhkhuyériyàxhwa Puiyèyejikh wtsàtimm tuînamat kae’ óqlayolkhayòntet jhkhuyériyàxhwa tsenastélàrejikh tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat kae fhrotayùlkha pú.
I both love green Puey who is giving flowers for a friend and I love the falling princess who is reading a book.
Jhkhuyériyàxhwa Puiyèyejikh wtsàtimm tuînamat kae’ óqlayolkhayòntet jhkhuyériyàxhwa tsenastélàrejikh tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat kae fhrotayulkhayòntet jhkhuyériyàxhwa qiêl xhroe kaûpa pfhu Jaraqtuyèxhyeu pú.
I both love green Puey who is giving flowers for a friend the falling princess who is reading a book and the singing hills of Jaràqtu.
When compound construct phrases are found in the subject position the subject itself may be marked with the subject suffix –aqwa or perhaps –aqwa followed by the focus particles. Wait, haven’t we met this construction before? Of course we have!
Jhèntathoas Puiyeyàqwa wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaràqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Jhèntathoas Puiyeyaqwayènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaraqwayìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book are thinking about us.
Jhèntathoas Puiyeyàqwa wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaràqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayulkhayòntet qielàqwa kaûpa Jaraqtuyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas Puiyeyaqwayènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaraqwayìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayulkhayòntet qielaqwayùjhwu kaûpa Jaraqtuyùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend, and the falling princess who is reading a book, and the singing hills of Jaràqtu are thinking about us.
I shall only provide a few examples of multiple modified constructs, because I think you will understand the rhythm fairly well by now.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor jhkhuyéri xhmoe tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha pú.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe jhkhuyéri xhmoe tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha pú.
I love the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl.
I love the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl, also, eke, too, only, even.
I love both the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl.
Jhèntathoas khwúnànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khwúnànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khwúnaqwayànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khwúnaqwayànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The friends of the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl think about us.
The friends of the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl also, eke, too, only, even think about us.
The friends of both the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl think about us.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe
khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinutya’ aqhus jhkhuyéri xhmoe
tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha pú.
I love the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl
Jhèntathoas khwúnànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya’ aqhus tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The friends of the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl think abou tus.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe
khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayòntet jhkhuyéri xhmoe
tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha pú.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe
khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe jhkhuyéri xhmoe
tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha pú.
I love the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl.
I love both the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl
I love the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade, but the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl also.
Jhèntathoas khwúnànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayòntet tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Jhèntathoas khwúnànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The friends of the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think about us.
The friends of both the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl think about us.
The friends of the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl also think about us.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe
khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya fheil jhkhuyéri xhmoe tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha pú.
I love the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade of the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
I love either the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade of the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
Jhèntathoas khwúnànwa khmeníwàyejikh senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya fheil tsenajakhtaqtàyejikh tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The friends of the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are thinking of us.
The friends of either the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonde or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are thinking of us.
This part will be easy.
Locativë Case + Locativë Case
Óqlayutakhaîqhor ijótlhàyutakh
Óqlayutakhaîqhor ijótlha
Óqlàyutakh xhnoe’ ijótlhàyutakh
Óqlàyutakh xhnoe’ ijótlha
Towards flowren ond hills
Towards flowren ond hills also, too, only, even
Towards both flowren ond hills
Óqlàyutakh aqhus ijótlhàyutakh
Óqlàyutakh aqhus ijótlha
Towards flowren ond hills
Óqlayutakhòntet ijótlhàyutakh
Óqlayutakhòntet ijótlha
Óqlàyutakh xhnoipe’ ijótlhàyutakh
Óqlàyutakh xhnoipe’ ijótlha
Towards flowren ond hills
Towards both flowren ond hills
Towards flowren but also to hills
Óqlàyutakh fheil ijótlhàyutakh
Óqlàyutakh fheil ijótlha
Towards flowren ør hills
Towards either flowren ør hills
The locative case, despite its many different endings, is actually quite simple in terms of being modified. One of the reasons why we cannot speak of an instrumental case or a dative case or subordinate case or a partitive genitive case is simply because all of these forms work syntactically the same way, they can move about the predicate and subject and they are similarly modified.
The only specialty we have with the locative case is that like the vocative case we can employ it iwht asyndeton. So when one says óqlàyutakh qir jakhtàqta one means towards the flowers and near the warriors, and one does not actually have to use a special conjunction to mean and.
And one can of course modify multiple locatives and give them objects. One does not have to mark each of the locatives with a focus participle, but sometimes one finds them as a matter of emphasis, just like with the vocative case. I shall weave together a few examples for you.
Óqla’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyulkhayaîqhor ijótlha khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqlayòjhwo’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyulkhayaîqhor ijótlhayùjwhu khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqla’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoe’ ijótlha khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqlayòjhwo’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoe’ ijótlhayùjwhu khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Untowards the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and the singing whispering mountains of some rivers
Untowards both the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and the singing whispering mountains of some rivers
Óqla’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha’ aqhus ijótlha khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqlayòjhwo’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha’ aqhus ijótlhayùjwhu khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Untowards the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and the singing whispering mountains of some rivers
Óqla’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyulkhayòntet ijótlha khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqlayòjhwo’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyulkhayòntet ijótlhayùjwhu khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqla’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoipe’ ijótlha khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqlayòjhwo’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha xhnoipe’ ijótlhayùjwhu khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Untowards the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and the singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Untowards both the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu and the singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Untowards the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu but also the singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers.
Óqla’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha fheil ijótlha khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Óqlayòjhwo’ íxhìyutakh Jaraqtuyùlkha fheil ijótlhayùjwhu khníjùrutakh wthárlùtya
Untowards the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu or the singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
Untowards either the yellow flowers of Jaràqtu or the singing whispering mountains of some of the rivers
And that’s it.
The Absolutive Case + Absolutive Case
By now, oh Puey, oh my one true love, I think you can guess how we are able to use conjunctions and experiencer cases to create multiple absolutive phrases. The absolutive case may be used either for volitional or non-volitional objects or for intransitive/stative subjects, and so it simply follows the pattern which has already been stablished for the experiencer case and construct case. You don’t even have to learn a new rule at all.
Jaê Puiyeyùpwar aqhus stélarùpwa púxhli.
I see Puey and the Princess.
Xhthènte Puiyeyùpwar aqhus stélarùpwa.
Puey and the Princess who going.
Jaê Puiyeyùpwar aqhus stélar púxhli.
I see Puey and the Princess.
Xhthènte Puiyeyùpwar aqhus stélar.
Puey and the Princess were going.
Jaeyànwa Puiyeyùpwar wtsàtim kae’ aqhus jaeyànwa stélarùpwar tlhìjhweqhe kae púxhli.
I see green Puey and the falling princess.
Xhthènte Puiyeyùpwar wtsàtim aqhus stélarùpwar tlhìjhweqhe.
Green Puey and the falling princess were going.
Jaeyànwa Puiyeyùpwar wtsàtimm tuînamat kae’ óqlayòlkha’ aqhus jaeyànwa stélarùpwar tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat kae fhrotayùlkha púxhli.
I see green Puey, who is giving flowers for a friend, and the falling princess who is reading a book.
Xhthènte Puiyeyupwaràqwa wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayòlkha; aqhus stélarupwaràqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is giving flowers for a friend, and the falling princess who is reading a book, are going.
And yet when more than one absolutive phrase is the object of the predicate and is modified by adpositions and their own construct phrases, one both has to repeat the predicate and mark it with the focus affix. See, this is the same rule about multiple objects that we met before.
Jhkhuyériyàxhwa Puiyeyùpwar wtsàtimm tuînamat kae’ óqlayolkhayòntet jhkhuyériyàxhwa stélarùpwar tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat kae fhrotayùlkha púyan.
I both love on purpose green Puey who is giving flowers for a friend and I succeed in loving the falling princess who is reading a book.
Jhkhuyériyàxhwa Puiyeyùpwar wtsàtimm tuînamat kae’ óqlayolkhayòntet jhkhuyériyàxhwa stélarùpwar tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat kae fhrotayulkhayòntet jhkhuyériyàxhwa qielòjhwa kaûpa pfhu Jaraqtuyèxhyeu pú.
