Complete List of Inflexion Things
Epistle XLVI: Complete List of Inflexion Things
Dear Princess Éfhelìnye future Empress and Sister by Marriage
Hello this is Karuláta Khniêma Akhlísa your best and favoritest of your Sisters. Everything here is fine. In fact it’s too fine. It’s downright boring with you. Please return when you feel better. It’s just not the same without having fires in the kitchen and things blowing up and having to hide from Mamà and Grandma whenever you get into trouble.
The only thing happening here is that Siêthiyal has taken most of your stuff, but she told me that if I told you any details she’s pound me so hard that you’d be able to hear me from all the way in your warfleet.
Fhermáta and I were going through your papers while Siêthiyal was taking everything of value, and we found a list that you made. We decided to copy it out and send you a copy. Fhermáta painted some of the stranger glyphs for me, but I helped a lot too. We don’t know whether this will help you in the grammar book thing you’re writing, but I’m sure it won’t hurt.
I hope you’re feeling better. Nobody’s heard from your Mother in a long time. Oh, and we rather lost Ixhúja. I’m sure she’s just out in the forest, but she’ll return when you come back home.
I love you.
Here’s the chart that Fhermáta and I copied out:
Compleate List of Babel Inflexions
For the
Presumptivë Mode
Level One Prefix: Conjunccioun
Eiqhor· Ond, also, eke, then, but, hit happened Þæt, however, nonetheleß
Xhnoet + Ond, also, eke, then, but, hit happened Þæt, however, nonetheleß
Es + Ond, also, eke, until
Kho+ Zo, then, thus
Qte + Direct quotacioun
Ejaqe + Direct quotacioun
Khlie + Parenthesis, dash
Level Ptwo Prefix: Honorifiξ, Vocatives
Aî· Simple Vocativë
Xá + vocativë, strong emocioun
Taê + general vocativë
Xaô· Vocativë Honorifick
Tóngai + honorifick vocativë
Lwór· Vocativë, Beloved
Xhnéyemai + beloved vocativë
Ányar· Vocativë, “Loved One”
Khmaê + “Loved One,” used for friends, family
Khmaîtlho· Vocativë, “Respected One”
Xhmaitlhújo + “Respected One,” vocativë
Aînoi· Vocativë, “Bleßed One, Creativë One”
Pétsi· Vocativë, “Honored, aged”
Qlása· Vocativë, “Worshipful, royal”
Jheîsa· Vocativë, “Friend”
Xhór· Vocativë, “Male, sir”
Óxhai + Masculine vocativë
Xhér· Vocativë, “Female, madam”
Éxhai + Feminine vocativë
Ájhoqha· Vocativë, Teachor, mentor, priest, parent
Jónga· Vocativë, Young
Jai· non·vocativë honorifick, sentient·animates
Jhao· non·vocativë honorifiξ, non·sentient·inanimate
Kongai + non·vocativë honorifick
Xau· non·vocativë beloved, animate
Tlhoi· non·vocativë beloved, non·sentient·inanimate
Xhneyemaike + non·vocativë, beloved
Tqar· non·vocativë “Loved One”
Khmaike + non·vocativë “Loved One”
Khmaitlhor· non·vocativë, “Respected One”
Xhmaitlhujoke + non·vocativë “Respected One”
Ainoir· non·vocativë, “Bleßed One, Creativë One”
Kainoir + “Bleßed One, Creativë One,” non·vocativë
Petsir· non·vocativë, “Honored, aged”
Qlala· non·vocativë, “Worshipful, royal”
Jheisar· non·vocativë, “Friend”
Xhola· non·vocativë, “Male, sir”
Xhele· non·vocativë, “Female, madam”
Ajhoqhar· non·vocativë, Teachor, mentor, priest, parent
Jongar· non·vocativë, Young
Túngai + vocativë, “Of thilke sex”
Kungai + non·vocativë “Of thilke sex”
Taôngai + vocativë “Of Þe opposite sex”
Kaongai + non·vocativë “Of Þe opposite sex”
Jhwóna· vocativë “Related by marriage”
Jhwonar· non·vocativë “Related by marriage”
Fhtána· vocativë “Foster, adopted”
Fhtanar· non·vocativë “Foster, adopted”
Ár· vocativë/non·vocativë “Great, Grand” (removed one generacioun)
Tár· vocativë “Great, Grand” (removed one generacioun)
Khar· non·vocativë “Great, Grand” (removed one generacioun)
Level Three Prefix: Number
Tsena· singular, Þe only, Þe one who; Þe one named …
Xhajhya· multiple, many; tho named …
Janya·* dual, ptwo
Lyiikha·* trial, three
Fhortha·* four
Fhaitlha·* fivë
Sikhya·* six
Syujhwa·* heptal, seven
Tlhengpa·* undecal, eleven
Khorna· Each, every, owll, owll of, totality of (pluria tanta)
Sefhwa· Few
Kheitha· Most
Xatlha· Several
Tafhla· Enough
Jharsa· Certain, some (quidam)
Kiipe· How many, how micklemuch?
