Original Dishonor Comes to Language
Epistle LXX: Original Dishonor Come to Language
My dearest Éfhelìnye,
I rejoice that you and my beloved Fhermáta are well. Please give my love to Fhólus and Aîya also. I must aadmit that when the Stars came to visit the fleet, I was not entirely sure what they desired. Sometimes they can say nothing at all, othertimes they just dance, and sometimes they are intensely curious and delve into philosophy and thought and I could barely keep up with them, especially since they did not understand my mews. And then they just turned, as if with a single thought, flew into your room, and translated you away. And yet I know they intend no harm for you. If you desire for me to pluck you away, let me know and I shall find you. And yet I do not think they will even touch you. Most of the Immortals are still too afraid of me to risk touching you. However, I would not rely too much upon my vague guesses. If you require me, I shall come.
Grandfather Pátifhar and I are working upon putting some of your notes together. We have about a thousand pages of unprocessed leaves. One day I shall get dearest little Karuláta to copy out all these pages for you. She does need some help in practicing her lettes.
One would like to help you in your great endeavor for creating language, but one despairs of that. However, I do think I can help with some basic taxonomies. I remember discussing before about how Babel almost completely lacks words for evil and dishonor and sin and how one has to create such words by adding the participle qlaêkh. I never really explored that. But now that you’re gone and I’m left all alone with the adults and I have just your notes as company, I shall do my best to find all of the sad words which we have in Babel. My handwriting is not as nice as yours, my precious bride, nor can I paint boxes as well as Fhermáta, but I can at least try.
Evil ond Dishonor ond Sin
Qlaêkh tho who are broken, twisted, bent
Qlaêkh (< Qlaêkh) tho who are sinful, unholy, harming an innocent (in some idioms)
One is not entirely sure whether that box contributes anything, but one is trying. Babel, being the First Language, the Divine Language, was spoken long before sin and dishonor and evil came unto the worlds of story. ‘Tis a language of beauty and hope and is ygnowen as the Language of Love. When evil and sin came to be, when the original dishonor came to pass, therefore there were no preëxisting words for to describe them. Almost every word in Babel, hence, that describes a cleary sinful act is a participle being modified by qlaêkh, either in an unmarked relative clause or in the khleîxhme ingeminate case following a construct. Qlaêkh usually just means broken, twisted, bent but in the list that I am writing it takes upon itself the metaphorical meanings of sinful, unholy, harming an innocent. In all other contexts qlaêkh takes on its primary meaning. Note please, my beloved bride, that all the rest of these participles, without qlaêkh have either innocent or neutral connotations in terms of morality.
I guess I can try to make up some examples. Let me try. I remember Khàqra, the City of Volcanoes and Wheels, where my twin Ixhúja was born.
Xàjas xhmoe Khàqra xhmoe.
Khàqra is chaotick.
Xàjas xhmoe qlaêkh Khàqra xhmoe.
Khàqra is amoral.
Jhexhwuxoixoyùthyar Puîyus.
Puîyus is inclined to tell stories.
Jhexhwuxoixoyùthyar ker qlaêkh Puîyus.
Puîyus is inclined to tell lies.
Jaê Puîyus xhroe khrèjhar kae qtorèngothe xhroe pú.
I saw Puîyus’ killing Þe pariah heretic.
Jaê Puîyus xhroe khrèjhar qlaêkh kae qtorèngothe xhroe pú.
I saw Puîyus’ murdering Þe pariah heretic
I suppose that even though we still have the word qtórenga, qtorèngothe miscreatures, paynims, pariah selenites, we don’t really really have heretics any longer, since all the Khnìnthans are fallowing me.
Before I make a list of the sad words with qlaêkh let me mention we do have some rather odd words that have to do with Dragons. We have Tánin of course, automata, golems, things made in Þe image of soul, abominacioun, those who are like dragons and then khnàtlha, khnàtlhu which are freaks of nature, monstrocities of nature, mistakes; those who are like dragons, are draconiform, dracontine, are serpentine, snekik and sómpan, sómpama those shaped like dragons, draconiform, dracontine, serpentine, vermiculous, snekik, vumön. These words certainly have a rather coiling connotation. Plus we have words which strike me as rather unspeakable. Pyájhexhe, pyájhexhim tio estas those who are awful, awesome, terribibble, abominaburble and qlekhúwa, qlekhúwas which are tounge twisters and those who are abominaburble, difficult to pronounce and tlhatlhiêjhwa, tlhatlhiêjhwot which signifieth those who are awful, awesome, abominaburble.
Here be the basic words of sadness.
Qlaêkh qlaêkh oathbreakren; tho who are unfaithful, apostate, harm Þe biosphere, harm dream ond music ond misuse Babel, are fidimplicitary, raláadálh
Qlaêkhh khyi kinslayren; tho who kill kin, family, clan
Qlaêkhh khli tho who harm kin, family, clan
Qlaêkh thi bad hosts, tho who violate customs of hospitality, tho who harm guests
Qlaêkh jhi tho who are impious, rude, dishonorababel, dishonored
My bride, if I understand your notes, qlaêkh qlaêkh is itself a form of reduplication, and so one would say:
Jaê qlaêkh qlaêkhejikh pú.