I on purpose both love green Puey who is giving flowers for a friend the falling princess who is reading a book and the singing hills of Jaràqtu.
When compound absolutive phrases are found in the subject position the subject itself may be marked with the subject suffix –aqwa or perhaps –aqwa followed by the focus particles. Wait, haven’t we met this construction twice before? Oh what glories we find in language!
Xhthènte Puiyeyupwaràqwa wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélarupwaràqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Xhthènte Puiyeyupwaraqwayènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélarupwaraqwayìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book are going somewhere.
Xhthènte Puiyeyupwaràqwa wtsàtim mtuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélarùpwaràqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayulkhayòntet qielojhwayàqwa kaûpa Jaraqtuyùlkha.
Xhthènte Puiyeyupwaraqwayènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélarupwaraqwayìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayulkhayòntet qielojhwaaqwayùjhwu kaûpa Jaraqtuyùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend, and the falling princess who is reading a book, and the singing hills of Jaràqtu are going somewhere.
I’m not sure whether that last sentence make sense, but at least it illustrates how to use multiple absolutives as subjects. I think I shall write out the differing forms of conjunction with the absolutive case, and that will be that.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor jhkhuyéri xhmoe
jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha púyan.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe jhkhuyéri xhmoe
tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha púyan.
I on purpose love the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl.
I mean to love the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl, also, eke, too, only, even.
On purpose I love both the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl.
Xhthènte khmeníwayùpwar senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayùpwar senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaràqwa senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor jakhtaqtayupwaràqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaràqwa senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe jakhtaqtayupwaràqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaraqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor jakhtaqtayupwaraqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaraqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe jakhtaqtayupwaraqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl are going somewhere.
The candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl also, eke, too, only, even are going somewhere.
Both the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl are going somewhere.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinutya’ aqhus jhkhuyéri xhmoe
jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha púyan.
I on purpose love the candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl
Xhthènte khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya’ aqhus jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaràqwa senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya’ aqhus jakhtaqtayupwaràqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaraqwayènwe senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya’ aqhus jakhtaqtayupwaraqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate who is hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl are going somewhere.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayòntet jhkhuyéri xhmoe
tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha púyan.
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe
khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe jhkhuyéri xhmoe
jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha púyan.
I on purpose love the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl.
I on purpose love both the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl
I on purpose love the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade, but the warrior carrying the māccuahuitl also.
Xhthènte khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayòntet jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinutya xhnoipe jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaràqwa senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayòntet jakhtaqtayupwaràqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaràqwa senípási kae xhamarnafhinutya xhnoipe jakhtaqtayupwaràqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaraqwayènwe senípási kae xhamarnafhinutyayòntet jakhtaqtayupwaraqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaraqwayènwe senípási kae xhamarnafhinutya xhnoipe jakhtaqtayupwaraqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere.
Both the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl also are going somewhere
Jhkhuyéri xhmoe
khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya fheil jhkhuyéri xhmoe
jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha púyan.
I on purpose love the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade of the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
I on purpose love either the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade of the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl.
Xhthènte khmeníwayùpwar senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya fheil jakhtaqtayùpwar tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaràqwa senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya fheil jakhtaqtayupwaràqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayupwaraqwayènwe senípási kae xhamarnafhinùtya fheil jakhtaqtayupwaraqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere.
Either the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere.
Yes, Fhérma?
Are we almost done with all these cases? Mine hands are beginning to hurt.
We only have the ergative case left. Oh this will be fun, but it will also be a little melancholy to leave such useful cases behind us.
What a pity. As soon as you return to Jaràqtu I’m getting Karuláta to paint out all the rest of your charts. I don’t think I have it in me to be your amanuensis.
Ergative + Ergative
The ergative case is a little different to the rest of the cases, because the ergative case pretty much only likes to dwell in the subject position, since pretty much its only function is to mark volitional clauses. And that’s all. While the locative case, the construct case, the experiencer case all have many different syntactic functions, the ergative case pretty much just does one thing.
With the use of conjunctions one usually just repeats the ergative suffix –an. I think the reason for that is that the suffix –an is by its nature so very emphatic and marked, that one usually does not have a need to add the subject suffix –aqwa or the focus particles. One occasionally finds it, but once again I think that lies somewhere on the edge of unusual in sounding. For instance all three of the following are grammatically correct, but the first example I find the most normal sounding.
Khmeníwayanaîqhor jakhtaqtàyaning
Khmeníwayanaqwayaîqhor jakhtaqtayanaqwaxing.
Khmeníwayanaqwayenweyaîqhor jakhtaqtayanaqwayènwexing
The candy pirate and the warrior do something on purpose.
And so just a few examples are left for us
Puiyeyanaîqhor tsenastélaran
Puîyeyan xhnoe tsenastélaran
Puey and the Princess do something on purpose
Puey and the Princess also, eke, too, only, even on purpose
Both Puey and the Princess do something on purpose
Puîyeyan aqhus tsenastélaran
Puey and the Princess do something on purpose
Puiyeyanòntet tsenastélaran
Puîyeyan xhnoipe tsenastélaran
Puey and the Princess do something on purpose
Both Puey and the Princess do something on purpose
Puey but the Princess also do something on purpose
Puîyeyant fheil tsenastélaran
Puey or the Princess do something on purpose
Either Puey or the Princess do something on purpose
Puîyeyan wtsatimòntet stélaran tlhìjhweqhe
Green Puey and the falling Princess do something on purpose
Puîyeyan wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayolkhayòntet stélaran tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha
Puieyanàqwa wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayolkhayòntet stélaranàqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend, and the falling princess who is reading a book, are doing something on purpose
I suppose examples such as the above, where we have participles modifying the ergative case and objects also, that it is sounds a little less awkward to use the subject suffix upon the –an suffix. The following three sentences would be cases where the subject suffix or the focus particle or possibly both may be appropriate to use on the ergative case.
Xhthènte Puiyeyanàqwa wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaranàqwa tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book are going somewhere on purpose.
Xhthènte Puiyeyanènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaranìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book are going somewhere on purpose.
Xhthènte Puiyeyanaqwayènwe wtsàtimm tuînamat óqlayoklhayòntet stélaranaqwayìnwi tlhìjhweqhe lreîxemat fhrotayùlkha.
Green Puey, who is carrying flowers for a friend and the falling princess who is reading a book are going somewhere on purpose.
Xhthènte khmeníwayan senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor tsenajakhtàqtayan tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayan senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe tsenajakhtàqtayan tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanàqwa senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor tsenajakhtaqtayanàqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanàqwa senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe tsenajakhtaqtayanàqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayaîqhor tsenajakhtaqtayanaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoe tsenajakhtaqtayanaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere on purpose.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl also, eke, too, only, even are going somewhere on purpose.
Both the the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere on purpose.
Xhthènte khmeníwayan senípási xhamarnafhinùtya’ aqhus tsenajakhtàqtayan tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanàqwa senípási xhamarnafhinùtya’ aqhus tsenajakhtaqtayanàqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya’ aqhus tsenajakhtaqtayanaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere on purpose.
Xhthènte khmeníwayan senípási xhamarnafhinutyayòntet tsenajakhtàqtayan tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayan senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe tsenajakhtàqtayan tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanàqwa senípási xhamarnafhinutyayòntet tsenajakhtaqtayanàqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanàqwa senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe tsenajakhtaqtayanàqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinutyayòntet tsenajakhtaqtayanaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya xhnoipe tsenajakhtaqtayanaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere on purpose.
Both the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade and the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere on purpose.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade but the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl also, are going somewhere on purpose.
Xhthènte khmeníwayan senípási xhamarnafhinùtya fheil tsenajakhtàqtayan tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanàqwa senípási xhamarnafhinùtya fheil tsenajakhtaqtayanàqwa tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
Xhthènte khmeníwayanaqwayènwe senípási xhamarnafhinùtya fheil tsenajakhtaqtayanaqwayènwe tsèfheir jairientaoluyùlkha.
The candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere on purpose.
Either the candy pirate hyper on some pink lemonade or the warrior carrying a māccuahuitl are going somewhere on purpose.
May I take a rest now? These pages have been quite a lot for me to write. Plus it doesn’t help that most of these sentences were the same save for one or two affixes.
Let me take the notebook. Fhermáta you can just read o'er my shoulder. If you have any ideas on how else I should describe the locative case, just let me know.
Ah, sure. Princess, you don’t have to write my comments down now.
I know. But it’s fun to do. And if you wish to add any words to the lexicon I have another notebook for that.
I’ll think about it. I’m not really the type to create words. Pastries, perchance.
Fhérma, should we let the Traîkhiim back in? I don’t think that Fhólus and Aîya intend to be so rambunctious with their comments.
Princess, you’re going to have learn to discipline your slaves. You treat them more like pets or children. I suppose it’s not your fault, you’ve lived in isolation in the Forbidden Gardens for most of your life, so you don’t know how to treat your vassels. I’ll let them back in, but I’m dragging them by their antennæ-whisps.
Won’t that hurt them?
Yes. And I know just where to pinch them. Don’t worry, I pinch Siêthiyal and Karuláta by their ears all the time. It’s the only way to get their attention when they’re plotting their odd little schemes, or going through your bags, my Princess, and stealing all of your bead coins and jewelry without your knowing it.
I’ll get the tnoaqteûpa slaves. Princess, if you want to paint a new box or anything, I’ll be right back.
The Rest of the Locative Case
Composite Adpositions
Sister, Fhólus and Aîya have something to say to you.
I we very sorry for making fun of language. I we promise not to be changing or mocking language any more the more. We being good I we them
That’s very nice of you, but I don’t think you need to apologuise too much. My friends, I think we’re coming to the end of our discussion of level one suffixes. So far we’ve had an almost exhaustive discussion on the vocative case, experiencer case, construct case, ingeminate case, absolutive case, and ergative case. We’ve also explored many of the forms of the locative case as well as the syntax of some clauses and sentences which consist of a predicate and a form of the locative case which may or may nor be a subject. We’ve worked through the Humiliative Construction, the Possessive Construction, and at last the Habeo Construction. All that’s left for us in a discussion on level one suffixes is to list all the rest of the affixes and to explain what compositive adpositions may be.
I we still sorry. We fear you, Empress of tomorrow.
You don’t have to fear me, my friends. Now, if you’ll just hand me some ink.
We don’t really fear you. Respect, question? No, respect too strong a word. Less mockery. We less mock you than we usually do.
That’s good to hear. Just be careful and don’t spill the ink. Fhermáta, will you help them grind some new ink? I’ll be working on transcribing this senction myself. Ahem. How shall I start? Babel has a large number of locative inflexions, both level seven prefixes and level one suffixes. Some of these affixes are very specific in meaning and others are less so. Do you remember the lrànkhus prefix xhnir+? It means with and together with and accompanying someone or something and in the presence of. It has quite a broad range of meanings along that idea. One must take some care in understanding the meaning of xhnir+. In the following:
Xhnir Fhóngo’ ojuxújor ó.
With the Æons, one is afraid.
Together with the Æons, one is afraid.
Accompanying the Æons, one is afraid.
In the presnce of the Æons, one is afraid.
All of those are perfectly natural translations. If one wished to express in a less ambiguous way in the presence of one may use a compositive adposition which is formed of the participle xhnoâ presence, those who are near, close to someone or something. One can recognize a composite adposition because it always takes the form of qir+ plus a participle plus another participle in the construct case with the suffix +xhroe.
Qir xhnoâ Fhóngo xhroe’ ojuxújor ó.
In the presence of the Æons, one is afraid.
One can imagine the composite adposition as taking this formula:
Qir (participle denoting a location) X xhroe = (in the location of) X
Composite adpositions are the normal way for to emphasize a locative phrase. One may of course use word order or a focus particle for a similar affect, but I find the composite adpositions to be a far more common strategy of emphasizing a location or locative phrase. These are the normal participles which are used for composite adpositions.
Àtsapa area outside; tho who are outside of (somewhom/somewhat)
Eîyinger tho who resemble, are like, as (somewhat) [thing·one·do]
Èxhixe inside area; tho who are inside (somewhom/somewhat)
Fhoreîka tho who are like, as, similar to, resemble (somewhat)
Íngoi tho who are in front of, before (somewhat)[one·matter]
Jhètlhoa area below; tho who are below (somewhat) [leß·high·space]
Khyèxhloa area beyond, past; tho who are beyond, past (somewhat) [great·through·space]
Oâke tho who are after, behind (somewhat) [space·yon]
Oâpe tho who are against, leaning against (somewhat) [space·Þis]
Oâqe tho who are during (somewhat) [space·in]
Oât tho who are beside (somewhat) [space·Þæt]
Oâtlhe tho who go above (somewhat) [space·high]
Oâwa tho who go around (somewhat) [space·circle]
Oêl material, matter, stuff
Pìntro distance, amount of space between ptwo points
Pfhùpa tho who are like, as, similar to, resemble (somewhom)
Pwìsem tho who are above ground, who branch, arise, twist, form
Qeîr middle, midst
Qoâs middle, center [in·space·part]
Sèsum excepciouns
Sìlqa area below ground; tho who are below ground
Thèqa tho who outside of (somewhat), opposing (somewhat) [few·in]
Thèqoa surfaces [few·in·space]
Thíngoi tho who are behind, at Þe back of (somewhat) [few·one·matter]
Tìrxho directions
Tlhoîxoa tho who go acroß, over (somewhat) [high·matter·space]
Tnònga examplen
Xhlàjhes, xhlajhèxhra redempcioun, ransoms
Xhloâ away, path; area throughout; tho who are throughout (somewhat) [through·space]
Xhmeîxoa tho who are for Þe sake of (somewhat) [towards·thing·space]
Xhmèjhetlhe tho who are katadown, below (somewhat) [towards·leß·high]
Xhmoâ tho who are to, towards; tho who are to, towards (somewhat) [towards·space]
Xhneîxoa tho who go along with (somewhat) [with·thing·space]
Xhnoâ precense; tho who are near, close [together·space]
Xhreîxoa tho who are about, concerning (somewhat) [from·thing·space]
Xhroâtlha tho who are off of (somewhat) [from·space·high]
I shall create some examples for you, oh Puey my love, to show how composite adpositions are used with the participle ijótlha as well as with a few normal inflexions of the locative case:
Qir àtsapa’ ojótlha xhroe
Outside wolcen clouds
Qir èxhixe’ ojótlha xhroe
Inside wolcen clouds
Qir eîyinger ojótlha xhroe
Resembling, similar to, as, like wolcen clouds
Qir fhoreîka’ ojótlha xhroe
Resembling, similar to, as, like wolcen clouds
Qir íngoi’ ojótlha xhroe
In front of, before wolcen clouds
Qir jhètlhoa’ ojótlha xhroe
Below wolcen clouds
Qir khyèxhloa’ ojótlha xhroe
Beyond, past wolcen clouds
Qir oâke’ ojótlha xhroe
After, behind wolcen clouds
Qir oâpe’ ojótlha xhroe
Against, leaning against wolcen clouds
Qir oâqe’ ojótlha xhroe
During wolcen clouds
Qir oât ojótlha xhroe
Beside wolcen clouds
Qir oâtlhe’ ojótlha xhroe
Above wolcen clouds
Qir oâwa’ ojótlha xhroe
Around wolcen clouds
Qir pfhùpa’ ojótlha xhroe
Resembling, similar to, as, like wolcen clouds
Qir pwìsem ojótlha xhroe
Above clouds
Qir qoâs ojótlha xhroe
In Þe middle, center of wolcen clouds
Qir sìlqa ojótlha xhroe
Belove clouds
Qir thèqa’ ojótlha xhroe
Outside of, opposing wolcen clouds
Qir thèqoa’ ojótlha xhroe
On Þe surfaces of wolcen clouds
Qir ojótlha, ojótlhàyaloi
Qir thíngoi’ ojótlha xhroe
Behind, at Þe back of wolcen clouds
Qir tlhoîxoa’ ojótlha xhroe
Acroß of, over wolcen clouds
Qir xhloâ’ ojótlha xhroe
Throughout wolcen clouds
Qir xhmeîxoa’ ojótlha xhroe
For Þe sake of wolcen clouds
Qir xhmèjhetlhe’ ojótlha xhroe
Katadown, below wolcen clouds
Qir xhmoâ’ ojótlha xhroe
To, towards wolcen clouds
Qir xhneîxoa’ ojótlha xhroe
(going) along with wolcen clouds
Qir xhnoâ’ ojótlha xhroe
In Þe presence, near, close to wolcen clouds
Qir xhreîxoa’ ojótlha xhroe
About, concerning wolcen clouds
Qir xhroâtlha’ ojótlha xhroe
Off of wolcen clouds.