Kuifha· Þæt micklemuch, many; zo micklemuch, many (tantus)
Level Four Prefix: Pronominal Supplementacioun: Þe Humble Construccioun, Þe Humiliativë Construccioun
Non·Irrealis forms
Khni· I humblwise eam (root)
Ti· thou humblwise art (root)
Khnu· hee, shee, humblwise ‘tis (root)
Ju· hee, shee, hit (another) humblwise yzzz (root)
Khmi· wee humblwise are (root)
Jhi· yee humblwise are (root)
Tlhi· they humblwise are (root)
Jie· they (another) humblwise are (root)
Qha· I humblwise eam (root)
Qhu· thou humblwise art (root)
Qhi· hee humblwise yzzz (root)
Qhao· they humblwise are (root)
Joi· I humblwise eam (root) of thee
Jii· I humblwise eam (root) of him
Jei· I humblwise eam (root) of him (another)
Jo· I humblwise eam (root) of us
Jao· I humblwise eam (root) of yee
Je· I humblwise eam (root) of hem
Jui· I humblwise eam (root) of hem (another)
Ta· thou humblwise art (root) of mee
Tii· thou humblwise art (root) of him, hir, hit
Tei· thou humblwise art (root) of him, hir, hit (another)
To· thou humblwise art (root) of us
Tao· thou humblwise art (root) of yee
Te· thou humblwise art (root) of hem
Tui· thou humblwise art (root) of hem (another)
Sa· hee humblwise yzzz (root) of mee
Soi· hee yzzz (root) of thee
Sei· hee humblwise yzzz (root) of him (another)
So· hee humblwise yzzz (root) of us
Sao· hee humblwise yzzz (root) of yee
Se· hee humblwise yzzz (root) of hem
Sui· hee humblwise yzzz (root) of hem (another)
Khya· hee (another) humblwise yzzz (root) of mee
Khyoi· hee (another) humblwise yzzz (root) of thee
Khyii· hee (another) humblwise yzzz (root) of him
Khyo· hee (another) humblwise yzzz (root) of us
Khyao· hee (another) humblwise yzzz (root) of yee
Khye· hee (another) humblwise yzzz (root) of hem
Khyui· hee (another) humblwise yzzz (root) of hem (another)
Khna· wee humblwise are (root) of mee
Khnoi· wee humblwise are (root) of thee
Khnii· wee humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit
Khnei· wee humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit (another)
Khnao· wee humblwise are (root) of yee
Khne· wee humblwise are (root) of hem
Khnui· wee humblwise are (root) of hem (another)
Jha· yee humblwise are (root) of mee
Jhoi· yee humblwise are (root) of thee
Jhii· yee humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit
Jhei· yee humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit (another)
Jho· yee humblwise are (root) of us
Jhe· yee humblwise are (root) of hem
Jhui· yee humblwise are (root) of hem (another)
Fha· they humblwise are (root) of mee
Fhoi· they humblwise are (root) of thee
Fhii· they humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit
Fhei· they humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit (another)
Fho· they humblwise are (root) of us
Fhao· they humblwise are (root) of yee
Fhui· they humblwise are (root) of hem (another)
Khra· they (another) humblwise are (root) of mee
Khroi· they (another) humblwise are (root) of thee
Khrii· they (another) humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit
Khrei· they (another) humblwise are (root) of him, hir, hit (another)
Khro· they (another) humblwise are (root) of us
Khrao· they (another) humblwise are (root) of yee
Khre· they (another) humblwise are (root) of hem
(Ne Object)
Of mee
Of thou
Of him
Of him (another)
Of us
Of yee
Of hem
Of hem (another)
I humblwise eam
Khni·; Qha·
Thou humblwise art
Ti·; Qhu·
Hee humblwise yzzz
Khnu·; Qhi·
Hee (another) humblwise yzzz
Wee humblwise are
Yee humblwise are
They humblwise are
Tlhi·; Qhao·
They (another) humblwise are
Irrealis forms
Irrealis Mood
Khau· humblwise be thou (root)!
Xie· humblwise be yee (root)!
Xhra· humblwise be thou (root) of mee!
Khwa· humblwise be yee (root) of mee!
Xhrau· humblwise be thou (root) of him, hir, hit!
Khwau· humblwise be yee (root) of him, hir, hit!
Xhrao· humblwise be thou (root) of him, hir, hit (another)!
Khwao· humblwise be yee (root) of him, hir, hit (another)!
Xhrei· humblwise be thou (root) of us!
Khwei· humblwise be yee (root) of us!
Xhroa· humblwise be thou (root) of hem!
Khwoa· humblwise be yee (root) of hem!
Xhroare· humblwise be thou (root) of hem (another)!
Khwoare· humblwise be yee (root) of hem (another)!