Jaê qlaêkh qlaekhòjhwa púxhli.
I see Þe oathbreakren.
I do find it interesting how we have lots of words for holy wars but the way to describe unholy wars or civil wars involves not just one qlaêkh but two of them. For instance xhyoên, xhyoîmu mean battles, holy wars, speardins but xhyoên qlaêkh qlaêkh, xhyoîmu qlaêkh qlaêkh means unholy wars, civil wars.
Syìmen self image [xhma·]
Syìmen qlaêkh pride, egocentrism (sinful) [xhma·]
Xùjus tho who are broken [x·j·s]
Xùjus qlaêkh tho who are bad, evil (sinful) [x·j·s]
Xàjas tho who are chaotick [x·j·s]
Xàjas qlaêkh tho who are amoral (sinful) [x·j·s]
Éxhnokh qlaêkh tho who despair [xhma·]
Èxhnokh tho who trust [xhma·]
Áqojur qlaêkh tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent) [life·in·chaos·do]
Áqojur tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent) [life·in·chaos·do]
Athórepa qlaêkh tho who are evil, bad
Athórepa tho who are goodly
Fhaôjha qlaêkh, fhaôjhamat qlaêkh tho who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Fhaôjha, fhaôjhamat tho who borry (somewhom/somewhat)
Fhaôtlha qlaêkh thoße who strike, gnock (somewhom/somewhat) katadown (with evil intent)
Fhaôtlha tho who strike, gnock (somewhom/somewhat) katadown (ne evil intent)
Fhaqyétha qlaêkh fault, guilt
Fhaqyétha innocence
Fhár qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Fhár holy wars, weaponweather; tho who are strong [power·space·do]
Fheî qlaêkh tho who strike, fight (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Fheî tho who strike, fight (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Fhèlur qlaêkh harm
Fhèlur help
Fhiêna qlaêkh interest on money, usury (illegal)
Fhiêna profit owed to Þe Emperor
Fhilètlhatlha qlaêkh strife (with evil intent)
Fhilètlhatlha strife (without evil intent)
Fhilíraqha qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Fhilíraqha tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Fhìmfhu qlaêkh, fhìmfhuim qlaêkh tho who strike downswirlwards with first, thumb (with evil intent)
Fhìmfhu, fhìmfhuim tho who strike downswirlwards with fist, thumb (ne evil intent)
Fhlàpu qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Fhlàpu tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Fhojuxhrújo qlaêkh wrath (sinful) [power·chaos·from·feeling]
Fhojuxhrújo rage, anger (righteous) [power·chaos·from·feeling]
Fhojuxhrújor qlaêkh tho who are wroth (sinful) [power·chaos·from·feeling·do]
Fhojuxhrújor tho who are angry (righteous) [power·chaos·from·feeling·do]
Fhórei qlaêkh vices, faults, guilt
Fhórei innocence
Fhówetha qlaêkh tho who push, strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Fhówetha tho who push, strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Fhtàkhe qlaêkh, fhtàkhekhe qlaêkh tho who injure, damage, harm, wound (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Fhtàkhe, fhtàkhekhe tho who injure, damage, harm, wound (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Fhukhèsyo qlaêkh tho who strike, wound (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Fhukhèsyo tho who strike, wound (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Fhùkhlaka qlaêkh evil
Fhùkhlaka goodly
Fhús qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Fhús holy wars, atl·tlachinolli water·conflagraciouns
Fhúthakh qlaêkh evil
Fhúthakh goodly
Fhwàqhu qlaêkh, fhwaqhùnthe qlaêkh instruments of torture (may only be used by some warriors who have sworn loyalty to Þe Emperor)
Fhwàqhu, fhwaqhùnthe surgical instruments
Jèfhlo qlaêkh, jèfhlomat qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Jèfhlo, jèfhlomat tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Jèfhro qlaêkh, jejèfhro qlaêkh tho who flail, beat, whhhip (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Jèfhro, jejèfhro tho who flail, beat, whhhip (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Jènyo qlaêkh, jènyoyo qlaêkh tho who are greedy for, are capitalistick, lust after (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful)
Jènyo, jènyoyo tho who cherish (somewhom/somewhat)
Jèpta qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Jèpta holy wars; fortreßes, raths
Jhàmla qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Jhàmla holy wars, weaponweather
Jhèner qlaêkh evil deeds; tho who do evil deeds; sinnren [leß·goodly·do]
Jhèner goodly deeds; tho who do goodly deeds [leß·goodly·do]
Jhenófho qlaêkh, jhenínófho qlaêkh thieves (relativewise rare)
Jhenófho, jhenínófho goodly pirates, bucchaneeren, sky pirates