Qir sèsum ojótlha xhroe
Eggsept for, save wolcen clouds
Qir oêl ojótlha xhroe
Of, composed of, made of wolcen clouds
Qir tnònga’ ojótlha xhroe
Such as, like wolcen clouds; for example: wolcen clouds
Qir qeîr ojótlha xhroe
Among, between, betwixt wolcen clouds
Qir tìrxho’ ojótlha xhroe
Until, upana to, as far as wolcen clouds
Qir pìntro’ ojótlha xhroe
For Þe length of wolcen clouds
Qir xhlajhèxhra’ ojótlha xhroe
Instead of, in place of, rather than wolcen clouds
Note however that the participle oâke must be etymologically connected the corresponding khmàlon suffix –oaka, and oâpe unto –oapa and oât and –oata and oâtlhe unto –oatlha and oâwa and –oafhe and the participle oâqe unto … unto nothing at all, certainly not –aloi but that’s the only thing that first comes to mind.
Person pronouns do not have the xhroe form of the construct case, but rather the suffix –xhrejor, and relative pronouns take the suffix -pejos. Hence the inflexion of composite adpositions for personal pronouns and relative pronouns is a little different.
Qir oâwa qiêl xhroe
Around Þe hills
Qir oâwa’ úxhrejor
Around one
Qir oâwa keipejos
Around which one.
The poaqing series of prefixes is usually used in place of personal pronouns to modify composite adpositions, but one can still use the suffix –xhrejor for the personal pronouns ó and ú and khnón and pón, and for forms that emphasize gender such as pexhe and poxha and those that emphasize number such as jhein and ajhoqhi. The only time the jin series of personal pronouns takes the suffix –xhrejor is with the use of composite adpositions.
Poaqing oâwa
Around me
Qir oâwa khnónexhrejor
Around no one or nothing
Koaqing oâwa.
Around him or her or it
Qir oâwa kexhexhrejor.
Around yon women
Qir oâwa kexhexhrejoreng.
Around yon two women.
Qir oâwa jheinexhrejor
Around you both.
Poaqing eîyinger
resembling, similar to, as, like me
Poaqing fhoreîka
resembling, similar to, as, like me
Poaqing íngoi
in front of, before me
Poaqing jhètlhoa
below me
Poaqing khyèxhloa
beyond, past me
Poaqing oâke
after, behind me
Composite adpositions, along with any other locative phrase, can be continued indefinitely.
Úqei Puîyus xhroe
Books of Puîyus
Qir qoâs úqei xhroe Puîyus xhroa
In Þe middle of Þe books of Puîyus
Qir xhreîxoa qoâs xhroe’ úqei xhroa Puîyus xhroa
Concerning Þe middle of Þe books of Puîyus
And the adpositions qir xhmèjhetlhe and qir thèqoa without any object in the construct case simply mean downwards and upwards respectively.
Í qìr xhré qir xhmèjhetlhe tepu.
We wended downwards.
Í qìr xhré qir thèqoa tepu.
We wended upwards.
In comparison to the Language of Beast Babel has no formal copular particle, although one could say that focus particles with the khmuîthno experiencer case or the predicate ól have a similar meaning unto it. In the case of the composite adposition qir xhneîxoa there may be either an understood be or an understood go. Hence one saith:
Qir xhneîxoa kexhexhrejor pú.
We are along with her.
We go along with her.
Qir xhneîxoa koxhaxhrejor tó khrúju!
Be along with him!
Go along with him!
The composite adposition oâqe is used to express the accusitive of time and space to describe the time during which something betides.
Qir oâqe lyár xhroe
During, for Þe future
Xhthènteqhe lwánòlutakh qir oâqe’ òthei xhroe Puîyus.
During the day Puîyus wended to the castles.
For Þe whole day Puîyus wended to Þe castles
The participle òthei means days by the way. And the composite adposition tìrxho when used with time words has the meaning of until.
Qir tìrxho fhrúla xhroe khniêr jhpaipasàraxim xhroe Puîye.
Until Þe spring, Puey kißed the ballerina princess.
Composite adpositions are grammatically participles even though they have a quasi-relationshp with the locative case, in a similar way that neutral pronouns are grammatically particples even though they are semantically close to personal pronouns. As participles they can be used as the subject or predicate experiencer or in any other case or with different forms of the locative case.
Wtsàtim khyèxhloa.
Þe area beyond something is green.
Axhíxhi khyèxhloa’ ijótlhayàxhmikh.
Þe area beyond Þe palaces is orange.
Jaeyájhei xhloâyejikh talqanxhayùlkha túxing?
Do you see Þe people throughout Þe cruisren?
Jaeyájhei xhloayàxhmikh talqanxhayùlkha túxing?
Do you see Þe paths throughout Þe cruisren?
And here one can see that khyèxhloa means both area beyond, area past and those who are beyond or past someone or something and xhloâ meaneth way, path, area throughout and those who are throughout someone or something.
And finally, my love, one should keep in mind that, in context, participles may be translated as adpositions or locatives in the Language of Beasts, even though they may not actually be in the locative case in the original Babel. I am not an expect on Qtheûnte but I have noticed that our adpositions do not quite correspond to those in the Language of Trees and Flowers and Dinosaurs. For instance the question:
Jaeyájhei silyàyejikh túxing?
Do you see those below the ground?
The participle sìlqa means area below ground or those who are below ground. But in the Babel example I gave above we have a predicate experiencer, a contruct, and a subject experiencer, but the translation made use of a locative phrase.
Hence we are come to the end of our discussion of the Locative Case. And now as practice for the wonderous task of khliqhéngo lexicography, I shall create two lists and one chart to help one understand all of the forms of the Locative Case. First I shall list all of the forms of the Composite Adpositions:
Composite Adposiciouns
Qir àtsapa X xhroe outside, without·forth of X
Qir eîyinger X xhroe resembling, similar to, as, like, have semblank, are semblant to, resemblaunt to, pareil to X
Qir èxhixe X xhroe inside, within·forth of X
Qir fhoreîka X xhroe resembling, similar to, as, like, have semblank, are semblant to, resemblaunt to, pareil to X
Qir íngoi X xhroe in front of, before X
Qir jhètlhoa X xhroe below X
Qir khyèxhloa X xhroe beyond, past X
Qir oâke X xhroe after, behind X
Qir oâpe X xhroe against, leaning against X
Qir oâqe X xhroe during X; accusitivë for Þe extent of tyme
Qir oât X xhroe beside X
Qir oâtlhe X xhroe above X
Qir oâwa X xhroe owll roundly, around X
Qir oêl X xhroe of, composed of, made of X
Qir pfhùpa X xhroe resembling, similar to, as, like, have semblank, are semblant to, resemblaunt to, pareil to X
Qir pìntro X xhroe for Þe length of X
Qir pwìsem X xhroe above X
Qir qeîr X xhroe among, between, betwixt X, delkint
Qir qoâs X xhroe in Þe middle of, center, middleheart of, entermete of X
Qir sèsum X xhroe eggsept for, outcept, save X
Qir sìlqa X xhroe below X
Qir thèqa X xhroe outside, without·forth of, opposing X
Qir thèqoa X xhroe on Þe surfaces, on Þe pface of X
Qir thíngoi X xhroe behind, at Þe back of X
Qir tìrxho X xhroe until, upana to, as far as X
Qir tlhoîxoa X xhroe acroß of, over X
Qir tnònga X xhroe such as, like X; for example: X
Qir xhlajhèxhra X xhroe instead of, in place of, rather than X
Qir xhloâ X xhroe throughout X
Qir xhmeîxoa X xhroe for Þe sake of X
Qir xhmèjhetlhe X xhroe katadown, below X
Qir xhmoâ X xhroe to, towards X
Qir xhneîxoa X xhroe (going) along with X
Qir xhnoâ X xhroe in Þe presence, near, close to X
Qir xhreîxoa X xhroe about, concerning X
Qir xhroâtlha X xhroe off of X
And now I shall try an even more ambitious list, my love. As you have noticed throughout these grammatical epistles, I have done my best to translate the terms of Babel into the purrs and clicks and mews of the Language of Beasts. Now I shall make a list of all the adpositions of Babel by the adpositions of plantimals. Such a list will only be of use for you, my Love, and my cousin Ixhúja of course, but I do find it interesting to think about language in such a radically different way.