(Ne Object)
Of mee
Of him
Of him (another)
Of us
Of hem
Of hem (another)
Humblwise be thou
Humblwise be yee
Khnena· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of mee; I have ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Khnenoi· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of thee; Thou hast ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Khnenii· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of him; Hee hath ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Khnenei· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of him (another); Hee (another) hath ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Khneno· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of us; Wee have ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Khnenao· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of yee; Yee have ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Khnene· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of hem; They have ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Khnenui· Nowhat, nowho yzzz (root) of hem (another); They (another) have ne (root) (opciounal khnón)
Jenui· I eam (root) of nowhat, nowhom; I eam not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Tenui· Thou art (root) of nowhat, nowhom; Thou art not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Senui· Hee yzzz (root) of nowhat, nowhom; Hee yzzz not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Khyenui· Hee (another) yzzz (root) of nowhat, nowhom; Hee (another) yzzz not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Khmenui· Wee are (root) of nowhat, nowhom; Wee are not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Jhenui· Yee are (root) of nowhat, nowhom; Yee are not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Fhenui· They are (root) of nowhat, nowhom; They are not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Khrenui· They (another) are (root) of nowhat, nowhom; They (another) are not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Irrealis Mood:
Xhrana· Be thou (root) of nowhat, nowhom; Be thou not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Khwana· Be yee (root) of nowhat, nowhom; Be yee not (root) (opciounal khnónutya)
Khnenau· Have thou/yee ne (root); be therethither ne (root) of thee, yee (opciounal khnón)
Level Fivë Prefix: Poßeßion/Object
Jhenta· my/our sentient·animate (person) (polite)
Xoiqha· my/our non·sentient·animate (creature) (polite)
Jakhna· my/our non·sentient·inanimate (thing, place) (polite)
Khuswe· your sentient·animate (person) (polite)
Xitlha· your non·sentient·animate (creature) (polite)
Khleikha· your non·sentient·inanimate (thing, place) (polite)
Paje· his/hir/thair sentient·animate (person) (polite)
Xhnalwa· his/hir/thair non·sentient animate (creature) (polite)
Teiqha· his/hir/thair non·sentient inanimate (thing, place) (polite)
Khemle· his/hir/thair (another) sentient·animate (person) (polite)
Khmampe· his/hir/thair (another) non·sentient animate (creature) (polite)
Jhanwa· his/hir/thair (another) non·sentient inanimate (thing, place) (polite)
Jana· my (inseperababel)
Khleina· thy (inseperababel)
Teiwa· his/hir/its (inseperababel)
Khnewa· his/hir/its (another) (inseperababel)
Khnata· our (inseperababel)
Jhiwa· your (inseperababel)
Tlhiwa· thair (inseperababel)
Jinga· thair (another) (inseperababel)
Poe + my (inseperababel)
Poel + our (inseperababel)
Toe + thy (inseperababel)
Toel + your (inseperababel)
Koe + his, hir, its (inseperababel)
Koel + thair (inseperababel)
Kekoi + his, hir, its (another) (inseperababel)
Kekoil + thair (another) (inseperababel)
Xekhya· oneself (object) (middle voice)
Khetya· one another, collectivewise (object)
Tekhya· one, somewho, people (object) (antipaßivë voice)
Level Six Prefix: Indirect Object
Khneu· for mee; I have (root)
Tu· for thee; Thou hast (root)
Khnie· for him, hir, hit; Hee hath (root)
Jeu· for him, hir, hit (another); Hee (another) hath (root)
Khmu· for us; Wee have (root)
Jhu· for yee; Yee have (root)
Tlhie· for hem; They have (root)
Joa· for hem (another); They (another) have (root)
Sixe· for oneself, for one’s own benefit (middle voice)
Level Seven Prefix: Adposiciouns
Qir + in, at, on; in Þe presence of, near
Xhlir + through, by means of; non·voliciounal subject
Xhmir + towards, to, for, dativë; Have
Xhnir + with, together with, along with ; in Þe presence of, aßociated with, belongs to
Xhrir + from, out of; owll boutly, about, concerning
Tlhir + above, high above; on, upon
Pejor + in Þe context of; although, since, because, whhhen, whhhile, provided that, if, an
Poaqing + in, at, on my, innam my
Poaqe + in, at, on our, innar our
Toaqing + in, at, on thy, innad thy
Toaqe + in, at, on your, innur your
Koaqing + in, at, on his, hir, its, inna his
Koaqe + in, at, on thair, innan thair
Kekoaqing + in at, on his, hir, its (another)
Kekoaqe + in, at, on thair, innan thair (another)
{Reduplicacioun; genitivë emphasis}
Level One Suffix: Adposicioun
·0 Experiencer case
·an Ergativë Case; voliciounal subject
·0 Absolutivë Case
·ejikh construct, sentient·animate (person)
·olkha construct, non·sentient animate (creature)
·axhmikh construct, non·sentient inanimate (thing, place)
·ulkha construct, non·sentient inanimate (thing, place)
·etyikh partitivë genitivë, sentient·animate (person)
·otya partitivë genitivë, non·sentient animate (creature)
·utya partitivë genitivë, non·sentient inanimate (thing, place)
·ujhwa from, out of, about, concerning, written by, sentient·animate (person)
·ekhmo from, out of, about, concerning, non·sentient animate (creature)