Jhenujaxíxo qlaêkh people who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare) [leß·goodly·think·go·person]
Jhenujaxíxo people who borry (somewhom/somewhat) [leß·goodly·think·go·person]
Jhènur qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical [leß·goodly·spirit·do]
Jhènur tho who make debt, are in debt [leß·goodly·spirit·do]
Jhenúrei qlaêkh sins, dishonor, illogick [leß·goodly·spirit·thing]
Jhenúrei debts, debts of honor, mattren of honor [leß·goodly·spirit·thing]
Jhèqira qlaêkh pride (sinful)
Jhèqira self respect
Jhexhwúxoir qlaêkh tho who lie, say an untruth, tergiversate [leß·owll·spirit·matter·do]
Jhexhwúxoir tho who tell stories [leß·owll·spirit·matter·do]
Jhexhwuxoîxei qlaêkh false things (sinful) [leß·owll·spirit·matter·thing]
Jhexhwuxoîxei stories, ficcioun [leß·owll·spirit·matter·thing]
Jhexhwuxoîxo qlaêkh false people, people who tell falsehoods [leß·owll·spirit·matter·person]
Jhexhwuxoîxo story tellren [leß·owll·spirit·matter·person]
Jhít qlaêkh decepcioun; tho who deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Jhít decepcioun; tho who deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Jhìtsa qlaêkh tho who deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Jhìtsa tho who deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Jhìxoxha qlaêkh, jhijhìxoxha qlaêkh tho who curse, damn, wish evil upon (somewhom/somewhat)
Jhìxoxha, jhijhìxoxha tho who bleß, wish goodly upon (somewhom/somewhat)
Jhkhìthe qlaêkh, jhkhìthethe qlaêkh unlawful maraudren (relativewise rare)
Jhkhìthe, jhkhìthethe lawful maraudren
Jhkhùxi qlaêkh, jhkhùxir qlaêkh mutiny, an example of mutiny
Jhkhùxi, jhkhùxir filial piety, an example of filial piety, tutkO
Jhpèqri qlaêkh crime
Jhpèqri obedience
Jhpèxhrers qlaêkh evil
Jhpèxhrers goodly
Jhpuîxan qlaêkh, jhpuîxama qlaêkh tho who are vain, boastful (sinful)
Jhpuîxan, jhpuîxama tho who are vain, boastful, popinjay(harmleß)
Jhpùngi qlaêkh guilt
Jhpùngi innocence
Jìlkha qlaêkh vice, evil, wickedneß
Jìlkha habits, customs
Jòlpa qlaêkh, joîlpa qlaêkh tho who hit, strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Jòlpa, joîlpa tho who hit, strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Jòxhye qlaêkh jealousy, envy, hatred
Jòxhye affeccioun, fondneß for (somewhom/somewhat)
Kalisétsi qlaêkh sugar smuggled from Khnìntha
Kalisétsi sugar, candy
Kèxhle qlaêkh, keníxhle qlaêkh bad pirates
Kèxhle, keníxhle buccaneeren, goodly pirates, sky pirates
Khaqrènyo qlaêkh, khaqrènyoim qlaêkh tho who are idle, lazy, irresponsibibble, shiftleß, slothful (sinful)
Khaqrènyo, khaqrènyoim tho who are idle, lazy, irresponsibibble, shiftleß, silly, lackadaisical, ergaphobes (harmleß)
Khàtqo qlaêkh, khàtqoqo qlaêkh tho who beat, batter, repeatedwise hit (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Khàtqo, khàtqoqo tho who beat, batter, repeatedwise hit (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Khejúyim qlaêkh qlaêkh, khejúhimu qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Khejúyim, khejúyimu battlen, holy wars, speardins
Khekhtìtqe qlaêkh tho who trip upana, deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Khekhtìtqe tho who trip upana, deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Khétu qlaêkh hatred, envy; tho who hate, envy (somewhom/somewhat)
Khétu preference; tho who prefer (somewhom/somewhat)
Khíng qlaêkh, khíkhing qlaêkh evil
Khíng, khíkhing goodly
Khlàpin qlaêkh robbery, brigandage, latrociny; tho who rob (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful)
Khlàpin debt; tho who borry (somewhom/somewhat)
Khlàtha qlaêkh, khlàthot qlaêkh tho who are evil
Khlàtha, khlàthot tho who are goodly
Khlatyàrnwu qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) with Þe side of first (with evil intent)
Khlatyàrnwu tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) with side of fist (ne evil intent)
Khmamàrki qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Khmamàrki holy wars, weaponweather
Khmàna qlaêkh, khmaînamet qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Khmàna, khmaîmamet tho who make debt, are in debt
Khmaôn qlaêkh, khmaonelínge qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Khmaôn, khmaonelínge tho who err
Khmàrnta qlaêkh mints, peppermints smuggled from Khnìntha
Khmàrnta mints, peppermints (somtyme used as power sources)
Khmàrtsa qlaêkh evil
Khmàrtsa goodly
Khmeilàrafhan qlaêkh, khmeilaràfhama bad pirates
Khmeilàrafhan, khmeilaràfhama buccaneeren, goodly pirates, sky pirates