List of Preposiciouns by Qtheûnte Gloß
About ·eitlho, ·ekhmo, ·epwo, qir xhreîxoa X xhroe, ·ujhwa, xhrir
Above ·oatlha, qir oâtlhe X xhroe, tlhir, qir pwìsem X xhroe
Acroß qir tlhoîxoa X xhroe, ·ieqya
After ·oaka, qir oâke X xhroe
Against ·oapa, qir oâpe X xhroe
Along with qir xhneîxoa X xhroe, xhnir
Among qir qeîr X xhroe, ·uqei
Around ·oafhe, qir oâwa X xhroe
As far as qir tìrxho X xhroe
As if ·ethya
As ·ethya, qir eîyinger X xhroe, qir fhoreîka X xhroe, qir pfhùpa X xhroe
Aßociated with ·uqei, xhnir
At least for ·etwekh
At Þe back of ·iengo, qir thíngoi X xhroe
At + se, ·exhyeu, qir
Away from ·okhno
Because of ·atlhui, ·ejen
Before ·athying, qir íngoi X xhroe
Behind ·iengo, ·oaka, qir oâke X xhroe, qir thíngoi X xhroe
Belongs to ·entir, xhnir
Below ·ejhwor, ·emlen, qir jhètlhoa X xhroe, qir xhmèjhetlhe X xhroe, ·ufhar, qir sìlqa X xhroe
Beside ·oata, qir oât X xhroe
Between qir qeîr X xhroe, ·uqei
Betwixt qir qeîr X xhroe
Beyond ·ofhiet, qir khyèxhloa X xhroe
By means of + sae, ser, ·epakh, xhlir
Close to qir xhnoâ X xhroe, ·antar
Composed of qir oêl X xhroe
Concerning ·eitlho, ·ekhmo, ·epwo, qir xhreîxoa X xhroe, ·ujhwa, xhrir
Dativë + pae, so, ·aswaor, xhmir
Katadown ·emlen, qir xhmèjhetlhe X xhroe
Due to ·atlhui, ·ejen
During ·aloi, qir oâqe X xhroe
Eggsept for qir sèsum X xhroe
For example qir tnònga X xhroe
For Þe distance of qir pìntro X xhroe
For Þe sake of ·omlei, qir xhmeîxoa X xhroe
For + pae, so, ·aswaor, xhmir
From + khmo, si, ·ekhmo, ·epwo, ·oatye, ·ujhwa, xhrir
Going along with qir xhneîxoa X xhroe
Heading to ·utakh
High above tlhir
In comparison to ·etwekh
In front of ·athying, qir íngoi X xhroe
In relacioun to ·etwekh
In Þe center of qir qoâs X xhroe
In Þe context of ·atser, pejor
In Þe middle of ·aqlas, qir qoâs X xhroe
In Þe presence of xhnir, ·antar, qir, qir xhnoâ X xhroe
In + se, ·aloi, ·exhyeu, qir
Inside ·aloi, qir èxhixe X xhroe
Into ·aloi
Just as ·ethya
Lacking ·elwil
Leaning against qir oâpe X xhroe
Like ·ethya, qir eîyinger X xhroe, qir fhoreîka X xhroe, qir pfhùpa X xhroe, qir tnònga xhroe
Made of qir oêl X xhroe
Near ·antar, qir, qir xhnoâ X xhroe
Of qir oêl X xhroe
Off of ·oatye, qir xhroâtlha X xhroe
On Þe surface of ·aitlho, qir thèqoa X xhroe
On ptop of ·atlho, ·ujhar
On + se, ·exhyeu, qir, tlhir, ·ujhar
Opposing ·athyen, qir thèqa X xhroe
Out of + si, khmo, ·ekhmo, ·epwo, ·ujhwa, xhrir
Outside of ·athyen, qir thèqa X xhroe, qir àtsaoa xhroe
Over ·ieqya, ·okhno, qir tlhoîxoa X xhroe
Past ·ofhiet, qir khyèxhloa X xhroe
Resembling qir eîyinger X xhroe, qir fhoreîka X xhroe, qir pfhùpa X xhroe
Save qir sèsum X xhroe
Similar to qir eîyinger X xhroe, qir fhoreîka X xhroe, qir pfhùpa X xhroe
Such as qir tnònga X xhroe
Than ·etwekh
Through + sae, ser, ·epakh, xhlir
Throughout ·alyoa, qir xhloâ X xhroe
To qir xhmoâ X xhroe, ·utakh, xhmir
Together with xhnir
Towards qir xhmoâ X xhroe, ·utakh, xhmir
Under ·ufhar
Underneath ·ufhar
Until qir tìrxho X xhroe
Up to qir tìrxho X xhroe
Upon tlhir, ·ujhar
With xhnir
Without ·elwil
Written by ·ujhwa
And finally I would like to offer this example of a fully declined participle in the locative case, with all of the prefixes and suffixes of the locative case as well as all of the composite adpositions. Don’t you just find lists and charts so much fun?