·epwo from, out of, about, concerning, inanimate (thing, place)
+ Xhroe construct
+ Xhroa construct (used after xhroe)
·aitlho on Þe surface of, on ptop of
·aloi in, into, inside; during
·alyoa throughout
·antar near, close, in Þe presence of
·aqlas in Þe middle of
·aswaor beneficiary, goal, dativë; have
·athyen outside, opposing
·athying in front of, before
·atlhui because of, due to
·atser in Þe context of; although, since, because, whhhen, whhhile, provided that, if, an
·eitlho about, concerning
·ejen because of, due to
·ejhwor below
·elwil without, lacking
·emlen katadown, below
·entir belongs to
·epakh instrument, through, by means of; non·voliciounal subject
·ethya like, as, just as, as if
·etwekh in relacioun to, in comparison to, than, at least for
·exhyeu allativë, in, at, on; purpueypose
·iengo behind, at Þe back of
·ieqya acroß, over
·oafhe owll roundly, around
·oaka after, behind
·oapa against
·oata beside
·oatlha above
·oatye off of, from
·ofhiet beyond, past
·okhno over, away from
·omlei for Þe sake of
·ufhar underneath, under, below
·ujhar upon, on, on ptop of
·uqei accompaniment, aßociated with; among, between
·utakh to, towards, heading to
+ So beneficiary, goal, dativë
+ Pae beneficiary, goal, dativë
+ Se allativë; in, at, on
+ Ser instrument, through, by means of; non·voliciounal subject
+ Sae instrument, through, by means of; non·voliciounal subject
+ Si from, out of
+ Khmo from, out of
+ Kae ingeminate, sentient·animate (person)
+ Pfho ingeminate, non·sentient animate (person)
+ Pfhu ingeminate, inanimate (thing, place)
+ Qíreu imperativë/subjectivë of Have
+ Qíreu khyi would Þæt, oh Þæt, if only, how may utinam X have (strong optativë, irrealis mood of Have)
·an ergativë case, voliciounal subject, ek sentient animate/non·sentient animate ergativë marked ør unmarked singular for Gibberish participle declension
·0 absolutivë case
·o sentient·animate/non·sentient animate marked, non·sentient inanimate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular dativë for Gibberish participle declension
·e sentient·animate/non·sentient animate marked, non·sentient inanimate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular locativë for Gibberish participle declension
·er sentient animate/non·sentient animate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular instrumental for Gibberish participle declension
·ai non·sentient inanimate marked, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular instrumental for Gibberish participle declension
·ii sentient·animate/non·sentient animate marked, non·sentient inanimate marked, sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked singular, non·sentient inanimate unmarked singular elativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aithan sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked plural ergativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aitha sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked plural absolutivë ør allativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aitho sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked plural dativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aithe sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked plural locativë for Gibberish participle declension
·aither sentient animate, non·sentient animate unmarked plural instrumental
for Gibberish participle declension
·aithii sentient animate/non·sentient animate unmarked plural elativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhu non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural absolutivë ør allativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujho non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural dativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhe non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural locativë for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhai non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural instrumental for Gibberish participle declension
·ujhii non·sentient inanimate unmarked plural elativë for Gibberish participle declension
Level Ptwo Suffix: Adjectives*
·afhol Place, way of
·afhtong True, faithful, loyal
·ailpil Light, bright
·aintil Strong
·ajhwil Speaker’s lheft
·ajhyul Speaker’s rhight
·akhpil Agreeababel, petalpretty
·akhpon Noisy, with noise
·akhtal Ready, easy, fitting
·akhtan Poor, unfortunate
·alqiil Safe
·alton Delicious, attractivë
·alyin Wide
·ampel Goodly
·angil Simple, uncomplicated
·antong One’s own, real, true, belonging to
·antun Edibibble, tasty, attractivë
·anwen Solid, stony, sure
·apti Warm, hot
·asqron Lóng (distance, height, duracioun)
·axorn Sentient, person
·eimpul Thin
·ekhpal Intelligent, smart
·ekhqan Lovababel
·elfhin Fast, quick
·elpiin Katadown, low
·elpul Deceased person ør creature
·elqil Frightening, scary, creepy
·emfhen Cold
·emlul Deceased body part
·empin Bad, worthleß
·empung Short (distance, height, duracioun)
·ental Happy, bleßed
·enyun Sparkling, glittering, shining
·eqlas fortunate, lucky
·eqnun Friendwise, my friend
·esqral Polite, pious
·exorkh Non·sentient, creature, plantimal
·eyii Cute, affecciounate, nickname
·iilii Diminutivë, small
·ixorng Inanimate, thing
·okhqol Slow
·okhtekh Loverly, beautiful, moral
·olru Chaotick
·oltoin Just made, latewise acquired
·ompan Compleate, whhhole, finished
·ontrin Sweet, sugary
·ontrol Important
·oqlel Quick, fast
·oqleng Beautiful, loverly
·oqnil High, upana
·otqom Wild
·uiltul Darksome
·ukhpel Old, worn out
·ukhteil Free, liberal, noble