Khménikh qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Khménikh tho who err, stray
Khmèrtse qlaêkh evil
Khmèrtse goodly
Khmèwa qlaêkh, khmeníwa qlaêkh thieves (relativewise rare)
Khmèwa, khmeníwa goodly pirates, bucchaneeren, sky pirates
Khmexùsya qlaêkh tho who miß, deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Khmexùsya tho who miß, deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Khmifhòrnor qlaêkh tho who envy, hate (somewhom/somewhat)
Khmifhòrnor tho who affecciounate, fond of (somewhom/somewhat)
Khmòlra qlaêkh, khmòlreqhe qlaêkh tho who become evil
Khmòlra, khmòlreqhe mutants; tho who change, become different
Khmòrlon qlaêkh murdren (wrongful)
Khmòrlon death; instances of death
Khrèjhar qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat) [do·leß·life·do]
Khrèjhar tho who kill (somewhom/somewhat) [do·leß·life·do]
Khwànit qlaêkh tho who are in vain, deceptivë (sinful)
Khwànit tho who are in vain, silly, popinjay (harmleß)
Khwútan qlaêkh, khwutànamat qlaêkh tho who betray (somewhom/somewhat)
Khwútan, khwutànamat tho who are loyal, truthful to (somewhom/somewhat)
Khyèrjha qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat) [great·do·leß·life]
Khyèrjha tho who slay (somewhom/somewhat) [great·do·leß·life]
Khyojurjhároi qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Khyojurjhároi holy wars, battlen, speardins [great·chaos·do·leß·life·do·matter]
Khyojúxeir qlaêkh tho who commit crimes [great·chaos·thing·do]
Khyojúxeir tho who obedient [great·chaos·thing·do]
Khyojuxeîro qlaêkh criminals [great·chaos·thing·do·person]
Khyojuxeîro citzens of Þe Dreamtime [great·chaos·thing·do·person]
Kòqwe qlaêkh qlaêkh, kòqwei qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Kòqwe, kòqwei holy wars, weaponweather
Lruîkh qlaêkh democracy, anarchy, disrespect to eldren
Lruîkh filial piety, respect to eldren, tutkO
Lwaôkhna qlaêkh, lwaôkhnamat qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Lwaôkhna, lwaôkhnamat tho who kill (somewhom/somewhat)
Ojúru qlaêkh crimes [chaos·do·spirit]
Ojúru obedience [chaos·do·spirit]
Ojùxhmoir qlaêkh Heresy, Khnìntha; tho who lay land to waste [chaos·towards·matter·do]
Ojùxhmoir tho who destroy, (somewhom/somewhat)[chaos·towards·matter·do]
Ojuxhrújo qlaêkh hatred, envy [chaos·from·feeling]
Ojuxhrújo preference [chaos·from·feeling]
Ojuxhrújor qlaêkh tho who hate, envy (somewhom/somewhat) [chaos·from·feeling·do]
Ojuxhrújor tho who prefer (somewhom/somewhat) [chaos·from·feeling·do]
Pàlkhe qlaêkh tho who are evil
Pàlkhe tho who are goodly
Pán qlaêkh, pàqhan qlaêkh ego, pride, hubris, despair, instances of ego, pride (sinful)
Pán, pàqhan self respect
Pfhaîpa qlaêkh, pfhaîpim qlaêkh tho who are abhorrent, abominaburble
Pfhaîpa, pfhaîpim tho who are devoted, adored
Pfhaîqa adoracioun, devocioun
Pfhaîqa qlaêkh abhorrence
Pleît qlaêkh haughtineß, pride (sinful)
Pleît self respect, personal honor
Prér qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Prér tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Prujùqyekhen (< prùju + qyèkhen) tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) with lóng rigid implements held in one’s hand, tendril, wing (ne evil intent), balgal
Prujùqyekhen qlaêkh (< prùju + qyèkhen) tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) with lóng rigid implements held in one’s hand, tendril, wing (with evil intent), balgal
Pteîkh qlaêkh tho who are hostile, evil·minded, belligerent
Pteîkh tho who are receptivë, generous, giving
Pùqne qlaêkh qlaêkh, pùqnene qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Pùqne qlaêkh, pùqnene qlaêkh rebellions
Pùqne, pùqnene holy wars
Putsáka qlaêkh evil
Putsáka goodly
Puyùnte qlaêkh, puyènteqhe qlaêkh tho who murder (somneone/thing)
Puyùnte, puyènteqhe tho who hunt, slay (somewhom/somewhat)
Pwìxhe qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Pwìxhe holy wars, weaponweather
Pwó qlaêkh tho who are disgraced
Pwó tho who are honored, revered
Pwoâr qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Pwoâr tho who slay (somewhom/somewhat)
Pwùnta qlaêkh, pwùnteqhe qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Pwùnta, pwùnteqhe tho who hunt, slay, kill (somewhom/somewhat)
Pyàpe qlaêkh, pyapelónge qlaêkh tho who torture, torment (somewhom/somewhat) (may only be performed by some warriors who have sworn loyalty to Þe Emperor)
Pyàpe, pyapelónge tho who perform surgery on (somewhom/somewhat)
Pyí qlaêkh tho who are disgraced
Pyí tho who are honored, revered
Qàtlhem qlaêkh poltroons, cowards