Fully Declined Locative Case
Of ijótlha
Poaqing ijótlha
In, at, on my whispering mountains
Toaqing ijótlha
In, at, on thy whispering mountains
Koaqing ijótlha
In, at, on his, hir, its, inna his whispering mountains
Kekoaqing ijótlha
In, at, on his, hir, its, inna his (another) whispering mountains
Poaqe’ ijótlha
In, at, on our whispering mountains
Toaqe’ ijótlha
In, at, on your whispering mountains
Koaqe’ ijótlha
In, at, on thair whispering mountains
Kekoaqe’ ijótlha
In, at, on thair (another) whispering mountains
Qir ijótlha
In, at, on, in Þe presence of, near whispering mountains
Xhlir ijótlha
Through, by means of whispering whispering mountains; whispering mountains accidently do something
Xhmir ijótlha
Towards, to, for whispering mountains; whispering mountains have
Xhnir ijótlha
With, together with, along with, in Þe presnece of, aßociated with, belongs to whispering mountains
Xhrir ijótlha
From, out of, about, concerning whispering mountains
Tlhir ijótlha
Above, high above, on, upon whispering mountains
Pejor ijótlha
In Þe countext of whispering mountains, since, because, when, while, provided that, if, an, mountainwise,
Some of Þe princesses;
Some of Þe flowren;
Some of Þe whispering mountains
From, out of, about, concerning, written by princesses;
From, out of, about, concerning flowren;
From, out of, about, concerning whispering mountains
On Þe surface of, on ptop of whispering mountains
In, into, inside, during whispering mountains
Throughout whispering mountains
Near, close, in Þe presence of whispering mountains
In Þe middle of whispering mountains
To, for whispering mountains; whispering mountains have
Outside, opposing whispering mountains
In front of, before whispering mountains
Because of, due to whispering mountains
In Þe context of whispering mountains, since, because, when, while, provided that, if, an, mountainwise
About, concerning whispering mountains
Because of, due to whispering mountains
Below whispering mountains
Without, lacking whispering mountains
Katadown, below whispering mountains
Belongs to whispering mountains
Through, by means of whispering whispering mountains, the whispering mountains accidently do something
Like, as, just as, as if whispering mountains
In relacioun to, in comparison to, than whispering mountains
In, at, on whispering mountains
Behind, at Þe back of whispering mountains
Acroß, over whispering mountains
Around whispering mountains
After, behind whispering mountains
Against whispering mountains
Beside whispering mountains
Above whispering mountains
Off of, from whispering mountains
Beyond, past whispering mountains
Over, away from whispering mountains
For Þe sake of whispering mountains
Underneath, under, below whispering mountains
Upon, on, on ptop of whispering mountains
Aßociated with, among, between whispering mountains
To, towards, heding to whispering mountains
Ijótlha so
To, for whispering mountains
Ijótlha pae
To, for whispering mountains
Ijótlha se
In, at, on whispering mountains
Ijótlha ser
Through, by means of whispering mountains
Ijótlha sae
Through, by means of whispering mountains
Ijótlha si
From, out of whispering mountains
Ijótlha khmo
From, out of whispering mountains
Qir èxhixe’ ijótlha xhroe
Inside whispering mountains
Qir eîyinger ijótlha xhroe
Resembling, similar to, as, like whispering mountains
Qir àtsapa’ ijótlha xhroe
Outside of whispering mountains
Qir fhoreîka’ ijótlha xhroe
Resembling, similar to, as, like whispering mountains
Qir íngoi’ ijótlha xhroe
In front of, before whispering mountains
Qir jhètlhoa’ ijótlha xhroe
Below whispering mountains
Qir khyèxhloa’ ijótlha xhroe
Beyond, past whispering mountains
Qir oâke’ ijótlha xhroe
After, behind whispering mountains
Qir oâpe’ ijótlha xhroe
Against, leaning against whispering mountains
Qir oâqe’ ijótlha xhroe
During whispering mountains
Qir oât ijótlha xhroe
Beside whispering mountains
Qir oâtlhe’ ijótlha xhroe
Above whispering mountains
Qir oâwa’ ijótlha xhroe
Around whispering mountains
Qir oêl ijótlha xhroe
Of, composed of, made of whispering mountains
Qir pfhùpa’ ijótlha xhroe
Resembling, similar to, as, like whispering mountains
Qir pìntro’ ijótlha xhroe
For Þe length of whispering mountains
Qir qeîr ijótlha xhroe
Among, between, betwixt whispering mountains
Qir qoâs ijótlha xhroe
In Þe middle of, center of whispering mountains
Qir sèsum ijótlha xhroe
Eggsept for, save whispering mountains
Qir thèqa’ ijótlha xhroe
Outside of, opposing whispering mountains
Qir thèqoa’ ijótlha xhroe
On Þe surface of whispering mountains
Qir thíngoi’ ijótlha xhroe
Behind, at Þe back of whispering mountains
Qir tìrxho’ ijótlha xhroe
Until, upana to, as far as whispering mountains
Qir tlhoîxoa’ ijótlha xhroe
Acroß of, over whispering mountains
Qir tnònga’ ijótlha xhroe
Such as, like whispering mountains; for example: whispering mountains
Qir xhlajhèxhra’ ijótlha xhroe
Instead of, in place of, rather than whispering mountains
Qir xhloâ’ ijótlha xhroe
Throughout whispering mountains
Qir xhmeîxoa’ ijótlha xhroe
For Þe sake of whispering mountains
Qir xhmèjhetlhe’ ijótlha xhroe
Katadown, below whispering mountains
Qir xhmoâ’ ijótlha xhroe
To, towards whispering mountains
Qir xhneîxoa’ ijótlha xhroe
(going) along with whispering mountains
Qir xhnoâ’ ijótlha xhroe
In Þe presence, near, close to whispering mountains
Qir xhreîxoa’ ijótlha xhroe
About, concerning whispering mountains
Qir xhroâtlha’ ijótlha xhroe
Off of whispering mountains
There you go, Fhermáta and my friends Fhólus and Aîya. I’ve explicated all of the forms of the locative case. I just hope that Puey will be able to make some good use of this as soon as we copy these notebook pages. This section on the level one suffixes was just about as long as all of the phonology epistles I wrote. Babel is quite rigorous in terms of its syntax.
What you the doing, Empress?
I was going to put the notebook away but you took it back and started biting it.
You not done yet, Empress.
Oh? Even I think we’ve covered the seven cases fairly well by now.
But Empress you have to use all these forms of the locative case in a sentence.
Do I? I think that Puey gets the idea by now. Fhermáta do you want to paint out a new chart for me?
No thank you, my Sister. I think I’ve painted enough calligraphy for now. Perhaps the slaves will want to.
Fhólus and Aîya, do you want to profer a sentence to me?
You have to use us in an example. And use pies. We want pies. And mochi.
I’ll try to come up with an example or two.
Xhthènte poaqing jètra qir xhroâtlha tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in my pies and off of the mochi.
Xhthènte toaqing jètra qir xhreîxoa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in thy pies and concerning the mochi.
Xhthènte koaqing jètra qir xhnoâ tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in this one’s pies and in the presence of mochi.
Xhthènte kekoaqing jètra qir xhneîxoa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in that one’s pies and along with the mochi.
Xhthènte poaqe jètra qir xhmoâ tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in our pies and towards the mochi.
Xhthènte toaqe jètra qir xhmèjhetlhe tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in your pies and below the mochi.
Xhthènte koaqe jètra qir xhmeîxoa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in these ones’ pies and for the sake of mochi.
Xhthènte kekoaqe jètra qir xhloâ tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in those ones’ pies and throughout the mochi.
Xhthènte qir jètra xhnoe qir xhlajhèxhra tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the pies and instead of the mochi.
Xhthènte xhlir jètra qir tnònga tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go through the pies and as an example of mochi.
Xhthènte xhmir jètra qir tlhoîxoa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go untowards the pies and across of the mochi.
Xhthènte xhnir jètra qir tìrxho tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go with the pies and up to the mochi.
Xhthènte xhrir jètra qir thíngoi tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go from the pies and behind the mochi.
Xhthènte tlhir jètra qir thèqoa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go above the pies and outside of the mochi.
Xhthènte pejor jètra qir thèqa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the context of pies and outside of the mochi.
Xhthènte qir sèsumm tòtwoji xhroe
janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya stélaretyikhòntet óqlayotyayòntet jetrayùtya
My friends Fhólus and Aîya who are part of princesses and flowers and pies go except for the mochi.
Xhthènte qir qoâs tòtwoji xhroe stélarùjhwa’ óqlayèkhmo jetrayèpwo janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the middle of mochi and away from princess flowers and pies.
Xhthènte jetrayaîtlho qir qeîr tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go on the surface of pies and among the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyaloi qir pìntro tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the pies and for the length of mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayàlyoa qir pfhùpa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go throughout the pies and similar to mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayàntar qir oêl tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go near the pies and composed of mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayàqlas qir oâwa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the middle of pies and around the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayàswaor qir oâtlhe tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go to the pies and above the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayàthyen qir oât tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go outside the pies and beside the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayàthying qir oâqe tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in front of the pies and during the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyatlhui qir oâpe tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go because of the pies and leaning against the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyatser qir oâke tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the context of pies and behind the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayeîtlho qir khyèxhloa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go about the pies and past the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyejen qir jhètlhoa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go because of the pies and below the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayèjhwor qir íngoi tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go below the pies and in front of the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayèlwil qir fhoreîka tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go without the pies and similar to the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayèmlen qir àtsapa tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go below the pies and outside the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayèntir qir eîyinger tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go belonging to the pies and like unto the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyepakh qir èxhixe tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go through the pies and inside the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayèthya tòtwoji khmo janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go like the pies and from the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayètwekh tòtwoji si janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in relation to the pies and from the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayèxhyeu tòtwoji sae janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the pies and through the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayiêngo tòtwoji ser janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go behind the pies and through the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayiêqya tòtwoji se janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go across the pies and in the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayoâfhe tòtwoji pae janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go all around the pies and to the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayoâka tòtwoji so janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go behind the pies and to the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayoâpa totwojiyàyutakh janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go against the pies and untowards the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayoâta totwojiyàyuqei janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go beside the pies and among the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayoâtlha totwojiyàyujhar janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go above the pies and on top of the mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayoâtye totwojiyàyufhar janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go off of the pies and underneath the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyofhiett totwojiyòmlei janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go beyond the pies and for the sake of mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayòkhno xhnoe totwojiyòkhno janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go away from the pies and mochi.