·ukhtokh Silly, goofy
·ulqukh Clean, pueyre
·ulton Normal, customary
·umpul Soft
·untrul Mature, aged, ready
·usqrun Augmentivë, large. über
·utqul Order, harmonious
·eltal Generick, non·specifick, general
·(e)ji Diminutivë, for relatives, proper names
·(e)jer Daughter of
·(e)jem Son of, ·ides, Mac a’
·(e)sa Wife of
·angpas Immortal, Æon, Star, Other, Raven
·ingpis Spirit, Dream, Soul, Ancestor
·ungpos Mnortal, Royality, Men
·a in Þe present realms, in Þe present timelines (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·au in Þe present realms, in Þe present timelines (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·oi in historical tyme, in narracioun, in story (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·ai in Þe far past, at Þe dawn of tyme, in Þe far future, at Þe end of tyme (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·anya continuous, nunow, presentwise (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·eta recentwise (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·ei imperfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·úte imperfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·enga perfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
·úpe perfect aspect (Gibberish Level A suffix)
Level Three Suffix: Color*
·alrakh Red
·ulrukh Blue
·ilrikh Yellow
·uilwa Green
·aulwa Violet
·ailwa Orange
·oilyat Black
·iilwat Whhhite
·aojha Gold
·ajhwu Silver
·oalri Clean, colorleß
·iitiikh Crystalline
·ailraikh Crimson, scarlet
·re usualwise, accustomed to, begins to, starts to (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·jha must, neceßary, willing to, ready to, prepared to (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·mii can, able, may, might (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·jai hit (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·ja mee (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·ngo us (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·le thee (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·xhe yee (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·qhe oneself (object) (middle voice) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
·jhii one another, each other (object) (Gibberish Level B suffix)
Level Four Suffix: Syntactick Particlen
·ájhei question
+ Khréxhye question
·áxeus wish, subjunctivë, optativë (irrealis mood)
+ Khrúje wish, subjunctivë, optativë (irrealis mood)
·áxeus khyi would Þæt, oh Þæt, if only, how may utinam (strong optativë, irrealis mood)
·étyai request, neceßity, imperativë (irrealis mood)
+ Khrúju request, neceßity, imperitivë (irrealis mood)
·alwos hypothetical, condiciounal, if, an
+ Tyoe negativë hypothetical, if not, unleß
·aonyas habitual, usualwise
·efhto potential, able to
·angur intrinsick, by nature
+ Qoe purpueypose
+ Soe negativë purpueypose, lest
+ Khrúju qìr xhmé injunctivë mood
+ Xhmuju injunctivë mood
+ Suju negativë injunctivë mood, intends not, shalt not
+ Jis before, er Þæt, prior to
+ Qus after
+Pfhe just as, as, like
·t I (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·lei thou (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·te hit, one (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·fha somewho, one (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·n somewho, one (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·ne hee (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·na shee (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·no thou ond I (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·mo somewho else ond I (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·khro wee both (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·jhei yee both (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·jhekh wee both (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·xhei yee (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·tekh they (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·nal nowhat (Gibberish Level C suffix)
·non ne one (Gibberish Level C suffix)
Level Fivë Suffix: Aspect (presumptivë mode: experiencer, construct, ingeminate case)
·ampei injunctivë mood
·ampeit I/wee – injunctivë mood
·ampeis you – injunctivë mood
·ampein Hee/shee/hit/they – injunctivë mood
·ojhwa imperfect aspect, ek plural absolutivë case
·ojhwat I/wee – imperfect aspect
·ojhwas you – imperfect aspect
·ojhwan Hee/shee/hit/they – imperfect aspect
·upwar perfect aspect, ek singular absolutivë case
·upwart I/wee – perfect aspect
·upwars you – perfect aspect
·upwarn Hee/shee/hit/they – perfect aspect
·oaqe progreßivë aspect
·oaqet I/wee – progreßivë aspect
·oaqes you – progreßivë aspect
·oaqen Hee/shee/hit/they – progreßivë aspect
·oakhwe eternal aspect
·oakhwet I/wee – eternal aspect
·oakhwes you – eternal aspect
·oakhwen Hee/shee/hit/they – eternal aspect
·aipoi vatick aspect
·aipoit I/wee – vatick aspect
·aipois you – vatick aspect
·aipoin Hee/shee/hit/they – vatick aspect
Level Six Suffix: Modals*
·ajhwor X wants to, wishes to (root)
·alkhut X refuses to (root)
·apreis X gnows (how) (root), gnows (dialect)
·apyaikh X plans, schemes, designs (root)
·aqluir X ought to (root)
·athwar X hath to, must (root)
·atwot X yzzz afraid to, fears to (root)
·atyor X hopes to (root)
·eqhukh X thinks about, considren (root)
·ejet because, since X yzzz (root)
·emfher X almostly yzzz, doth (root)
·epleis X begins to (root)
·epyis X prefren to (root)
·eqras X may, might (root)
·etwur* causative ensuring construction; (root) causes, ensures somewhom/somewhat