Qàtlhem tho who are cautious, prudent
Qaûfha qlaêkh tho who strike, give a blow on Þe back of Þe neck ør with Þe flat of Þe hand (with evil intent)
Qaûfha tho who strike, give a blow on Þe back of Þe neck ør with Þe flat of Þe hand (ne evil intent)
Qèkhye qlaêkh tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Qèkhye tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Qèlyukh qlaêkh tho who deceivë, trick (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Qèlyukh tho who deceivë, trick (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Qèxhye tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Qhaôm qlaêkh bad pirates
Qhaôm buccaneeren, goodly pirates, sky pirates
Qhoârtya qlaêkh, qhoârtyaim qlaêkh evil spells, curses
Qhoârtya, qhoârtyaim goodly spells, bleßings
Qlàlqa qlaêkh, qlàlqim qlaêkh tho who are evil
Qlàlqa, qlàlqim tho who are bent, crooked
Qlaûkh qlaêkh, qlaûkhim qlaêkh tho who are evil
Qlaûkh, qlaûkhim tho who are bent, crooked
Qlím qlaêkh crimes
Qlím tricks, chicanery, pranks
Qlíqhe qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Qlíqhe holy wars, weaponweather
Qlùsta qlaêkh gluttony, lust, greed, capitalistick, covetice, glust (sinful)
Qlùsta desire
Qrelálekh qlaêkh, qrelalekhélekh qlaêkh tho who are evil
Qrelálekh, qrelalekhélekh tho who are bent, crooked
Qthèrngqan qlaêkh, qtherngpàntu qlaêkh tho who hit, strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Qthèrngqan, qtherngpàntu tho who butt (somewhom/somewhat) with heads, hit, strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Qyèkhen qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Qyèkhen tho who strike, kill (somewhom/somewhat)
Sàkhya qlaêkh, sàkhyaya qlaêkh sins, examplen of dishonor, illogick
Sàkhya, sàkhyaya debts, debts of honor, mattren of honor
Sàqta qlaêkh sugar smuggled from Khnìntha
Sàqta sugar
Septùngta qlaêkh tho who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Septùngta tho who borry (somewhom/somewhat)
Síkh qlaêkh, sikhelínge qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Síkh, sikhelínge tho who make debt, are in debt
Sìkhtu qlaêkh treachery
Sìkhtu loyalty, lealty, fealty
Sìmul qlaêkh pretense
Sìmul claim, hypothesis
Sínu qlaêkh sins, dishonor, illogick; tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Sínu debts, debts of honor, mattren of honor; tho who make debt, are in debt
Stàjhe qlaêkh gluttony (sinful)
Stàjhe desire
Sùrna qlaêkh tho who hurt, harm, injure (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Sùrna tho who hurt, harm, injure (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Syàqta qlaêkh sugar smuggled from Khnìntha
Syàqta sugar
Syìlo qlaêkh debauchery, decadence, evil
Syìlo habits, customs
Syònta qlaêkh extinccioun of a species, genocide, xenocide
Syònta death
Tayàlqa qlaêkh, tayàlqim qlaêkh evil; instances of evil
Tayàlqa, tayàlqim goodly; instances of goodly
Tèfha qlaêkh despair
Tèfha fear
Tèlpar qlaêkh bad pirates
Tèlpar buccaneeren, goodly pirates, sky pirates
Tén qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Tén holy wars, atl·tlachinolli water·conflagraciouns
Tènipe qlaêkh cowardice
Tènipe prudence, caucioun
Thàlekh qlaêkh, thàlekhot qlaêkh tho who are evil
Thàlekh, thàlekhot tho who are goodly
Thàngqi qlaêkh crime
Thàngqi obedience
Thèthwo qlaêkh, thèthwomat qlaêkh tho who hate, envy (somewhom/somewhat)
Thèthwo, thèthwomat tho who prefer (somewhom/somewhat)
Thètyu qlaêkh, thètyuyu qlaêkh cowards, poltroons; tho who are cowardwise
Thètyu, thètyuyu tho who are cautious, prudent
Thìqyeit qlaêkh tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Thìqyeit tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Thòkhwa qlaêkh anarchy, democracy, debauchery
Thòkhwa moderacioun, meakneß, soundneß of mind, prudence, self·constrol, sophrosyne
Thòqwu qlaêkh, thòqwat qlaêkh thugs, gangstren
Thòqwu, thòqwat pick pockets
Thyí spices, sugars
Thyí qlaêkh sugar smuggled from Khnìntha
Thyótha qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Thyótha holy wars, atl·tlachinolli water·conflagraciouns
Tìfhu qlaêkh thieves; tho who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Tìfhu takren, borryren; tho who taatake, borry (somewhom/somewhat)
Tlhaûl qlaêkh, tlhaulelónge qlaêkh tho who rebel against (somewhom/somewhat) (unlawfulwise)
Tlhaûl, tlhaulelónge tho who repulse, rebel against (somewhom/somewhat) (innocentwise)
Tlhèpa qlaêkh tho who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Tlhèpa tho who borry, taatake (somewhom/somewhat)