Xhthènte jetrayòmlei totwojìyofhiet janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go for the sake of pies and past the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyufhar totwojiyoâtye janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go beneath the pies and off of the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyujhar totwojiyoâtlha janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go upon the pies and above the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyuqei totwojiyoâta janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go among the pies and beside the mochi.
Xhthènte jetràyutakh totwojiyoâpa janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go untowards the pies and against the mochi.
Xhthènte jètra so totwojiyayoâka janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go to the pies and behind the mochi.
Xhthènte jètra pae totwojiyoâfhe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go to the pies and around the mochi.
Xhthènte jètra se totwojiyiêqya janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the pies and across the mochi.
Xhthènte jètra ser totwojiyiêngo janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go through the pies and at the back of the mochi.
Xhthènte jètra sae totwojiyèxhyeu janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go through the pies and in the mochi.
Xhthènte jètra si totwojiyètwekh janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go from the pies and in comparison to the mochi.
Xhthènte jètra khmo totwojiyèthya janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go from the pies and just as the mochi.
Xhthènte qir èxhixe jètra xhroe totwojìyepakh janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go inside the pies and through the mochi.
Xhthènte qir eîyinger jètra xhroe totwojiyèntir janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go resembling the pies and belonging to the mochi.
Xhthènte qir àtsapa jètra xhroe totwojiyèmlen janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go outside of the pies and below the mochi.
Xhthènte qir fhoreîka jètra xhroe totwojiyèlwil janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go like unto pies and mochiless.
Xhthènte qir íngoi jètra xhroe totwojiyèjhwor janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in front of pies and below mochi.
Xhthènte qir jhètlhoa jètra xhroe totwojìyejen janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go below the pies and because of mochi.
Xhthènte qir khyèxhloa jètra xhroe totwojiyeîtlho janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go past the pies and concerning mochi.
Xhthènte qir oâke jètra xhroe totwojìyatser janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go behind pies and in the context of mochi.
Xhthènte qir oâpe jètra xhroe totwojìyatlhui janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go against the pies and because of mochi.
Xhthènte qir oâqe jètra xhroe totwojiyàthying janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go during pies and before the mochi.
Xhthènte qir oât jètra xhroe totwojiyàthyen janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go beside the pies and opposing the mochi.
Xhthènte qir oâtlhe jètra xhroe totwojiyàswaor janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go above the pies and to the mochi.
Xhthènte qir oâwa jètra xhroe totwojiyàqlas janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go around the pies and in the middle of the mochi.
Xhthènte qir oêl jètra xhroe totwojiyàntar janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go composed of pies and close to the mochi.
Xhthènte qir pfhùpa jètra xhroe totwojiyàlyoa janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go like unto pies and throughout the mochi.
Xhthènte qir pìntro’ jètra xhroe totwojìyaloi janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go for the length of pies and in the mochi.
Xhthènte qir qeîr jètra xhroe totwojiyaîtlho janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go among the pies and on the surface of the mochi.
Xhthènte qir qoâs jètra xhroe stélarùjhwa óqlayèkhmo totwojiyèpwo janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the middle of the pies and from the princess and friends and mochi.
Xhthènte qir sèsum jètra xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya stélaretyikhòntet óqlayotyayòntett totwojiyùtya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya who are part of princesses and flowers and mochi go except for the pies.
Xhthènte qir thèqa jètra xhroe Pejor tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
Outside of, opposing whispering mountains
Xhthènte qir thèqoa jètra xhroe Tlhir tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
On Þe surface of whispering mountains
Xhthènte qir thíngoi jètra xhroe xhrir tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go behind the pies and from the mochi.
Xhthènte qir tìrxho jètra xhroe xhnir tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go as far as pies and with the mochi.
Xhthènte qir tlhoîxoa jètra xhroe xhmir tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go across the pies and to the mochi.
Xhthènte qir tnònga jètra xhroe xhlir tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go such as the pies and through the mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhlajhèxhra jètra xhroe qir tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go instead of pies and in the mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhloâ jètra xhroe kekoaqe tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go throughout the pies and in those ones’ mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhmeîxoa jètra xhroe koaqe tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go for the sake of pies and in these ones’ mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhmèjhetlhe jètra xhroe toaqe tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go down the pies and in your mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhmoâ jètra xhroe poaqe tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go towards the pies and in our mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhneîxoa jètra xhroe kekoaqing tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go along with the pies and in that one’s mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhnoâ jètra xhroe koaqing tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in the presence of pies and in this one’s mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhreîxoa jètra xhroe toaqing tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go around the pies and in thy mochi.
Xhthènte qir xhroâtlha jètra xhroe poaqing tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go off of the pies and in my mochi.
There you go. Do you like it?
It okay.
Sure, do it again.
Did you see the very clever thing I did with all of the affixes of the locative case?
No, Empress of Tomorrow.
No way, future super Empress.
Ah … what was the clever thing that you did now?
Did you see how the first example was:
Xhthènte poaqing jètra qir xhroâtlha tòtwoji xhroe janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go in my pies and off of the mochi.
And the middle example was:
Xhthènte jetrayòkhno xhnoe totwojiyòkhno janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go away from the pies and mochi.
And the last example was:
Xhthènte qir xhroâtlha jètra xhroe poaqing tòtwoji janàkhwúnt Fhólusòntet Aîya.
My friends Fhólus and Aîya go off of the pies and in my mochi.
Ah. No. What did you do?
Um … I thought it was rather fun. Each sentence consisted of two forms of the locative case, and and I listed them in both ascending and descending order.
Princess, my Sister, I’m going to take the notebook from you for a moment.
Why do
Here you go.
Why did you do that? Tying a rope about both of our waists? I feel a little silly.
Shall I tie up the Traîkhiim also? I would like to protect them if I can, even though they have been exceedingly rude to you who shall take up the Starburst Crown and be the Sacred Mother of all the Sylvan Caste.
Why are you tying us together?
I just have a feeling of dread. The blizzard is growing all the stronger outside. I sense something. It’s getting very late. Is there anything else you wish for me to copy or transcribe for you before we go to bed?
Is Puey coming tonight? Something must be keeping him away.
I don’t know. I think it would be wisest for us to stay here. Whatever is occurring outside we probably do not need to witness.
Before we go to sleep I just want to make mention of Tlhexetsopwekùthuwo The War of Heaven and its relationship to language. We’ve all talked several times about Babel as a set of rules and about how some have wished to change it, to bend and alter its parameters, and how sometimes I disagree with traditional grammarians and say that such an utterance is intelligible, and another is elegant, but others just do not make sense. The Traîkhiim have been quite vocal about wishes to making language both far more regular and logical but also more like unto pies and giggles. Our youngest Sister Karuláta is always asking for more words for golden hair and mischief, and Siêthiyal told me that she wants a greater vocabulary for toys. There are ways to expand Babel, as I have outlined above, with compound participles, and thus one does not do damage to the language. However, just tossing new phonemes into the mix, breaking apart affixes and creating entirely new conjugations does result in a storm of nonsense.
And hence the Tlhexetsopwekùthuwo, the Shibboleth Wars.
It is a little strange to think that Puey and I, born right at the beginning of Tsanyuxòpwe the Great War, and meeting each other upon the day when Tlhexetsopwekùthuwo began, and coming of age during this War of Heaven whose end must come before we can be betrothed, that we should have been so closely involved in the War before realizing exactly what it meant. Oh, it took us until the seventh hour of the last day to learn the truth about the Emperor my Father and the Empress my Mother, it took us quite a while to understand the role of prophecy and fate and the machinations of both Puey’s Ancestors and kin as well as my Mother’s divine family. And yet one cannot simply attribute our War to forces of fate great and small but also to a fundamental crux of language itself.