·etwúreu* irrealis causative, ensuring construction; may (root) cause, ensure somewhom/somewhat
·iimpi X yzzz about to, on Þe point of (root)
·ofhyor X ends, stops (root)
·opwar X tries to, attempts to (root)
·oqriir X yzzz supposed to, should (root)
·oqyus X resemblen, yzzz similar to (root)
·otros X dislikes (root)
·otwes X ought not to, must not (root)
·otyus X yzzz prepared, ready to (root)
·upwur X feigns to, pretends to (root)
·uqros X yzzz allowed to, may (root)
·uthyar X yzzz inclined to, cares to (root)
+ Ur causative ensuring construction; X causes, forces, lets, ensures (root) to betide
Level Seven Suffix: Verbals
·exhloat X wears clothing (root)
+ aira X hath name (root)
·itlhur X suffren, endures (root)
·epoar ‘tis Weather, season (root)
·ufhang Therethither yzzz, therewhither be, exists (root)
·ekhmit (root) yzzz myne, ours
·ekhmes (root) yzzz yours
·ekhmen (root) yzzz his, hers, theirs
·oxhrie X go, come, move (to root) (with preps)
·ixhrit X go, come, move upana (to root)
·axhrit X go, come, move katadown (to root)
·uxhriet X cometh closer to (root)
·uxhrien X cometh away from (root)
·uqhie X goeth along with (root)
·exhlie (root) sings
·akhyan (root) dances
·akhlaul (root) speaks, talks
·akhlol X leads (root)
·akhnoas X feels, touches (root)
·akhnum (root) dies, withren
·akhyier X holds (root)
·akhyom X gets, obtains (root)
·aokhra X repairs (root)
·astail X writes (root)
·axhlong X drips, bleeds, cries, leaks (root)
·axhnekh X follows (root)
·axhnoim X shuts (root)
·eikhmi X smells (root)
·ejhwe (root) thinks
·ejhyim X copies, imitates (root)
·ekhlu (root) flies, rises upwhiffwards
·ekhral (root) grows, enlarges, lives
·ekhyern (root) sits, rests, lies
·ekhyit X connects (root) (to somewhat)
·ekhyoit (root) plays
·esqoir X lacks, doth not have, yzzz deprived of (root)
·exhot X loses (root)
·exhriin X likes, loves (root)
·exhrul X helps (root)
·exhwit X dreams (about root)
·exhwol (root) stands
·exhyiem (root) walks
·ofhrei X stops, halts (root)
·ojhuit X opens (root)
·ojhyon X hears (root)
·ojhyot X sells, trades, gives (root)
·okhaom X identifies (root) as somewhat (predicate experiencer)
·okhlao X finds (root)
·okhluis X sees (root)
·okhnait X destroys (root)
·okhuit X tastes (root)
·okhyus X dislikes, avoids (root)
·othwing X takes, picks, chooses (root)
·othyong X brings (root)
·oxhmil X gives (root)
·oxhmut (root) stays
·ojhyie X eats (root)
·oxhuit (root) dreams
·oxhwai X learns (root)
·oxhwau (root) lives, thrives
·oxhwoim X doth, makes (root)
·oxhwuit X puts (root)
·oxhyiit X reads (root)
·ujhyeis X understands (root)
·ukhling X uses (root)
·ukhmiil X hits, strikes (root)
·ukhyaot X builds (root)
·unxhing X fights (root)
·uthyeum X cuts, slices (root)
·uthyin X thinks X yzzz (root), considren X to be (root)
·uxhiet X meets (root)
·uxhli (root) goeth, cometh, moves
·uxhwat (root) sleeps
·uxhwut X breaks (root)
·uxhyoam X buys, gets (root)
·ethwet X makes a noise like (root)
·ipwol X feels, experiences, gnow (an emocioun)
·iqlil (root) glittren
·ekhpel (root) sparklen
·akhlaut I/wee say Þæt (root)
·akhlaus you say Þæt (root)
·akhlaun hee/shee/they say Þæt (root)
Level Eight Suffix: Adverbs ond interjecciouns*
·angpo Whhhile, as, in Þe context of singing
·angqi Slightwise
·anwing Whhhile, as, in Þe context of dancing, khoropaíktēs dancing merriwise
·anyon Forcefulwise
·anyung Almostly, nearwise, virtualwise
·athnem Only, merewise, thus
·atlhies Each, separatewise, independentwise, not together, scattered owll o'er Þe place, hereslumber ond therewhither, nunow ond then
·axhnan Sometime, somtymes
·engpor Immediatewise, anon
·engqu Seldom, infrequentwise
·enye Perhaps, maybe, perchance, haply, mayhap
·ethnakh Seven times
·ethnang Thrice
·ethneng Twice
·ethnu Once
·ethnukh Eleven times
·exhnu In vain
·ingpen Entirewise, alwey, only
·ingpeningpen Ever, at any tyme
·inthei Soon, forthwith
·ithni Surely, without fail, certainly, iwas, verily, of course, amen
·ixhna Euwell, in a goodly fashion, clearwise, perfectwise, altogether
·onwo By accident, insignificantwise
·onxhing Easiwise
·onyii On purpueypose, intenciounalwise
·oxhning Regularwise, often, oft, manywhen, oftwhen
·ungpu Again, twice, resume; ayein, ageyn trebly ageyn, ageyn und ageyn und ageyn
·unwung Suddenly, soddenleiche
·unxheng Manywhen, frequentwise
·unyie Zo, then, thus
·ufhyie Sometime, somtymes
·ufhyoa Somewhere, somewhither
·uthnit Arbitrariwise
·ories being polite, Please
·ikos Whhhere?
·ikas Whhhen?
·ikiis How?
·ikuis Whhhy?
·akhwa Therethither! Aha! (Complecioun)
·ekhwe Whhhat? Euwell? (Surprise)
·ikhwi Goodly! (Pleasure)
·okhwo Hey! Whhhat! (Annoyance)
·ukhwu Sorry! Alas! (Sorrow, regret)
·aikhwai Lo! Behold! (Wonder)
+ Aiyo Alack, alas (Sigh, lamentacioun)
+ Akhan Alack, alas! (Sigh, lamentacioun)
+ Aqha Ah! Ne! (Fear)
+ Eiya On! Upana! Away! Eia
+ Ekheu Ouch! (Complaint)
+ Elel Ah! Wes ðu hāl! Waßail!
+ Ewokhei Evoe!
+ Fharkh Ah! Wes ðu hāl! Waßail!
+ Fhe Alas! Ve! Mo chreach!
+ Fhloe Hi, Hello, Goodbye, Ahoy, Ciao!
+ Fhus Rats! Fooey! Whhhat a meß! Fuŝ! Quel damage!
+ Fhwa La! Fa! Oh! Ah! Beep! (Whhhimsy)
+ Fhwii Lad! Laß! (Cute, diminutivë, effeminate)
+ Iipa Aaaah! (Fear, terror)
+ Jau Eh? (Perhaps, maybe, hypothetical, probabwise)
+ Joe Meh? Zuh? (Allegedwise, zo called, ne direct gnoweliche)
+ Kaixhe Ah! Lo! Hi·Keeba! (Awe)
+ Kerjungqa Ah! Wes ðu hāl! Waßail!
+ Khae Hey! Hi!
+ Khaôqha Hail! Ave!
+ Khasyakh Huzzah! Hurray!
+ Khautlhi Hi, Hello, Goodbye, Ahoy, Ciao!
+ Khei Hey! Houd vast!
+ Kheinanináni Hey! Houd vast!
+ Khmaum Hmmm… (Calm)
+ Khnáni Hey! Houd vast!