Tlhereûqha qlaêkh tho who deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Tlhereûqha tho who deceivë (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Tlheûnta qlaêkh, tlhetlheûnta qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Tlheûnta, tlhetlheûnta tho who hunt, slay (somewhom/somewhat)
Tlhòxhri qlaêkh, tlhòxhriri qlaêkh tho who cheat, gazump, gezumph, honeyfuggle with sweet·talk (somewhom/somewhat)
Tlhòxhri, tlhòxhriri tho who help (somewhom/somewhat)
Tlhùmpa qlaêkh, tlhumpelónge qlaêkh tho who hit, strike, thump (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Tlhùmpa, tlhumpelónge tho who hit, strike, thump (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Tnáma qlaêkh sugar smuggled from Khnìntha
Tnáma sugar
Tómo qlaêkh torment, bale (with evil intent)
Tómo torment (ne evil intent)
Tòqhalo qlaêkh, toqhaîlo qlaêkh tho who betray (somewhom/somewhat)
Tòqhalo, toqhaîlo tho who are loyal, truthful to (somewhom/somewhat)
Tòwa qlaêkh duplicity; tho who are false
Tòwa sillineß; tho who are silly
Tqeî qlaêkh sugar smuggled from Khnìntha
Tqeî sugar
Tqetqètqa qlaêkh, tqetqètqaot qlaêkh tho who are evil, low, treacherous
Tqetqètqa, tqetqètqaot tho who are goodly
Tqetqètqar qlaêkh murdren (wrongful)
Tqetqètqar death; instances of death
Tqòrakh qlaêkh, tqoràkheqhe qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Tqòrakh, tqoràkheqhe tho who kill (somewhom/somewhat)
Tsìme qlaêkh crimes
Tsìme tricks, chicanery
Tsòti qlaêkh tho who hate, envy (somewhom/somewhat)
Tsòti tho who prefer (somewhom/somewhat)
Tùmpa qlaêkh tho who dupe, deceivë, trick (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Tùmpa tho who dupe, deceivë, trick (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Twàtlha qlaêkh, twàtlheqhe qlaêkh tho who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Twàtlha, twàtlheqhe tho who borry (somewhom/somewhat)
Twùnta qlaêkh, twùntamat qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Twùnta, twùntamat tho who hunt, slay (somewhom/somewhat)
Tyìru qlaêkh, tyiníru qlaêkh bandits, highwaymen, skywaymen
Tyìru, tyiníru guardians of highways, skyways
Tyìsu qlaêkh, tyinísu qlaêkh tho who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Tyìsu, tyinísu tho who borry (somewhom/somewhat)
Ùyo qlaêkh tho who are wicked, mean, evil
Ùyo tho who are poor, miserababel
Wthawúret qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Wthawúret tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Wthèjhu qlaêkh, wthèjhuil qlaêkh tho who are lazy, indolent, slothful (sinful)
Wthèjhu, wthèjhuil tho who are lazy, indolent, silly, lackadaisical, ergaphobes (harmleß)
Wthèrlkhil qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Wthèrlkhil tho who strike, thrust, drivë (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Wthéxha qlaêkh tho who harm (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent), rub (somewhom/somewhat) away
Wthéxha tho who harm (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent), rub (somewhom/somewhat) away
Wtsàrlkhen qlaêkh, wtsarlkhèntu qlaêkh tho who beat, bash (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Wtsàrlkhen, wtsarlkhèntu tho who beat, bash (somewhom/somewhat)(ne evil intent), wash (clothes) by beating
Wtsòtha qlaêkh tho who hate, envy (somewhom/somewhat)
Wtsòtha tho who prefer (somewhom/somewhat)
Wtsúkhen qlaêkh tho who beat, wound (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Wtsúkhen tho who beat, wound (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Xàrsar qlaêkh bad pirates
Xàrsor buccaneeren, goodly pirates, sky pirates
Xèmpi qlaêkh tho who hate, envy (somewhom/somewhat)
Xèmpi tho who prefer (somewhom/somewhat)
Xèrani qlaêkh tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Xèrani tho who injure (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Xheûqa qlaêkh sugar smuggled from Khnìntha
Xheûqa sugar
Xhiîkh qlaêkh, xhìxhiikh qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Xhiîkh, xhìxhiikh tho who err, stray
Xhíkh qlaêkh, xhùkhmet qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Xhíkh, xhùkhmet tho who make debt, arein debt
Xhmàntha qlaêkh, xhmàntheqhe qlaêkh tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Xhmàntha, xhmàntheqhe tho who err, stray
Xhmànya qlaêkh, xhmànyeqhe tho who sin, are dishonorababel, dishonored, illogical
Xhmànya, xhmànyeqhe tho who err, wander
Xhmèfhi qlaêkh tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent) [toward·power·go]
Xhmèfhi tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent) [toward·power·go]