When my Mother disobeyed her divine Family and forsook them for love of my Father, she created a ripple in fate and memory which brought about the entire doom of the Clan of Áme and as a consequence all of my Father’s kin the holy Pwéru and all of the Dreamtime itself, the Land of Glossopoeia. And all the billion, billion worlds of the Dreamtime were becoming undone. It was only at the end, when Puey and I came unto the Flower of Heaven that I understood the truth of my parents’ grief and the guilt of the Immortals and how the Dreamtime had become fundamentally shattered. For when my Mother took her song and turned it into a child, she added to the primordial substance of Language itself, and Babel began to break apart. All things were falling into winter, for after all what does winter mean, the words qhìxie, qhìqhixiet and qhòlai and tòtra and lyèri and lyíyike and jhaxeîxe and jhetingewetlhajáxe all mean both winters and years of age as you have learned from the idiom above, and yet they also have the primordial meaning of the Winter of Language. And as all of the Dreamtime was fading away and become eternally barren, as Puey and I came unto the Flower which had once been my Parents’ love, we beheld the full force of Qhixiêje of Eternal Winter which I had always thought was merely Ritual Mourning for the Virgin Empress but which as also Eternal Extinction and Midnight and Winter of Language. Puey was able to touch the Flower. And I spoke the words the Immortals did not know, the words, I love you. And I made language green and fresh again. And everything became a new season, the season which men call pterúla, pterúlas and pingewetlhajáxe and prìxe and fhènxha and fhyelúra and fhrúla, one of your own names, Fhermáta, and fhlól and áre, the season which we thought merely meant springing time, but which also meant the springtides of language.
And Glossopoeia was healed. And Puey died in mine arms. And I died of a broken heart, as it had been prophecied at my birth.
Now that Puey and I have been born anew and given a chance to live the lives we should have had before, and Puey and my Father are working to contain the Void so that all of the Dreamtime will in similar fashion blossom in new prismatic sprays of light, I understand now why the War which signaled both death and rebirth to the Land of Story was called tlhexetsopwekùthuwo rather than something else, why the first element of the word is tlhèxetso, that is, ŝiboletoj or pasvortoj rather than a word for heaven. It is because our War was and is about Language in all of its forms, basic communication and song and dream and grammar and logic and nonsense and creation and mathmatics and dance and art, all of that which make up language.
And so even though I rejoice that Langauge must grow and change without my conscious desire of it, syntax grows in one’s mind without clear plans unto it, language is as different from its author as children are from their parents, that language should be used and enjoyed rather than a cold sterile artifact greenless as the Dreamtime was becoming, although I shall admit all of my Sisters’ suggestions and the purrs and mews of beasts and the delightful nonsense of the Traîkhiim, I must be responsible enough to caution them not to traverse the basic rules of Language, let we once again fall into a storm of un-meaning
So let us never forget Tlhexetsopwekùthuwo, the Shibboleth Wars. For the Real People take Babel very seriously, and they should, even though many do not realize that it was a creation of mine own thoughts. The greatest of the Wars e'er fought began when my Mother left the Áme and the Immortals were unsure upon some issues of grammar. One of the cruces was as to the exact nature of the particles qoe and tyoe which I shall discuss in a later epistle. Another problem is as what exactly are the parts of speech, should personal pronouns and relative pronouns be considered a subset of particles, and another issue is to the number of cases that our parts of speech should have. The Immortals thought, for instance, and they had some slight tradition to believe it, that there were five core cases, the vocative, the experiencer, the construct, the ingeminate, and the locative case. The ergative and absolutive cases they thought had to be defective, since they former was only used in volitional clauses, and since they did not perfectly fit into the thwòtso hierarchy of cases.
And yet the counter argument, however, was claimed that there were many more cases then five or seven, and that there was no single locative case but rather a collection of cases which grammarians had all linked together as locative, and that we had a partitive genitive case and dative case and instrumental case and subordinate case and hten a locative case. The arguments for this are many. The dative form of the locative case, one may note, is very irregular, for it has its own form ending in +qíreu used but for the irrealis mood, at least in the Habeo Construction. The instrumental forms of the locative case may be non-volitional subjects, the partitive genitive case may be used for atelick objects, and the subordinate case can be used for either subject or object in its own clause. Surely that bespeaks to these as being different cases rather than all the same. However, saith the orthodox argument, these various forms are no more irregular than forms of the locative case which all agree must be locative, such as xhnir+ meaning belongs to, is associated with and tlhir+ for wears and –entir for _belongs to. Moreover all of the forms of the locative case behave the same in their freedom of movement and are thus greatly unlike, say, the construct and ingeminate and experiencer cases. The locative case is blessed with being used in a great variety of constructions, but that does not change its core meaning. Others have claimed, then, that the partitive genitive form of the locative case must be a form of the construct case, however, the partitive genitive never follows the normal rules for the construction and has its own rules in syntactic constructions.
Therefore Babel has developed a means of admitting unto itself all manner of varient grammatical forms and clauses unto itself while still having some core meaning unto it, and this I call Gibberish. There are really two forms of Gibberish, one is the pure Muddle that one sometimes occurs in Dreams and from the streaming Dreams of the Void, but pure Gibberish such as all children speak actually conforms to some interesting rules and forms. I shall discuss the grammar of Gibberish at another time, but since some of the affixes of Gibberish are ritually considered level one suffixes, I shall list them now.
And I shall write this warning. It is strongly advised that if one hath an unorthodox opinion on Babel that one should keep it unto oneself.
The Gibberish Level One Suffixes
·an ergativë case, voliciounal subject, ek sentient animate/non·sentient animate ergativë marked ør unmarked singular for Gibberish participle declension
·0 absolutivë case
·o sentient·animate/non·sentient animate marked, non·sentient inanimate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular dativë for Gibberish participle declension
·e sentient·animate/non·sentient animate marked, non·sentient inanimate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular locativë for Gibberish participle declension
·er sentient animate/non·sentient animate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular instrumental for Gibberish participle declension
·ai non·sentient inanimate marked, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular instrumental for Gibberish participle declension
·ii sentient·animate/non·sentient animate marked, non·sentient inanimate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular elativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aithan sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked plural ergativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aitha sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked plural absolutivë ør allativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aitho sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked plural dativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aithe sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked plural locativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aither sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked plural instrumental
for Gibberish participle declension
·aithii sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked plural elativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhu non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural absolutivë ør allativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujho non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural dativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhe non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural locativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhai non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural instrumental for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhii non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural elativë for Gibberish participle declension
As you can see these Gibberish endings are both like and unlike those of Babel. In Gibberish one can clearly see a separate dative and instrumental case. The absolutive case and what I call allative, to or untowards someone or something are the same in form, although different in meaning. Usually, of course, when one is desirous to use the ergative case one simply uses the level one suffix –an, and to form the absolutive case one can either leave it unmarked or use the level five suffix –upwar for the singular and –ojhwa for the plural.. However, I have noticed that even adults sometimes use the ergative and absolutive inflexions of the Gibberish forms in everyday conversation, or at least when they’re nervous or angry or not clearly thinking, although they tend not to use the dative, locative, instrumental, elative, or allative forms to oft. I shall rearrange the chart of Gibberish participle declensions as follows:
Sentient·animate, non·sentient animate marked
Non·sentient inanimate marked
Sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked singular
Sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked plural
Non sentient inanimate unmarked singular
Non sentient inanimate unmarked plural
Elativë, exceßivë, from, made of
Allativë, towards
Later on I shall give some extension discussion on Gibberish with examples thereof, but for the moment a few examples should surfice.
Khniêr qráyiingtayaîtha jakhtaqtayaîthan.
Þe warriors kißed thair mothren on purpose.
Lreîxemat fhaîrotu theupíyayan.
Þe maiden read Þe book on purpose.
Tlhìjhweqhe’ óqlayaîthan axhúxha.
Þe purple flowren felldown on purpose.
Princess! Grab the notebook. Hold onto the Traîkhiim!
They’re here! Hold onto me tight, Sister!
[the pages are formed of pure light now. The writing sparkles and gleams and shifts]
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