+ Khne Hey therethither! (Friendship)
+ Khoyótokho Hey! Houd vast!
+ Khwaet Ah! Lo! Rowrbazzle! (Awe)
+ Khyapunta Ah! Wes ðu hāl! Waßail!
+ Khyokho Hi, Hello, Goodbye, Ahoy, Ciao!
+ Lroe I’m sorry, taatake responsibilty for (Polite, respectful)
+ Lwa La! Fa! Oh! Ah! (Whhhimsy)
+ Lwar Loverly! Beloved! (Love, devoacioun)
+ Oiyo Alack, alas (Sigh, lamentacioun)
+ Okhon Alack, alas! (Sigh, lamentacioun)
+ Pát Hocus pocus, abracadabra, boo! (< Patifháru)
+ Pátifhar Hocus pocus, abracadabra, boo! (< Patifháru)
+ Pfhae I’m sorry, sympathize, empathize with (Sympathy, empathy)
+ Pui Perfumed! Fragrant! Goodly smelling! Enchanting! Puey! (< Puî)
+ Pyárs Hail! Ave!
+ Qáyoakh Hail! Ave!
+ Qeu I’m sorry! I apologuise (Polite, respectful)
+ Qhae Jes, Þæt’s correct, aye
+ Qhar Aha! Zo! (Curiosity)
+ Qhau Sir! (Adult, tough, masculine, macho)
+ Qhoe Ah! Please! (Humble)
+ Qlaixha Ah! Lo! Neß gadol! (Awe)
+ Qtoe Jes, I understand, aye
+ Qui Of course! Kompreneble! (conviccioun, belief, I feel; hearsay evidential particle: X wæs informed, learned, X could, ‘tis general gnowledge Þæt)
+ Stae Woe! (Lamentacioun)
+ Tlhae Poor! Ah! (Compaßion, agope)
+ Tlhau Duh! (Obviouswise, patentwise obvious)
+ Tlhotlho Zo·zo. Kinda·sorta. Verŝajne, kvazaŭ (Seeming, apparent, untrusted source; inference evidential particle: X concluded, thunk, X may, might, hit seemeth, ‘tis chanted þæt, inferred)
+ Tqakh Yukh! Icky! (Disgust, dislike)
+ Tsae Hey! Yar rhight! wejpuH! (Informal, slang, sarcasm)
+ Tsau Thank you! (Gratitude)
+ Tseu Yup! Efektivë! (Certainly, perfectwise, I believe, I gnow, direct gnoweliche; direct evidential particle: X gnows Þæt, saw, heard, felt Þæt, X would)
+ Túreil Zo be hit, amen!
+ Tyae Hi, Hello, Goodbye, Ahoy, Ciao!
+ Uka Aaaah! (Fear, terror)
+ Uketi Aaaah! (Fear, terror)
+ Ulta Who cares? Zo whhhat?
+ Utlhei Okay, oll korrect, ceart gu leòr!
+ X x x (Clicking)
+ X x (Clicking)
+ X (Clicking)
+ Xhuxhu Huh? (Disbelief, quesciouning)
+ Xhwókh Ah! Woe! Selah! (Attencioun!)
+ Xhwupa Oooops!
+ Xoe Do’h! Ne! Hit can’t be! (Anger, frustracioun)
+ Xui Sir, Madam (Formal)
Level Nine Suffix: Derivaciounal Noun*
·untar Residents of, tho who live in (root)
·otlhakh Place of, land of (root)
·athyikh Owner of, one poßeßed of (root)
·aongi One who makes, acts on (root)
·ufhein Offspring, childers of (root)
·epol Full of (root)
·etwas group of (root)
·apuir words of (root)
·atwakh mythe of (root)
·eqluil story of (root)
·ongan ritual of (root)
·ajhwen gerund, ·neß, ment, quality of maß of, amount of, property of, event of, state of (root) (pluria tanta) (9·s)
Level Ten Suffix: Deictiξ
·engit Þis, sentient·animate (person)
·engat Þis, non·sentient, animate (creature)
·engut Þis, non·sentient, inanimate (thing, place)
·alyir Þæt, sentient·animate (person)
·alyar Þæt, non·sentient, animate (creature)
·alyur Þæt, non·sentient, inanimate (thing, place)
·elkhim yon, sentient·animate (1) (person) (ipse, autos)
·elkham yon, non·sentient, animate (1) (creature) (ipse, autos)
·elkhum yon, non·sentient, inanimate (1) (thing, place) (ipse, autos)
·ekhwis yon, another, sentient·animate (2) (person)
·ekhwas yon, another, non·sentient, animate (2) (creature)
·ekhwus yon, another, non·sentient, inanimate (2) (thing, place)
+ poa Þis
+ pi Þis
+ toa Þæt
+ ti Þæt
+ koa yon
+ ki yon
·ejakh I, familiar
·ejait I, polite
·ejhokh Wee, inclusivë, familiar
·ejhukh Wee, inclusivë, polite
·enokh Wee, exclusivë, familiar
·enukh Wee, exclusivë, polite
·iipi Þis, near in sight
·iita Þæt, near, in sight
·iiku yon, far, in sight
Level Eleven: Locacioun
·ipoa hereslumber, in Þis place
·atoa therethither, in Þæt place
·ukoa yonder, in yon place
·ipau hither, to Þis place
·atau thither, to Þæt place
·ukau yonder, to yon place
·ipeu hence, from Þis place
·ateu thence, from Þæt place
·ukeu from yon, from yon place
Level Twelve: Relativë Tyme
·oipil nunow, at Þis tyme
·oital then, at Þæt tyme
·oikul later, in yon tyme
Level Thirteen Suffix: Emphasis
·empai high emphasis; very; most
+ Khyi high emphasis; very; most
·enxhur middle emphasis; rather; nmore
+ Khli middle emphasis; rather; nmore
·ejhyi little emphasis; some, leß
+ Thi little emphasis; some, leß
·eqho low emphasis; least
+ Jhi low emphasis; least
·emfhoi exceß, ptoo micklemuch
Level Fourteen Suffix: Number
·ul many
·uthi few
·uxhwi each, every, owll, owll of, totality of (pluria tanta)
·ing single, one, Þe only, Þe one who
·eng ptwo, pair
·ang three
·ung four
·ikh fivë
·ekh six
·akh seven
·ukh eleven
Level Fifteen Suffix: Clause Marker*
·afham Whom, Þe object of a relativë clause (construct forms of Who)(mediopaßivë voice)