Xhmeîfhi qlaêkh tho who strike blows against (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent) [toward·thing·power·go]
Xhmeîfhi tho who strike blows against (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent) [toward·thing·power·go]
Xhmúng qlaêkh, xhmùngamat qlaêkh tho who steal (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Xhmúng, xhmùngamat tho who borry (somewhom/somewhat)
Xhnewíxoîqyekhen (< xhnewíxoi + qyèkhen) tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) with lóng flexibibble implements held in one’s hand, tendril, wing (ne evil intent), bund̀ul
Xhnewíxoîqyekhen qlaêkh (< xhnewíxoi + qyèkhen) tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) with lóng flexibibble implements held in one’s hand, tendril, wing (with evil intent), bund̀ul
Xhnìxha qlaêkh, xhnìxhot qlaêkh tho who are evil
Xhnìxha, xhnìxhot tho who are goodly
Xhó qlaêkh, xhoêm qlaêkh tho who are jealous of (somewhom/somewhat)
Xhó, xhoêm tho who are affecciounate, fond of (somewhom/somewhat)
Xhrèqothe qlaêkh, xhreqoîthe qlaêkh tho who lie, gnowingwise utter a falsehede, tergiversate
Xhrèqothe, xhreqoîthe tho who tell stories
Xhrìna qlaêkh, xhrìnamat qlaêkh tho who pillage, despoil, plunder, harry (somewhom/somewhat) (whhhen inappropriate); nosphistḗs
Xhrìna, xhrìnamat tho who pillage, despoil, plunder, harry (somewhom/somewhat) (whhhen appropriate)
Xhthaîkhte qlaêkh, xhthaîkhtemet qlaêkh tho who are evil
Xhthaîkhte, xhthaîkhtemet tho who are bad, ne goodly, rotten worthleß
Xhtheîqyekhen (< xhtheî + qyèkhen) tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) by throwing ør shooting lóng rigid implements such as impaling spears, darts, ør arrows (ne evil intent), minbal
Xhtheîqyekhen qlaêkh (< xhtheî + qyèkhen) tho who strike (somewhom/somewhat) by throwing ør shooting lóng rigid implements such as impaling spears, darts, ør arrows (with evil intent), minbal
Xhthèteu qlaêkh tho who gnock, beat, break (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Xhthèteu tho who gnock, beat, break (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Xhthitlheîqa qlaêkh tho who strike, hit (somewhom/somewhat) (with evil intent)
Xhthitlheîqa tho who strike, hit (somewhom/somewhat) (ne evil intent)
Xhthìtlheir qlaêkh tho who rob, steal from (somewhom/somewhat) (sinful) (relativewise rare)
Xhthìtlheir tho who borry, taatake from from (somewhom/somewhat)
Xhthó qlaêkh evil
Xhthó goodly
Xhútai qlaêkh, xhàtai qlaêkh sin; examplen of dishonor, illogick
Xhútai, xhàtai debt
Xhùthiku qlaêkh, xhithìkuku qlaêkh tho who murder (somewhom/somewhat)
Xhùthiku, xhithìkuku tho who kill (somewhom/somewhat)
Xhwònguxu qlaêkh, xhwoníngoxu qlaêkh tho who gamble, bet, hazard (goods ør money) (illegal)
Xhwònguxu, xhwoníngoxu tho who gamble, bet, hazard (troops ør a situacioun)
Xhyoât qlaêkh, xhyoâtim qlaêkh tho who are bad, evil
Xhyoât, xhyoâtim tho who are goodly
Xhyoên qlaêkh qlaêkh, xhyoîmu qlaêkh qlaêkh unholy wars, civil wars
Xhyoên, xhyoîmu battlen, holy wars, speardins
Xòxhre qlaêkh, xòxhrin qlaêkh criminals
Xòxhre, xòxhrin tho who are obedient; citizens of Þe Winter Empire
Xùmithu qlaêkh, xuxùmithu qlaêkh tho who are evil
Xùmithu, xuxùmithu tho who are goodly
Xùmle qlaêkh, xùmleqhe qlaêkh tho who loot, plunder, harry (somewhom/somewhat) (whhhen inappropriate); nosphistḗs
Xùmle qlaêkh, xùmleqhe qlaêkh tho who loot, plunder, harry (somewhom/somewhat) (whhhen inappropriate)
Xùmle, xùmleqhe tho who loot, plunder, harry (somewhom/somewhat) (whhhen appropriate)
Xùmle, xùmleqhe tho who loot, plunder, harry (somewhom/somewhat) (whhhen appropriate)
Xùpwa qlaêkh envy, hatred
Xùpwa affeccioun, fondneß for (somewhom/somewhat)
My beloved, I miss you more than I can express in cheremes or purrs or glances or blushes or any of the forms of language, and yet I realize that you belong unto many and not just unto me, you belong unto your Parents and your Mother’s Family, those from whom you have been hid all your life. So please try to enjoy your time with them. Be not afraid. If there is any danger, I shall come for you. And I shall read all of your epistles with great frequency. I shall study your notes. I wish to be able to speak your language. You are the linguistic education that I would otherwise not be receiving. Grandfather Pátifhar well as taught me to read and paint the forms of calligraphy, but he never talked about omnivolitionality and the hierarchy of cases and the way it all fits together in a coherent whole.
My Princess, if you had created three languages, I would do my best to learn them all. If you had brought seven languages into being, all of them I would take and absorb and inly digest. I get Khrùkhtii and Paloîta to say the words for me so that can practice listening to pronunciation.
You and I Princess are a new culture, a new community. We are bound together by our shared childhood, our affection, and the words which mean so much unto each of us. I wish for you always to be happy with your creation and always inventing of it, and I shall always receive it. I am glad that you choose me to receive your genius, unworthy warior that I am, silent and wordless. I can only stand in awe of your splendor. I shall edit your grammar and copy out the charts of your lexicon as best I can. Your language will last for ever. It is part of all of what we all, oh my bride.
I remember that sometimes when I was younger I would actually mew in Gibberish. Yes, my love, just as Babel has Gibberish so too do plantimals. It’s a little difficult to describe. It’s less about the meaning and more about the sound, the very feeling of the growls and grunts. It was just the glory of gibberish. I purr and sing in it.
Language consists of my purrs given form, the artwork or mews and sighs and purrs.
And art itself is part of the mews.
I miss you so very much, my love. I cannot even think clearly sometimes. But when I look at your notes I think about you and you are not so far away from me. When I recopy your words it is like you’re standing right behind me and I can almost feel your cinnamon breath upon me. When I write unto you it is almost as if we are together once again and all of the separation which we have had to endure because of the war of our parents and their time is become as of naught.
Take care of Fhermáta my Sister and the little Traîkhiim also. They do not quite know how to take care of themselves. They can be quite silly sometimes.
I can look at some of scribbles that my dearest youngest Sister Karuláta Khniêma has left. On one sheet was trying to figure out the etymology of qlaêkh and trying to find an earlier form which she spells as r’ai or r’aika or r’áyaka. She writes: One can be tempted to form an etymology from qlaêkh comong from qláyèkh from lláyèkh from ráyak, but one cannot be entirely sure, it is impossiburble to form precise etymologies from the mind of the Princess who was left innocent of the fall of great Tower of the Heavens. One is not entirely sure of what my Sister means by that.
I’ve tried to make this list as exhaustive as possible, but even so I can see a few irregularities with it which I shall have to mention below.
Xhthaû for instance means those who screech, yell in pain, are tortured but xhthaû qlaêkh is not a sad participle, if it has any meaning at all it would be quite literal, those who are twisted and screech, those who are bent and tortured. The construction xhthaû’ ur qoe X Y means Y tortures X, which may only be performed by some warriors who have unto the Emperor lealty sworn, but there is no form for xhthaû qlaêkh ur qoe X Y in a metaphoric sense, it just means, Y causes X to be twisted and tortured, but it does not have the connotation of dishonor.
But then again, oh my lovely bride, we do not use the term qlaêkh for our various words for euphemisms. The participle qlantelingpengiqhomènya means storms from the south, war storms and also euphemism for rebellions or civil wars since it has of tradition been from Khnìntha that war is come. The dread Quantum Dæmon Pán Íqexhàlkhat was quite often called by mortals Qhònii that is The Beast. And of course the Immortals themselves were afraid of the one called Janyátha the one who was destined to janyáthe dream new dreams, and so they taught themselves call such a creature the Ailínos the Harvestor, the Quocker and behind the euphemism they forgot that it was a clew as to its meaning.
And perhaps strangely enough the words we have for delight in clockwork do not carry the word qlaêkh unto them. We have the words kòmpal, kòmpalot and khwiniîke, khwiníka and khwìtsa, khwìtsil all of which mean those who delight in clockwork machines, are machine-fain, machine heathens, clockwork pagons, spirits worshipers, paynims, kamparuloj, country folk; tho who delight in tsàfhra ond tnúkhe ond pàjhe ond fhàfhlurt ond thùkhro ond jhína ond jhinùrfhet ond khmàjhi ond khmòjhi ond khmufhùrkie ond khmùtur ond xhmìnyi ond iqúfhei ond íxei clockwork. We also have the opposite terms xhùxha those who worship icons of Sea Lords, Dread Ones, Noiselords rather than clockweyth machines, pious idolators, technophobes, luddites. And xhuxhàyaxúng those who are fain of clockwork machines.
That is all that comes to my mind now. I miss you very much. Please be happy with your family. I shall come for you as soon as you desire it.
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