·aiqhor Ond, also, eke, ptoo, only, even; both …ond
+ xhnoe Ond, also, eke, ptoo, only, even; both … ond; until, zo
+ aqhus Ond
·aponya Who, starts a relativë clause (non construct forms of Who)
·apwa Emphasize affix
·aqwa Subject
·axhwa Focus; apposicioun topick, as for, in regards to
+ xhmoe Focus
·anwa Focus, sentient·animate epicine (person)
·enwe Focus, sentient·animate masculine (male person)
·inwi Focus, sentient·animate feminine (female person)
·ojhwo Focus, non·sentient animate (creature)
·ujhwu Focus, non·sentient inanimate (thing, place)
·axiis Who? Whhhich? Whhhat?
·eilwai Men, de, on one hand, on Þe other hand, (ond) … but
+ quja Men, de, on one hand, on Þe other hand; (ond) … but
·ekhwi Willingwise, willing to
+ ujeni Willingwise , willing to
+ euyi With pleasure, joy
·epyer Ond, starts another clause; both … ond; but
+ xhnoike Ond, starts another clause; both … ond ; but
·ontet Ond, connects substantivë clauses; both … ond; … but also
+ xhnoipe Ond, connects substantivë clauses; both … ond ; … but also
+ fheil (Either) … ør
·uiqa Ablativë absolute
+ kejoqe Ablativë absolute
+ Jhúxe Implies negativë answer, num
+ Khyáxe Implies positivë answer, nonne
Level Sixteen: Ending conjuncciouns
+ uqte end quotacioun
+ ejaqe end quotacioun
+ ulie end parenthesis, dash
Emphasis ond Negacioun Affix
·axúng ne, not, opposite, refusal, denial of fact (owll posiciouns)
·ajókh emphasis (owll posiciouns)
That’s it for now!
Love, Kàrula
[affixed to the note]
To: The Starflower Princess Éfhelìnye, Daughter of Kàrijoi and the Virgin Empress, Moon Empress of Tomorrow, et cet et cet
CC: Puey my beloved Brother by birth
From: Siêthiyal, Daughter of Íngìkhmar and Khwofheîlya
Date: The beginning of Summer in the last year of the War of Heaven
Re: The condition of your bedroom
Dear Princess Éfhelìnye,
Due to the condition of the your bedroom’s, which used to be the guest-room in our crannog, being vacated for so long and filled with such marvelous toys and items, I have been forced to confiscate everything I can grab. Your bedroom also was filthy because your cousin Ixhúja saw fit to work upon some of her clockweyth insects and spill oil and wheels all o'er the place, so it has become necessary for me to take all of your candies and jewels in payment for all this trouble of cleaning your room. I have been forced to spray bubbles to make the clockwork insects leave. Yes, the condition of your bedroom is so bad that you must be raising wæterbucca or something, I don’t know. I have, as of this time, chased away clockwork insects from your room and in the halls almost everyday for the last couple of weeks. This is affecting the rest of us who live in the same crannog.
I have spoken with Fhermáta in reference to this at least a sennight ago, and she told me that your bedroom would be cleaned of Ixhúja’s little machinations. Now, if Ixhúja has returned and cleaned out your room in, say, the last three hours, I commend you, as your bedroom is without a doubt a disaster area.
This is a strange letter for me to have to write, to tell a Princess for to clean out her bedroom so that her Sisters by marriage around her can live, but that is what this amounts to be.
Our rapport has been good in the past, and I hope it will continue to be. However, this situation must be remedied. I expect you or Ixhúja to have cleaned, and do mean cleaned, scrubbed, and washed, your bedroom no later than noon this day, and I also expect you to let me know when I can inspect your bedroom.
I have already taken it upon myself to take anything of value that you have, mostly candies and jewels I should say. Karuláta has already taken your socks and clothing, and she was running around and trying on your slips and ballet slippers. To be frank, I don’t think you’re going to want your clothing back, after Kàrula’s been wearing it for so long. Fhermáta keeps saying we’re not aloud to take your stuff, but she’s just a little ninny and nobody e'er listens to her. I’ve left your books in tact because books are dull, but your dolls are now all mine. As for all your papers for your manuscript I have decided that, since grammar is a rather esoteric and dull subject, that I should just let it be, and I have not touched any of your artwork either. Oh, I’ve taken your hair pins too. They’re very pretty.
Yours truly,Siêthiyal
New Website
Dearest Blessings~
It looks as though after over 3 years and 1145 letters, I have managed to
run out of storage for photographs of you all. So, I have con...
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